Unacceptable behaviors in month of Ramadan
Dr. Zaid bin Muhammad Al-Rummani

The subject of food and drink in the history of Islamic nation is ancient and ancient, its origins are derived from Qur'anic verses and prophetic hadiths.

Also, books of jurisprudence, chips, sermons, and morals separate doors for food and drink, he forbids taboos and orders to follow Sharia law.

Today, food and drink in his life become majority of people, insatiable . Extravagant and wasteful, pleasure and so much.

Money is wasted in the food and beverage industry, the race is held for parties and extravagant event.

Food has been turned into a terrible danger, and shouts of social, economic and food warning, rationalized of tunnels and consumption has risen.

Man is a living being, he performing tasks the task of worshipping, God, then building the land and establishing the principles of justice and goodness.

This makes him need of food in order to grow live, move and work, and need water as a person cannot live for long time without water.

Human response to the instinct for food and drink is innate, also maintaining the nutritional strength with moderation and moderation gives a person a strong body in his life stages. Permanent health and long  blessed life.

If it is not enough for a person to eat one type, there must be basic needs such as water, sugars, proteins, grease, vitamins, and some mineral elements.

If a person eats what sates fills his hunger, and drinks what theirs in his thirst, then this is required due reason, and to him its legal mandate to due to self-preservation of senses.

Says in his book (Food and Drink between Moderation and Extravagance), Muhyiddin Mesto: If the yeast is sick and dead, deprivation sickens the soul and discourages worship, but the medium is activated. The soul, and its two phobias, is characterized by moderation between the slackening and the extravagant, and between cheapness and excessive spending on food and drink.

The Prophet of the Huda, peace be upon him, urged moderation and urged to eat food and drink. One narrated by a Muslim.

Hatem al-Taie said, "A lot of food." You're going to have to ask him and you're going to get out of the dead.

Moderation, therefore, is the middle of hunger and sahety, by reducing the amount of food and drink, without detracting from the need for body and work, this has money benefits including the health of the body, and the need for understanding, The force of preservation, lack of sleep, and the slackness of the soul, some wise men said: The greatest medicine is the appreciation of food.

On the other hand, the over-demand for food makes food in the run-up to the end of the year, making it a goal and an end, for which they make a lot of money, and spend sautés a lot of time in the markets, They buy the colors of food, and those who have made their stomachs, their goals pleasures and lusts, spend their money on desperate help or a poor subsidy, resulting in hungry stomachs and lost money.

Extravagance, extravagance, luxury and boastful consumption behaviors have unfortunately entered people's lives, and have included most aspects of different life; Public appeals, wedding ceremonies and banquets that cost a lot of money, and there are open tables with many varieties, for a specific exaggeration of each person, and there are banquets Allocated in cases of death and death.

It's a wonder that a community also holds weddings and banquets, although the Muslim community suffers from sorrows and mats! In the first days, Ali ibn Abi Talib said his famous word: "poor hungry expect for the enjoy of the rich”.

Judge Iyad, may God rest his soul, said: "Too much food and drink is a sign of hunger and care, and the drink and lust, which is the cause of the harms of the world and the hereafter, and brings the medicine of the body, and the throes of the body' "Self", i.e., her infatuation and it’s the cause of body lies ease.

Too much food and drink leads to its storage in the body, and it transforms it into flesh, lord obesity and belly, which sits on the human being for many of his works and activities, and in the past they said: the belly removes acumen.

Omar ibn al-Khattab has been mentioned in his famous saying, and his adage is: "You and the belly are a waste of prayer, they are hurting the body, and you have to be cut in your own hands; It is healthier for the body, stronger than worship, and a man will not perish until his lust affects his religion.

It is funny to say what The Son of Abdul Malik al-Rum said, asking: What are you as the fool in you? A Muslim woman said: Who fills his belly from all that he has found.

Farqad -may God have mercy on him- was saying to his companions, advising: If you eat, tighten the buttons on your waist, reduce the morsel, tighten the chewing, and suck the water as a suction, and none of you dissolve his clothes, so that he expands with him, and that each one eat from his hands.

The doctors agreed that the head of the doctor introduced food to the food, and said: The most is the curiosity and the food supplies.

The ranks of food and drink -food- as divided by the son of The Value of Al-Jawzya - May God rest his soul - in his book "Prophetic Medicine" are three ranks: The rank of need, then the rank of the Sufficiency, and finally the rank of over enough.

In Ramdan, household expenses are increasing, to meet consumer ism, to shop and spend high, as sleep is transformed into day, eating, visiting, roaming the streets and frequenting Parks to night, and the individual in the meals of (Iftar) and pre-dawn meal (suhoor) consume as much as he consumed in three meals before the advent of The Holy Month, until it becomes familiar on the evenings of Ramadan many cases Ambulance for Satiety at breakfast (Iftar) tables.

How much of the problems and dangers that people and family of our time are?, and they are gasping for a tradition of some of them throwing parties, taking occasions, and going out to restaurants where the tables are open, Eating foods and drinks without restrictions and limits, in every month of the year, and in Ramadan in particular!

In conclusion I say, moderation leads to an economic relief in the life of the family, to financial power and to match the life of the state and the nation, and Allah said the truth:” And [they are] those who, when they spend, do so not excessively or sparingly but are ever, between that, [justly] moderate” [ Al-Furqan: 67].
