أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 52644 العمر : 72
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أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 52644 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ P الأحد 25 فبراير 2024, 11:06 pm | |
| Pillars Arkan أركـــــان Pillars. This refers to the indispensable pillars of Islam. There are five Arkan of Islam: 1. Shahadatain, bearing witness. All Muslims must believe in and utter the Shahadatain. o The First Shahada is: Ashhadu an la illaha illal'lah. (I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.) o The Second Shahada: Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah. (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.) Singular: Shahada = bearing witness. Dual: Shahadatain = bearing witness. 2. Salat, prayers. To perform all the five compulsory daily Salat (prayers) regularly in the exact manner as was practised by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 3. Seeaam, fasting. Also spelled as Saum. To fast in the month of Ramadan. 4. Zakat, wealth dues. To pay 2.5% of one's yearly savings o the poor and needy Muslims. The Zakat is compulsory on all Muslims who have saved (at least) the equivalent of 85g of 24 carat gold at the fime when the annual Zakat payment is due. Zakat is also due on other things such as silver, animals, crops, etc. For full explanation on Zakat refer to the relevant books written on the subject. 5. Hajj, pilgrimage. To perform the pilgrimage to the Holy City of Makkah at least once in one's lifetime (if one is able to afford it). ________________________________________ Pimp ديوث Pious تقى - ورع - متدين Piousness التقوى Pirate قرصان Pitiless عديم الشفقة Pity شفقة - عطف Placable مسامح - عطوف Plague طاعون - وباء Platonic طاهر - عذرى Plaudit ثناء - مدح Plea حجة - احتجاج - عذر Pledge رهينة - عهد - وعد Plenty وفرة - رخاء Plurality تعددية - اكثرية Poetry الشعر Politeness ادب - كياسة Politics السياسة Pollute فسق - دنس Polytheism الشرك - تعدد الالهة Polytheists المشركين ________________________________________ Poor Faqir فقير A poor person. In Islam poverty may take two forms: 1. Wordly: A person who does not have the financial means to help himself. 2. In the Akhira(Hereafter): A person who has failed to gain the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala by way of disobedience, thus earning a place in the Nar (Hellfire). ________________________________________ Poor dues الزكاة Populace العامة - العوام Population السكان Pork لحم الخنزير Portend توعد Portico رواق - دهليز Portliness مهابة - وقار ________________________________________
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 52644 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ P الأحد 25 فبراير 2024, 11:07 pm | |
| The Possessors of Constancy Awlo alazm أولو العزم ________________________________________ Position وضع Postponement تأجيل - ارجاء Possession سيطرة - استحواذ Potency قوة - نفوذ Potent قادر - مقتدر Potentate مسيطر Pout عبس - تجهم Poverty فقر - عوز Powerful قوى - قدير - مقتدر Praise حمد - ثناء - مدح Praiseworthy حميد Prayer صلاة Preacher واعظ - مبشر Preaching الموعظة Precaution حذر - حيطة Precipice هاوية - هوة Precipitance هور - اندفاع Preclusion منع - صد Precursor بشير - نذير Predestination قضاء وقدر - جبرية Predict تنبأ - انذر Prediction تكهن Predisposition استعداد - قابلية Predominance تسلط - غلبة Predominant متسلط Pre-eminence استعلاء Prehistoric ماقبل التاريخ Prejudice تعصب Preparation اعداد - استعداد Prepossessed متحامل - متحيز Prescribed مفروض Prescript فتوى Prestation عطاء Pretence ادعاء - حجة - تظاهر Pretext حجة - علة Prevalence سيادة - تسلط Prevention منع - صد - ايقاف Previous سالف - سابق Priest كاهن Priestess كاهنة Priesthood كهنوت Primitive بدائى Primordial اصلى - اساسى Prince امير Principle مبدأ ________________________________________ Principles of Islamic law Usulul Fiqh أصول الفقه Principles of Islamic law, drawn from the original fundamental primary sources. ________________________________________ Princedom امارة Princess اميرة Principal رئيسى Principality امارة مقاطعة Pristine فطرى - اولى - ازلى Privation حرمان - فاقة Privilege امتياز - حق Privy council مجلس العرش Proclamation اعلان - منشور Proclivity استعداد - ميل Prodigal مبذر - مسرف Prodigality تبذير - اسراف Profanation تدنيس - انتهاك الحرمة Progeny نسل - ذرية Prohibition تحريم - منع Promiscuity اباحية Promise وعد - عهد ________________________________________ Proof Daleel دليل (plural: adillah). Proof, indication, evidence. Every ruling or judgment needs to be substantiated by the appropriate daleel in the first instance from the Qur'an and the Sunnah.
________________________________________ Propaganda نشر الدعوة - الدعاية Propensity ميل - استعداد Property ملكية Prophecy تكهن - تنبؤ ________________________________________ Prophet Nabi نبي Prophet. There have been many prophets since the world was first created. Their exact number is not mentioned either in the Holy Qur'an or in any of the authenticated Ahadith (sayings and traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Only twenty-five of them are actually named in the Holy Qur'an, may the blessings and peace of Allah be on all of them. See Mursaleen for the complete list. Plural: Anbiyaa. ________________________________________ Prophethood النبوة Propitiation كفارة Proposition رأى - اقتراح - قضية Proselyte مهدى - مهتد Prosperity فلاح - نجاح Prosperous مفلح Prostitution زنا Prostrating سجود Protection حماية وقاية ________________________________________ Protectors Awliyaa أولياء Protectors, friends, supporters, helpers. Comes from the same root word as Maula. Singular: Walee. ________________________________________ Protest اقامة الحجة Protestation احتجاج Proud متكبر - فخور Province اقليم - مقاطعة Provocation اثارة - اغضاب Proxy تفويض - توكيل Prudence بصيرة - فطنة Prudent fear التقية Psalm الزبور - مزمور Psalter المزامير Publicity انتشار - شيوع Publicly علانية - جهاراً Pulpit منبر Pumpkin اليقطين Punishment عقاب - قصاص Pure طاهر Purification تطهير Purify تطهر Purity الطهارة ________________________________________ Purification Tahara طهـــــــارة Purification. Tahara is accomplished in a variety of ways, e.g: 1. Souls. In order for the soul to be pure one must submit one's whole self to Allah Ta'ala, i.e. become a Muslim. 2. Bodies. They are purified through Tayammum, Wudu or Ghusl, depending on the circumstances. For a full explanation: See Tayammum, Wudu and Ghusl. 3. Clothing. Three things indicate that clothes may be impure and need washing: o If they smell. o If they are wet and the cause of the wetness is either unknown or known to be impure or dirty. o If they are stained. ________________________________________ Puritan حنبلى - مدقق Purity نقاء طهارة ________________________________________