أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51501 العمر : 72
| موضوع: Brief Notes on How to Observe the Fast During the Month of Ramadhan الثلاثاء 10 يونيو 2014, 11:20 pm | |
| نبذٌ في الصيامِلفضيلة الشيخ العلامةمحمد بن صالح العثيمين- رحمه الله.Brief Notes on How toObserve the Fast Duringthe Month of RamadhanBy his eminence: ShaikhMuhammad bin Salih Al-Othaimeen(May Allah the Almighty shower HisMercy upon him!)All praise is due to Allah, the Lordof the worlds; and may Peace andBlessings of Allah be upon our ProphetMuhammad, his honourable householdand all his companions! To proceed:These are brief notes on how toobserve the fast (in Ramadhan), itsruling and the categories of people in(i.e. regarding) it; and other benefits inbrief.1- Fasting is worshipping Allah theAlmighty by refraining from all that arefast breakers; from dawn until sunset.2- Observing the fast during the monthof Ramadhan is one of the great fivePillars of Islam. The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said {Islam has been builton five Pillars, to testify that there is nogod worthy of being worshipped exceptAllah and that Muhammad is theMessenger of Allah; and to establishPrayers perfectly and give Zakat ( poordue),and to observe Saum (the fast)during Ramadhan and to perform Hajjifyou can afford it.} agreed upon.People, in regard to fasting:1- Fasting (in Ramadhan) is obligatoryfor every Muslim who reached pubertyand he is sane, able and residing.2- The disbeliever does not have tofast, and he should not compensate (byfasting the missed months) when heembraces Islam.3- The young one who has not reachedpuberty yet, is not obliged to fast but heshould be ordered to try it so that hemay become accustomed to (fasting) it.4- The insane is not supposed to fast inRamadhan or to feed (in recompense)for it, even if he is an adult. And so arethe queer and the old one who do notdistinguish.5- The one who is unable to fast for apermanent reason such as old age andsenility, or suffering from an incurabledisease, should feed an indigent (a poorman) for every missed day.6- Anyone who suddenly becomes sickand fasting becomes difficult for him,can break his fasting, but he should fastthe missing days when he becomes wellagain.7- The pregnant lady or the fosteringone, if it became difficult for them tofast, or if they feared that their babiesmight be affected, then they can breaktheir fasting; and recompense when it iseasy for them and the fear (for theirbabies) has passed away.8- The woman who is menstruatingand the one who has given birth to achild and still in a postnatal period,must not fast during these periods. Yetthey should compensate later on byfasting equal number of days for themissed ones.9- The person who is obliged to breakhis fasting so that he may be able tosave a drowning one or one who caughtfire, can do so and then compensate.10- As for the person who is onjourney, it is up to him to fast or breakhis fasting and then he shouldcompensate later on. This holds truewhether the journey was temporary,like going to perform Umrah, orpermanent such as taxi drivers- thesecan break their fasting as long as theyare away from home.The things that cause the fast breaking(i.e. fast breakers):• If the person who is fasting takesanything of the fast breakers forgetting,unknowingly or forced to do so, thenhis fasting is still valid; Allah thealmighty said:" Our Lord! Punish usnot if we forget or fall into error."Q.2:286.• And He said: "… except him who isforced thereto and whose heart is at restwith Faith…"Q.16: 106.*And He said: "And there is no sin onyou concerning that on which you madea mistake, except in regard to what yourhearts deliberately intend."Q.33:5.* So if someone forgot and ateor drank, his fast will not be nullifiedbecause he forgot that he was fasting.* And if he ate or drankthinking that the sun had already set ordawn had not yet shown in the horizon,then his fast won’t be nullified becausehe was ignorant.* And if he did some garglingwith water and then some water enteredinto his throat unintentionally, again hisfasting won’t be nullified because hedidn’t do it deliberately.* And if he had a wet dream in hissleep, his fast will still be valid becausethe dream was involuntarily done.The Fast Breakers are eight and theyare:-a- Sexual Intercourse: If it is doneduring the day in Ramadhan, bysomeone for whom fasting is obligatorythen he has to make a great expiationalong with the compensation. And it(i.e. the expiation) is freeing a neck(slave). If he couldn’t find, then he hasto fast for two consecutive months. Andif he couldn’t even do this, then he hasto feed sixty poor people (indigents).b- Ejaculation while one is awakethrough masturbation, kissing orembracing.c- Eating or drinking whether it (i.e.the thing eaten or drunk) is useful orharmful; like smoking.d- Injection with nutrient liquids thatmay substitute for food. Because it is,more or less, eating and drinking. Butthe injections that do not give nutritiondo not break the fast whether they areinjected into the muscles or the veins;and whether the injected person findsits taste in his throat or not.e- Injecting blood; for instancesomeone was bleeding and he wasinjected with blood to substitute for theblood that was lost by bleeding.f- The coming out of blood throughmenstruation or delivery.g- If blood comes out through cupping(Hijamah) process- i.e. curing someoneby making him bleed. But if bloodcomes out involuntarily, such as nasalbleeding, tooth extract and the like,then it will not break the fast; for this isneither a bleeding therapy nor impliedin its meaning.h- Vomiting, if it is deliberately done;but if is involuntarily done then it willnot break the fast.Some Benefits:-1/ It is permissible for the one whois observing the fast to make theintention if he is in a state ofJanabah (sexual discharge) and thenhe can purify himself (by taking awhole bath) after dawn, (yet beforedawn prayer).2/ The woman who is ridden of themenstruation or delivery bloodbefore dawn, has to fast even if shehasn’t taken a whole bath exceptafter dawn.3/ It is permissible for the one who isobserving the fast to have his toothextracted and to cure his wound and tohave ear or eye drops. And that will notbreak his fast even if he tasted (thedrops) in his throat.4/ It is permissible for him who isobserving the fast to clean his teeth by atooth brush at the beginning of the dayand at the end of it; and this is a sunnahfor him just like the times other thanRamadhan.5/ It is also permissible for the fastingperson to do what will lessen the heatfor him or quench his thirst, likewashing his body with water or usingan air conditioner.6/ Also the fasting one can spray intohis mouth what will lessen for him theshortness of breath caused by thepressure or by another thing.7/ And it is permissible for him, who isobserving the fast, to wet his lips withwater if they became dry or to rinse hismouth with water if it dries; withoutgargling.8/ It is considered as sunnah for thefasting one to delay the (Sahour) thelast meal until just before dawn and tomake haste to take his breakfast justafter sunset. He should start hisbreakfast by taking fresh ripe-dates ;and if he couldn’t find then by eatingdates, or if otherwise then by merewater. Or by eating any Halal(permissible lawful) food; but if hecouldn’t find anything then he justmakes the intention in his heart that hehas broken his fast until he findssomething.9/ It is sunnah for a fasting person to doa lot of obedience and to keep awayfrom prohibited things.10/ The fasting person should observehis obligatory deeds and keep awayfrom all that is illegal: he should praythe five prayers at their specific timesand to perform them in congregation,and to stop telling lies, backbiting andcheating and dealing with usury, and toavoid every bad deed or saying, Allahprohibited him from.The Prophet (P.B.U.H.) said: {If aperson does not refrain from lying andindecent activities, Allah, does not wantthat he should abstain from eating anddrinking.} Related by Al-Bukhari.And all the praise is due to Allahthe Lord of the Worlds, and may Peaceand Blessings of Allah be upon ourProphet Muhammad, his honourablehousehold and all his Companions.Written by his eminence, ShaikhMuhammad bin Salih Al-Othaimeen-May Allah Shower His Mercy uponhim- on Sha’ban the16th. 1401 (H).Translated by:- Tijani Muhammad SiddiequeCommunities Guidance Section of Tabuk |