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| | كاتب الموضوع | رسالة |
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: ـــــــــــ F السبت 24 فبراير 2024, 8:42 pm | |
| F ________________________________________ Fa النصيب المقسوم Fable الخرافة الاسطورة Facilitation التيسير Facility السهولة - اليسر Facing المواجهة Faction الحزب Factor العامل - الباعث - الوكيل Faculty ملكه - قدرة خاصه acultie الصفوة - النخبة Fad بدعه Fade الغث - التافه ________________________________________ Fai فىء War booty gained without fighting. ________________________________________ Failure الفشل- الخسران Fairy الجن - الجان Fairyism العبقرية ________________________________________ Iman faith ايمـــان Trust, faith and acceptance. Having faith and believing in: Allah Ta'ala. To affirm with the tongue, believe in the heart and confirm through action the following: His Existence. His Lordship. His Worship. His Names and Attributes. Belief in His angels. Belief in His revealed Books. Belief in His messengers, without making any distinction between them. Belief in the Hour and the Judgement and the Fire and the Garden. Belief in the Divine decrees of Allah Ta'ala, both the good and the evil. See Holy Qur'an, Al-Baqara (2):285. See Mursaleen . ________________________________________ Faithful المعتقد Faithful the المؤمنون Faithful spirit الروح الامين Faithfulness الامانة- الاخلاص ________________________________________ Fajr (Al) The Dawn الفجـــــر "The Dawn". The time of the first obligatory Salat (Prayer). It can be prayed at any time between the first light of dawn and just before sunrise. Also called Subh (morning).Surah 89 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Falaah Success الفـــــــــلاح Success. Real success lies in "enjoining what is right and forbidding what is evil..." (Surah Aali Imran (3):104). One of the sentences that is said during the Adhan and Iqama, "Haya 'alal Falaah" (Come to Success). Other derivations: Muflih = the person who is successful, the person whose deeds and actions have gained Allah Ta'ala's pleasure. See Holy Qur'an, Surah Al-Baqara (2): 1-5. See Aflaha: He has succeeded. ________________________________________ Falaq (Al) The Daybreak الفــلق "The Daybreak" Surah 113 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ False الزور - البهتان Falsehearted الماكر - الخائن Falshod الزور Falsity الكذب - الزور Fame السمعة - الصيت ________________________________________ The family of 'Imran Aali 'Imran آل عمران . 'Imran was the father of Mariam, the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be on them. ________________________________________ Fanal المنارة Fanaticism التعصب Fancy الوسواس - الظن - الزعم ________________________________________ Faqeeh فقيه An Islamic scholar who can give an authoritative legal opinion or judgement. ________________________________________ Fard 'Ain فرض العين An action which is obligatory on every Muslim. ________________________________________ |
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ F السبت 24 فبراير 2024, 8:42 pm | |
| Fard Al-Kifaya Collective duty فرض الكفاية Collective duty. A duty on all the community; but if it is fulfilled by a part of that community then the rest are not obliged to fulfill it. ________________________________________ Fare الأجر Farewell الوداع
________________________________________ Faridha A duty فريضــــة A duty enjoined on all Muslims. Plural: Fara'idh. ________________________________________ Farsakh League فرســخ League; about three miles. ________________________________________ Faruq الفاروق This was the name given to Umar ibn Al-Khattab. It means 'One who distinguishes the truth from falsehood'. ________________________________________ Fascination الفتنة السحر Fash التعب ________________________________________ Fasting Seeaam صيــــام Fasting, from food and drink - and from sexual intercourse if you are married during daylight, from the first light of dawn until sunset. Also spelled as Saum. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the Arkan (five pillars) of Islam. Allah Ta' ala has made it obligatory on every Muslim whether man or woman, with the exception of: 1. A person who is ill. 2. A person on ajourney of 16 Farsakhs (48 miles) or more. 3. A woman who is menstruating or who has just given birth. Once these situations no longer apply, the missed days must be compensated. The very young are exempted.The aged should fast, but if they find it difficult then they too are exempted and may feed poor people instead. See Holy Qur'an, Al-Baqara (2):184-185, 187. ________________________________________ Fatalism مذهب الجبر Fatality القضاء Fate النصيب - لقضاء Fated الحتمية ________________________________________ Fath (Al) The Victory الفتــــح "The Victory". Surah 48 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Fatiha The Opening Chapter الفاتحة "The Opening Chapter". Another name for Suratul-Hamd. Surah 1 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Fat'han Mubeena Manifest Victory الفتح المبين "Manifest Victory". The manifest victory that is referred to here is the peace treaty of Hudaibiyah. It was one of the greatest victories which the newly-born Islamic Ummah (nation) gained. On face value it seemed like a great setback for the Muslims, but in fact it was, by the will of Allah Ta'ala, one of the main means by which the Muslims consolidated and grew. See Holy Qur'an, Surah Al-Fath (48). ________________________________________ Fatima May Allah be pleased with her فاطمه Daughter of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. She is one of the four greatest women ever created by Allah Ta'ala. The other three are: 1. Mariam (Mary), Mother of Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be on him. 2. Asiya, the wife of Fir'aun (Pharaoh). 3. Khadija,may Allah be pleased with her, the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad, may the blessing of Allah be on him and on all his wives and family. The Fatimids (909-1171 A.D.) الخلافة الفاطمية The Fatimids are traced back to `Ali bin Abi Talib and his wife, Fatimah. This state was established by `Ubaidullah Al-Mahdi in Tunisia. It witnessed 14 caliphs, and reached its utmost expansion during the era of Al-Mu`izz, who annexed North Africa to his state and sent Jauhar Al-Siqilli, his commander-in-chief, to occupy Egypt. Jauhar established Cairo which later became the state capital to which Al-Mu`izz moved and extended his influence over Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. The last caliph was Al-`Adid whose ministry was led by Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi, who eventually precipitated the fall of the Fatimid state. The most notable architectural and cultural achievements were the establishment of Cairo and the construction of Al-Azhar Mosque. ________________________________________ Fatir (Al) The Creator الفاطــــر "The Creator". Also another name for aI-Malaikah. Surah 35 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Fatwa A legal verdict فتوة A legal verdict given on a religious basis. the sources on which a fatwa is based are the Holy Qur'an, Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, and all other authenticated Ahadeeth. ________________________________________ Fault الزلة Favonian الوديع Favor المعروف - المنة Favorite الولي Fawn ينافق Fawner المنافق Fay العقيدة Feal الموالي Fealty الاخلاص Fear الخوف - الرهبة Feast الوليمة Feast of sacrifice عيد الاضحي Feast العيد Federacy الاتحاد Federal الاتحادي Fellow القرين - الند Felon المجرم الفاسد Female infanticide وأد البنات Festival العيد Fetters Chains الاصفاد Feud عداوة Feudalism الاقطاعية Feudalist الاقطاعي Fiction خرافة Fidelity الأمانة Fiducial الصادق - الأمين ________________________________________ |
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ F السبت 24 فبراير 2024, 8:42 pm | |
| Fidya الفديــــــة Compensation for missing or wrongly practising necessary acts of worship. Fidya usually takes the form of donating money or foodstuffs or sacrificing an animal. Contrast with Kaffara (making amends). See Kaffara. ________________________________________ Filiation تبنى Finder the الواجد Fines الدية ________________________________________ Fiqh الفقـــــه Islamic Law. ________________________________________ Fir'aun Pharaoh فرعــــون Pharaoh. Tide of the Ancient Egyptian rulers, particularly the one who rejected the Prophet Musa (Moses), peace he on him, and tried to have him killed. They were famous for their cruelty and disbelief. See Holy Qur'an, Al-Baqara (2):49, Ta Ha (20):9-80, Al-Qasas(28):1-42, Al-Fajr(89):1O-14. ________________________________________ Firdaus Paradise الفردوس The middle and the highest part of the Jannah (Paradise). Fitna This has various meanings, depending on its context in the sentence: 1. Oppression or tumult, as in Surah Al-Baqara (2):]93. 2. Trial or punishment, as in Surah Al-Maida (5):74. 3. Trial or temptation, as in Surah Al-Anfal (8):28. 4. It can also mean causing discord between Muslims, or sedition. ________________________________________ Firm المتين المكين الحازم ________________________________________ Fitrah الفطـــــــــــره The fitrah is the natural disposition of every human being, which is to believe in Allah alone without any partners. The Messenger (saw) said, “Each one of you is born on the fitrah; it is your parents who make you Jews, Christians and fire worshippers.” Every person is born Muslim, believing in God. However, when a person starts to follow his desires and false deities, his fitrah will become polluted. ________________________________________ Five foundation of islam أركان الاسلام الخمسة Fixation التثبيت Flame اللظى - السعير Fling الازدراء Flirt الغزل Flock السرب Fog الحيرة Foible الزلة Folk العامة - الناس Folkway فقه الجماعة Followed المقتدي به Foolery الجهالة - الحمق Folhardy الجسور - المتهور Foppish المغرور Forbearer الحليم Forbiddance النهي - التحريم Forbidden المحرم Force العنف - القوة - القدرة Forced القسري - القهري Forcefulness الجبرية Forcible القوي - القدير Forcing الاكراه Foredoom القضاء Forefather الاسلاف الاجداد Foreknowledge التنبؤ Forestaller المحتكر ________________________________________ Forewarner نذيـــــــــــر Forewarner: One who warns sinful people against the imminent punishment of Allah ________________________________________ Forfeiture الخسران - الغرم Forgery التزوير Forgive يصفح Forgiveness العفو Forgiver الغفار Forgiving الصفح - العفو Formal الصوري - الشكلي Formidable القاهر Fornicator الفاسق - الفاجر Fornication الفجور - الزنا Forray الاغتصاب - السلب Fort الرباط Fortification التحصين Fortresses القلاع Fortunetelling الكهانة Fosterage الرضاع Foundation التأسيس Foundling القيط Framer المبدع - المبتكر Frank الصريح Franks الفرنجة Frantic الثائر - الهائج Fraternity الأخوة
________________________________________ Fraternization المؤاخــــــــــــاة Fraternization: The Prophet (peace be upon him) established brotherly ties between the Muhajirun and the Ansar ________________________________________ Fraud الغش الخداع Freak الهوي Frebooty النهب - السلب - القرصنة Freedom الحرية Fremescence الغوغاء Frenzy المس Frightened المذعور Frustration الابطال - الاحباط Fugitation الفرار من العدالة Fundamentalism الاصولية ________________________________________ Furqaan (Al) The Criterion الفرقــــــــان "The Criterion". Another name of the Holy Qur'an. Surah 25 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Fury الغضب ________________________________________ Fussilat (Al) فصلت "They are expounded." Another name for Ha Mim and As-Sajda. Surah 41 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ |
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