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| | كاتب الموضوع | رسالة |
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: ـــــــــــ R الأحد 25 فبراير 2024, 11:34 pm | |
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________________________________________ Ra'd (Ar) The Thunder الرعد "The Thunder". Surah 13 of the Holy Qur' an. ________________________________________ Rabbi حاخام حبر Rabbinical حاخام Rabble الرعاع السوقة Race جنس اصل سلالة Racism سلالية عنصرية ________________________________________ Rahaman (Ar) Most Gracious الرحمن "Ar-hahman". Most Gracious, Merciful. One of the ninety-nine Attributes of Allah Ta'ala. Surah 55 of the Holy Qur' an. This Surah is referred to as "The Bride of the Holy Qur an ________________________________________ Raheem (Ar) Most Merciful الرحيم "Ar-Raheem". Most Merciful. One of the ninety-nine Attributes of Allah Ta'ala. . It is said that the Attribute of Ar-Raheern consists of the mercy of Allah that is only experienced by the Muslims, whereas the Attribute of Ar-Rahman consists of the mercy of Allah that is experienced by the whole creation. For example, all creatures are fed until they die, but only the Muslims experience the reward of breaking the fast at the end of each day of Ramadan, and the reward of meeting their Lord in the next world. ________________________________________ Rajm (Ar) Stoning الرجم Stoning. In Islamic law the Hadd punishment for whoever is married and commits adultery is to be stoned to death. ________________________________________ Rak'a ركعــــــه A unit of the Salat (Prayer), a complete series of standing, bowing, two prostrations and sittings. Plural: Rak'at. ________________________________________ Ramadan رمضـــــان The ninth month of the Islamic clendar. It is a very important month in the Islamic world. 1. It is the month of fasting, during which all adult Muslims who are in good health fast from the first light of dawn until sunset each day. During the first third of the fast you taste Allah's mercy; during the second third you taste Allah's forgiveness; and during the last third you taste freedom from the Fire. See Holy Qur' an, Al-Baqara (2):185. 2. It is the month in which the revelation of the Holy Qur' an to our Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, commenced. 3. The Lailatul Qadr (see (Qadr, Lailatul) occurs in this month. 4. The famous Battle of Badr was fought and won in this month. 5. The Conquest of Makka by Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, took place in this month. ________________________________________ Rancour غل - حقد Random عشوائى Ransom فدية - فداء ________________________________________ Rasool Messenger رســــــول Messenger. A prophet of Allah Ta' ala who came with a pure revelation from Allah to mankind and the Jinn. For a complete list of the messengers and prophets referred to in the Qur' an: See Mursallen. Plural: Rusull. See Rusull. ________________________________________ Rasoolu'llah Messenger of Allah رسول الله Messenger of Allah. Throughout the history of the world Allah has sent messengers with a Book to explain Tawheed to man and Jinn, and to show them how to live at peace. The Muslims accept and believe in all the messengers, including the prophets Nooh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawood (David), Isa (Jesus), peace be upon them all, and especially Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. See Mursallen. ________________________________________ Ratification تصديق - مصادقة Rationality عقلانية Rattle death حشرجة الموت Readiness قبول - تأهب Realm مملكة - دولة Reasoning تعقل - تفكر - جدال Rebel متمرد - عاص Rebellious متمرد Rebellion تمرد - عصيان - ثورة Recitation تلاوة - القاء Recluse معتزل - ناسك Reclusion عزلة - اعتكاف Recognition تمييز - قبول - اعتراف Recoil ارتد - ترجع Reconciliation وفاق - تسوية - مصالحة Recondite غامض - سرى - خفى Reconnoiter تجسس - استطلع Recorded مدون - مسجل Recourse استنجاد - التجاء Recrute مدد Redemption فداء - فدية - استرداد Redoubtable جبار - مريع Reformation اصلاح - تهذيب Reformer مصلح Refrain قرار - مذهب Refuge ملجأ - مأوى Refutation دحض - نقض - تفنيد Regal ملكى Regenerate مهتد - متجدد Region اقليم - مقاطعة Registration تدوين - تسجيل Regress ارتداد- نكوص Regression ردة - عودة - تقهقر Regular منتظم - قانونى Regularity نظام - قانونية - تناسق Regulation قاعدة - نظام - قانون Reign حكم - تسلط Reinforcement مدد - امداد - تقوية - تعزيز Relationship علاقة - قرابة Reliable ثقة Reliance وثوق - اتكال - اعتماد Relics اثار - بقايا - ذخائر ________________________________________ |
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ R الأحد 25 فبراير 2024, 11:35 pm | |
| religion Deen الدين 1. Deen Usually translated as 'religion', but in fact meaning 'life-transaction', the transaction being between Allah and each of his created beings. The life-transaction, or religion, of Allah Ta'ala is universal. It is the way of Islam (submisson of will to Allah Ta'ala). He sent the same message to Nooh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Isa (Jesus) and all the other prophets, peace be on all of them, but mankind, through ignorance or intentional misguidance by others, has altered the religion of Allah again and again. Allah Ta'ala sent the Holy Qur'an as the final revelation and guidance for mankind and the Jinn who will all be judged on the Day of Resurrection. 2. Also indicates the judgement itself, i.e. "Yaum al-Deen" (Judgement Day). ________________________________________ Religious تقى دينى Religiousness تدين Remission غفران مغفرة Remonstrance احتجاج اعتراض Remorseful حى الضمير Renegade مرتد مارق Renunciate انكر نبذ تبرأ Renunciation انكار نبذ تبرؤ Reentance توبة ندم Repentant تائب نادم أواب Repose راحة اطمئنان Reprehension لوم تعنيف زجر Representative نائب وكيل Repression قمع كبح Reprobation استهجان نبذ Reproof تعنيف توبيخ Reputation سمعة صيت Rescission فسخ نقض الغاء Reservation حفظ - استبقاء Resignation استسلام - اذعان Resolution عزم - تصميم Respect احترام Respite مهلة - امهال Responsibility مسئولية Restorative مجدد Restrictions شروط - تحفظات Resurrect بعث - نشور Resurrection القيامة - البعث Retaliation انتقام Reticent كاظم - كتوم Retinue بطانة - حاشية Retire تقهقر - اعتزل Retirement اعتزال - انسحاب Retreat تقهقر - عزلة Retribution جزاء - عقاب Retrogression رجوع - ارتداد Revealed أوحى Revelation وحى - الهام - تجليات Revenge انتقام - ثأر Reverence وقار - احترام Revolt تمرد - عصيان Revolution ثورة - انقلاب Reward الأجر Rhetorician بليغ - حصيف Right حق Righteous صالح - عادل
________________________________________ Righteousness and awe of Birr wa Taqwa البر والتقوي Righteousness and awe of the Creator which ~nspire a person to be on guard against wrong action and eager for ac don which are pleasing to Allah. ________________________________________ The Rightly-Guided Caliphs (11-40 A.H.) الخلفاء الراشدون The Rightly-Guided Caliphs (11-40 A.H.): The Rightly-Guided Caliphs are the first four Caliphs who succeeded the Prophet (peace be upon him). The Rightly-Guided Caliphs are the outstanding members of the Community and its symbols, leaders of the Call and its guards. They preserved the unity of the Muslim community and managed the affairs of the Islamic state. They are: Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, `Umar bin Al-Khattab, `Uthman bin `Affan and `Ali bin Abi Talib. ________________________________________ Rigid صارم عنيف Risk مجازفة مخاطرة Rite شعيرة Rituals طقوس شعائر ________________________________________ Rizq Provision رزق rizq. Provisions that God destines for a person, in such forms as additional income, food, clothing, or a natural resource such as water. See fatahna. Provision. Sustenance. Derives from the word "AI-Razaq" The Provider or Sustainer, one of the ninety-nine Attributes of Allah Ta' ala. ________________________________________ Rooh Spirit روح Spirit. See Holy Qur' an, Al-Hijr (15):29, Al-isra (17):85-86, Al-Mujadilah (58):22, Al-Ma' arif (70):4, An-Naba' (78):38, Al- Qadr (97):4. ________________________________________ Rooh AL Qudus The Holy Spirit روح القدس The Holy Spirit. Another name for the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be on him. His duty was to communicate between Mlah and His prophets. Alah Ta'ala strengthened the Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be on him, with the Holy Spirit (Al-Baqara (2):87, 253). This is one of the reasons why the Nasara (Christians) believe that the Prophet Jesus was divine. If Jesus was Allah, then why did he need strengthening? They also believed that the Holy Spirit was divine. If the Holy Spirit was Allah, then how was He sent and by whom? Who has the power to command Allah to go anywhere? Do they not know that Allah is "AI-Wahid", "The Unique"? Glory be to Allah, the Most High. Surely they disbelieve who say that Allah has associates. ________________________________________ Ruh-ul-Lah روح الله According to the early religious scholars from among the companions of the Prophet saw and their students and the Mujtahidûn, there is a rule to distinguish between the two nouns in the genitive construction. (A) When one of the two nouns is Allah, and the other is a person of a thing, e.g., (i) Allah's House (Bait-ul-Lah ), (ii) Allah's Messenger; (iii) Allah's slave ('Abdullah ); (iv) Allah's spirit (Ruh-ul- Lah ) etc. The rule of the above words is that the second noun, e.g., House, Messenger, slave, spirit, etc. is created by Allah and is honourable in His Sight and similarly Allah's spirit may be understood as the spirit of Allah, in fact, it is a soul created by Allah, i.e. Jesus, and it was His Word: "Be!", - and he was created (like the creation of Adam). (B) But when one of the two is Allah and the second is neither a person nor a thing, then it is not a created thing but is a quality of Allah, e.g., (i) Allah's Knowledge ('Ilmullah ); (ii) Allah's Life (Hayatullah ); (iii) Allah's Statement (Kalamullah ); (iv) Allah's Self (Dhatullah )etc. ________________________________________ Root جذر - أصل Royal ملكى Rude فظ - وقح ________________________________________ Ruqya رقيه Divine words, usually from the Holy Qur' an, used as a recitafion to cure an illness or a disease. ________________________________________ Rule حكم - قاعدة - سلطة Ruler حاكم - متسلط Runagate كافر - ضال ________________________________________ |
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