أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51953 العمر : 72
| موضوع: ـــــــــــ Y الإثنين 26 فبراير 2024, 8:46 am | |
| Y ________________________________________ Yacoub, Peace be upon him يعقوب عليه السلام Jacob. A prophet of Islam. He was also known as Israel. His twelve sons each became head of their own tribe and these were known as the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob was the son of Ishaaq, who was the son of Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be on them. See Mursaleen. ________________________________________ Yahoud The Jews يهــــــود The Jews. This term is correctly used to describe the three tribes of Israel - the tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin - who after the twelve tribes had escaped from Egypt with Moses, peace be on him, and settled in the Holy Land, separated from the other tribes of Israel (who were known as the Israelites) and became known as the Judahites. The term 'Judahite' was shortened to 'Judean', which was then eventually shortened to 'Jew'. The Judahite Jews re-wrote and altered the Torah several times and formulated the Talmud (incorporating the Mishnah, the Jerusalem Gemara, the Babylonian Gemara and the Midrash), and their religion became known as Judaism. 'Yahoud' is the Arabic equivalent of 'Judahite'. It is clear, therefore, that the term 'Yahoud' can only really be correctly used to describe the Middle Eastern and Sephardhic Jews; and can only be very loosely applied to the Ashkenazim Jews who are descended from the turkic Russian tribe of the Khazars who embraced Judaism in the seventh century, but who were not originally descended from any of the twelve tribes of Israel. It is for this reason that some commentators identify the Ashkenazim Jews with 'Jewj wa Majewj', Gog and Magog, (since they are 'Jews', but not Judahite Jews), about whom it is prophesied in Ezekiel 38-39 that they will come from their place in the far north (Russia), helped by many nations, and attack the land of Israel, and that eventually there will be a mightly battle in which they will all be destroyed. ________________________________________ Yahya, Peace be upon him يحي عليه السلام John the Baptist. A prophet of Islam. Son of the Prophet Zakaria and Al-Yasaabat (Elizabeth), and the maternal cousin of Mariam (Mary), Mother of Isa (Jesus), peace be on all of them. He was therefore a cousin of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), Son of Mariam (Mary). He was sent by Allah Ta'ala to prepare the way for the Prophet Isa. The Prophet Yahya was imprisoned, then later beheaded by Herod in order to prove his infatuation for a dancing girl (his niece). It is unfortunate that the Nasara (Christians) choose to call him John, because the name Yahya has a special place in history. He was the first man ever to be called Yahya. See Holy Qur'an, Aali'Imran (3):39,Al-An'am (6):85, Maryam (19):12-15, Al-Anbiya (2l):90-91. ________________________________________ Yarmuk اليرموك A place in Shaam. Site of a famous battle. ________________________________________ Yaum al-jaza يوم الجزاء Literally means the Day of Payment. Another name for the Day of Judgement, when mankind and Jinn will be paid what is due to them, either by being sent to Jannah (Paradise) or to Nar (Hellfire). ________________________________________ Yaum-al-qiama يوم القيامه Literally means the Day of Standing. This is the day when we will be raised from our graves and will stand while waiting to be judged by Allah Ta'ala. This day has many names, including: 1. Al-Qari'a (Day of Clamour). 2. At-Taama al-Kubra (The Complete Covering). For a complete list of the names and description of the Yaum al-Qiama. ________________________________________ Yaqeen Certainty يقين Certainty. Faith in general is based on the Yaqeen of the believer. It has three stages: 1. Ilm al-Yaqeen - knowledge of certainty. 2. Ayn al-Yaqeen - source of certainty. 3. Haqq al-Yaqeen - truth of certainty. The Raja of Mahmudabad defined them thus in this metaphor: 1. You are told there is a fire in the forest. 2. You reach the fire in the forest and see it for yourself. 3. You are the fire in the forest. See Holy Qur'an, Al-Hijr (15):99 ________________________________________ Yatama Orphans اليتامى Orphans. Singular: Yateem. See Yateem. ________________________________________ Yateem Orphan يتيم Orphan. It is a major sin to harm, abuse or cheat orphans in any way whatsoever. Allah Ta'ala will give a great reward to anyone who takes care of orphans. Plural: Yatama. See Holy Qur'an,Al-Baqara(2):220, An-Nisa(4):2,6,10,127,Al-Isra (17):34. ________________________________________ Yathrib يثرب Yathrib: The old name of Medina ________________________________________ Yunus,, Peace be upon him يونس عليه السلام "Jonah" or "Jonas". A prophet of Islam. He was sent to the city of Nineveh (on the left bank of the Tigris, opposite the city of Mosul, in Iraq, to preach against their wickedness and call them to the worship of Allah. The people of Nineveh at first rejected him, but when he pronounced the curse of Allah upon them, repented their sins. However, he still left the city in anger, forgetting that Allah is full of mercy, as well as forgiveness. As a punishment, Allah Ta'ala caused a whale to swallow him up for a limited time. In the darkness of the whale's stomach, in the darkness of the ocean, in the darkness of the night, Yunus turned to his Lord and asked for His forgiveness. The whale spewed him up on the beach and, after recovering from his ordeal, Yunus returned to the city whose inhabitants all became his followers. He then came to be known as Dhu'l-Noon (man of the whale). See Holy Qur'an, As-Saffa at(37):139-149. Surah 10 of the Holy Qur'an. See Mursaleen. ________________________________________ Yusuf,, Peace be upon him يوسف عليه السلام "Joseph". A prophet of Islam. One of the sons of Yacoub (Jacob), peace be on them. Surah 12 of the Holy Qur'an. See: Mursaleen. ________________________________________