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| | كاتب الموضوع | رسالة |
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:46 | |
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____________________ Sabian صابىء Sacerdotal كهنوتى Sacred مقدس - دينى Sacredness قداسة - حرمة Sacrifice ضحية - ذبيحة - قربان Sadness حزن - غم ________________________________________ afa and Marwa الصفا والمروه Two small hills in Makkah, in Al-Haram as-Shareef (The Grand Masjid) to the east. It is an essential part of an Umra and the Hajj to walk seven times between the two places, quickening one's step briefly between two points between them. This is called Sa'i. See Holy Qur'an, Al-Baqara (2): ________________________________________ Safety امن - سلامة Sage حيم - عاقل ________________________________________ Sahih صحيح Healthy and sound with no defects. Authentic, as regards Ahadeeth, such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. ________________________________________ Sahih Bukhari صحيح البخارى A book of authentic Ahadeeth compiled by Imam Bukhari. ________________________________________ Sahih Muslim صحيح مسلم A book of authentic Ahadeeth compiled by Imam Muslim. ________________________________________ Sahu سهو Literally means forgetting. If one adds to or subtracts from what is required during the Salat (Prayer), out of forgetfulness or lack of attention, then one must perform two extra prostrations at the end of the Salat. This is called Sajda Sahu. ________________________________________ Saint قديس - ولى Sake قصد - سبيل - غاية ________________________________________ Sakina Calm السكينه Calm, peaceful tranquillity, perfect calmness, serenity, due to the Presence of Allah being made clear and apparent. See Holy Qur'an, At-Taubah (9):26, 40, Al-Fath (48):4, 18, 26. ________________________________________ Salaf Forebears السلف Forebears, predecessors, ancestors. ________________________________________ Al Salaf al Saalih السلف الصالح the righteous forebears - refers to the early generations of Muslims including the Sahaabah and the Taabi`oon. ________________________________________ Salafi سلفي Literally, "the early years". Salafi is used generally to describe the early generations of the Muslims, particularly the companions of the Messenger of Allah and those who followed them, may the blessings and peace of Allah be on him and them. In the present age the term is sometimes used to describe a Muslim who closely follows the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad and As-Salafiyeen as-Saliheen, the righteous companions of Muhammad. ________________________________________ |
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:46 | |
| Salat الصــــــــلاه • Prayers. There are five daily obligatory prayers in Islam,consisting of fixed sets of standings, bowings, prostrations and sittings in worship to Allah. These are called Rak 'at. The number of Rak'at in each prayer and their timings are: 1. Fajr - dawn - two Rak'at. 2. Duhr - noon - four Rak'at. 3. 'Asr - afternoon - four Rak' at. 4. Maghreb - sunset - three Rak'at. 5. Isha - late evening - four Rak'at. These five Salat are one of the Arkan of islam. See Arkan.It is necessary to be in Ghusl and in Wudu when doing the Salat. For voluntary Salat: See NafiIah. • One of the eight gates of Jannah (Paradise). See Jannah. ________________________________________ Salatud_duha صلاة الضحى A Nafl Salat that is prayed after sunrise and before noon. ________________________________________ Salatul Janaza Funeral prayer صلاة الجنازه Funeral prayer. It is permitted to do Salatul Janaza only over the dead bodies of Muslims. This prayer is done in the standing position only, and usually immediately before the burial. It contains four Takbirs: 1. After the first Takbir - read Suratul Fatiha. 2. After the second Takbir - recite any Dua'a for the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace,but it is preferred to do the Tashahhud (see Tashahhud)and the Salat aI-Ibrahimiya: "AIlahumma salle 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala alec Muhammad kama salaira Ibrahim wa 'ala alee Ibrahim; fill 'alameen innaka hameedun majeed. Allahumma barak 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala alee Muhammad kama barak ta ibrahim wa 'ala alec Ibrahim; fill 'alameen innaka hamidun majeed." ("O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. In all the worlds surely You are Praiseworthy,Glorious. O Allah, give Muhammad blessing and the family of Muhammad, as You gave Ibrahim blessing and the family of Ibrahim. In all the worlds surely You are Praiseworthy, Glorious.") 3. After the third Takbir - pray for the deceased person, his or her relatives and the Muslim people in general. 4. After the fourth Takbir - this marks the end of the Salat.Face your right shoulder and say "Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmarullah" ( "Peace be on you and the Mercy of Allah"). ________________________________________ Salatul Shuruq صلاة الشروق A Nafl Salat of two or four Rak'at that is prayed a short while after sunrise. ________________________________________ Salatul Tasbih صلاة التسابيح A special Nafl Salat of four Rak'at. This Salat involves praising Allah Ta'ala by including "Subhanallah, wal hamdulilah, wa la il laha illallah, wallahu akbar" ("Glory to Allah, and Praise to Allah, and there is no god except Allah and Allah is Greatest") seventy-five times in each Rak'a. ________________________________________ salat ul-Jum'ah: صلاة الجمعه Although most Muslims pray on their own wherever they happen to be at the time, there is an opportunity on Fridays to come together as a community to pray together. Traditionally, the midday prayer on Friday is said at the mosque, where the imam or a guest will read passages from the Qur'an and may give a lesson – much as Muhammad may have done thousands of years ago. The congregation is arranged in lines (women and men have separate areas for prayer), and the synchronisation of movement and chanting by hundreds of Muslims is a powerful sight. Although attendance is obligatory for men (although not for women), a man who is sick is excused. ________________________________________
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:47 | |
| Saleh, peace be upon him صالح عليه السلام A prophet of Islam. He was sent to the people of Thamud who lived in the north-western part of the Arabian Peninsula. They were destroyed for rejecting him. The remains of their stone dwellings still exist today. See Holy Qur'an, AI-'Araf(7):73-79, At-Tawbah (11):61 -68, Ash-Shu'ara (26):141 -159,An-Naml (27):45-53. ________________________________________ Salih صالح Righteous and goodly person, someone who is in the right place at the right time. It may also mean healthy and sound in body and soul. ________________________________________ Salsabil A fountain in Jannah سلسبيل A fountain in Jannah. Literally means "seek the way". See Holy Qur'an, Al-insan (76)18. ________________________________________ Salutation سلام - تحية Salavation خلاص - نجاة ________________________________________ Samad (As) الصمد Does not have an exact meaning in English. The closest word or words that indicate the meaning are: 1. "Absolute" and "Eternal" and "Everlasting". 2. The One to Whom all created beings turn to for all their needs, and Who is not dependent on anything or anyone for any need. 3. The Most Perfect in His Attributes.One of the ninety-nine Attributes of Allah Ta'ala. For a complete list. ________________________________________ Sanctification تقديس - تطهير Sanctimonious زنديق - منافق Sanctity بر - قداسة - طهارة Sanctuary معبد Sapience دراية - فطنة Sapient حكيم ________________________________________ Saqifah A shelter with a roof السقيفه A shelter with a roof. The companions of the Prophet met in a Saqifah in Madinah to pledge their loyalty to Abu Bakr after the death of the Prophet. ________________________________________ Samad (as) الصمد One of the ninety-nine Attributes of Allah. It means Absolute, Eternal, and Everlasting. It refers to the One to Whom all created beings turn to for all their needs, and Who is not dependent on anything or anyone for any need. The Most Perfect in His Attributes. ________________________________________ Sariya A small army سريه A small army sent by the prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, for a Jihad in which he did not personally take part. ________________________________________ Satan الشيطان Savage همجى - بربرى Savagery همجية - بربرية Saviour مخلص - منقذ ________________________________________ Sawm Fasting الصـــــوم Fasting (sawm in Arabic) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. All healthy and sane Moslems are expected to fast (to abstain from food, drink, smoking and other bodily pleasures) during the daylight hours throughout the entire month of Ramadan. This means that they rise before dawn to eat breakfast and then eat a large meal after dusk. While they fast during the day, Moslems are expected to reflect on themselves and their standing before Allah, and ask for forgiveness for their sins. The evening meal, by contrast, is often a time of enjoyment and the gathering of friends and relatives. ________________________________________ Sceptic مرتاب - ملحد Scepter صولجان Schism انشقاق - شقاق Scowl عبس - تجهم Screech صيحة ________________________________________
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:47 | |
| Scribes of the revelation كتاب الوحي Scribes of the revelation: Scribes of the revelation were those who shouldered the task of writing down the revelation. ________________________________________ Scruple شك - ريبة Sculptor صانع التماثيل Secular علمانى Seclusion فصل - عزل ________________________________________ The Seat of Allah Al-kursi الكرسي The Seat of Allah, al-Hayyu al-Qayoum. The size of His Seat extends over all the heavens and earth. Even though it is such a huge creation, it is still much smaller than the 'Arsh (the Throne) of Allah Ta'ala. Surah 2:255 is called Ayatul Kursi. See Surah al-Baqara (2):255. See also 'Arsh. ________________________________________ Seconder معين - ظهير Sect طائفة - مذهب Sedan هودج Sedateness هدوء سكينة Sedition عصيان Seditious متمرد Seductive مضلل - مخادع Self ذات Self-denial انكار الذات ________________________________________ The Seljuk State دولة السلاجقة The Seljuk State: These were the descendants of Turkman whose grandfather was Seljuk. They had so many offsprings who ruled Iran, Asia Minor, Iraq and Syria from the 11th to the 13th centuries A.D. They put an end to the Buyids and were finally brought to an end by Genghis Khan and his successors. ________________________________________ Seniority أقدمية - أسبقية Sensual شهوانى Sensuality شهوانية Serenity رزانة - هدوء Serdom عبودية Settler مستوطن ________________________________________ Shafaa'a Intercession الشفاعه Intercession. On the Day of Judgement Allah Ta'ala, through His Grace and Mercy, will permit the Prophet Muhammad may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to intercede on behalf of the Muslim Ummah. Three other groups may also be given leave to intercede: 1. The Anbiyaa - the prophets. 2. The Ulamaa - the people of knowledge from amongst the Muslims. 3. The Shuhadaa - the martyrs who died in the cause of Allah Ta'ala. ________________________________________ Shahada witness شهـــــاده • To witness, in this world. See Shahadatain. • To bear witness, on the Day of Judgement. There will be four witnesses on Yaum al-Hisab (the Day of Reckoning): 1. The Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and the Muslim Ummah against all the other Ummahs (communities and nations). 2. The earth and the day and the night will be given the power to speak and bear witness. 3. Everyone's limbs will bear witness for or against theirowners. 4. One's deeds. Singular of Shahadatain. ________________________________________ Shahawat Desires شهـــوات Desires and passions. ________________________________________ Shahid شهـــــــيد It means a witness or martyr. ________________________________________
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:47 | |
| Shaikh الشيخ [Other Commonly Used Spellings: SHEIKH] The word Shaikh is a title or a nickname for an elderly person or a religious leader in a community. This title is also given to a wise person. The meaning of the word Shaikh has been distorted, misused, and abused by some mass media to reflect the wrong meanings. ________________________________________ Shirk الشرك Opposite of Tawheed. To associate anyone or anything with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. Shirk is idol-worship. Idol-worship means attributing form to Allah, encasing Him in an object, a concept, a ritual or a myth - when Allah has no form, is not like anything and cannot be conceived of or perceived. Allah the Most Merciful is prepared to forgive any sin a man or Jinn may commit, except for dying in a state of Shirk. There are three types of Shirk: 1. Shirk al-Akbar (major Shirk). This is divided into four categories: o Shirk ad-Du'a: invoking or supplicating to a false deity besides Allah Ta'ala, i.e. invocation or supplication by either invoking other than Allah or invoking Him through a created being or thing, such as a prophet, an angel, a saint, or even a bank manager. o Shirk al-Niyyah wa Iraada wal Qasd: having the intention and determination to deliberately do any type of act of worship to a deity other than Allah Ta'ala. o Shirk at-Ta'a: obeying any created being against the command of Allah Ta'ala. Beware of such Shirk! It is very easy to commit. o Shirk al-Muhabbah: loving a created being or an object more than Allah Ta'ala. 2. Shirk aI-Asghar (minor Shirk): o Shirk ar-Rea':carrying out a religious act for worldly gains and not for the pleasure of Allah, e.g. giving Zakat for the sake of fame or praise. o Shirk at-Tasmee': swearing by other than Allah, and accordingly relying on other than Allah, or attaching more importance to other than Allah. 3. Shirk aI-Khafy (hidden Shirk): heing dissatisfied with what Allah has ordained for a panicular person. Hidden Shirk is to inwardly worship anything or anyone other than Allah, or to inwardly associate something or someone as a partner with Him, especially one's self. ________________________________________ Shaitan Satan شيطــــــان Satan. An evil Jinn who prompts mankind and Jinn to rebel against Allah. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil that He has created . Plural: Shayateen. See Iblis. See Holy Qur'an, An-Nisaa (4):117-120. ________________________________________ Shari'a الشريعـــــــه Islamic law as ordained by Allah Ta'ala. Literally it means 'a road'. The Shari'a is the legal and social modality of a people based on the revelation of their prophet. The last Shari'a in history is that of Islam. It abrogates all previous Shari'as. It is being the last, therefore the easiest to follow, for it is applicable to the whole human race wherever they are. ________________________________________ Shu'aib, peace be upon him شعيب عليه السلام A prophet of Islam. He was sent to the people of Madyan (Midian), but they rejected him, so Allah Ta'ala destroyed them with an earthquake. See Mursaleen. See Holy Qur'an,Al-A'raf(7):85-93, Houd (11):84-95. ________________________________________ Shuhadaa الـشهــداء Persons who die Fee Sabeeli'IIah (in the path of Allah). Allah has designated eight things for the Shuhadaa alone: 1. They are the first to be forgiven. 2. They are the first to see their place in Jannah (Paradise) 3. They are exempted from 'Adhabul-Qabr (trials and tribulations in the grave). 4. They will be exempted from fear on the Day of Resurrection. 5. They will be crowned with the "Taj al-Waqar" (literally means "the crown of respect") on that Day. 6. They will each be married to seventy-two "Houri'een"(see Hooriah). 7. They will each be given permission to intercede on behalf of seventy-two of their relatives. 8. The sweetness of Iman will physically glow from within them. ________________________________________ Shelter مأوى Shivering رجفة ________________________________________
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:48 | |
| Shura (Ash) The Consultation الشورى "The Consultation". Surah 42 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Sidrat al_Muntaha سدرة المنتهي "The lote-tree of the furthest limit." A tree over the Seventh Heaven near Paradise, the place where form ends and beyond which no created being may pass. See Holy Qur'an, An-Najm (53):14-18. ________________________________________ Sincerity إخلاص Sinful اثيم Sinless بار Sins ذنوب ________________________________________ Siraat (As) الصـــــراط Literally means "road". It is the bridge over the Nar (Hellfire) which must be crossed to enter the Garden on the Day of Judgement. It is described in Ahadeeth as being narrower than the blade of a sword, thinner than a hair and as having hooks over it to snatch wrongdoers and throw them into Jahanam.Some will cross the Siraat into the Garden like lightning or like the wind, some with ease, some with difficulty, some with great difficulty and some will fall into the waiting Fire below. See Holy Qur' an, Mariam (19):71. ________________________________________ Sirah (As) السيره [Other Commonly Used Spellings: SEERAH] The writings of the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w.) about him, his personality, his life story. and his ways of handling different situations is called Sirah. The famous collections of the Sirah are At-Tabari, Ibn Ishaq, and Ibn Hisham. The Sirah is a source of reference that Muslims rely on in their daily life situations and problems. ________________________________________ Siwak سواك A piece of branch or root of a tree called al-Arak used as a toothbrush. ________________________________________ slander Buhtan بهتان A false accusation, calumny, slander. ________________________________________ Slaughter ذبح - نحر Slave عبد - رق Slaver نخاس Slavery عبودية - رق Slave-trade تجارة الرقيق Slyness دهاء - مكر Sociability حسن المعاشرة Social اجتماعى - عمرانى Society مجتمع Sodomite لوطى Soldier جندى Solemn مهيب - وقور Solemnity مهابة - خشوع Solidarity التضامن Soliloquy النجوى - مناجاة النفس Slogan شعار Solomon سليمان عليه السلام Solven مقتدر Sonship بنوة Soothsayer منجم - عراف Sorcerer ساحر - عراف Sorceress ساحرة - عرافة Sorcery سحر Sordid بخيل Sorrow حزن - الم Sorcery السحر الأسود Sot سكير Souls ارواح Sovereignty سيادة ________________________________________
| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:48 | |
| The specific reason Asbab An-Nazul أسباب النزول The specific reason and circumstances for the revelation of various verses of the Holy Qur'an. For example: Surat at- Taubah, Ayat 79-80 (the story of Abu 'Aqeel). In 9AH the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, asked for contributions to finance his Tabuk expedition. Being very poor, but still yearning to contribute, Abu 'Aqeel decided to offer his services, which lasted from dusk till dawn. He received only two handfuls of barley in payment. He took the entire payment and presented it to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. A group of Munafiqeen (hypocrites) saw this and started to deride Abu 'Aqeel by saying, "Look at Abu 'Aqeel, does he think that Allah is in need of such a pathetic donation?" Allah Ta'ala became so angry with them that He immediately sent down the Holy Spirit Jibreel (The Angel Gabriel), peace be on him, to reveal Surah 9: 79-80 to Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. ________________________________________ Spell رقية ________________________________________ Spendthrift Bukhl بخل Spendthrift. Allah Ta'ala has forbidden mankind to be either misers or over-generous to a fault. See Holy Qur'an, Suwar: Al-Isra (17):26-29, Al-Furqan (25):67. ________________________________________ (The) spider 'Ankaboot (Al) العنكـبــوت "The spider" The spider who made its web over the Ghar Thaur (Cave of Thaur) where the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, hid from the Quraish on his way to Madinah. Surah 29 of the Holy Qur' an. ________________________________________ Spiritualism روحانية Spleen الحقد Splendid بهى - فاخر Splendour بهاء - رونق ________________________________________ The Spoils of War Anfaal (Al) الأنفـــال "The Spoils of War". Surah 8 of the Holy Qur'an. ________________________________________ Spoliation نهب - سلب - اغتصاب Spontaneously اختياراً - طوعاً Squad فرقة - شرذمة Stateliness ابهة - فخامة Statuary صانع التماثيل Status مكانة Statute سنة - قانون Steadfast ثابت - راسخ Steady ثابت - مثابر Stickler مكابر - معاند Stinginess بخل - شح Stingy بخيل - شحيح Stoop انحناء Straightness اعتدال - استقامة Strait مضيق - بوغاز Strayed ضل Stress اهمية - خطورة Stricken منكوب Stubborn عنيد Suavity دماثة - رقة - طلاوة Subdue يخضع
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| | | أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 51967 العمر : 72
| موضوع: رد: ـــــــــــ S الإثنين 26 فبراير - 7:49 | |
| Subhan Allah Glory be to Allah سبحان الله Glory be to Allah. Far removed is He from anything imperfect associated with Him and far removed is He from anything unsuitable ascribed to Him! ________________________________________ Subhanahu wa Ta'ala سبحانه وتعالي "May He be Glorified and Exalted." One of the many ways of glorifying Allah the Almighty. It means "Glory be to Allah on High. Far removed is He from any imperfection". The shortened form of this glorification is "Allah Ta'ala". ________________________________________ Subjection اخضاع - خضوع - اذعان Subjectivity ذاتية Subjugate قهر - استعبد Sublimity سمو - رفعة - جلال Suborder قبيلة - طائفة Subordinates التابعون Subsequence تبعية Success نجاح - فلاح Successor خليفة Sufferance معاناة ________________________________________ Sulaiman, peace be uon him سليمان عليه السلام Solomon. A prophet of Islam and a wise king. He was the son of the Prophet (and King) Dawood (David), peace be on both of them. He ruled the north-western Arabian Peninsula for about forty years. Allah Ta'ala gifted him with many powers,which included having power over the winds, being able to converse with the birds and ants and other animals, and having power over the evil Jinn. See Holy Qur'an, Al-Anbiya (21): 79-82, An-Naml (27):15-44, Saba (34):12-14, Saad (38):30-40.See Mursaleen. ________________________________________ Sunnah traditions السُّنَّة All the traditions and practices of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, that are recorded not only in such books as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, but also in living people to whom these traditions and practices have been transmitted, from person to person, from then until now.Although the Sunnah has come to refer almost exclusively to the practice of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, it also comprises the customs of the first generation of Muslims in Madina. They learned their Islam directly from the Prophet, not from books, and transmitted what they had learned to the next generation. Thus they have become models whom all Muslims should follow. The Sunnah is a complete behaviourial science that has been systematically kept outside the learning framework of this society. It cannot be learned from books, although books can be helpful. It can only be learned from real Muslims who are true teachers. Plural: Sunnan. ________________________________________ Surah ســـــــورة A chapter of the Holy Qur'an. Literally means "a form". There are 114 Suwar in the Holy Qur'an. Plural: Suwar. ________________________________________ Superstition خرافة
________________________________________ Supplication تضرع - توسل Supplication: Invoking Allah for whatever one desires. ________________________________________ Support معونة Surrender تسليم - استسلام Sustenance الرزق Suzerainty سيادة Sway سلطة - نفوذ Swear اقسم - حلف Swearing يمين - قسم Sword سيف - حسام Sowrdman سياف Sylph حورية Symmetry تناسق Synagogue مجمع اليهود |
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مواضيع مماثلة | |
| صلاحيات هذا المنتدى: | لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
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