The Giver of Belief (Security)
He is the One Who gives credence to His messengers and their followers by His testimony that they are truthful and through the signs and evidence He establishes in support of their truthfulness. Any security in the worldly life or the Hereafter is granted by Him. He makes the believers secure from being unjust to them and from His punishment and He secures them from the panic on the Day of Judgment.

This noble name occurs only once in the Qur’an, in a verse that reads, (He is Allah, there is no god except Him. He is the King, the Most Holy, the Giver of Peace, the Giver of Belief (Security), the Guardian over all.) (Sūrat AlHashr: 23)

In light of this noble name, I would say:
1. Pondering the meanings of this noble name instills such tranquility within a believer’s heart. Indeed, Allah, the Giver of Belief (Security), is the Best One Who promised goodness and the Most Truthful One Who kept and shall always keep His promise.

2. A believer will not attain security in this world or in the Hereafter except through the belief in the Giver of Belief and following His Shariah and the path of His Prophet.(They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice – those will have security, and they are (rightly) guided.)
3. If you want Allah, the Giver of Belief (Security) to keep His promise for you in this world and in the Hereafter, be a true believer and heed the statement: “A believer is the one from whom people’s lives and wealth are safe.”10
10 Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi)