Introduction 4
Chapter One 16
Thomas Aquinas 23
omnipotence 37
omniscience 37
goodness 38
Creativity of creation (design), 38
Listening to prayers, forgiving sins 39
And reading innermost thoughts 44
On the Ontological argument! 79
On “The Argument from Beauty” 95
On the Argument from Personal Experience 98
On the Argument from scripture! 106
The scholarly approach to understanding religious scripture 115
On the Argument from Admired Religious Scientists! 134
On the Pascal Wager! 140
On the Bayesian arguments 150
Silly objections to creation 156
Chapter Two 166
The delusion of improbability! 167
“You do not know the first thing about Natural Selection!” 195
Fundamental semantic corruption and Wordplay! 200
What “explanation” ?! 229
Natural selection as a consciousness ERASER 259
Reducing the Irreducible, denying the undeniable! 277
The worship of Gaps, you say?! 311
On the Anthropic Principle 382
On the so called Cosmological version of the Anthropic principle. 402
Conclusion 434
Epilogue 445