latitude, law, left, length, line, liter, lumen     L
Lewisite    L
lake, lambert, large, latin, pound, lira, lire     L.
(Chem.) Lanthanum     La
Louisiana     La.
Los Angeles     L. A.
Light anti-aircraft    LAA
low-altitude airfield attack system    LAAAS
low-altitude air defense system    LAADS
Light anti-aircraft gun    LAAG
Light assault bridge    LAB
Low-altitude bombing system    LABS
Lightweight amphibious container handler    LACH
Light Armored Combat Vehicle    LACV
launch assist device    LAD
Latin American Economic System    LAES
Light assault ferry    LAF
Latin American Integration Association    LAIA
laminated, laminations     lam.
Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System    LAMPS
local area missile system    LAMS
local area network    LAN
Land Satellite, NASA/NOAA Satellite Program    LANDSAT
language(s)    lang.
Los Alamos National Laboratory    LANL
Atlantic Command    LANTCOM
Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared System for Night    LANTIRN
lightweight acoustic processing and display system    LAPADS
Low altitude parachute extraction system    LAPES
Light artillery rocket    LAR
Lighter amphibious resupply cargo    LARC
light artillery rocket system    LARS
League of Arab States    LAS
cargo ship barge (in Military Balance)    LASH
Low-Altitude Surveillance System    LASS
latitude     lat.
Latin     Lat.
laser system in experimental turret    LATEX
Light Armored Vehicle    LAV
lavatory     lav.
Light Anti-armor Weapon    LAW
light anti-tank weapon    LAW
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOS)    Law of the Sea
Local Battery    LB
 pound, pounds.    lb.
pounds     lbs.
lowercase     lc.
landing craft, assault    LCA
landing craft, air cushion    LCAC
Amphibious Command Ship    LCC
Land Component Commander    LCC
Light cross-country vehicle    LCCV
letter of credit, library of congress     L. C.
liquid crystal display    LCD
landing craft, heavy/ mechanized/tank/utility/ vehicles and personnel    LCH/M/T/U/VP
least common multiple     L. C. M.
Load classification number    LCN
launch control post    LCP
low-cost weapon delivery system    LCWDS
load, lord     ld.
less developed country    LDC
landing, loading     ldg.
Low Drag General Purpose bomb    LDGP
leader     ldr.
laser dazzle sight    LDS
Lightweight Decontamination System, M 17    LDS
Leather     lea.
lightweight exoatmospheric advanced projectile    LEAP
lecture, lecturer    lect.
light emitting diode    LED
legal, legate, legato, legislative, legislature     leg.
Limited Enemy Situation/Correlation Equipment    LENSCE
low Earth orbit    LEO
Leviticus     Lev.
Low frequency    L. F.
low frequency (30-300 kHz)    LF
Lightface     lf.
landing force integrated communications system    LFICS
Light forces vehicle    LFV
Logistics    LG
large     lg.
Logistics Airlift    LGAIR
Laser Guided Bomb    LGB
silo-launched surface attack guided missile designator (USA)    LGM
laser-guided bomb    LGP
Late Greek     LGr.
landing ship, assault (in Military Balance)    LHA
 Doctor of Humanities     L. H. D.
Left-hand drive    LHD
link(s)    li.
(Chem.) lithium     Li.
lines     li.
LANTIRIN Intermediate Automatic Test Equipment    LIATE
 liberal., librarian, library     lib.
laser (light) detection and ranging    LIDAR
lieutenant     lieut.
Lightweight marking system    LIMAS
Light In-stride Mine Extractor    LIME
lineal, linear     lin.
Lincolnshire     Lincs.
linguistics     ling.
liquid, liquor     liq.
liter, literal, literally, literary, literature     lit.
 Bachelor of Literature, Bachelor of Letters    Lit. B.
Doctor of Letters, Doctor of literature    Lit.D.
SI unit of volume (0.264177 US gallon 0.219975 Imp gallon).    liter
lithuanian     Lith.
lithograph, lithography     lith. or litho or lithog.
Bachelor of Letters, Bachelor of Literature     Litt. B.
Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature    Litt. D.
assault cargo ship (in Military Balance)    LKA
Late Latin     LL.
 Bachelor of Laws     LL.B.
Doctor of Laws     LL.D.
 Master of Laws     LL.M.
low-level air defense    LLAD
low level air defense system    LLADS
least developed country    LLDC
low-light level (television)    LLL
low-level laser-guided bomb    LLLGB
low light television    LLTV
Light mobile digger    LMD
Late Middle English    L M E.
Light Machine Gun    LMG
Lightweight modular multipurpose spanning assembly    LMMSA
laser marker and target ranger    LMTR
Light medium tactical vehicle    LMTV
Light medium tactical vehicle trailer    LMTVT
Low Noise Amplifier    LNA
local oscillator    LO
Low-Altitude Defense    LOAD
Line Of Bearing    LOB
Lines of Communication    LOC
Local Operations Console    LOC
 in the place, or passage, already mentioned     Loc. cit
low frequency analysis    LOFAR
logistic    log
logarithm    log.
Light observation helicopter.    LOH
Fly for maximum endurance, such as supersonic fighter on patrol.    loiter
London    Lond.
longitude     long.
League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies    LORCS
lobe on receive only    LORO
Long-range oblique photography.    LOROP
Law Of the Sea    LOS
Line Of Sight    LOS
Logistics over the shore    LOTS
Liquid oxygen.    lox
low pressure    L. P.
low power    LP
Linear Power Amplifier    LPA
large phased-array radar    LPAR
Launch pod container    LPC
Landing Ship Dock    LPD
landing platform, dock/ helicopter    LPD/H
low probability of interception    LPI
Lines Per Minute    LPM
living room     L. R.
Long Rifle a particular type of 0.22 caliber cartridge    LR
CIS long-range aviation    LRA
long-range airborne ASW system    LRAAS
Logistics Readiness Center    LRC
long range conventional stand-off weapon    LRCSOW
laser rangefinder    LRF
Long Range International    LRI
line-replaceable item/unit    LRI, LRU
longer range intermediate-range nuclear forces    LRINF
Low-rate initial production    LRIP
Long-range maritime patrol    LRMP
Laser ranger and marked-target seeker.    LRMTS
long-range standoff missile    LRSOM
long-range theatre nuclear forces    LRTNF
Line-replaceable unit    LRU
Logistic Support Analysis    LSA
lower sideband    LSB
landing ship, dock    LSD
landing ship, dock / heavy / medium / tank    LSD/H/M/T
large scale integration    LSI
life saving service, life saving station     L. S. S.
Logistic supply vehicle Logistic support vehicle    LSV
Light support vehicle wheeled    LSVW
local time, long ton, low tension.    L. T.
lieutant, light     lt.
lieutant colonel     Lt. col.
lieutant commander     lt. comdr.
lieutant general     lt. gen.
lieutant governor     lt. gov.
Limited Test Ban Treaty    LTBT
long-term costing    LTC
laser target designator    LTD
limited    Ltd. Or Ltd.
long-term defense program    LTDP
laser target designator system    LTDS
letter, lighter     ltr.
Light tactical recovery system    LTRS
(Chem.) lutetium    Lu,
launch under attack    LUA
lubricant, lubricating    lub.
Luxembourg    Lux.
leave     lv.
large vertical aperture (radar)    LVA
Logistics Vehicle System    LVS
Landing vehicle tracked    LVT
Long wheelbase    LWB
Lightweight camouflage screen system    LWCSS
long wavelength infra-red    LWIR
laser warning receiver    LWR
light-weight torpedo    LWT
landing zone    L. Z.