CHAPTER No: 47 Untit798
Respect for the Names of Allah and changing one's name for the sake of that
It is narrated from Abu Shuraih (May Allah be pleased with him):

His Kunyah (nickname) was Abul-Hakam. So the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) once said to him, "Allah is Al-Hakam (the Judge); and His Judgement is to prevail." Then Abu Shuraih said, "My people come to me for adjudication of their disputes; and when I judge between them, both parties are pleased with my judgement." The Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) rejoined, "How excellent is this! Do you have any children?" I said, "Yes, Shuraih, Muslim and Abdullah." Then the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) asked, "Who is the eldest?" I said, "Shuraih," then the Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) said, "You are henceforth to be called Abu Shuraih."

Abu Dawud and other collectors have mentioned this Hadith in their books.

Important issues of the Chapter
1) Respect for the Names and Attributes of Allah, though its actual meaning was not intended (by the user for himself)
2) Changing the name on account of that.
3) Taking the eldest child's name as Kunyah.