منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers

(إسلامي.. ثقافي.. اجتماعي.. إعلامي.. علمي.. تاريخي.. دعوي.. تربوي.. طبي.. رياضي.. أدبي..)
الرئيسيةالأحداثأحدث الصورالتسجيل
الحــواس فـي القـــرآن الكـــريــم أحكـام صـلاة المـريض وطهـارته إلــــــــى كــــــــــل زوجـيــــــــــن مـــن أقـــــوال شيـــــخ الإســــلام لا عـلـيـك مـا فـاتـك مـن الـدنـيــا رؤية الخاطب مخطوبته قبل العقد شــاعر العـاميــة بيــرم التـونسي أحْلامٌ مِنْ أبِي باراك أوباما كُــــتُـبٌ غَــــــيُّـرَتْ الـعَـالَــــــمْ مــصـــــر التي فـي خــاطـــــري الزعيـم الثــائر أحـمـــد عـــرابي مـحـاسـن العقيـــدة الإسـلامـيـــة الرحـالة: أبي الحسن المسعـودي رضـــي الله عـنـهـــم أجـمـعـــين الأسئلة والأجــوبــة في العقيــدة النـهـضــة اليـابـانـيــة الـحـديثــة الحجاج بـن يــوســف الـثـقـفــي قـصــة حـيـاة ألـبرت أيـنـشـتــاين الأمثـــال لأبـي عبيــد ابن ســلام الإسـلام بيـن الـعـلـم والـمــدنـيــة
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

soon after IZHAR UL-HAQ (Truth Revealed) By: Rahmatullah Kairanvi
قال الفيلسوف توماس كارليل في كتابه الأبطال عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: "لقد أصبح من أكبر العار على أي فرد مُتمدين من أبناء هذا العصر؛ أن يُصْغِي إلى ما يظن من أنَّ دِينَ الإسلام كَذِبٌ، وأنَّ مُحَمَّداً -صلى الله عليه وسلم- خَدَّاعٌ مُزُوِّرٌ، وآنَ لنا أنْ نُحارب ما يُشَاعُ من مثل هذه الأقوال السَّخيفة المُخْجِلَةِ؛ فإنَّ الرِّسَالة التي أدَّاهَا ذلك الرَّسُولُ ما زالت السِّراج المُنير مُدَّةَ اثني عشر قرناً، لنحو مائتي مليون من الناس أمثالنا، خلقهم اللهُ الذي خلقنا، (وقت كتابة الفيلسوف توماس كارليل لهذا الكتاب)، إقرأ بقية كتاب الفيلسوف توماس كارليل عن سيدنا محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، على هذا الرابط: محمد بن عبد الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-.

يقول المستشرق الإسباني جان ليك في كتاب (العرب): "لا يمكن أن توصف حياة محمد بأحسن مما وصفها الله بقوله: (وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِين) فكان محمدٌ رحمة حقيقية، وإني أصلي عليه بلهفة وشوق".
فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ على سائر البُلدان، كما فَضَّلَ بعض الناس على بعض والأيام والليالي بعضها على بعض، والفضلُ على ضربين: في دِينٍ أو دُنْيَا، أو فيهما جميعاً، وقد فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ وشَهِدَ لها في كتابهِ بالكَرَمِ وعِظَم المَنزلة وذَكَرَهَا باسمها وخَصَّهَا دُونَ غيرها، وكَرَّرَ ذِكْرَهَا، وأبَانَ فضلها في آياتٍ تُتْلَى من القرآن العظيم.
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

المهندس حسن فتحي فيلسوف العمارة ومهندس الفقراء: هو معماري مصري بارز، من مواليد مدينة الأسكندرية، وتخرَّجَ من المُهندس خانة بجامعة فؤاد الأول، اشْتُهِرَ بطرازهِ المعماري الفريد الذي استمَدَّ مَصَادِرَهُ مِنَ العِمَارَةِ الريفية النوبية المَبنية بالطوب اللبن، ومن البيوت والقصور بالقاهرة القديمة في العصرين المملوكي والعُثماني.
رُبَّ ضَارَّةٍ نَافِعَةٍ.. فوائدُ فيروس كورونا غير المتوقعة للبشرية أنَّه لم يكن يَخطرُ على بال أحَدِنَا منذ أن ظهر وباء فيروس كورونا المُستجد، أنْ يكونَ لهذه الجائحة فوائدُ وإيجابيات ملموسة أفادَت كوكب الأرض.. فكيف حدث ذلك؟!...
تخليص الإبريز في تلخيص باريز: هو الكتاب الذي ألّفَهُ الشيخ "رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي" رائد التنوير في العصر الحديث كما يُلَقَّب، ويُمَثِّلُ هذا الكتاب علامة بارزة من علامات التاريخ الثقافي المصري والعربي الحديث.
الشيخ علي الجرجاوي (رحمه الله) قَامَ برحلةٍ إلى اليابان العام 1906م لحُضُورِ مؤتمر الأديان بطوكيو، الذي دعا إليه الإمبراطور الياباني عُلَمَاءَ الأديان لعرض عقائد دينهم على الشعب الياباني، وقد أنفق على رحلته الشَّاقَّةِ من مَالِهِ الخاص، وكان رُكُوبُ البحر وسيلته؛ مِمَّا أتَاحَ لَهُ مُشَاهَدَةَ العَدِيدِ مِنَ المُدُنِ السَّاحِلِيَّةِ في أنحاء العالم، ويُعَدُّ أوَّلَ دَاعِيَةٍ للإسلام في بلاد اليابان في العصر الحديث.


 They Returned to Instinct

اذهب الى الأسفل 
انتقل الى الصفحة : الصفحة السابقة  1, 2, 3, 4  الصفحة التالية
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالسبت 17 يوليو 2021, 4:30 am

15 Islam President of the Republic (Gambia)
This is a story of faith, the hero of which is not an ordinary individual, he represents the highest authority in his country. He realized the truth with pride in prostration, then got up and said, God is greater, God is greater than me and everything in the earth and sky.. He is the President of the Republic (The Gambia) and the strangeness of the story does not lie in Being the president of a republic, but because this president was born a Muslim, then sailed to the West, imbibed from his thoughts, values and creed, and entered the world of politics, so it was owed to him, and he was tempted by a game and lust for positions that he reached the maximum, but when he approached the political palace he discovered that he had forgotten something important.. He forgot his nature, so he quickly returned to it, expressing this by saying: (I always felt that I had two hearts inside me.. a heart for me and a heart for me.. as for the heart that was mine, it pushed me to study and politics and to fight the battle of life.. and as for the heart that was on me, it kept asking my mind and heart a question that it never left, which is: Who You? …… And between the two hearts, the long journey took me, with it and through it, I was able to achieve everything I longed for, the liberation of a black African homeland, and placing it on the map of the world as a sovereign state).
And he continued: (And this was a victory snatched from the mouth of the lion, enough to turn heads, and make young dreamers like us at this time dizzy in power.. That was a major battle that cut off half a century of our lives with war and struggle, negotiations and the formation of parties, and losing and winning battles as well., and what was then pleased we Nncl our home from this topic occupation, backwardness and loss of intellectual and economic.. this was not to win but to satisfy the soul and arrogance, the instinct of self I took Thoudna to fight the great battle.. your fight we have earned with life Vaksp your fight with yourself, counting to yourself, discovered the precious metal which is inside you.. Slide is from this rubble of Westernization, secularism and study in the schools of theology.
The voice was coming out from inside me telling me to go back to the innocent child who was sitting in the hands of his elders and teachers reciting the Qur’an and seeking to pray. Here I felt that my heart believe me and that nothing in this world is equivalent to that man loses himself, to go back to the Muslim who lost me and I am in the midst of life, concerns and its beauties, I sense now that I have earned myself and learned a lesson not learned only was in his heart, a sense of spring, and the mind of a conscious.)
The president returned to his true nature and returned his name to (David Jawara) after his name was (David Kerba). Thus, we find ourselves in front of an Islamic political figure and a caller to God Almighty after he was a Protestant and other sects.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالسبت 17 يوليو 2021, 4:32 am

16 Islam scholar and author and journalist German
Since my childhood I feel motivated within myself to the study of Islam is found to that way, and is meant to read a translated version of the Quran in the city library, where I grew up, and was the edition that he received " Goethe " on his knowledge of Islam.
My admiration took every advantage of what I saw in this Qur’an of a wonderful mental style at the same time as it imposes Islamic teachings. I was also amazed at that great perseverance and leaping spirit that these teachings aroused and ignited in the hearts of the early Muslims. Then I had in Berlin an opportunity to work with Muslims and enjoy the conversations spirited exciting that was offered by the founder of the first Association of Muslim in Berlin and the creator of the Berlin mosque, about the Koran, and after years of practical cooperation with this inimitable personal touch which is his with himself and his soul, believed With Islam, as I saw in its lofty principles, which are considered the pinnacle in the history of human thought, what complements my personal views, and belief in God is an authentic belief in the religion of Islam, but it does not call for principles or beliefs that are incompatible with modern science, and accordingly there is no contradiction between belief on the one hand and the other. Science from the other side, and this is undoubtedly a great and unique advantage in the eyes of a man who contributed with all his energy to scientific research, and another advantage that distinguishes the Islamic religion, that is, it is not just deaf theoretical teachings that go without insight and on the margins of life, but rather calls for an applied system that dyes Human life, and the laws of Islam are not coercive teachings that restrict personal freedoms, but rather directives and instructions that lead to organized individual freedom.
As the years went by, I was more convinced by the evidence that became clear to me that Islam takes the most appropriate path between the personality of the individual and the personality of the group and links them with a strong and solid bond.
It is a religion of righteousness and tolerance, it is a constant call to goodness, encourages it and raises its status in all circumstances and occasions.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالسبت 17 يوليو 2021, 4:39 am

17 American bishop who converted to Islam (Mustafa Mullaney)
He came to Egypt after he resigned from his position as a bishop in one of the American states to study Islam at the hands of Al-Azhar sheikhs and scholars.
He felt doubt in his faith after he studied philosophy and theology, and after he teaches religious materials at a Catholic high school, he was passionate about research and study so he can do his job better do, and but his studies and research has not only led only complained in His belief and the nature of his work.
Before telling the story of his conversion to Islam and his conversion, he deals with the nature of his upbringing and the stages of his studies and development that led him to work as a bishop in the state of “ New Jersey ”... He says: “ I am a young man of Irish origin, brought up in a Catholic environment adhering to her faith, and all the parents there wish that one of their children would be a priest who would serve the Christian religion; Because this is a great honor for the family; So I studied at a religious high school, and then joined the faculty of private Balkss University " St. Patrick " to study philosophy and theology for six years, and during the period of my studies I did not hear a single word about Islam.
After I graduated only two months in 1971, I went to America to preach, where the college hundred graduated chaplain every year, and American bishops come they take most of them to America to work proselytize in areas Mokht roll, and worked bishop 's mandate, " New Jersey " and became responsible for the preparation of mentoring programs religious for all levels and training of this work, and besides I worked as a teacher of religious materials Catholic high school, and you Mchgova research and study so that I can perform my duty to guide people..... And the more I went into research and study, I had a strange feeling of doubt in my faith, and I could not suppress my doubts, so I decided to approach the Archbishop and said to him: I have doubts about my work, and even in my belief in God according to our faith, so he advised me to wait and thinking and gave me a deadline for a year until I think about the topic calmly " And sighs and exhales Bzfrat hot and is shaking his head, saying: "... and this year embarked on research and study, and culminated in the research to obtain two degrees of Master, one in religious education and the other in theology and the book, and, but these studies and research has not only complained Tzdna in my faith and my work.. and promised To the Archbishop and with me my resignation from my work, he agreed..”
Then he catches his breath to come back to what seems to him that he has missed his explanation, and says: "And but until this moment I had not known anything about Islam".
And it seems that there were reasons behind his doubts about his faith that were behind his resignation from his job without being under the influence of any other faith.. He tells us about it, saying: "There are many reasons, it was a transition from Ireland, where coherent rural community to America, where society of industrial material and is characterized by its strange things, for example the number of Christian denominations, which more than three hundred doctrine.. Each one of them claims to be on the right without the other, which made me doubt their sincerity.
There are also other things that I was not convinced of, such as the papal absolute authority over the people and the arbitrariness in dealing with matters, as happened from a long controversy that arose about the Pope's position on birth control. They refuse to organize even though there is nothing in the Gospels to prevent that.
I also was not convinced of the idea of monastic, where many of the clergy in Christianity are prohibited from marrying by order of Pope, and this thing against the nature of man and his nature.
These are some of the reasons that doubled my doubts and made me live confused.. how to preach the people and I am not convinced of what I say.. so I decided to resign without knowing anything about Islam" After he resigned he decided to resume his studies to obtain a doctorate from Harvard University, and after he worked in the church for nine years.
And during that period of his study, he was providing information and data about Islam, so he wanted to learn more from them.. so what should he do? He answers that by saying: "I wanted to know more about Islam, I studied the history of Islam and the Islamic civilization, was also keen to attend some of the lectures to a number of Muslim scholars who lecture in the Koran, and talk, and the pillars of Islam and everything related to it, and from the door of curiosity" He is silent for a while, recalling memories trapped in his soul, and says: “I remember at that time that I had heard about Egypt and Al-Azhar and its great Islamic role.. The strange thing that I liked every time I recalled was that the beginning of my knowledge of Al-Azhar came after I saw a presentation presented by two Al-Azhar sheikhs in their distinguished religious attire, in recognition and appreciation of Al-Azhar’s role as the oldest university in the world. and that during the celebration of the establishment of three hundred years, Harvard University attended by delegates from the prestigious universities of the world.. and this saved image in the university record there; And so I decided to be the subject of my PhD on Islamic religious scholars: their importance and their role in Egyptian society from the days of Sheikh Abdul Majid Salim, and so far".
Until that time had not decided to convert to Islam, and but was interested in the study only and which calls for him coming to Egypt for the study of Islam from the faculties of Al - Azhar specialized, such as the Faculty of Theology, and its confluence with Bosatztha and scholars of Islam, as well as readings extensive for a number A large number of Islamic books.
And when he came to Egypt and God forbid that it be in the month of Ramadan, he took care of a strange phenomenon for him as a foreigner.. about it he says: “When I came to Egypt during the month of Ramadan, I saw the Egyptian society organized in its way of life based on religion. People go to the mosque when they hear the call to prayer and they clean themselves with ablution water, then they stand in regular rows, and at breakfast the streets are empty of pedestrians.”
Then he laughs at himself when he first explained that the streets were empty of pedestrians because there were instructions to ban curfews at that time. He expresses this by saying: “I thought at first that there was a law requiring a curfew after sunset, but I knew the reason after that.”
Then he returns to complete his account of the phenomenon that caught his attention in the month of Ramadan, and says: "And I also saw Muslims praying dinner and Taraweeh, and some of them go to their jobs and their shops until late is reported suhour, then pray Fajr and sleep".
Then he rushes in his words to confirm a ruling he extracted from his observations in the Egyptian society as a Muslim society, saying: “ The society, then, is organized on the basis of religion. It suffices that it caught my attention that security and safety prevailed in the streets of Cairo in a way I had never seen before anywhere.. People walking In the streets at night in peace and security without being attacked by death or otherwise, while we have in New York, for example, there are eight dead people in the streets every day, although Americans do not walk in the streets and roads at night for fear of their lives, not in New York alone. but in the rest of the American States, Despite the laws and penalties spread crimes and deviations prevalent scary, and but it is different in the Muslim community, as it is the case in Egypt, Faymann people their religion makes them apply his teachings without fear of punishment or the law, but out of respect for their principles and their faith, and This is the difference between the society here and the society in the West, where there is no security or safety.”
And despite his conviction in Islam as a way of life that regulates people’s way of living and their behavior, as he saw with his own eyes the regularity of people in worship in the month of Ramadan, and despite his readings in translated Islamic books, especially the translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an and other books such as the book “The Life of Muhammad ” by Dr. Muhammad Hussein Heikal. who used the exact scientific method in response to the suspicions of orientalists about the Prophet and his wives chaste, and despite his interviews with the elders and Al - Azhar scholars, though all did not announce his conversion to Islam immediately, not about the stubbornness of thought and sorrow of the heart, and but for another reason.. for It says explaining: "It is despite the full conviction of Islam as a religion ring should people believe all of us, I hesitated four months ago to announce an Islamic, to study the decision in tan in all its aspects; Because it is difficult for a person to change his religion.. Then God opened my chest to Islam, so I entered the true religion of God, and I named myself “ Mustafa Mawlani ” after the name of the Messenger Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
And in a tone of hidden happiness revealed by his eyes, as they shimmered as a flash of light, he cried, saying: “At the moment of my conversion to Islam, I felt that I was entering a luminous world that transcends the soul and the soul, and that is when I received the certificate of declaring Islam.. I felt that I had obtained the highest certificate in the world.. and I felt at the same time that I had placed a heavy burden of worries and anxiety on my shoulders. And doubts and misery..yes, I felt an overwhelming happiness that I had never felt before. ”

And the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who attacked him when he was a priest said: "I completely convinced that Muhammad of peace be upon him, is the seal of the prophets and messengers, and satisfied Psonth and legislation taken by the West entrance to challenge in his letter, such as the multiplicity of which wives that completely satisfied wisdom".
Then he added: "I have work Umrah and visited the Sacred House and K noble and burst my eyes with tears in front of the tomb of Mustafa peace be upon him, and I said to myself then: Who am I even stand in front of the tomb of the greatest human being known to mankind.. and thank God that guided me to Islam".
The story of the American embrace of Islam, the bishop shows the extent to which spreads the religion of God in the castle of disbelief that does not recognize Islam and not His Messenger and Tnesbhma hostility, and but when you want the will of God in the guidance of one of the slaves, not rad to his will.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالسبت 17 يوليو 2021, 4:42 am

18 British preacher
Mrs. Sarah Joseph
I converted to Islam since 1988
She is married and has a son and a daughter “ Hassan ” and “ Sumaya ”
Taught at the Royal College, England, Department of " Islamic Studies "
She is preparing to study for a doctorate on the subject of (British converts to Islam) at the Royal University of London
She works as an editor for the newspaper, the Muslim Council of Britain, which represents a large organization that includes one hundred members of organizations and groups that seek to put pressure on the government and the media with the aim of strengthening the presence of Islam and serving Muslims there.
Former editor of (Al Attihat), the largest Islamic magazine in Britain
Written in many different media as " BBC CNN Global Services ", " pause ideas " and " Thank God ", in addition to giving lectures in the West about Islam in the areas of religion, women and social responsibilities.
What made you enter Islam and was it a free choice and how did that happen?
Yes, it was my own free choice. I was very young, I was a little different from my teenage girls, I had always believed in God, faith had always been a big part of my life, and I was also a believer in the good of society, a desire for justice, equality, and quality. And you can say that I was a Christian out of faith and I practiced it rightly, or at least I tried to be, and when I turned fourteen my brother converted to Islam in order to get married, and this made me unhappy, and I was convinced that he did something that was against God’s law, as if he sold himself without his consent. God, up until this time I knew nothing about Islam except that a woman is a black tent, that it has something to do with terrorists, and that there is something they do with a black box (the Kaaba). And finally he told me my mother that Jesus peace be upon him was born of a virgin woman. I could not understand how this happened to our master Jesus, peace be upon him, but one day when I was in the library I asked for a copy of the Qur’an, and I went to the index of the Qur’an and found the verse that talks about the virginity of Lady Mary and her birth to Jesus, peace be upon him, I was a little happy and then I left it.
When I was sixteen years old, I left my Christian school and went to university, there I began to study the history of the church, and there I found certain things that prevented me from Christianity. Three things were behind that: in their belief that the Pope is infallible, and the Catholics inherit the sin of Adam and Eve, which God did not forgive, so there is no need for crucifixion and resurrection. And the existence of forty different copies of the Bible, and I found it difficult to accept this belief.
I said this to show how Islam is completely different. In short, one of God’s wonders is that the Qur’an was revealed through revelation to the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, and how the Qur’an was preserved, and he understood that Jesus, peace be upon him, was born from a virgin woman, not because he was the son of God, but because she was the power of God, for God says to the thing “Be,” and it is.
The story of my conversion to Islam is more complicated than that but originally these are the most important things that made me convert to Islam and the last thing that made me believe that Islam is the religion of truth is seeing a twenty-year-old girl praying and when I prostrated I saw that prostration is the pinnacle of submission to God Almighty. On this day, I learned that Islam is the truth.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالسبت 17 يوليو 2021, 4:44 am

19 Russian leader a muezzin
The Russian commander, General (Anatoly Andreboch), who became the muezzin in a mosque.
And with (Anatoly) in (Baku) in Azerbaijan... he hated Muslims the most, as he is one of the great atheist Russian commanders, who fought the Muslims and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and many of them were martyred at his hands.
He did not believe in any religion at all. He was an atheist who was very intolerant against Islam, to the point that he hated every Muslim he saw just by looking, he was not looking for certainty and did not doubt his ideas. That his transfer came to an area (Jalalabad) to be the commander of Russian troops and let is complete: My goal was the combatant Muslim forces liquidation of you treated their captives harshly severe and kill them as you can, Qatlnahm the latest weapons and modern means Qzvnahm by air and land, and strange that they did not possess the only guns that do not catch a deer, but I see my soldiers fleeing in front of them began to doubt seep into myself and asked the My soldiers called for me some prisoners who spoke Russian, so they started calling me to Islam. My view of Islam changed and I started reading about all religions until I made the decision that all my friends opposed to me, which is an Islamic declaration.
But I resolved on it and withstood their attempts to convince me other than Islam. I invited my family to Islam until my wife, son and daughter converted to Islam. I decided to call to God and became a muezzin, so that God may forgive me and repent to me.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالسبت 17 يوليو 2021, 4:47 am

20 Rev. English, " Jalal al- Din to Odrbernton "
Was born and grew up between Christian parents, and fondness for studying theology and is at an early age, and was associated with the English Church and the work of evangelization gave all his attention.
And it happened one day that an Indian Muslim friend visited him and he talked to him about the subject of Christian beliefs and comparing them with the Islamic faith, and the visit ended, but it did not end in himself, as it aroused great emotion in his conscience and mind, and he began to reflect on all the arguments that were said about it, which It prompted him to reconsider the Christian beliefs...           and he expresses this by saying: “Then I decided to search for myself, ignoring people’s beliefs, after I became convinced of the necessity of searching for the truth, no matter how long it takes in this way, and no matter how hard I try to reach more knowledge after it was said that the Gospel and the teachings of Christ had been distorted, so I returned again to the Gospel with a first study. minute I felt that there was a shortage could not be determined.. then the king to myself desire to empty all my time to the study of Islam.. and already devoted all my time and my best to him, and from that study the biography of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and I did not know Only a few are rare about him, although the Christians were unanimously agreed to deny this great prophet who appeared in the Arabian Peninsula... and it did not take long for me to realize that it is impossible for doubt to touch on the seriousness and sincerity of his call to the truth and to God.”
Then he started repeating this meaning and saying: “Yes, I felt that there is no greater sin than the denial of this builder man, after I studied what he gave to humanity and made Muslims the most powerful and sublime society that heals the world... I am unable to count what this Messenger did of great deeds..”
Then he asked, in pain and gloom, saying: “In the face of all this merit and this serenity, is n’t it really sad and painful that Christians and others are slandered about him?!.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:10 pm

21 Randa Nicossian sailing in the Sea of Islam
Rah 's t my God
Although I lived most of my life in Denmark, I was different from the Danish girls who are my age.. Most of the Danish people are atheists or Protestants, and I was of the strict Catholic religion in relation to the dissolved Danish society.
My father is an Orthodox Armenian and my mother is a Bosnian Muslim who knows nothing of Islam except his name, and she did not know that it is not permissible for a Muslim woman to marry a Christian until after I converted to Islam and I understood that.
I was studying in a private school, which is the Catholic school, and since our home is not governed by a certain creed, it was easy for me to embrace the Catholic school doctrine.. That school began guiding me from an early age to be a missionary due to my ability to learn languages and my interest in them on the one hand, and my mastery of some languages like ancient Hebrew, Arabic and Syriac albeit perfection at that time needs to and more more language lessons from the effort to the extent in which I can understand their own religious texts of the three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
I was studying Arabic with a virtuous Muslim man who used to give me knowledge of Arabic and the Qur’an, which opened the horizons of my curiosity, and he did not try to pressure me one day to be a Muslim, but he often said to me (ships crash at the shores and the captain does not feel safe except when he sails on the sea … So sail, may God guide you.)
On the other hand, there was another man who was washing away all the traces of the Muslim's lesson, in addition to giving me other lessons in philosophy, politics, sociology, and.... And that man was one of the Catholic priests whose hearts God had sealed so they became uncircumcised.
We were reading together books about Islam and contemporary Islamic movements and about boredom and bees, and we were looking through all of that for points of doubt in the great religion of Islam.
During my studies with that priest, I was slightly influenced by the Mormon religion, which forbids alcoholic drinks and mixing in the church between men and women.. The last book I read with that priest was a book that we borrowed from the university library called Islam between East and West for Bosnian President Ali Izzat Bekovic
The book was in English, but it seems that one of the Arabs borrowed it before me and wrote a verse on one of its margins with a pencil, which shook my feet in fear.
It is the one who revealed to you the Book of it or are the verses of umpires writers and other similarities As for those who in their hearts Zig and follow what resemblance to him in order to sedition and in order to be interpreted and what God knows only be interpreted. And firmly grounded in science.
I was very afraid of that verse, and I reviewed the translations of the Qur’an in English, French, Danish and Bosnian, and found that the meaning was the same.
I said to the priest, do we not study the Qur’an for sedition? He said: No, we are studying it to save people from it.
A psychological struggle that lasted for months, during which I eagerly read Islamic and Christian books alone, until I felt scattered and lost, so I decided to go to God.
I used to live far from my family in a university dormitory, and I had a room where no one shared with me, so the idea of suicide came to me to find out the truth.
God we meet after death.
So I must die to meet God.
I wrote a letter in which I mentioned the causes of suicide and my arteries were cut off and I went into a coma. I was listening all the time to the verse: (God would not leave the believers as you are until He distinguishes the bad from the good, and God would not inform you of the unseen, but God chooses from His messengers whom He wills, so believe in God and messengers).
I woke up in the recovery room and found above my head the priest, my father, my mother and the virtuous Muslim man, the Arabic teacher.
So they rejoiced to Avagueta of fainting and was the first thing I told them I testify thatthere is no god but Allah and that Muhammad the Messenger of Allah It fell four m g Xia them.
Their fainting was one.
And but the reasons various.
On that day, he began sailing in the open ocean, and the captain began to feel safe.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:11 pm

22 World singer

There was a strong motive behind the conversion of (German Jackson) Islam, which permeated his thoughts, mind and conscience.. He knew him and mixed with some serious Muslim youth who live in America, he drew his attention.. He says: “ I met some young Arab Muslims, and I got to know them Closely in California.. These meetings developed into close friendship relations that brought me together with them after I touched the serenity of their souls, their noble human behavior that is characterized by transcendence, and the high morals in my dealings with them. I have suggested to these lofty morals that they cannot come out of nowhere, but behind that is a motive that urges such pure and pure morals. I knew that behind that distinguished spirit that bestowed on these young people such good morals is the religion of Islam, which urges noble morals..

Ali did not offer a direct entry in Islam, but the behavior of these young Muslims and good morality and discipline committed in all their actions have brought him to indirectly increasing extreme admiration of this religion, which embraced without any hesitation. In fact, I was amazed at this distinguished spirit that Islam was able to instill in the hearts of these young people.. Which confirmed to me conclusively that the Islamic religion is the religion that is good for all times and places.. The American society in which we live does not have these good morals and behavior, we live In a noisy society covered by material things, which made us live in a state of anxiety, so you find white poisons, drugs and crime rates.

Praise be to God who brought me together with these young men who told me about the Islamic religion without offering me to enter it. This is the will and mercy of God Almighty. In general, I can say that Islam began to spread in America in a noticeable way, and this is evidence that it is the way out of all the labyrinths that we are going through. It is great that a number of eminent personalities participate in spreading Islam, which confirms that the future of Islam will increase in strength and spread, God willing.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 51206

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:14 pm

23 fanatic missionary
His name, before entering Islam, was “ Alm Waldakrakus ”, he was born in Ethiopia, but he holds Eritrean citizenship. Was a priest in the Catholic Church of the fanatical Christian, the proselytizing.. and God Hadi he wants to turn into an Islamic preacher is calling for Islam.
He tells the story of his transformation from a fanatical priest to an Islamic preacher who believes in his message. He says: “ The many contradictions in the Christian religion made me doubt my job as a priest who calls for correct Christianity, while the Holy Qur’an’s narration about the Lord Jesus Christ and Islam’s respect for him made me question the contradictory accounts of Christian doctrines, and I lean towards Islam’s positions on him, peace be upon him.”
Then he explains the historical moment in his conversion to Islam, saying: “ I found an old copy of the Bible in the Ethiopian Church, in which it was written: “ And there will come a messenger after me named Ahmed, so follow him.” This copy contradicts what the priests say, and this is what prompted me more to explore the matter and to know Islam with true knowledge. ”
It is reported that before the greatness of Islam and the conviction that another divine messages and Oanagaha of impurities and called it in the meanings and purposes of worldly and otherworldly n all that stimulated to give up all the benefits granted to him from the church, it was his priest gives him many advantages, such as furnished accommodation, and luxury car, and passport internationalist travel, as well as a huge salary.
He also explained that he found many difficulties and inconveniences after his conversion to Islam and after he opened a new page in his life when he married a Muslim woman and began practicing his life according to the rules of the tolerant Islamic Sharia.
And the preacher touched " Abdullah Ibrahim " which is named after his conversion to Islam to  some of the differences between Islam and other religions, he explained that the Koran is a book character and rejects class where calls for equality between different races and nationalities and does not give any advantage in differentiation only For piety and knowledge.
Then he pointed out that the Hajj is a unique Islamic occasion that gives evidence of the equality of Muslims regardless of their social status, such as prayer.
And not only Bisalamh as we mentioned and but taking calls for Islam and calling for the need to intensify the activity of the Islamic call to confront the organized activity of Christian evangelization.. and emphasizes the need to unify the positions of Muslims to confront various challenges.. says: “ I hope that the Muslims’ interest in their new brethren who have embraced Islam will increase until they reach an advanced stage that protects them from counter-propaganda. ”
And It is worth mentioning that he had delivered on his hands after his conversion to Islam is more than forty Christian, it was felt that his duty to the definition of Islam and the great essence of others, because it is the religion of reassuring self, and because he said to a previous experience Therefore, his mission may be easier than his fellow preachers, and then he expects more Christians to convert to Islam.
And the former priest “ Abdullah Ibrahim ” is optimistic and says: “ The future of Islam in the black continent is fine, despite the obvious shortage of preachers and the lack of support of some Islamic governments for this call. Islam is fine despite the clear difference in the efforts made to evangelize Muslims and the money that is expended for that, but those who embrace Islam are the most... and despite the exploitation of the Christian parties to the common famine in Africa, Islam is increasing in spread, and from here we want and hope from all Muslims around the world to join hands and cooperate in supporting the call of Islam and conveying it to others who do not believe in it, especially since the spread of Islam is better and Faster if sincere preachers are found. ”
This, and also believes that the debates and debates among religious scholars of the Islamic and priests to serve Islam, and especially if these debates are looking for the truth, to be a landscape recognized a knowledge of the religion of the Islamic and the doctrine of Christians, and also have a personal attractive compelling you can To clarify and show the corruption of other beliefs.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:16 pm

24 US turned to the Church
And turned into an “Islamic preacher in Doha”
She was not convinced of the issue of the Trinity, and she seemed to rebel since she was young. The priest asked about the secret of not praying like the rest of the Christians. She used to see the Christians shouting and their sighs were filling the place, but this did not affect her, and she turned into an advocate of Islam and a strong advocate who was able to transform many of the women of the communities In general in Qatar to Islam. It transformed the Qatar Center for introducing Islam from a mere place for new Muslim women to get acquainted with each other into a beehive so that perhaps more than 20 women entered Islam through it in one month.
About her childhood: Jennifer Hoyer said: As a child, the idea of the Trinity was firmly rooted in my head, and the tales of the Gospel stories that I received in Sunday schools about men screaming in hell because of the fire jumped into my memory, because they understood me that if I did not believe in Christ as Lord, peace be upon him. That is too high, I will pray a fire in which I will be immortal.
It continued in its dialogue with the newspaper (the flag): The Thrkny spectra fear wherever grade teacher explains to the students this image frightening, it was not one of the disciples a child and a teenager whom I love to enter fire.., but from an internal never convinced of the cause of triangulation nor Our master Jesus, peace be upon him, is a god.
Hoyer explained: But I was troubled by this matter, until one day I asked the priest we are dealing with why I cannot pray to Christ like all people? He answered me that many people feel what you feel, but as long as you 'believe', there is no fear of this. This relieved me of some of the guilt I used to feel, but I always felt something strange when I saw a statue of Jesus, peace be upon him, that took the shape of a cross and its eyes turned towards me with brokenness.
And the Islamic preacher said: When the years of my youth and search took me, I decided to leave the church to which my family belongs in search of more of what I was ignorant of. I never felt comfortable with the prayers and chants that the church chanted.
She continued: The statues of Mary, the mother of Christ, peace be upon them, and the saints were dwindling in front of a great idol, as they believed that Jesus, peace be upon him, was nailed to a cross made of wood. How amazed I was and wondered how this could be a god and how God Almighty authorizes this gentle messenger to be nailed alive while they crowned him with a crown of thorns To bleed to death?! How my head spinning from that confusion and turmoil.
She indicated that in her confusion and amazement, she received an invitation from one of the churches, and the building was huge, the size of a sports stadium, so that the traffic police were regulating traffic through this building for the safety of passengers and pedestrians on their way to this huge building, which is the church.
She said: I entered this building and saw in it what I saw, I saw the crowd swaying and raising their arms, and some of them were falling from their place, and with the shouts of the new 'converts' expressing their affection for their tears, I froze in my place in amazement, unable to raise my hands to shout in the name of the Lord Jesus as others do, a strange feeling. It dawned on me that I was not one of those people and realized that I had no place among them.
She added: With my deep love for God Almighty, which is the thing that I possess, I began to search for more.. Who guides me. Every church I turned to for guidance added to me more alienation and storms created by man. I was always overwhelmed with a feeling of confusion as if I was walking on a bumpy and stormy road while each of the Those around me assure me that I am weak in faith.
And Jennifer Hoyer concluded by saying: The prayer in Islam is like a wire that connects us to the main source of power: God Almighty, and when that wire is cut, the light fades and goes out to be replaced by darkness, and this is what I needed this feeling, of course, after contacting the Great Mosque in the American city of Seattle. To pronounce the two testimonies in the presence of a number of good sisters.... Since that day, I am fully confident that God exists, and I know that if he had not shown me the way, I would have been lost in the rugged roads without end. Praise be to God for the blessing of Islam.,

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:19 pm

25 US says: will not leave Islam no matter what my family and national
The American (Princess) says: Born to Christian parents in the state of a Rkinsas United States of America. I was raised there and my Arab friends know me as white American because I do not know racial discrimination. I was raised in the country on my father's farm and my father preached at the local Baptist church. My mother was staying at home and I was their only child.
The Baptist sect is a Christian sect like Catholics and others, but their teachings are different, but they believe in the Trinity and that Christ is the Son of God. The village in which I grew up was inhabited only by whites, all of whom were Christians, and there were no other religions within 200 miles.
And for several years I did not recognize someone from outside our village and the church teaches us that people are equal, but I do not find these teachings resonate in the ground.
And the first time I saw a Muslim was when I was at the University of Arkansas.. I must admit that at first I was astonished by the strange clothes that Muslims wear, men and women... I could not believe that Muslim women cover their hair. Since I am curious, I took the first opportunity to get to know a Muslim woman. And that was the interview that changed the course of my life forever and I will never forget it.
Her name was (Yasmine) and she was born in Palestine and I used to sit for hours listening to her talk about her country, culture, family and friends whom she loves so much... But what she loved so much was her religion, Islam!!! And Jasmine was enjoying herself in peace in a way that I had never seen in any human being I met.
 And she used to talk to me about the prophets and about the Lord and that she does not worship but God, one who has no partner, and she calls him (God) and for me her hadiths were convincing and truthful, and it was enough for me that she was truthful and convinced in them. But I didn't tell my family about that friend of mine.. Yasmine did everything she could do to convince me that Islam is the only true religion and that it is also a normal way of life. But the most important thing for her was not this world but in the hereafter and she was telling me that we will meet each other in that second life in heaven!!! And when I left for Palestine, we knew that we might never see each other again in this world.
And so she cried and begged me to continue studying Islam so that we could meet, but in Heaven. Until this moment, her words still resonate in my ears.. From the first day we met, she called me (Princess), and so I called myself by that name when I entered Islam.           And two weeks after Yasmine returned to her country, she was assassinated by Israeli soldiers' bullets outside her house... This news, which was passed on to me by one of our Arab friends, left the worst impact on me.
During our studies at the college, I met many friends from the Middle East.. The Arabic language became my favorite.. It was beautiful, especially when I heard someone recite the Qur'an or listen to it on tape. Anyone who talks to me on the Internet or sees my writing will inevitably say that I still have a long way to go. And after I left college and came back to my small community, I was no longer satisfied with the presence of Muslims around me, but the thirst for Islam and the Arabic language did not leave my heart, and I must admit that this worried my family and friends a lot.
And after years of that came in my way one saw as an example of the right of Muslim and began once again to ask him questions in reading all I read about religion... For months and months I read and I call upon God.
Finally on April 15, 1996 I converted to Islam and there was one thing in particular that convinced me of Islam and it was all about Islam and for which I will never leave Islam.
That is (there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God)!!!!!!
When I noticed my family I am studying Islam often angry and are not Ichaelmonna only rarely! But when converted to Islam Qatona completely, but they tried to put me in the clinic diseases mental because they were convinced I was crazy... and my family was Eyelids Ali is the largest compressor. And they were sometimes called on Hell. I spoke two days after the Khobar explosion in Saudi Arabia, they called me to say that my uncle was killed in Saudi Arabia in that explosion and that my terrorist friends were responsible for killing your uncle and that your hand was stained with the blood of your uncle!!!! I cried for days, but I still had faith that this crisis would pass peacefully. I tried to call my family but they kept refusing me and went and changed their phone numbers!!! And the matter went beyond that one of my relatives placed a legal ban on me preventing me from approaching his house.... my mother was among them. On my way back from the market, I found that spray-painted on my car reads: (Loving the terrorists... the news bomber).
And one night a man attacked me in the parking lot and hit me and stabbed me and he was arrested and is now serving his sentence in (community service)!!!! I have been vandalized several times brake my car.. and I hear always at night when my house Divorces firearms and yelling. When introduced Islamic clothes and some trousers jeans in my house adjacent to the laundry.. The Algsal wasting all Islamic clothes is given to me and threaten me that presses Hkute!!!!
At the time of writing this topic, I am waging a war in front of the courts, which I cannot discuss now in public.. Although I did not commit a crime, the court prevented me from leaving this city.
 And but they will not win this battle with the permission of God.
And I say to Jasmine, my friend, my lover, my sister in Islam, and the first person I learned about Islam through: I know that you are now happy and smiling when you embraced Islam. I will see you soon in heaven. I am not writing these lines with the aim of gaining the pity and sympathy of Muslims... but I ask you to pray for me in your prayers.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:44 pm

26, a researcher for the truth
This book is not just a biography, nor is it an attack on a religion, but it is an honest monitoring of a personal and not private experience that any person who loves God and wants to approach him without fear or stubbornness in the truth or stubbornness that has no meaning.
And I want this book to convey to all my experience personal in the study of religions, which ended with me to embrace Islam.
Heavenly religions have studied the complete impartiality, not neutrality, which Tokhitth in a research means away from the teachings of the religion that I grew up on it, but a temporary neutrality to know other religions, and governance have or it after the mind filter and mind away from the deformations and Muftrellat, and at the same time, knowing the fact that the teachings heavenly, and the extent of their credibility.. ie what is known and what is not known.. As is known, the neutrality in search of scientific especially in religions are not the Secretary bigotry of belief in the original, and set aside any concepts or teachings that he had received ends of his research.. So please research requires the researcher to deprive his mind of any prejudices so as not inclined ideas in the direction of a certain, but leaves free rein to study methodology free without restrictions or limitations which are governed by the logic of the conscious, guided by God as our guide to search for the truth.. the truth of God, and know the right knowledge, and approach him in every possible way.
That true God whom no one has ever seen, but believers in Him know Him with their minds and hear Him with their hearts, and they wish to meet Him after their death in Paradise.
search entry: And I hope, before the Christian researcher begins to read, that he ask himself two specific questions, the first: Why does he hate Islam and Muslims?
Does he think that they are terrorists, that they took his place, and occupied his country?
Does he think that they are unjust infidels who do not know God?
Does he think that Islam is a strict, earthly religion that does not know spirituality?
Does he think that Islam is devoid of love and a special relationship with God?
Does he think that Muslims have unclean spirits that move them?
Does he believe that the Messenger of Islam composed the Qur’an with the help of a Christian monk or as a result of a covenant between him and Satan?
The second question is: What is the position of the Christian towards the Jew?
Does he love and pity him even though any Christian knows full well that Jews think that other nationalities are just unclean nations?
And that only the Jews are God's chosen people!
And that they do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah until our time, but rather that they persecuted and killed him and said about him and his mother what is not appropriate!
And they expelled and tortured the apostles before and after Christ!
And that they scattered the Christians and killed them and participated in the pagans in killing and torturing them!
Or does the Christian hate the Jew because he knows all of the above?
And last but not least, let the Christian researcher ask himself: Are there other religions that know God, have prophets, and books about which no one knows anything? Or that the Jews and after them the Christians is God's chosen people!!
Not all knowledge is facts.
Try my brother reader to think about your mind and senses your heart, not to provoke, and received these leaflets so as not to weaken your faith, and enters the doubt in your heart, because faith is supported by understanding and logic is the strongest faith, can not afford any ideas strange to shake no matter how powerful or influential, thinking mind It never contradicts with faith in the heart, for our master Ibrahim, peace be upon him, thought with his mind about the Creator of the universe, then believed in Him with all his being, sincerity and trust in Him until he offered him his son as a sacrifice.
As for denying any information that contradicts the teachings on which a person was brought up without thinking or trying to ascertain whether it is true or not, this is not from faith, but rather from fear and indifference.
And looking also searched for the naked truth without the falsehood or hypocrisy, as not all of what we have learned and we know the real and not all that did not learn and did not know is real.
unfair accusation: Before I begin the story.. the story of my research for the truth, I say to all of the accused me that I have tended to think in Islam for any purposes mundane, if I'm not happy in my life!! Or because I loved someone other than my husband!! Or am I mentally ill!! Or weak character, docile!! Or is it just a whim of faith that Satan inspired me through misleading people or books!! Or is it a freedom you enjoyed and abused.
These accusations that as long as I heard in the past for any person who is called an apostate from his religion so the church does not fall in the debates series appear very easily double the Christian faith, and the extent of control that exerted on the minds of Christians to prevent them from thinking in God 's right to allegations of the limited mind and God 's unlimited, and that Religion is faith not only must look mind and Nvelsv things, but must be in the simplicity of the faith of the children of any ratification of all what we are told, even if it is contrary to the mind.
Because just as we believe in the existence of God and we have not seen Him, we also believe in everything we are told, even if it is not convincing to our minds.
And it is impossible that those who preceded us among the religious scholars and the early forefathers did not think about what we are thinking about now, but that they searched and examined well until they reached the status of the current belief, and that they were tortured and killed in order to preserve what they received from the messengers as it is known, and therefore it is Undoubtedly one hundred percent correct.
Obviously, I expected rumors to haunt me, but not to the point of polluting honor and reputation with falsehood from those who claim to be religious men!!
I say the last time. I am innocent before God and enough of these accusations, and I am just a human being loving God afraid of his account, a researcher for the truth, and this is what I will talk about it with any person who wants to discuss in religion.. and I did not turn to embrace the religion of the Islamic only after To make sure that it is the religion of God acceptable to him.
And I challenge my knowledge and my studies, and my faith in God all those who question in this faith.. This science.. This historical, mental and faith information, this challenge is not to prove my faith personal but only so that God guides whom.
Doctrine of yesterday: I have been in the past near a Christian can almost be a fanatic, I do not allow one to speak in front of me the words of prey religion or to the person of Christ, so I refuse to read any book in which criticism of Christianity or Christians, even the contradictions that exist between the Gospels and how they assembled I did not like to go into the details so as not to provoke or raised nervous, I feel through educational, religious, and my faith personal faith located in an internal stronger than any force in the presence!! Even from the gospels themselves!!
Whatever differences there are in the Gospels, or conflicts in churches between priests and sects, or even a change in meanings, translations, and teachings.
All of this is not worth anything to me because I am confident that God has preserved the correct belief throughout the ages. I was sure that every thing answer quite convincing and no matter how much others distort the Bible, which I trust in married to him more than my confidence that I am alive life, it would not work with me I am confident insurer, I live a spiritual life Ordaha completely with God, and whatever the distortion and misrepresentation, which is trying to tear down religion Christian I am completely immune from the Holy spirit, located in the inner which makes me trust and believe in Christ Jesus, who Avcdani and saved me from death and (linear) and picked me from the darkness of hell and open to me the gates of heaven, the most important thing is the faith as Paul wrote in his letter, " the faith is kindly and Alaiqan With things you don't see." (Hebrews 1: 11)
How can I doubt in Christ? How can I not trust the one who shed his blood for me? God in every era of miracles appears at the hands of his saints and their examples in the modern era of Pope Cyril (it is the patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox, the former directly to the patriarch of the current and was renowned for his holiness and his abilities in the work of miracles) have seen all the people and took place on his hands miracles are endless and had a high transparency  in find out who wants any one to say without the utter.
The Virgin appears from time to time and miracles take place from these apparitions, even to some Muslims and their confession.
my spiritual life: It was my spiritual that I live with Christ makes me trust more and more.. I believe in my religion.. I trust in my faith.. I believe in the infallibility of the Bible..
I lived my life by going to Sunday schools and listening to everything that was said and trusting it, and I used to go to conferences and spiritual meetings in order to receive from them my correct education that would make me grow in grace more and more and get closer to Christ and relate to the church and to God’s love and knowledge of the right knowledge.
And the intensity of love for God, I spent time Kluti a day in conversing with God between prayers and read in the Bible and read spiritual books, my certainty was increasing every day in Christ, and love grow up in the inner, and the fortress of faith Christian rises and increases take hold.
Church warnings: And the intensity of the fear of the Church on the sons of the young people in always what they warn us to talk about the Christian faith with non - touch Ihieddin because it is the doctrine that defies comprehension, there can any person be understood only if the Holy Spirit in the inside, as confirmed by the Apostle Paul in his letter. “ Therefore I know you that no one, speaking by the Spirit of God, says Jesus is accursed. Not a some extent estimated that Jesus says only the Lord of the Holy Spirit. " (1 Corinthians 3: 12)
And when you ask what I do if I asked any one in any thing about Christianity? Did not Christ say that he who does not gather with me separates? Does God not want all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth? Is it not my duty as a Christian to guide them to Christ so that they, like me, may enjoy the grace of faith and share with me my joy when I enter the kingdom?
Was the answer that I receive always is I am not qualified for this task.. talk about important religious with non - Christians, God is in the claim of the Church chooses from among the believers of the people is to preach, Vemoahp the Holy Spirit are distributed to the faithful, each according to his ability, we find from preaching and heralds And who speaks in tongues and who casts out demons, as St. Paul the Apostle said in his epistle: " But each one is given to show the spirit of the benefit. For one is given by the Spirit a word of wisdom. And the last words of knowledge according to the same spirit. And to the last work of powers, and to the last prophecy, and to the last the discernment of spirits. And the last types of tongues. And for the last translation of tongues.” (1 Corinthians 12: 7, 10)
These integrated series are built in the end, the body of Christ.
If I was not a precursor of Christianity, I can that my son myself even created generations after me embrace the true faith that has long fought, but remained steadfast throughout the ages.
And the gift of preaching and guidance is not only the qualifications of a preacher and missionary, but he must be a student of comparative religion, Christian theology, jurisprudence and Islamic law, so that he can enter into such discussions. As for those who are like me, they should not be exposed to them from near or far, these conversations are called stupid discussions must stay away by just as the Apostle Paul said: " stupid and ridiculous talks Ajtenbha a world that it generates discounts." (2 Timothy: 23: 2)
I always heard that I would not be able to convince anyone by discussing with him, on the one hand, and on the other hand, I might fluctuate in my faith as a result of the discussion. As it was come to me warning not to authenticate non - Christians do not even learn them the teachings of the strange religion of the Christian understanding of living reward and punishment and do not have a real spiritual life with God (this is what you hear about Muslims) and they do not know anything about Christ and God 's love for human beings and sacrifice for us, They only know God, the mighty avenger. Even their prayers are obligatory, dynamic, without a soul or life, chanting repeated words so that God does not punish them. As Christians, we do not recognize the imposition, the reward and punishment, the lawful and the forbidden, but because of our intense love for God, we move away from (sin) as Paul said The Apostle in his epistle: “ All things are lawful for me, but not all things are right. All things are lawful for me, but nothing shall rule over me.” (1 Corinthians 12: 6) “ All things are lawful for me, but not all things are right. All things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.” (1 Corinthians 23: 10) And thus we rise above the level of reward and punishment do good deeds and bad deeds, but the balance is calculated loving merciful God forgive us all sins by the blood of Christ when they go back to him ruing repent and trust that we are after death we will be in heaven with Christ (Redeemer).
And this is what every religious Christian believes. God has set the law for man in the Old Testament because at this stage man was like a child who should know what to do and what not to do. But after the advent of Christ, man was raised spiritually, and he became able by himself to know what is appropriate and what is not, just as he grows up The child is responsible for his actions.
Islam and man: But Islam has lowered the rank of man by giving the law a second time.
We Christians fully responsible spiritual Bakamtna high that given to us by God for our actions without the law and without the law, because the law of God in us, and this is the new covenant which is a piece of God with us, as Jeremiah wrote in his prophecy: " This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord. I will put my law within them, and write it on their hearts, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Jeremiah 33: 31).
And this is what transcends human beings high, can not in any way to enter the doubt to whatever our hearts happened and no matter what is said, we know God 's right to know the Christian Conclusion: " God lover of " gospel Ihsnna completely from the tricks of the devil was the Apostle Paul explained this in his letter: “ But if we, or an angel from heaven, preach to you other than what we have preached to you, then let him be accursed.” (Galatians 8: 1)

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:45 pm

Even the test of spirits has been set as a prerequisite for him to understand weak souls, and we find this clear in the Epistle of John the Apostle: " O Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God. Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. And every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now is in the world. (1 John 1: 4 3)
And Christ, having saved us from Satan and death, cannot be denied, because he said in the Gospel of Matthew: " But whoever denies Me before men, him I am also before my Father who is in heaven " (Matthew 33: 10)
And as a Christian, I want salvation and I want eternal life to live like the angels of heaven, and I am sure that I am right, and that Muslims do not know anything about God.. I pity them, but I will not be able to do anything for them because I am not qualified, so I should not lose my afterlife in any way. conditions, and all I can do now is pray for them only, no more than what is stated in the Bible: " If they hear not Moses and the prophets, nor the one of the dead believe " (Luke 1: 16)
They have no hope of knowing the truth as long as they do not seek themselves to research and think.. The Bible is within reach and is sold in many bookstores. They can buy it and read it. They can also go to churches to hear (sermons) and prayers, and no one will prevent them, in addition to what they see for themselves from the great miracles that take place at the hands of the saints, Christians, and see the many apparitions of the virgin, and hear about the light that every year appears when the Holy Sepulcher, and hear about the miracle of the Holy Shroud.. as well as they can think with their minds on how to enter the kingdom, and we are in front of them a vivid example, they see Christians And humble and meek, should they not ask themselves, where did the spirit of meekness and calm come from?
And I was sure that if any of them tried to read the Bible just by reading, he would find God’s love, mercy and justice.. instead of living his life only to receive orders without feeling the freedom of the glory of God’s children..
And no matter how much I love God, I, as human beings, are very weak, and therefore my failure to speak with them makes me escape from an unsafe fate myself, because (sin) all its killers are strong: “For she has cast up many wounded, and all her slain are strong.” (Proverbs 26: 7)
So estrangement better, and not to engage in discussions more secure, private, and I am very reassuring to those who follow them from the saints and apostles and martyrs and confessors and saints.. All these can not be on the wrong way, this is not mygrandparents and my fathers, the ideals for me, I am confident in my religion, unwavering faith, Vabh high can not only be well - established rules no matter how tried any person to harm it or distort the truth in front of me, no matter what I saw from turning religion Christian from around me if they were strong, even if the patriarch himself (the Patriarch is the highest degree in the presidencies of the Church) and I only have compassion on them bad fate, as I learned, it can not be the reason for their conversion from religion Christian to the first error of Islam and the health of the second.. but inevitably personal reasons Ooatefah physical or escape from something, even if you leave Christ figure prominent in the Christian religion, because this is due to the fact that Satan misleads the strong, and he has misled these people with his many tricks, and this is what makes me further and further away. If Satan defeats the strong, what should I do about him? I am the weak one with my certainty that he will mislead many in the last days as he came. in gospel when: “ For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will give great signs and wonders, so that, if possible, they will deceive the elect also.” (Matthew 24: 24)
I will not believe any miracles or signs that occur before me from non-Christians, and I have closed my mind and heart to what I have learned so that I may gain my eternity according to what is stated in the Gospel: “He who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 22: 10)
what i thought.. And you're ready always to bear any persecution and any problems meet me because Christata is indifferent to them because I love God so much and appreciate him exactly what he did for me, and in order to be entitled to carry the name Karim and carry the cross that Yahya comes out of hell. And I believe in Christ and in redemption, even if I did not see any miracle, the conviction is increasing day by day and is becoming more and more established.
No matter how tried others attack on Christianity or distort from near or far, this makes me love Christianity more and hate attacking more and more, and no matter how intense the attack power will not harm the faith thing because " the gates of hell will not prevail against it ", Christians in the whole world believe in the trinity and the divinity of Christ (this I did not think because there is a sect of the monotheists that has different gospels in which the life and teachings of Christ are like the Ebionites.
I also believed that the contradictions of the Gospels were nothing but differences in translation.. and I believed that the differences between the Christian sects were evidence of the validity of the Gospel as differences in its interpretation, not on its authenticity.. and I believed in Christ and redemption, even if I did not see any miracle, if I believed in God who I did not see him, so why should I not believe in the Son of God and the redemption if this faith would lead me into the kingdom? The story for me is very logical and reasonable, and my mind accepts it. Satan, after he fell, envied man for his specialization in the love of God, so he decided to make him fall into sin, so he seduced him with disobedience, and therefore Satan has the right to seize the souls of all human beings because of the sin they inherited from their first father, Adam, and the evidence for this inheritance is The physical body in which we live now and our presence on the land of pain, if Adam had not made a mistake, we would now be in heaven!!
And Adam had to pay the price for his sin, which is death, because this is the just ruling of God, as stated in the Torah: “ As for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, do not eat from it. For in the day you eat of it you will surely die ” (Genesis 17: 2).
Divine justice necessitated the death of Adam, but God had mercy on man from this fate, so He chose to shed the blood of his son on the cross to ransom man!!
Does this event not deserve reverence and glorification, for if God had not redeemed man, how would we have gone back to our first nature with which God created us?
And undoubtedly God can be forgiven the word but where justice goes? Not to be that justice takes its course first and then come compassion then?
And God create man for that step steel and redemption many symbols in the Old Testament (Torah), such as the redemption of son of Abraham, and the Passover lamb, and the sacrifices that have been prescribed for the people of Israel a scapegoat for the sins that have committed, all of this acceptable to the mind of those who want to understand.
And this is known by Muslims, so why do they not believe? If they want to speak in the language of reason.. here are all the events that lead us to Christ.. they are unfortunately insisting that they follow a messenger who does not recognize the divinity of Christ, in addition to that he wants to destroy the Christian religion by transmitting the Qur’an from the monk Buhairi (in the Prophet’s first journey with his uncle Abu Talib He met the monk Buhaira in the south of the Levant, and all that was between them was that the monk knew the signs of prophecy and preached to his uncle about that) to establish a certain idea, and it is said that he killed him before the emigration so that his case would not be revealed.
This is the stories that tells the story that he was deprived of alcohol and pork because he drank the day wine until the sugar came pig and beaten after that woke up from his wine, forbidden alcohol and pork, this is the multiple marriages, including his marriage to his son 's wife that he liked her beauty divorced him and married her is!!
And his marriage to a girl in a nine-year - old and other accusations that are not worthy of the prophet of God.
And I could not understand Muslims how they leave the light and walk in the dark? And every day I thanked God for being a Christian.
And I Tossing in the sense of Muslims between hatred and compassion.. and was intensifying Farahi when Mona asked someone that gave him the Bible to share it, and I imagine that once you read it will know the truth.. and negate the slander that said about Kafr Christians and perversion of the Gospel, but I wondered more the wonder of their adherence to the information that were brought up on them, so I feel Bagheiz them because their way in the interpretation of the Bible are strange, they do not recognize that Christ said about himself that God.. how this whole gospel as I learned in the Church speaks about the divinity of Christ and the Trinity? Did he not say that he who has seen me has seen the Father? He also said I am in the Father and the Father is in? How can they say now that there are no explicit verses that talk about the divinity and the Trinity, especially since it is the basis of the Christian faith?
Did they not read in the Bible, “For those who bear witness in heaven are three, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.” (1 John 7: 5)
Is this not enough to recognize the Trinity? Likewise, when Christ commanded his disciples to baptize in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, “ Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 19: 28)
This is other than the public appearance of the Trinity at the baptism of the Lord Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River, and the Father’s confession that this is the beloved Son, “ and a voice from the heavens saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased ” (Matthew 17: 3) and the appearance of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove resting on Christ.
Did they not read in the Old Testament that God speaks in the plural form, which is not a form of respect as in the Arabic language, because the language in which the Gospel was written does not have this characteristic, and that God was not talking about angels, but rather about Himself, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The minds of these Muslims cannot comprehend that God loves us to the extent that he explains his being to us because we are his children and we are no longer slaves. More than that, they accuse the Christian faith of having changed since Christ’s presence on earth and his ascension to heaven, through the appearance of the Apostle Paul, then at the Council of Nicaea, and then the rest of the councils, until I got to shape the current which we know now!
To me, this represented nothing but more slanders for people who hate Christ and Christians. I decided to stop trying to lure me into such discussions.
And I myself and between myself, I feel that I have driven them to respond after studying in depth and showed them how they Mkhaddoon.
Bdaa of left of research: I started to read books calling for Islamic known as " Ahmed Deedat " (is calling for an Islamic with activity Huge in the field of the call to Islam in all over the world famous for Bmnazerath with religious scholars Christian. Native to the original Republic of South Africa) to respond to Afteraouath, but I unfortunately could not alone respond to all the questions that put forward in the many books that he attacked Christianity. It was obvious that I went to the people of specialization, so I first resorted to Christian books specialized in this field, and I expected to find answers that deny these allegations and that the differences would be mere formal differences in translations or even methodological differences in interpretations, but something happened that I did not expect or notify me on Paypal, found in the content of these answers recognition of an explicit and clear from the Christian writers of these contradictions have called it " the Bible difficulties ", fell in the confusion of my order and I started to ask myself where the truth?!
And in response to normal I began to read books that talk about the impossibility of distortion of the Bible, these books were to prove that all copies currently in similar and correct and that it is impossible that all copies of the first century to be distorted even if the original version is missing!!
So my heart calmed down a little and held firm in the face of what was said and what is being said about the contradictions and distortions of the Gospels.
Then I re-read the Bible with more concentration in an attempt to search for the words that the apostles used to teach to convince the Jews of Christianity. I found only the (sermon) of Peter found in the Acts of the Apostles and another (sermon) of Paul, and then the letters, and I tried to read it several times to benefit from the method of the Apostles in Evangelization, but unfortunately their words were not strong enough to convince the divinity of Christ, just as they did not talk about the Trinity.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:46 pm

I read about Christian scholars such as Origen, but I found what really amazed me is that he had philosophical views that matched the ideas of the pagan philosophers of his time, such as Plato and Aristotle.
Then I began to read the history of the church and stopped a lot in front of how the Gospels were compiled, that is, the method that was followed to choose what was right and what was not!! I was amazed when I learned that there were a large number of Gospels, from which only four were chosen, which are the ones we have now, and the rest of the Gospels were excluded!!
This choice was made considering that they (that is, the four famous Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) were written by inspiration from the Holy Spirit, and the events between them were close to each other, although they were free from historical and geographical errors and there were not many differences between them!!
This selection and limitation was subject to what the early fathers saw (from those who lived through the generation that witnessed Christ and those who followed them in the early ages of Christianity), and during this period a split occurred between the fathers, some of whom approved the deletion and limitation, and some of them objected to the deletion and the identification of these four gospels only, and it became intense. the dispute continued to exist very long periods of time until they began to hold ecumenical councils and began to try to agree on the laws and regulations apply to all Christians once and again by force in politics.
It is historically proven that the current Christian beliefs have been officially endorsed in the whole world with the support of the Romans during the days of the Roman Caesar Constantine in the year 325 AD when he ordered the convening of the Council of Nicaea to resolve the dispute that arose between the churches as a result of the opinions of Arius (an Alexandrian priest who denied the divinity of Christ and that in the Council of Nicea led He was exiled after the decisions of this first ecumenical council were issued in 325 AD, and he died suddenly and mysteriously in 336 AD).
Ancient and modern Christian religious scholars have admitted that the public church was from the time of the apostles until the year 325 AD without a reliable book (ie a specific gospel) and each group of people had its own book!! That is to say, each group has a gospel that is related to it and does not depend on others.
This confirms the theory case that the four Gospels which comprising the currently the New Testament is not the only Gospels that recorded in the first centuries AD, but there were dozens of gospels rejected all of the Church and her said it is illegal (apocryphal) and these are examples of the Gospels: The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel Peter, The Gospel of Mary, The Gospel of the Egyptians, The Gospel of James, The Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Remembrance, The Gospel of the Childhood of Christ.... etc.
And after I knew this aspect that saddened me from the history of Christianity, I decided not to continue with such readings, which astonished me at first glance, so as not to affect my belief and shake my faith.
B seeds of doubt: In this period I met through my work on the American woman occupies a prominent place in one of the global foreign companies, have moved long ago to the company 's branch in Cairo, after that she lived her entire life in America and many European countries. And this was the first time for her that she dealt with Muslims in an Islamic country, and she had the same European concept of terrorism.
Muslims and the brutality of the Arabs and their backwardness and ignorance!!
This lady was very religious as she was serving in the American Evangelical Church.
After the past short period to be set up in the community of the Islamic Egyptian and she said did not find what taint this society from the brutal manifestations of terrorism that I heard about before, but found the people and the prayers of natural in prayer in due time and stand in humility before God, fear God and love him and wish satisfaction, Vtjpt the most surprising of them at the same time their own admiration.. so were permanently and constantly trying to get closer to these Muslims to find out what is going on in their heads of ideas.
And I for them represent the side of the Christian Egyptian who heard him also that ignorant society is closed, a heretic and fanatic, does not open the door of discussion with one, stick to his opinion, and he does not know if it was right or wrong!!
And I, despite all this I was able to earn their confidence thanks to the style of my dealings enlightened with them so Omaha have these ideas and transform her into a respect and confidence.
And we were constantly discussing together on political and religious matters in an attempt to bring the views closer and reveal the hidden aspects between our two sides..
And it was natural to mention talk between us to the concept of the Christian religion of the Islamic, because they were not know any thing about the culture or history of the Islamic and since I live as a Christian in the community of Muslim I talked with them about what I know about them and I was trying to be fair and impartial, but I could not hide the hatred of the Christian The latent eastern is an internal category in terms of the religion of Islam and its Messenger together.. A debate between a priest and azahari: And due to this American lady's fondness for research and fact-finding, she was able, through her many attempts, to provoke her Muslim colleagues with a few words she used to throw at them from time to time.
So that you know what is inside them in terms of Western and Eastern Christians alike.. and fates wished that she once met a Muslim preacher who was working with her in the company.. She was surprised when she discussed with him and found him highly educated and aware, and he was speaking to her in a polite manner that reflects his meekness and openness in sincere humility and great manners.
As a result of the discussion that took place between them, my friend stood on the accusations leveled by Muslims against the Christian religion, and I decided to confront them and respond to them.
So I began to study books that attack the Christian religion, as well as the books that respond to them and that were put in place by different churches.. She was discussing with me what she was reading, and when I failed with her to find convincing answers for her, she decided to go to the chaplain of the church in which she attends to ask him, and she asked me that brought with it.. and the priest responds to all the things we ask about Islam strongly attacked and stabbed in the words of Ahmed Deedat...
It was my friend takes his full confidence and go to discuss with her colleague Azhari, and I advise her always not to fight a lot in discussions with Muslims because they will not benefit anything, was refusing to say to me: The duty as a Christian love of Christ requires them to address what is said about her religion and not to stand idly hands before this The accusations were as if nothing had happened.
And what she did not expect happened. In one of these discussions that took place between her and her colleague Al-Azhari, he directly asked her to meet with this priest and discuss him face to face in all the previous conversations that took place between us..
Indeed, this meeting took place in the priest's house, and I attended with them several times, and unfortunately, mixed with wonder, Al-Azhari excelled over the priest, but was much stronger than him, so that he asked him in the first meeting: What would you do if you found a difference in the Bible? Was the pastor confirms that it is impossible that there is any thing wrong, and if an event and found an error, it will deliver the gospel of the window!!
With the continuation of the discussions was to prove the existence of differences in the Gospels and admitted to the pastor that he would not be able to reply to him, and he admits that the faith of the Christian has no logic mental!!
And these discussions revolved around:   Is Christ God or is he just a messenger? There is not a single verse in the Bible in which Jesus says, “ I am God ”!!
The discussions also revolved around finding a concept for the meaning of “ son of God. ”They found that this term was used to refer to many, such as Adam, Solomon, David, and even all the Jews other than the prophets.… Then the discussions continued in an attempt to find suitable explanations for the reason for the differences in events and information between the four Gospels, so there was what was convincing and what was impossible.
And in spite of all this you are confident and secure does not shake my faith in one hair, but I did not trust the words of this priest who (from the point of my view) has distorted the religion of the Christian!!
Opted to the Orthodox Church to find the answers that heal Galili, and tried to look for any person who has this experience in the debates but unfortunately I did not find, opted to the Faculty of Theology and me questions that were taking place between my girlfriend and American colleague Azhar but did not give me one answers adequate.
I hated my weak position, and I was sad that as a Christian I do not have a strong argument that I can speak and preach about Christianity.. Therefore, I tried to make more effort in readings, whether in the Bible or in spiritual books, until I find answers, but no way. Whenever I find an answer, I try to convince myself of it. I go to My friend makes fun of me, telling me that they are answers that don't make any sense and lack truth and honesty!!
My friend is converting to Islam.
And the shock that shook my whole being was when I discovered that my American friend had gone to Al-Azhar and announced her conversion to Islam.
Not only that, but I knew that she went to the church and stood in front of the priest in the middle of the hall to confront him in front of the people that he was deceiving them, so he does not enter the kingdom and does not let the entrants enter!!
They tried to tarnish her reputation by accusing her of having an affair with her Muslim colleague, as it always happens in such cases, but of course she did not keep silent and warned them against these words, so they kept silent about her, but they were sending her missionaries in an attempt to dissuade her from her decision, and she was in constant discussions with them, and she was sent to her family and her friends in the United States with all up to him first go.
And felt severe towards Bbgd, but I did not dare to address the transition from religion Christian religion Islamic hardened its position, however, I asked them a question I did not have to say it else that question is: If you have rejected Christianity why Tttaghi to Islam and Ante do not know about something? From behind this question, I wanted to know the truth. Are we right or wrong? But I found her sticking to her opinion and convinced of it!!
And the world shook before me, but I was still a believer in Christ, so what happened did not affect my faith And my knowledge of the divinity of Christ and the Trinity.. I used to tell myself that Satan is still tempting the children of God, but despite this I will not fall as she did.
And I decided to continue reading and researching to find out the truth about this distortion that happened to Christianity.
And I felt the hand of God pushing me to continue on this path.. the path of searching for the truth.. I had bought a laser disc of the Bible so that it would be easier for me to study it, and because of my previous knowledge of the French language, I sometimes liked to read translations, so I discovered that there was a missing verse in the French version, which is: “For there are three who bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one.” (1 John 7: 5)
So I thought at first glance that the verse had been forgotten while writing, so I went to the library from which I bought the cylinder to warn the owners of this grave mistake, but unfortunately I found the French version of the Bible missing this verse as well, so I searched in the book (The Response to the Difficulties of the Bible) and found that this The verse is added in the hand of the scribe and not in the original message!!
This was for me a great shock, because I believed in the infallibility of the Gospel and that it was impossible for it to have an increase or decrease in it, as stated in the Revelation of John: “ For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to this, God will add to him the plagues written in this book. Although one removed from the words of the book of this prophecy, God omits his share of the book of life and from the holy city and is written in this book " (Revelation 22: 18 19) How this simple Christian writers acknowledge the possibility of change in the books that inspired by the Holy Spirit?!
With this, all my previous defenses of the infallibility of the Bible fell, and I reaped nothing but more disappointment from my readings.
New birth: And what failed to defend the gospel tended to read the Koran to find it heals Galili and proves the divinity of Christ or the Trinity, but I miserably failed.. did not despair and re - read it again until Otshehad errors. I found his words and to my surprise permeating in myself and enter into my heart I felt that God is speaking to me directly, without mediation or barriers!!
I denied myself this feeling so as not to slip into this current in which my friend preceded me.
And that often what they were saying to me Fikri in the attributes of God Is God the great holy accept that disgraced preached to them before and he who created the universe with one word.. How can we imagine that a solid and spat on it and slapped, and for what?, Does God could not be forgiven for Adam in one word? Where is the justice if we will bear Adam's fault without guilt?!
And he explained to me the significance of Adam 's fault that lies category that God put his test in Paradise so that he can live with the devil in the earth and this is the story of creation in the simplicity, and as it is written in the Bible in the Old Testament.
" Be fruitful and multiply and Omlaaa earth " God has blessed man before falling in (linear) Balaosmar supplement his life on earth and not in heaven.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 6:47 pm

And has passed the time on a heavy and hard I wondered to when I will conqueror my feeling.. Is not it time to stand with myself strong pause, so I understand the truth that was looking for? I wondered which one is stronger in me, my love of faith or my love of God? If there is a mistake in the belief, this does not prevent that I love God and worship Him alone.
And I began to think again, and even began to attack everything for which I did not find satisfactory and convincing answers, such as Adam’s sin, redemption, salvation, and the divinity of Christ from his sayings in the Bible and the meaning of the word of the Son of God, and I began to look at the Bible with a new look in which I tried to clear my mind of all that I embraced before so that I can know the truth.
And the edifice collapsed in front of me: At this stage, the doubt began to enter in my heart and began to look at all the things around me a new look and I started looking in the Bible what Christ said and what was calling for him, did not find any thing from the teachings of the previous!! Christ was calling to worship and love God and keep His commandments, as stated in the Gospel of Matthew: " Why do you call me good, he said to him. No one is good but one, and that is God. But if you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” (Matthew 17: 19) and called to love even enemies, and did not invalidate the law of Moses, but to supplement came, did not talk about (written) Adam is not the salvation of man from that sin To enter the kingdom, and he did not say that he is God, and he did not give a definition of the term Son of God, but he always asserted that God sent him to the people of Israel, so where was my previous education?! Are they just hints? I did not believe myself and I continued to read, search and began the edifice collapses in front of me. I felt suffocated. I could not believe what I discovered. What I have lived for 30 years can not be an illusion. I began to show my anger to those around me and found the provocative answers surrounding me, I did not know that the influence of the church teachings is so strong that it blinds the eyes from the truth, which is completely clear. And discovered that the religion of the Christian religion only slogans talking about the justice of the divine, but inherited the sin of the fathers to their children and hold them to it, talking about compassion in while there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood.
And stood suddenly look around me pondering what I got to him, but I did not give up, I was talking with my family but they could not respond to me, were not to have sufficient information to respond, they took the attending priests to the house even discuss in me, and I hear them and I wish myself and between myself to be wrong with I discovered it and therefore I was not discussing with them but I was just listening to them, I was trying to give myself one last chance to discover the truth, and at that time I was praying fervently and fasting and asking God to guide me to the right path, and they had brought me many books attacking Islam, and it was the first time that I I find such books in them, but unfortunately I found them to be mere allegations and not facts. They are all baseless attacks, just attacking and distorting. I even asked to meet one of the recent converts, and he was the last hope in front of me, so I sat down with him to find out from him why he entered Christianity, and he was a meek, reverent and sober man. He worked as a government employee on television and was, as he said, financially able before he converted to Christianity, and now he works as a driver in nuns schools. And I was hoping that he would talk to me with logic and reason and remove doubt from within me, but I found him talking about appearances and feelings, he does not talk about reason and logic, he does not feel prayer in Islam, he does not feel the presence of a soul with God in Islam, and I marveled at him in myself because I feel this feeling sometimes... In Christianity and it is always felt by many Christians, does this mean that they leave religion? And these apparitions, do I have to believe him? Miracles and apparitions happen to everyone, not only to the Christian, but the devil can appear in the form of an angel of light, as stated in the Epistle of Paul: “ No wonder. Because Satan himself changes his form to the likeness of an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 14: 11)
Why didn't I convert to Judaism?: And I was in the first stage of doubt about the Christian religion, trying to search for the true religion, and I did not have many choices. Either I do not recognize the existence of God, like the existentialists who believe that nature is the mother and has no origin, or I worship any creature such as the sun, the moon, the cows... like pagans who consider these things are God or idolaters who are considered idols means bring them closer to God, who can not see him, and I believe in God and confess his presence and love him, was in front of me religions that recognize the existence of God and believes in Judaism and Islam. And Judaism, since it is the origin and foundation of Christianity, I knew it well, and I knew and memorized the law of Moses, but I also knew that God had cursed and rejected the Jews in the Old and New Testaments, and that the Jews believed that they were God’s chosen people and that the rest of mankind were their slaves whom God rejected and hated. I did not reject Judaism. I studied the history of Israel and studied the law of Moses. I found it a very strict law devoid of talking about the afterlife and after death, but it talks about earthly laws that help to live an ideal life in the world. I did not find in it the high and ideal spirituality that I learned before, but I believed that it was the law of God And his words, so I avoided her temporarily until he completed the journey of searching for the truth.
And I discovered Islam: The rest of the Islam that you have read and knew him by what did not encourage me to go in his study, but I in the Agafta with myself and vectorial full neutrality in the study began in his study again to see a completely different.. impartial from the previous ball, began the image clear in front of me, Islam is not a religion of violence And terrorism as it was rumored about, nor does it call for wasting the blood of those who oppose it and shedding the blood of those who oppose it, nor is it the religion that disbelieves, forbids and curses the rest of mankind and urges their killing and enmity, but it talks about God’s mercy without fake slogans, it talks about forgiveness free of charge and without bloodshed In it is divine love and sublime spirituality, the direct spiritual relationship between God and humans without intermediaries or intercessors. Divine greatness and holiness are found in Quranic verses, examples of which are God’s saying: " If my slaves asked me, I answer a call proposal if invited me Felictjibwa me and believe in me so that they might usher " (Baqarah verse 186)   and the words of God Almighty " Aaoatha reassuring breath Return to your Lord satisfied satisfactory Vadkhali in Ebadi and go in committees " (Dawn verse 27 30). And God Almighty says :" If it comes to you who believe in our revelations, say peace be upon you, your Lord wrote on the same compassion that you does evil in ignorance and then repented after him and fix it is Forgiving, Merciful. " (Cattle, verse 54) and says: “And as for those who believe in God and hold fast to Him, He will cause them to enter into mercy and grace from Him, and He will guide them to His wives ” (17).
And the Almighty’s saying: “He said, “ And who despairs of the mercy of his Lord, except those who go astray ” (Al-Hijr 56)... And the Almighty’s saying: “ Then look at the effects of God’s mercy, how He revives the earth after its death. Indeed, that brings life to life as death. ” (50)
And he says, " What God opens for people of mercy do not constipated what He is not the sender of him after him is the Mighty, the Wise " (Fater verse 2)
And the Almighty’s saying: “ Say, ‘O my worshipers who transgress themselves against themselves, do not despair of God’s mercy, for God forgives those who have transgressed ’ (53).
And says, " who hold the throne and those around him, praising the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask forgiveness for those who believe our Lord and sought the mercy of everything and note forgive those who repent and follow your path and the torment of hell anorexia " (Ghafir verse 7)
The verse " We created man and know what waswaas himself and we are closer to him than the jugular vein " (s verse 16)
Fear of Islam: These are very few examples of the verses of mercy and forgiveness that the Qur’an is filled with in most of its surahs, and this is what I found Muslims living on. A Christian knows what he knows about Islam and Muslims and does not declare it, because he cannot tell his fellow Muslims that they are filled with unclean spirits because they were not baptized (Al-Imad is Weather basic Christian to enter the Christian and are dipping deliberate in the water three times) and they are wrong and that they will be thrown in hell because they do not believe in Christ, because it will open the door of the stupid discussions and therefore prefer not to discuss, and only pray for them only or even dimension them, either If you try even if just love poll it discovers that all the information that had a misleading and wrong, and this discovery is very easy once the poverty DONC of the Koran and understanding and dealing with Muslims as friends and not enemies and their discussion in their thoughts and belief, and this is what fear of parents in the church so as not moving their children to Islam.
Lie religion of Muhammad j: Islam is not a religion that follows Muhammad, but Islam is surrendering the face to God and believing in Him. Abraham was called a Muslim in the Qur’an even though Muhammad had not yet been born: Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Hanif, a Muslim, and he was not one of the polytheists (aged 67).
And the true religion is the one who believes in all the messengers and prophets who were sent by God: The Prophet what was revealed to him from his Lord is safe and all believers believe in Allah and His angels, books and messengers do not differentiate between one of the messengers, and said, We hear and obey our Lord and forgiveness you determination (Cow 285)
The Qur'an explains that the mission of Muhammad peace be upon him is the ticket and the statement, it reminds people to worship one God and convey to them his message without adding or subtracting any thing also is a statement of this letter and to that reference the words of God: But you stated a reminder, I am not they Bmsatr (V20 Gash 21) With the clear proofs and the scriptures, and We have revealed to you the Remembrance so that you may make clear to people what was revealed to them, and perhaps to them (An-Naft 44).
This shows very clearly that God is who analyzes and denied what he wants no human beings, whatever would have to intervene in the analysis and the prohibition was the prophet when he utters the provisions prescribed in the religion is not the same but by the revelation of the divine and to that reference the words of God: What lost your companion and debauch (2) and speaks of passion (3) It is only a Revelation revealed (4) knowing very strong (3 star 5)
And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain and fear God, for God is severe in punishment (Al-Hashr verse 7).
This is one of the most beautiful meanings found in the Qur’an, the lack of human control over each other and God’s direct relationship with the servants, and this is the highest meaning of divine justice. The Messenger of Islam, like other messengers, has nothing to do with God’s saying: And Muhammad, but the messenger has accepted free of the Apostles died or were killed Ovaan Anglaptm on your heels and turn on the heels of God will not hurt anything and Sadze God Thankful (Al - Imran 144)
And this responds to the claim that Islam is the religion of Muhammad, so it is in fact the religion of God and surrendering the face to God, and Muhammad is nothing but a messenger who died and was buried after completing his message, and thus Muslims believe that God is one, the legislator, the ruler, and the God who must be followed and worshiped, so none of them is followed A messenger or sheikh, no matter how high his holiness, miracles, or knowledge, because all of this is by the grace of God and His will to support His messengers for the benefit of mankind and not to mislead them.
And the Islamic religion is not a third religion as people believe, but it is a monotheistic religion, by which God wants to unite the whole world in its worship. God, since the beginning of creation, does not want to separate people, but wants them to be one group that is not divided in His worship, and the evidence for this is many, examples of which are God’s saying: " Those who divide their religion and were sects not one of them in anything but ordered them to God and then inform them of what they were doing " (cattle verse 159) “ Among those who divided their religion and became sect, every party rejoiced in what they had. ” (Al-Rum 32)
The Jews and Christians differed as to whom God will be pleased with and enter Paradise: " And they said will not enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian of those aspirations Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful, wear and tear of the safest face of God, a philanthropist has his reward from his Lord and no fear, nor shall they grieve, and said the Jews are not Christians on something and said Christians are not Jews on something they rehearse the book as well as those who do not know like saying God judged them on the day of Resurrection as they differ in which he said " (Baqarah 111 113)
From these verses we realize that God Almighty has wanted all human beings since the beginning of creation to follow the religion of instinct or unification or Islam (all of them in the sense one) so that all of the prophets have come the same call not a call to monotheism.. call is no god but Allah alone He has no partner.. The Qur’an addresses the Jews and Christians in this regard by what God says to His Messenger: " Say Aaohl Book Come to a word between us and you worship none but God does not involve the thing does not take each other as lords besides God, if they turn away, say Muslims testify fist " (Al - Imran verse 64)
Christ in the Qur'an: And it discussed in the Qur'an what is said about Christ and Christians to find proof of the divinity of Christ and the Trinity Bali Verdo that the Christian religion is the right and the rest of this cycle, which she entered and found that he says about Christ that the Word of God and the spirit of it and that the Messenger of Allah and atonement divinity: " It said that the angels of God Iamariam Ibcrk word in its name of Christ Jesus the son of Mary and good in this world and the Hereafter and associates " (Surah Al - Imran verse 45)
" And saying We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah and killed him and crucified him, but they almost but those who disagreed with it in doubt it as they knew of only conjecture to follow and killed him with certainty " (157 women) " Aaohl book does not boil in your religion and do not say God only the right but Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah and his speech to Mary and the spirit of it, believe in God and His messengers and do not say three finished good for you but God is one God Almighty to have born him what in the heavens and in the earth, and God suffices as a trustee. ” (An-Nisa’ 171)
" Christ will not be a slave to disdain God and the angels close and disdain for worship and Vchristharham are all too proud " (172 women)
" We have disbelieved who said that God is Christ the son of Mary Say: Who owns God something that he wanted to destroy Christ the son of Mary and his mother, and in all the earth, and to God the king of the heavens and the earth and all between them creates what He wills and God over all things " (Table 17)

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:19 pm

" We have disbelieved who said that God is Christ the son of Mary, said Christ, son of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, it involves God Allah has forbidden Paradise to him and his abode fire and whosoever " (Table 72) " What Christ the son of Mary, but the Messenger hath before the Apostles and his mother 's girlfriend were eating the food see how to show them the verses and then see that I Aavkon " (Table 75) " The Jews said Uzair the son of God, and the Christians say Christ, the Son of God that their saying with their mouths, resembling the saying of those who disbelieve, by God, I fought Aavkon " (Repentance 30)
From these verses shows us that the Qur'an magnify Christ greatly expand but Creswell like the rest of the apostles, but he is venerated by more than his kind of Christianity, in the time that it is called Christianity that the Son of God, who crucified and spat upon and insulted, says the Qur'an that peace be upon him the day was born and the day he dies and the day He will be resurrected alive, and the following is a review of the story of Christ as it was mentioned in the Noble Qur’an since he was a word until God raised him to him:
" It said the angels Iamariam God Ibcrk word in its name of Christ Jesus the son of Mary and good in this world and the Hereafter and associates (45) and speak to people in the cradle and the Kahala and the righteous (46) said the Lord that I have I was born and did not Amssna humans also he said God creates what He wills if he decrees a thing, he only says to it Be (47) and teach him the book and wisdom and the Torah and the Bible (48) and a messenger to the children of Israel that I have I come to a verse from your Lord, I Create your mud as a body bird Vonfaj in it shall be a bird, God willing, and will heal the blind and the leper and greet the dead, God willing, and Onbikm including what you eat Tdechron in your homes in this is a sign for you if you are believers (49) and confirming the hands of the Torah and lawful to you some of the campus You and I have come to a verse from your Lord, so fear Allah and obey me (50) Allah is my Lord and your Lord, worship Him This is a straight path (51) when he sensed Issa their disbelief, said Ansari, God said to the disciples, we are supporters of God We believe in Allah and I bear witness PANA Muslims (52) Our Lord safe as revealed and Follow us Apostle Vaketbna with two witnesses (53) and plotted, cunning God and God is the best of planners (54) as God Aaissy said, I am causing the Ravek to me and Mtehrk of those who disbelieve and renderer who Atbaok above those who disbelieve until the day of Resurrection and then to your return so judge between you as you are where you disagree (55) as for those who disbelieve Voazbhm severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter and their helpers (56) As for those who believe and work righteous deeds, Viovanm wages and God does not Loves the oppressors (57) So recite you verses wise and above (58) that like Jesus when God likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, Be (59) right from your Lord, you shall not be of the doubters (60) It Hajk it after it comes science, say Come let our sons and your sons and our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves, then we pray FengAt God damn liars (61) this is a story right and god but Allah, and Allah is a Mighty, the wise (62) if they turn away, Allah is knowing Bamufsudain (63) " (Surah Al Imran)
And there is in the Qur’an Christ defended himself before God that he did not claim divinity during his life: " Taking God Aaissy son of Mary, thou he said to the people Atakdhuna and my mother as gods besides Allah Glory have said to me to say what I do not have the right that you have said it has taught him to learn what to myself, I do not know what in yourself You are unseen (116) What I said them only what ordered me to do that worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness against them as long as them when Tovitni you you censor them and you are all martyrs (117) if you punish them, they slaves, and if you forgive them for you are Mighty, the wise (118) God said this day benefit the truthful their sincerity for them are Gardens underneath which rivers flow; may Allah be pleased with them and they with him that great victory (119) God, the king of the heavens and the earth, and therein, which is over all things (120) " (Al - table)
With the hadiths of the Messenger of Islam: And in the authentic hadiths I found the meaning of faith and Islam: He said the Prophet prayed God upon him a prominent day for people Votah Jibril said, what faith, said the faith to believe in God and his angels, books and meet him and his apostles and believes in resurrection said what Islam said Islam to worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him and establish prayer and lead Zakat imposed and the fast of Ramadan, said the charity said that Worship God as if you see Him, for if you do not see Him, then He sees you. He said, “When is the hour?” He said, “What is the one who is asked of them?” …* (Narrated by Al-Bukhari on the authority of Abu Hurairah)
And I found forgiveness without limits: From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet peace be upon God be upon him while telling about his Lord Almighty said slave commits a sin, he said, Oh God, forgive me my sin, he said, the Almighty is guilty Abdi sin, knowing that he has a Lord Who forgives sin and guilt and then returned Voznb said any Lord, forgive me my sin, he said, the Almighty Abdi guilty of sin, knowing that he has a Lord Who forgives sin and guilt and then returned Voznb said any Lord, forgive me my sin, the Almighty said Abdi guilty of sin, knowing that he has a Lord Who forgives sin and guilt do what you have forgiven you * (Narrated by Muslim)
And another hadith that shakes the conscience and feelings of any person who reads it, because it shows mercy and love that is not conditioned by anything from God to the human beings whom He created and wrote upon Himself mercy for them: Narrated Anas bin Malik said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace O Allah be upon him says Allah the Almighty, O son of Adam, you are what you call me and Rjotine forgive you for what you do not care about you, son of Adam, if your sins to reach the sky and then Astgvrtne forgiven you do not care about O son of Adam, you if the sins of the earth Otitni Baqrab then Qitni does not involve me something for forgiveness * Otik face me (Narrated by al- Tirmidhi)
And another interview speaks of those who believe and did not see how that God wants mercy and human beings are looking for even if it was just passing through on the people who talk about God and Ihamdonh without the participation of mercy. Is there more than that: " The Messenger of Allah peace be upon God be upon him that God angels circumambulate in ways seeking the people mentioned if they found a people who remember God Tnadoa Come to your need, said Faihvounam Bojnanhm to heaven, said Visolhm their Lord, and He knows them what says Ebadi said, they say Asobhonk and Akpronk and Ihamdonk and glorify he says, Do they saw me said, they say, not God, what they saw he says and how if they saw me said, they say if they saw were more you worship more you glorify and Thameda and more you praise he says what is asking me said, Dad, Paradise said say whether they saw he say not God, O Lord, what they saw he says, how if They saw it. They say that if they had seen it, they would have been more eager for it and more demanding of it. Systems in which the desire said Fmm Ataodhun said they say the fire he says, whether they saw he say not God, O Lord, what they saw he says, how if they saw he say if they saw were more of them to escape and more her fear and says he Vohhdkm I have forgiven them, he says, the king of angels including so and so not one of them but came to need said they do not Ishqy their companions Geleshm * (Narrated by al- Bukhari from Abu Hurayrah)
And in Islam there are many higher and higher meanings than mere attaining Paradise and avoiding Hellfire. If there are people who are deterred by God’s warning to them from the punishment of Hellfire, then there are people who are higher in faith than them, who desire Paradise, which is the highest reward, and there is a third, higher category that seeks what is much higher than that, which is Seeking God’s pleasure, and to these references, God Almighty says: (Vondhirtkm fire flame, not only Aisalaha Alohqy, who lied and took over, and which should prevent Alotqy pays his money Atzky, and what a blessing he has rewarded, but in order to face up his Lord, and you will satisfy) (Al-Layl verse 14-20)
And the Prophet himself used to worship God only for worship and thanksgiving only: Aisha, may God by the Prophet peace be upon God, upon him was the night until Taataftr feet, said Aisha did not perform this, O Messenger of Allah, may Allah forgive you the progress of your sins and delay not said I would love to be a thankful slave * (Narrated by al- Bukhari)
And intercession for the Koran in humans Day of Resurrection this to say: Abu Hurayrah Read the Koran says it Yes intercessor the Day of Resurrection he says, the Day of Resurrection, O Lord, dissolved Ornament dignity Faihly Ornament dignity, O Lord, Aksh livery dignity Vixy livery dignity, O Lord, I wear the crown of dignity, O Lord, the land of his There is nothing after your consent * (Narrated by Al- Darami)
Islam does not differentiate between one person and another, but rather equals all human beings, only their actions: People O ye We have created you male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that God knows expert (closets verse 13)
As for the greatness of God and His unlimited giving to those who ask Him, we find these meanings many in Islam, including what was mentioned in the hadith Qudsi: Abu Dhar said the Messenger of Allah said peace O Allah be upon him God says, O My servants, all of you are astray except for his gift Vslona guidance Ohdkm and all of you are poor only Agnete Vslona Orozkkm and all of you are guilty only Aavi it is aware of you that I am with a capacity for forgiveness Fastgverni forgiven him not mind if that Oolkm Akrkm and your neighborhood and your dead and Rdobkm and Aabiskm met on fearing the heart of the slave Ebadi is increased in the royal suite mosquito though Oolkm Akrkm and your neighborhood and your dead and Rdobkm and Aabiskm gathered on the pitiable heart of Abdul of Ebadi is the lack of it from the royal mosquito wing though Oolkm Akrkm and your neighborhood and your dead and Rdobkm And those of you who were clothed gathered in the same level, and each of you asked what he wished for, and he was granted. What you asked what the lack of it from the royal only as if one of you over the sea and dipped his needle and then lifted him so that I Jawad Majid I do what I want ATAI words and Imnapl words but warrants for something if I wanted to say to him, Be * (Narrated by al- Tirmidhi)
And this is the true God that I was looking for, the Great God, the Merciful, the Merciful, the Powerful, the Forgiving, the Peace.
And about mercy, there are very many hadiths, including “ In the vastness of God’s mercy and that it preceded His wrath. ”
From Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet peace be upon him, said that God one hundred mercy revealed to them the mercy of one between the jinn and mankind and the beasts and vermin all well sympathize and their Atrahmon and their condescend beast on her son and another God ninety - nine mercy have mercy on His slaves of the Day of Resurrection * (Narrated by Muslim)
And God closer to human beings many times what Itqrbun him said: Abu Hurayrah Oh them said the Prophet said, peace be upon him, God, I am the Almighty My slave thinks says I am with him if it reminded me of it reminded me of the same mentioned in myself and that reminded me of filling out said filling out the best of them, although closer to Shubra approached him arm even closer to the arm approached him sold and that came to me walking Otih trot * (Narrated by al- Bukhari)
These are also a few examples of the hadiths of mercy, forgiveness and giving that are found in Islam. All of this clarifies the relationship of God, the Creator, with human beings in Islam, as He is closer to them than their jugular veins and their selves. And one of the loftiest and greatest evidence that guides us is that the principle in the Muslim’s thought of God is mercy before revenge and tyranny, that a Muslim does not begin to do anything except “in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. ” This was only indicative of the meaning of the previous hadith, that God’s mercy precedes his wrath, otherwise it would have been Every action begins “in the name of God the Mighty Avenger.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:20 pm

This is what I found in the Koran and the hadith this is the conversations and verses that I hear only half before the beginning of my studies like to say that justice in Islam is the words of the Prophet " support your brother right or wrong " did not complete the view the rest of the talk about how to insist brother and is unjust, " Anas may Allah be pleased him said the Messenger of Allah said, peace be upon him support your brother right or wrong man said: O Messenger of God Onzareth if the oppressed Ofroit if unjust, how Onzareth said Thdzh or prevent him from injustice that is supporting * (Narrated by Bukhari) and " Woe to the worshipers " without the complete " who are neglectful of their prayers ", also " do not come near prayer " not complete " and you are drunk, " and thus go astray who wants to approach the knowledge of Islam right.
Defending the Messenger of Islam: Then I read the biography of the Prophet from the book of Muhammad Hussein Heikal, who is not an Islamic writer, although he is a Muslim, but he has a wide culture. He dealt with the biography from a neutral historical perspective, and this is what I needed to know the truth, and I knew from what I read how the Messenger was wronged and how everyone tried to distort his image with malice and hatred., the Messenger did not earn his call for the religion of the Islamic money nor prestige nor Nsaoua, it was his grandfather Abdul Muttalib from the masters of Quraish, and before the call was married to Ms. Khadija, which was their trade at that time more than Quraish trade all of them, but for women in that era was this community boasts the man a lot of his wives and Jawarah in while he remained married to Ms. Khadija without combining them with another wife until she died, the Prophet was insulted and expelled Horb from his family all because of his call was offered the center and money, but he refused and said the famous sayings, " if they put the sun on my right and the moon on my left that I leave this matter as long as I leave it until God makes it manifest or I perish without Him.”
And he continued to strive in his call until the last day of his life, enduring for its sake the most severe difficulties and dangers.
The accusations that sent to the Prophet as a lustful, loves women, followed by the devil, who dominated the mind and heart Fjolh writes the Qur'an and spreads among the people so that all human beings lose their salvation because it does not recognize the divinity of Christ!! These accusations are given to their owners as mere fantasies of sick and allegations of biased because we are in a very simple if we look neutral to the marriages we find that he was married either to consolidate the relations between him and companions, such as his marriage to Ms. Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr and Hafsa the daughter of Omar Ibn al - Khattab and either for protection, such as Ms. Sawda Or for the emancipation, like Maria the Coptic, who was given to him as a concubine, or for the annulment of adoption, like the lady Zainab bint Jahsh, who was the wife of his adopted son Zaid. The polygamy of the women before the Islamic call goes in the Arab tribes not only for four, but was without a number and was the Messenger of nine wives of God forbade all to marry others even if she died one of them, and to that signal, saying the Almighty: " It is not permissible for you women, nor to change them pairs if you like Hassanhn except what possessed right hand of God was on all sergeants " (Al - Ahzab verse 52) this is not the Prophet married then not even the concubines, and his marriage to Ms. Aisha, a small in age is very normal, even our time, we find girls young married men in the age of their parents did not criticize this act only in the last few years and there are many girls were full of femininity in this age so that the Virgin Mary was supposed to marry before the intercourse with her angel gospel of Joseph the carpenter and was in the fourth tithe of her true that the marriage did not But the marriage of a young girl is an idea that has existed since ancient times, so why do we comment on it now, unless there is a purpose to distort the personality of the Messenger? None of the Christians thought that the Messenger was a man and that it is natural for him to marry because God created the natural human instinct between men and women and before the Prophet the prophets were marrying many women such as David and Solomon, not only nine women but much more, and the critic’s pen did not move to criticize them or reject their invitation Or their message for this reason. As for comparing Muhammad with Christ, there is no basis in the first place. If they believe that Christ is God, then they should not compare him with a human being, no matter how high his rank. But if they want to compare him as a messenger, then this is something else. It is not higher than the rank of a Messenger that he did not marry and does not lower his marriage rank. He does not have multiple wives, otherwise Suleiman and David would be of the lowest ranks and ranks due to the large number of their marriages.
As well as criticism of the Prophet for his marriage to wife his adopted son (his son adopted means that he is not crucified but had raised him in his house) and that God allowed him to marry her verse status in the Koran, " Taking says to him that God blessed him and blessed him grabbed you and your husband Fear God and hide yourself God expressing fears of the people of God and deserving of that fear when Zaid spent them and there was Zojnakea in order not to be critical of believers in pairs if Odeiaihm of them died and occurred was God 's command effect " (verse 37 parties)
This does not fault the Qur’an or the Messenger in anything, for he did not do anything in secret or anything forbidden. Rather, God allowed him to marry her with the aim of ending the adoption processes that were carried out in the pre-Islamic era and mixed lineages. Anyone who denounces this subject it to remember the story of David the prophet with Uriah the Hittite wife that received in the Old Testament, however David as one accepted one of the greatest prophets who appeared in the world, where the critic and where to speak, which is said even though the Prophet Muhammad did not make mistakes, and David hel (this in Christian and Jewish belief only). Although Islam allows polygamy, but this diversity is conditional justice in all things: " If you fear not justly in orphans Vankhawwa what women of your choice, two or three or four, the interpretation of the meaning or proprietary that slave women " (Nisa verse 3) " I will never be able to do justice even among women Mutir not Tmillwa every tendency Vtdhiroha friendly understanding and piety, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. " (Nisa verse 129)
Looking at the last statistic, we find that the ratio between males to females is 7: 1, and therefore it is difficult to apply the theory of one wife, even in the Old Testament in Jeremiah chapter four, verse 1 “ So seven women held on to one man on that day, saying. We eat our bread. And put on our clothes, that only your name may be called upon us. Take away our shame.” I know perfectly well what will be said when reading this verse that it was in certain circumstances, but this gives us a wider scope for knowing that God did not forbid polygamy for any reason. Also, the law of one wife did not exist since the beginning of man’s descent on earth, and Christ did not speak about it explicitly and did not There are verses about it in the Bible except for certain persons in the priesthood.
Islam was not spread by the sword.
As for the issue of the spread of Islam by the sword, this is a great deception and lie that was believed by those who invented it. The Islamic wars were to deliver the message to the peoples if the rulers refused to spread this call to their peoples. This is the duty of honesty to deliver the message. The evidence for this is that the Messenger in his lifetime sent messages of Islamic da’wah to the Persians, Romans, Abyssinia and others. The invitation is accepted and there are those who did not accept it and the Messenger did not fight them during his lifetime. This is not the country that Islam entered without wars.
And even these wars were codified by God and their condition was that the Muslims should not start aggression: “ And fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress, for God does not like aggressors. ” (Surat Al-Baqarah, verse 190) " And slay them where you find them and took them out of where most of the killings driven you out and sedition and Tqatlohm at the Sacred Mosque until it fought the Qatlokm Vaguetlohm penalty as well as unbelievers " (Al - Baqarah verse 191)
Even in the Old Testament, God urged fighting because of his jealousy over his house and temple: Jeremiah 51: 11
Snake arrows. Prepare ye of a terrace. The Lord has awakened the spirit of the kings of Medea because His purpose is on Babylon to destroy it. Because it is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his temple.
As for the subject of the tribute that was paid by the people of the book it is equivalent to the zakat that paid by the Muslim to the house of money and the amount of walking small, no more than eight and AED forty in the year, compared to defend him and protect him and support him, and against the enjoyment of the public utilities of the state that lives in the dependents The People of the Book and under the shadow of its rule, and the elderly, children and women were exempted from it. The purpose of the tax is not to steal money, but the goal is to reassure the satisfaction of the People of the Book to live under the shadow of the rule of Islam and to obey and obey its rulings in application of God’s law stipulated in the Qur’an.
As for the one who claims that the Messenger had a covenant with Satan, I ask him one question: What is the outcome of Muhammad’s call? Do we see Muslims now following in the footsteps of Satan and allowing what God has forbidden, such as alcohol, fornication, murder, and so on? Or do you see them standing organization classes in mosques calling for the one God five times in the day at least? And see their women Athhman in their clothing Firtdan hijab? And that the Qur’an itself testifies that all human steps are for God Almighty “ Say that my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death belong to God, the Lord of the worlds. ” (Al-An’am 186)

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:21 pm

I also ask him, does anyone think that Satan will invite people to worship God in this way? And Christ himself said of Satan: And Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste. And every city or house divided against itself does not stand. (Matthew 25: 12)
The truth of the Messenger and the message: And finally we find that the religion of the Islamic call to worship God and not associating anyone and that the Prophet, a man sent by God to the worlds to invite them to the worship of one God and did not himself ask any maximize or reverence, but he people appealed to when you hear mentioned request mercy from Allah by saying " peace God be upon him, " which often is understood by non - Muslims that God prays as worshipers pray but the fact that God is a prayer meaning of mercy. And that the Qur’an, which is truly the miracle of Islam, is not merely because the one who recited it is an illiterate prophet, nor merely because it has continued through the generations without alteration or distortion, preserved by God, nor with the accurate scientific information newly discovered and contained in it with the utmost ingenuity and accuracy in depicting, but also because it remains and stands as evidence and testimony to the truthfulness of the prophecy. And the message that God wanted to present to humans, all the miracles of the previous prophets and messengers happened and ended, and all our current relationship with them are just stories we hear about the ancients. As for the Qur’an, it remains throughout the ages, a guide for those who want to see and know the truth of the sincerity of the Islamic call and the sincerity of the Prophet who is called the truthful and trustworthy until Before revelation came to him, he conveyed the message of God faithfully and truthfully.
And here I stood comparing Islam and Judaism, for the two religions before me believe in God and seek His pleasure, and with them are the signs of mercy and love, so which one I follow and which one is pleasing to God. I remembered that in during my reading of the Koran and found the verses following: God the Almighty said: " Taking Jesus the son of Mary, said, son of Israel I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming the hands of the Torah and promising a Messenger to come after me, named Ahmad when he came to them with clear proofs they said this indicated charm " (Grade 6). And God Almighty said: Those to whom We have given the Book will know it as they know their own children, and a party of them will be destroyed (Al-Baqara 6: 14).
Annunciation of the Prophet of Islam: And became aware of a very important point was always Traodney if the Muhammad had the author of the Koran, why was the name of Ahmed why he did not say Muhammad, a name known to him between his tribe and his family, then how challenging the people of the book that they know as they know their children and they conceal the truth.
Started searching at this point so well out of the truth and found numerous evidence of the truth of the verses of the Koran found in the Old Testament verses speak of the prophets and how you can check the veracity of the Prophet: Deuteronomy 18: 18 22 “ I will raise up for them a prophet from among their brethren like you, and put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them all that I command him, and it will be that the man who does not listen to my words that he speaks in my name, I will demand of him. And as for the prophet who predominates and speaks in my name something I did not command him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die. And if you say in your heart, how do we know the words that the Lord has not spoken? What the Prophet spoke in the name of the Lord, and it did not happen and did not become, is the word that the Lord did not speak, but rather with arrogance the Prophet spoke, so do not be afraid of him. ” Deuteronomy 13: 1 3 " If he in a prophet among you, or a dreamer of dreams and gave you a verse or a miracle if there verse or miracle that has spoken to them, saying, Let us go beyond the gods other did not know and we worship do not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer of that dream, because the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God of all your hearts and all of your souls.”
And I will not be talking here about the interpretation of prophecy but will speak to the issue simpler than it has explained God clearly evident that any prophet of God will send him will be supported by a miracle or prophethood or events talking in advance about so that people believe him not only that, this prophet should be calling to God And to God alone, not to any other strange deities, nor to himself.
And this is exactly what happened. The Messenger called us not to associate anyone with God. I will not talk here about any miracle other than the Qur’an, nor about any prophecy he said, but I will talk about it in a separate part.
And I found another remarkable prophecy of Moses as well, which is: Deuteronomy 33: 2
2 he said. The Lord came from Sinai, He shone for them from Seir, He shone from the mountains of Paran, and He came from myriads of Jerusalem, and on His right was a fire that brought them law. Habakkuk 3: 3 3. God came from Teman and the Holy One from Mount Paran. Selah. His majesty covered the heavens and the earth was filled with his praise.
And Paran Mountains is that it was the son Ishmael lived Abraham and his children after him, it is known that the Prophet was from the sons of Ishmael. (What is meant by the mountains of Paran, which was mentioned in the Torah in the Book of Deuteronomy and the Book of Habakkuk, are the mountains of Mecca and is a reference to the mission of the Messenger of Islam from this land).
These are the clearest prophecies written in the Old Testament about the coming prophet that the Jews were waiting for. In the New Testament, we find that they asked John the Baptist about himself: So he confessed and did not deny and affirmed that I am not the Christ. So they asked him what. Elijah you. He said, I am not. You are the prophet. He replied no. (John 1: 20 21)
And Christ is known who he is, and it is also known that Elijah will come. As for the prophet, no one knows who he is? It is clear that he was a particular prophet, perhaps they were referring to the one whom Moses spoke of, and he is a different personality from the personality of Christ.
This is not the words of Christ for Comforter " Albarklit ", which will send him from the Father in his name has been mentioned in the Bible about three verses: The Helper, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you (John 14: 26)
And when the Comforter comes, which I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will testify of me. (John 15: 26)
But I tell you the truth it is good for you to go. Because if I do not go, the comforter will not come to you. But if I go I will send it to you. (John 16: 7)
And let us think together a little. If this Comforter was the Holy Spirit, the third person, why did Christ put a condition that he must go first in order to send him to them, and was there not within the disciples the Holy Spirit when Peter testified that Christ was the Son of the living God? Is it not in their minds of the Holy Spirit when they were preaching and working miracles in the life of Christ? These questions need to think about where the good will I talk about it in detail in a separate chapter.
Proclaimed Islamic: All this I have known and occurred at a loss Do I scream loud and say what I knew or Oktmh in an internal so as not to tear down my family 's small, but I was not able to bear more so I decided to go into the war and say " no " for both deceived me and explained all human beings are discovered over the years, my.
And indeed, I went to Al-Azhar Al-Sharif in order to begin the steps of declaring the truth that I knew, and declaring that I would only accept God as my Lord, and Islam as my religion, and Muhammad is the Prophet of God sent to the worlds.
After this step, I was very afraid of confronting my family because I pity them for the effects of what I did, especially my husband, who felt that the world was shaking under his feet, as he lost his wife, daughter and his whole life (from his point of view).
Despite my love for him and my sympathy for him, I was wondering which is more important, this world or the hereafter? God or any person? I was as an educational Christian old and educational Islamic new just know that it does not have to compare between love for God and love for any man no matter how high would the internal even myself.
And I wished that my family would think, if they loved me and respect my mentality, to think, why did I do this when they knew perfectly well that I love God so much.
After several bickering between me and between my parents I could be taking my daughter and Get out of the house of my family.
And it became my job concern then is to try to clarify the facts that known to everyone, especially my family.
Whenever I read in comparative religion and deepened in the religion of the Islamic increased my conviction more and more step that you've made and challenged by everyone, and has increased my determination and my stability on the path of spreading the Islamic call whatever you encounter difficulties and challenges.
And the first challenge for me is my daughter because I want her to grow up on the truth and not spend her life in illusions, slogans and misguidance. I want her to be raised on the true religion, the religion of Islam.
And God grants success to what He loves and is pleased with.
Dictionary of Christian Terms Used: The Christian Trinity: is the belief that God is one with three characteristics or persons. According to the Christian faith law, they are as follows: The Father: He is the Controller of all, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, what is seen and what is not seen.
(And in another sense, it is the mind and the originator)
The Son, who is the speaking word of the Father, is the means of God's communication with humans through the body.
The Holy Spirit: It is the third hypostasis of God in Christianity and it comes to believers in Christ during baptism (immersion in water and acknowledgment of Christ that he is God and that he is the second person in the Holy Trinity and that through Him alone is salvation) and it is he who establishes faith in the human heart according to Christian belief and he does not see and but feel believers in their minds, guide them and guide them and Ihsnhm of the devil.
And he was replaced on the old saints Vitenbioa and speak the word of God as David the prophet and Samuel the seer and others, but after the coming of Christ on earth, and his rise has been sent to all believers to stay with them (in their minds) forever.
And the previous three hypostases are one God, which is God.
Theology of Christ: is the recognition that Christ is God incarnate in human form.
Redemption and crucifixion: After Adam ate from the forbidden tree, his punishment was death, and it was God's justice to kill him because he had forbidden him to eat from this tree because on the day he eats from it, he will die.
But God, in his mercy and love for man, orchestrated a great thing to save man from the death in which he threw himself, and this arrangement was for the son (the second hypostasis) to sacrifice himself in order to save Adam and his offspring from death. That is why he descended on earth represented in the person of Christ until he was crucified and presented himself. A living sacrifice before God is the atonement for the sins of the world.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:23 pm

27 repentance months French fashion model
" Fabian " casual French fashion, girl in the eighth and twenty-year - old, Jaetha a moment GUIDING mired in the world of Walsh puss and the temptation and noise.. She withdrew in silence.. I left this world, including it, and went to Afghanistan! To work in nursing the wounded Afghan Mujahideen! In the midst of harsh conditions and difficult life!
Fabian says: “ Had it not been for God’s grace and mercy upon me, my life would have been lost in a world in which man has descended into a mere animal, all concerned with satisfying his desires and instincts, without values or principles.”
Then she tells her story: " Since my childhood I dreamed always to be a volunteer nurse, I work on pain relief for sick children, and with the days I grew up, and drew attention Bjamali and Rchagueti, and Hrdhana everyone including my family to give up the dream of my childhood, and the exploitation of aesthetic in the work of generating the material gain so much fame And the lights, and everything that any teenager can dream of, and do the impossible in order to reach it.
The road in front of me easy, or so it seemed to me, I quickly knew the taste of fame, and I shared a precious gift that I did not dream Bagtnaiha But the price was high.. I had to first strip myself of my humanity, and the condition for success and brilliance was to lose my sensitivity, my feeling, and give up the shyness with which I was raised, lose my intelligence and try to understand nothing but the movements of my body and the rhythms of music, as I had to be deprived of all delicious food, I live on chemical vitamins, tonics and stimulants, and above all lose my feelings for people.. I don't hate.. do not like.. I do not refuse anything. Fashion houses have made me a moving idol whose mission is to tamper with hearts and minds.. I learned how to be cold, cruel, arrogant, empty from the inside. I was nothing but a frame wearing clothes, so I was inanimate, moving and smiling, but he did not feel, and I was not alone in claiming that, but the more the model shines in its dehumanization and humanity, the greater its value in this cold world.. But if she violates any of the teachings of fashion, she exposes herself to all kinds of punishments that involve psychological and physical harm as well!
I lived wandering around the world, modeling the latest fashion lines, with all their adornment and vanity, and in keeping with the desires of the devil to highlight the charms of women without shame or shyness.”
Continues, " Fabian " she says: " I did not feel the beauty of fashion over my body Evacuated only from the air and cruelty while I feel humiliated looks and contempt for me personally and respect to what I wear.
As I was walking and moving.. In all my rhythms the word (if) accompanied me.. After I became Muslim, I learned that if you open up the work of Satan.. And that was true, as we were living in the world of vice in all its dimensions, and woe to those who were exposed to it and trying to be satisfied with their work only.”
And about her sudden transformation from one frivolous, frivolous life to another, she says: “It was during a trip for us in the broken Beirut, where I saw how people build hotels and houses there under the harshness of cannons, and I saw with my own eyes a children’s hospital in Beirut, and I was not alone, but with me were my fellow human idols, and they contented themselves with looking indifferently as usual.
I didn't get to keep up with them in that.. At that moment, the veil of fame and glory and the false life that I was living was removed from my eyes, and I rushed towards the children's body parts in an attempt to save those who remained alive. I did not return to my companions in the hotel where the lights were waiting for me, and I began my journey towards humanity until I reached the path of light, which is Islam.
I left Beirut and went to Pakistan, and at the Afghan border I lived the real life, and learned how to be human. It has been eight months since I was here that I helped in taking care of families suffering from the devastation of wars, and I loved life with them, and they treated me well. My conviction in Islam as a religion and a constitution for life increased through my living with it, my life with the Afghan and Pakistani families and their committed style in their daily lives. Then I started learning the Arabic language, for it is the language of the Qur’an, and I made significant progress in that. And after I derive my life system from the fashion makers in science, my life is going according to the principles and spirituality of Islam.
Up " Fabian " to the position of global fashion houses such as after Hdaatha, and asserts that it is under intense pressure mundane, they sent offers to double their income monthly to three times persistently refused.. It was only from them that they sent her precious gifts, in the hope that she would change her position and renounced Islam.
She goes on: " Then they stopped Steamy by reference.. They resorted to trying to tarnish my image in front of the Afghan families, so they published the covers of magazines that featured my previous pictures of my work as a model and hung them in the streets as if they were taking revenge on my repentance, thus preventing a wedge between me and my new parents, but they were disappointed, thank God.”
Fabian looks at her hand and says: “ I did not expect that my luxurious hand, which I used to spend a long time maintaining its smoothness, would expose it to these hard labors in the midst of the mountains, but this hardship increased the purity and purity of my hands, and it will have a good reward with God Almighty, God willing.”

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:26 pm

28, a teacher of theology, " Mary Watson " after becoming Muslim
I studied theology in eight years.. and converted to Islam in a week An Islamic day is my birthday.. Muslims need the strength of faith.
Between doubt and certainty distances, between good and evil steps, traversed " Mary Watson " teacher of theology formerly a university in the Philippines, Almnasrh and Rev. which turned the grace of God to an Islamic preacher starts calling from Buraidah, Saudi Arabia educate community center in Al - Qassim to tell us how you came to Islam Beach and Tzmt In the name of Khadija.
Your personal data before and after Islam?
I thank God for the blessing of Islam, my name before Islam was “ Mary ” and I have seven sons between boys and girls from a Filipino husband. I am American-born in Ohio, and I lived most of my youth between Los Angeles and the Philippines, and now after Islam, praise be to God, my name is Khadija, and I chose it because Mrs. Khadija may Allah be pleased was the widow as well as I was a widow, and had children, and I also was at the age of 40 years old when she married the Prophet r, and believed in what was revealed to him, as well as I was in the forties, when he converted to Islam, I am also very impressed With her personality, because when the revelation came to Muhammad, she supported him and encouraged him without hesitation, so I love her personality.
Tell us about your journey with Christianity: I had three degrees: a degree from a three-year college in America, a bachelor’s degree in theology in the Philippines, and a teacher of theology in two colleges. I was a theologian, a lecturer, a chaplain, and a evangelist. I also worked on the radio at the Christian Religion Station for Christian Preaching Radio, as well as a guest on other programs on television. And I wrote articles against Islam before I repented, so I ask God to forgive me, for I was very intolerant of Christianity.
What is your turning point, then, from a missionary to an Islamic preacher?
I was on one of the missionary campaigns to the Philippines to give some lectures, so if a Filipino lecturer came from one of the Arab countries, I noticed strange things about him, so I began to ask him and he insisted on him until I knew that he had converted to Islam there, and no one knew of his conversion to Islam at that time.
How did you overcome these barriers to reach Islam?
After I heard about Islam from this Filipino doctor, I had many questions: Why did he convert to Islam? Why did he change his religion? There must be something in this religion and what Christianity says about it!? So I thought of an old Filipina friend who converted to Islam and was working in Saudi Arabia, so I went to her and started asking her about Islam, and the first thing I asked her about was the treatment of women, because Christianity believes that Muslim women and their rights are at the lowest level in their religion, and this is not true of course, as I thought that Islam Husbands are allowed to beat their wives, so they are always hidden and in their homes!!.
I am relieved much of her speech Fasttrdt ask her about God Almighty, and the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and when he offered to go to the Islamic Center hesitated Vhdjatna Vdaot " Lord " and prayed to him even lead me, and I went very Vandhishoa of my information heavy about Christianity and my beliefs are misconceptions about Islam,. They corrected this for me, and they gave me pamphlets that I read every day and talk to them three hours a day for a week. By the end of it, I had read 12 books, and that was the first time that I read books by Muslim authors, and as a result, I discovered that the books I had read before by Christian authors were full. With misunderstandings and fallacies about Islam and Muslims, I asked again about the truth of the Noble Qur’an, and these words that are said in prayer.
At the end of the week I knew that the religion of truth, and that God alone is not a partner, and that he is the one who forgives sins, and save us from the torment of the Hereafter, but not Islam has settled in my heart yet, because the devil is always trigger fear and anxiety in recycl Q, Vktv Lee Islamic awareness lecture Center, and prayed to God to guide me, and during the second month I felt at night and I was lying on a mattress me and almost about to fall asleep with something strange settled in my heart, I sat up and I said, O Lord, I believe you alone, and uttered the testimony and I felt After that, I felt safe and comfortable throughout my body, and thank God for Islam, and I never regretted this day, which is my birthday.
How is your journey with Islam going now?
After the Islamic left my job as a teacher in my kidneys and after several months he asked me to organize meetings or seminars feminist Islamic Studies in an Islamic Philippines center where the home of my stay, and I have been working it for about a year and a half, then worked educate communities Center Qassim Women 's section especially speaking in an Islamic advocate Filipino beside my native language.
And what about your children?
When I was working at the Islamic Center in the Philippines, I would bring home some brochures and magazines and leave them at home on the table “ deliberately ” in the hope that God would guide my son “ Christopher ” to Islam, as he is the only one who lives with me, and indeed he and his friend began to read them and leave them just as they are, as well as I had “ Azan Alarm ” so he listened to him repeatedly while I was abroad, then he told me after that of his desire to convert to Islam, so I was very happy and encouraged him. Then several brothers came from the Islamic Center to discuss Islam with him and after that he announced the martyrdom and he is my only son who has converted to Islam at the present time, and he named himself Omar. And I pray to God to grant the rest of my children the grace of Islam.
What did you like in the religion of Islam?
Islam is the most complete and optimal way of life, in other words, it is the compass that directs all aspects of life in the economy, society and others, even the family and how to deal with its members.
What verses that stirred your heart the most?
The Almighty says: They are degrees with God, and God sees what they do. It means a lot to me and has helped me in a difficult time.
What kind of books have you read?
I like reading very much. I have read in Al-Bukhari, Muslim, the Prophet’s biography, and on some companions and female companions, beside interpretation of the Qur’an, of course, and many other books.
Going into a new atmosphere has troubles, what are the difficulties you faced?
I used to live between America and the Philippines, and my daughters are all married there, and when I converted to Islam, three of my daughters responded violently to my conversion to Islam, and the rest considered it personal freedom, and my house and phone were monitored, so I decided to settle in the Philippines, but my husband’s family denied me because before I was connected to them because My father and mother were dead, so I cried for three days, and when I appeared in the street in this outfit the children would call me Sheikha or tent, so I considered this as an invitation to Islam as everyone who knew me completely avoided me.
Did you attend seminars or conferences after converting to Islam?
I did not attend, but I gave many lectures about him in universities and colleges in the Philippines, and I was invited by the heads of some countries to conduct dialogues between a Muslim and a Christian, but I do not like these conversations because their method is violent in the discussion, and I do not like this method of preaching, but I prefer the quiet method, especially Our interest in the person himself first and then invited him second.
What do you think about what is said about a plan that is a quarter of a century old to convert Muslims?
After reading about Islam and in Islam, I learned why Islam is persecuted by all religions because it is the most prevalent religion in the world, and that Muslims are the strongest people because they do not change their religion and do not accept another alternative, because the religion of Islam is the religion of truth and any other religion will not give them what Islam gives them.
What do you hope for yourself and Islam?
Myself, God willing, I will go to Africa, to study them and I am calling, and I hope to visit Egypt to see Fronha mentioned in the Koran, God verse and make it for people, but for Islam, we need to show his health and strength and classed, the center of environments in which it occurs blackout or media interference. We also need Muslims who are strong in faith, whose faith is unwavering, and who call to God.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:29 pm

29 Hijab American reason in Islam, an American university professor
Today I read the story of the Islam of an American university professor; Do you know what is the direct reason for his conversion to Islam? The first reason for his conversion to Islam was the veil of an American Muslim student, proud of her religion, and proud of her veil. Indeed, three university professors and four students embraced Islam with him. It was the direct reason for the conversion of these seven, who became advocates of Islam. It is this veil. I will not bore you with the presentation.
And in the excitement of this wonderful story that I will tell you on the tongue of the American doctor who is named after the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his name became (Muhammad Akoya).
Dr. Muhammad Akoya tells his story: Four years ago, we had a big storm at the university, where a Muslim American student joined the study, and she was veiled, and among her teachers was a fanatical man who hates Islam and confronts everyone who does not attack it. How can someone who embraces him and shows his rituals to the public? He was trying to provoke her whenever he found an opportunity to undermine Islam.
He waged a fierce war on her, and when she met the subject calmly, he became angry with her, so he began to fight her through another way, where he monitored her with grades, and threw difficult tasks in research, and stressed her with results, and when the poor woman was unable to find a way out, she submitted a complaint to the director of the university. A request to look at its subject matter.
And the administration 's decision to be held between the two parties mentioned Dr. and requesting to hear their views and decide on the complaint.
And when the appointed time came. Most of the faculty members attended, and we were very excited to attend this tour, which is the first of its kind for us at the university. The session started in which the student mentioned that the teacher hates her religion.           And for this he digests her scientific rights, and she mentioned many examples of this, and she asked to listen to the opinion of some students who study with her, and among them were those who sympathized with her and testified for her, and the difference of religion did not prevent them from giving a good testimony against her. As a result of this, the doctor tried to defend himself, and he continued to speak and quarrelled because of her religion. She defended Islam. She gave a lot of information about him, and her talk had the ability to attract us, so that we were boycotting her and asking her about any inquiries that we encountered. She replied, and when the doctor concerned saw us busy listening and discussing, he left the hall. He was bothered by our attention and our interaction. So he and those who did not see the importance of the subject went. We, a group of interested people, kept chatting, at the end of which the student distributed two papers to us in which he wrote under the title “ What does Islam mean to me? “The motives that called her to embrace this great religion, then she explained the importance and impact of the veil. She explained her overwhelming feelings for the robes and head covering she was wearing. Which caused tireless this whirlwind.
Her position was great, and because the session did not end with a decision by any party, she said that she was defending her right, and fighting for it, and promised that if she did not get a result in her favour, she would do more even if she had to follow up the case and delay the study somewhat. It was a strong position., and we did not expect faculty members to be a student at this level of consistency and in order to maintain its principle.
And how astonished we were its steadfastness in front of this number of teachers and students, and this issue remained debated within the corridors of the university.
As for me, the conflict began to rage in my mind over who permitted to change religion. What I knew about Islam loved me very much, and desired me to embrace it, and after several months I announced my conversion to Islam, and a second and third doctor followed me in the same year, and there are four students who converted to Islam.
And so within a short period we have become a group our advocacy efforts in the definition of Islam and the call to him, and there are now a number of people in the process of serious thinking, and what Fripp, God willing, publish news of their Islam within the corridors of the university.
And praise be to God alone.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:43 pm

29 Head of Mission Christianization " J. Michel "
It is a missionary mission that has taken in its plan a project to Christianize the Horn of Africa, with Somalia being the starting point for Christianization operations.. And this mission has taken a charitable project as a veil to hide its suspicious activity.. And this project was to treat eye diseases to be implemented through it To the citizens and influence them by encouraging them to convert to Christianity.
This high - level mission had been failed miserably because of the conversion president of the Islamic religion, and who has been attempts by desperate by the missionary mission in order to remove him from embracing Islam, and which amounted to death threats... and this story back story when Christianization Organization of West Germany chose " J. Michael “ to be head of the missionary mission in Somalia, in addition to his work as an ophthalmologist.
Five months later, the organization received reports of his dedication to his work as a doctor, and his neglect of the other part of his mission, which is Christianization... So, “ Guy Michel ” received a telegram from the presidency of the organization asking him to go to England to spend a training period for a month and then travel from there to Tanzania.
And in England, “ J. Michael ” got to know a Muslim friend from Somalia called “ Muhammad Bahor ” who had established his friendship with him, and he happened to invite him one day to visit his house, and he talks about that visit saying: " After that I got to know a Muslim friend from Somalia named " Mohamed Pahor " invited me to visit his home Vlbat call, and was welcomed by his family... and during the visit, I was surprised a man who speaks English fluently amazing, and I learned that the father of my friend Muhammad, and I looked him and I wished to pull it to the Christian religion even realized the process of evangelization.. and began with this man lured to the Christian process by talking about him, and he listens to Basghae Tam, predicted his conviction what I say, and will therefore be the key to evangelization in the whole region. "
And the head of the missionary mission continues his speech by saying: “ After I spoke at length about Christianity as a religion unmatched by any other religion while I was exposed to the greatness of the Gospel and Jesus Christ, the son of God... I was surprised by my friend’s father holding a copy of the Qur’an in his hands and he asked me: Do you know this book?.. I smiled and did not answer for fear of provoking him or hinting at my profession, but I felt that this man understands what is going on in my mind, so he gave me the opportunity to get out of the predicament and he started talking about the Bible and about Christ.. And through his speech I fully realized that all Muslims love Christ and they admit it, and especially that Islam calls for the same faith and with other apostles and prophets, but made it the pillars of faith in Islam.
Then my friend’s father asked me to ask him any question about the Bible or the Qur’an, so I said to him: How? He said: Everything is in the Qur’an.
And “ Guy Michel ” is silent for a while as he recalls his story with Islam, whose first threads were woven through a visit to his friend and his meeting with his father, who listened to him as he tried to attract him to Christianity, and then commented on what he heard from his friend’s father and spoke about Islam smoothly He is pleased with the mind and logical thinking.. Then he goes on to say: " And there were many of my visits to the father of my friend, and I was an observer of the mission members who asked me not to go to this house, and I was surprised after that decision to transfer my friend and then arrested without reason... As for me, they asked me to move to Kenya to spend a holiday enjoyable end expression of evangelization organization.. and I received a letter from my father asking me where to return to Germany as soon as possible. "
But “ Guy Michel, ” the head of the Christianization mission, refused to respond to the instructions of his presidency in Germany, and he also refused to respond to his father’s request, so he wrote this telegram to each of them: “ Perfectly rest assured … everything is fine, and I will convert to Islam.”
And worked " J. Michel " on the study of Islam and understand its teachings and its pillars, which urged them, then he announced his conversion to Islam and changed his name to " Abdul - Jabbar."
And “ Abdul-Jabbar ” continued in Somalia to perform his mission as a Muslim doctor who knows the right of God upon him and the right of the sick, and he treats people with the etiquette of Islam that he adorned in his behavior and morals.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:51 pm

30 Why embrace European women of Islam?
Marie Fallot shows no sign of a possible terrorist. She is a woman A white, delicate Frenchwoman sits at a crowded Parisian café table as she babbles across Mobile phone with other young French women.
This population BP puts particular sales authorities counter Terrorism in Europe has its eyes on Marie of Fallot and thousands of others like her across the continent. And Miss Fallot is a new convert to Islam, which makes her, in the eyes of those
authorities, a source of potential danger.
The death of Belgium's Muriel Degauque attracted the itself in a suicide operation against US forces in Iraq last month attention to Increasing number of people converting to Islam in Europe and most of them are women.
Says The director of the French domestic intelligence agency, Pascal Milhous, said that this phenomenon in Boom and it worries us.
The difficulty that the security authorities face arises from the That women DONC European women white women do not arouse suspicions that the police may be faster to Attention to the potential threat posed by young people of Middle Eastern origin. Magnus says Ranstop, an expert on terrorism at the Swedish National Defense College, said that Terrorists use these women converts to Islam who have advantages In operational situations requiring procedures for security tight. Miss Fallot who
She converted to Islam three years ago after being unable to find answers to her spiritual questions In her childhood Catholic teachings, she says that she finds the doubts that haunt her because of her religion The new one is offensive. She adds: Islam, for me, is a message of love and tolerance And peace.
It Rs machine more attractive to Europeans, especially after the curiosity He grew up on the religion of Islam Yeh in the wake of the events of atheist 's Nest t from September. Although not Availability of accurate figures, observers concerned with monitoring the Muslim population in Europe Estimate the number of people Iat Nicon Islam men and women in Europe a few thousand each general.
A small percentage of those who convert to Islam are attracted to trends radical. And a smaller percentage are those that are involved in acts of violence. There are a persons preparing to Fingers Convicted of terrorist- related misdemeanors like Richard Reid who was caught placing items Explosive in the heel of his shoes, and the American John Walker Linda, who was arrested in Afghanistan.
Experts say, the research is completed, which take place here and there indicate To the women more number of men among new converts to Islam. It confirms that Research shows that contrary to popular belief, only a minority of these women embrace يع Islam because of their marriage to Muslim men.
Dr. Haifa Haddad, the school in. says: The British University of Birmingham, that converting to Islam because of marriage to Muslims was the reason The most common among women, but it has changed now, where women accept European women on Convert to Islam because of their personal conviction. Dr. Haddad explains that a non-Muslim is a Men need to convert to Islam before they can marry a Muslim woman. but this Rule does not apply to women who are not touch to Matt who is why challenging to keep Bdyanthn when Marriage with Muslim men.
Marie Fallot denies that love had any role in pushing her to Converting to Islam, and she says that the first question her acquaintances face is when she tells them that she has converted For Islam is (Do you have a Muslim friend?) and commented saying that they are unable to believe it Proceeded to that from her will Alchksahaharh says Ms. Fallot She loves the way Islam puts in place to get closer to God.
Islam is easier and more Straightening, ups Atth comes from the clarity of its teachings. Fallot goes on to say I was looking for myself Framework, Man needs to rules and behaviors followed. These words reflect the way You think so many of the variables to the E. peace. Dr. Haddad believes that this The phenomenon represents the reaction of many women to a lot of moral confusion in Western societies. They feel comfortable with the sense of belonging, care and participation that it gives Islam.
On the other hand, says Karen van Neukirk, a case study specialist Dutch women who converts to Islam, that these women are attracted to the idea The special about women and men that Islam offers. Where there is more room in Islam For family and motherhood, women in Islam are not considered mere vessels for sex. At Meanwhile, Sarah Joseph English who converted to say Islam and issued a magazine (Amal), a An Islamic feminist magazine in English, the idea that all women European women who convert to Islam tend to lead a secluded way of life away from The excesses of Western feminism are an incorrect idea.
See Stefano Alieva, exponent Taz At the University of Padua Italian, that some women DONC who converts to Islam take off their decision This is a political dimension. Islam, according to El Yafi, gives politics a spirituality and adds to it The idea of the sacred system. But Al-Yaifi says that this is the way to look  at the world It is a masculine way and rarely respond to women.
After the decision Batn Aq Islam, some prefer Alt Latt move slowly and adopt the traditions of Islamic gradually: Valansh Fallot, for example, do not feel that they have become ripe to wear the hijab, despite They took to wear Mlab Q longer and more extensive than those that were worn from before. There are others who rush with ecstasy to enter a new religion, The piety of the display same than those shown by women DONC who gave birth touched the dead and clubbing are accustomed to mosques. It is this segment of the transgender women come easier compliant to extremism.
You see Batoul Al-Tamah, who runs the (New Muslims) program from the Foundation Islam in Britain that the first stages of one’s entry into Islam “ may be sensitive. Because you do not have solid confidence in what you are learning as a new convert to Islam. It is possible to be located One sacrificing of types different from the people who work individually or in groups (say Al-Ta’mah) that some of the new converts to Islam feel a strong desire to integrate into their new environment To the extent that makes them willing to do any thing in order to accept them others.
The food draws a sad lesson from the case of Muriel Degauque, which was reported The news that they had suffered from the failure and addiction in her life before her conversion to the E. Peace Her rush to the conviction that carrying out a "supernatural act " such as a suicide bombing might give her a chance Salvation and repentance. Al-Tamah says that the influential aspect of Degauque's story is that she is a woman She sought inner Islam and fell victim to people who sought to exploit her«.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 9:56 pm

31 Christian teacher " Aldo Dmourys " who became an advocate of Islam
Was " Aldo Dmourys " a priest who reached their enthusiasm for Christian bottoming and preachers loyal in his country Sri Lanka, it was his mission to teach the little young doctrine of the Trinity, and that cultivates in them and deepening in their consciousness and their brains to grow up Christians do not know is Christianity we have, and helped him He excelled in his work as a specialist in comparative religion, in addition to his university qualification in economics and commerce, which gave him the opportunity to work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from which the story of his belief in Islam began.
It was " Aldo Dmourys " thinks that the Muslim people and pagans worship the moon, and this probably was the result of misunderstanding due to the investigation of the Muslim lunar appearance of all the first lunar month, as it did not know that this is due to the need to know the beginnings of months so that they can perform the duty of fasting and Hajj in Muadahma... and it was his understanding of the minor by then believed that the Muslims do so this is a form of worship of the moon as do the Gentiles, and has contributed to the consolidation of this erroneous idea has its origins in a Christian family fanatic, and so he ordered his conversion to Islam Far from the imagination of those who know him, let alone his own imagination.
And when it came, " Aldo " to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stopped and raised his attention the closure of shops and the departure of the Muslim masses to the mosque when authorized the muezzin to prayer, I have the intensity of this scene as exemplified by the deep meanings in the hearts of Muslims and their pride in their religion.. He also raised the attention of good treatment which was met with her, as well as his knowledge finally that Islam calls for the values and principles prevailed if applied to the world of love and justice, and then began the same tend to know the secret of this religion.
And while strong this feeling inside began not only to ask, and but taking looking for a translated version of the Holy Quran in order to discover his own aspects of his eloquence and likeness.. and was soon achieved what he wanted when he found with one of his friends the Muslims Fastarha him with joy, and He continued to study it until the time for the dawn call to prayer, and he heard the muezzin calling for prayer, so his eyes watered, and he had no choice but to rush to wash and pray as he saw Muslims doing. It had to be crowned " ALDO " faith Bathbath formally to be able to visit the Kaaba and the Prophet 's Mosque, and then went to a Muslim to his friends to guide him through the declaration of Islam that has been achieved in the presence of the judge, declaring the legitimate He was born again with the name “ Mohammed Sharif ”.
And not only " Mohammad Sharif " Bisalamh, he felt that the duty is required to play and is to contribute to the guidance of others, and especially those who was one of the reasons for deepening Christianity in them from his family and his disciples.
And was able to his perseverance and style dialogue Pacific based on the facts to convince his family and many of his relatives that Islam is the religion of truth, and they believed him, including a priest friend came after his conversion to Islam of sincere believers of the religion of God, and succeeded in guiding his former students, and he became Muslim, mostly.
It is worth noted that the study of " Mohamed Sharif " of Christianity says he was given his best to convince those who guided them to God, as explained to them after God it guided the extent of discrepancies in the Gospels about the nature of Jesus peace be upon him while taking Koran specific position clear about the nature of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, a position acceptable to the mind and agree with the logic.
This is, and is " Mohammad Sharif, " a model Muslim preacher, where he benefited from his knowledge of eight languages in the call of God among the speakers of those languages, and his advocate views and methods of invitation to the religion of God should pay attention to it because it is issued by the process of experience, that: He sees that the Islamic call is still lacking in many things, for example, the lack of letters and publications that call people to the religion of God, when it was available to him during his work in Christianization.
Also it believes that preachers are required to infiltrate in popular circles in various countries to explain to the people the truth of Islam and its unique advantages, and in particular that the perceptions of the public have in non - Muslim countries under the influence of the advocates of Christianity is not in favor of Islam, and then it is illogical to invite people To enter into the religion of their information is distorted.
So calls for " Mohammed Sharif, " the need to follow the methods of tactical Islamic call begins to explain the essence of Islam and how the religion with Allah is Islam, and demonstrate the fact that Jesus upon the fact that peace prophet, sending the right, and to clarify the amount of reverence Muslims him as a prophet, and his mother, the Virgin set by Islam is at the forefront of the women of Paradise. He also refers to an important part, which falls on the shoulders of the wealthy Muslims. He believes that it is imperative for them to publish translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an and books that deal with the essence of the Islamic faith and other books that are suitable for calling to different languages, because many of the Children of other sects yearn to learn about the truth of Islam and its teachings, but the language barrier stands as a stumbling block in the way of achieving their demand.
And highlights the " Mohammed Sharif, " the fact to teach wealthy Muslims, he says: " The evangelization activities find support from the rich Christian, while Muslims cast consequence advocacy activities rests with governments and organizations and bodies that are usually busy with various colors of activities."
Thus, we find ourselves in front of a personality who was sincere in embracing Islam, to the extent of her zeal to call for it, with the insight of Muslim preachers to its methods and requirements to have an effective impact.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 18 يوليو 2021, 10:11 pm

32 famous American priest the hands of Imam Bin Baz
This topic is in Truth is a pamphlet issued by the former priestL'kenneth. Jenkins Or Abdullah Al-Farouq now.. he describes the story of his conversion to this great religion... in which he says:“ As a former priest and as a clergyman in The Church My mission was to light the way for people to get them out of the darkness in which they are... After my conversion to Islam, I had an overwhelming desire to spread my experience with this religion, perhaps its light And blessings be solved on those who did not know yet... I am Ahmed God for his mercy me Badkhala Islam and to see the beauty of this religion and its greatness as explained by the Holy Prophet and his companions proselytes... it 's only God 's mercy we get to the guidance of true and the ability to follow the straight path Which leads to success in this world and in the hereafter... And I saw this mercy manifested when I went to Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz and converted to Islam, and his love for me was increasing as well Knowledge in every encounter I have.... there are also many who have helped me with encouragement and education, but for my fear of not mentioning some, I will not mention their names... It is enough for me to say praise To God Almighty, who walks for me every brother and every sister who played an important role for the growth of Islam within me And also for my upbringing as a Muslim.... I pray to God that this short effort will benefit many people... and I hope the Christians will find the way that leads to salvation.. The answers are to problems.
Christians can not be found in the possession of the Christians themselves because they are in most cases they are o b b Their problems... but in Islam the solution to all the problems of Allen masts and Allen Sranih and all religions Almzaa anybody as long in the world... ask God to Adzena on our business and our intentions....
start: as a small child.... Ncit the fear of the Lord... and I was raised largely by a grandmother Fundamentalism, which made the church an integral part of my life.... and I was still a young child.... the passage of time By the age of six.... I knew what awaited me in heaven and what awaited me Punishment in the fire......... My grandmother teaches me that liars will go to the fire to Forever... my mother had two jobs but she reminded me of what my grandmother told me Always... my sister 's big brother and younger were not Maht Maine say what my grandmother alarms And warnings about heaven and hell as I was interested!!
I still remember when I was young When I look at the moon sometimes it's close to red.... and then Never cry because my grandmother was telling me that from the end of the minimum marks to become the color of the moon Red... like blood... By the time I turned eight I had gained great knowledge and great fear What will be waiting for me at the end of the world... and also were coming to me many nightmares about the day of reckoning And how will it be?
Our house was very close to the railway station and the trains were running smoothly Always.... I remember when I woke up frightened by the sound of the train and the sound of its whistle thinking that I I have died and I have been sent!!
These ideas were crystallized in my mind through education Oral by my grandmother as well as readable like Bible stories.... on Sunday we were Go to the synagogue of you wear the best clothes and my grandfather is responsible for Tusilna to there..... I remember that time was going through there as if dozens of hours!! We were getting there in Eleven in the morning and we don't leave until three.... I remember I used to sleep in that Time in my grandmother's lap... and sometimes my grandmother would let me go out to sit with my grandfather Who was not religious... and we were sitting with some trains to monitor....... In a some extent days were injured A serious stroke, affecting we went to the usual to the church........ In fact, this was It's a very sensitive period in my life... At that time, I started to feel an overwhelming desire to go To church and really I started going alone. And when I was sixteen I started going To I Study the other was a small building, and was supervised by the father of my friend......... was Attendance is a me I and my friend and his father and a group of my colleagues in the study.... This continued The situation is only a few months before that church is closed.. and after I graduated from high school By joining the university, I remembered my religious commitment and became active in the religious field.... and then I was baptized..... and as a college student... I became in a short time the best member of the church which made many People like me...... and I too was glad I thought I was on my way “ For Salvation “... I used to go to church all the time when its doors were open…….. and also Study the Bible for days and weeks in some cases... I brought many lectures It was built by clerics....... At the age of twenty he became a some extent the members of the church... and then began By preaching... and I became known very quickly... In fact, I was a fanatic and I was I am certain that no one can obtain salvation unless he is a member of our church!!
Also I was condemned to every person the Lord did not know the road that I knew I out........... I I believe that Jesus Christ and the Lord is one person...... In fact, in The Church has learned that the Trinity is incorrect, but at the same time I believed that Jesus, the Father, and the Spirit Jerusalem is one person!!
I tried to understand how this relationship is correct but in fact I have never been able to reach an integrated conclusion regarding this doctrine!!
I am impressed by ambiguity Modesty for women, as well as the good behavior of men..
I was one of those who believed The belief that says that a woman should cover her body ! Not the woman who fills her face Balmikaj and says I am the ambassador of Christ!....
By this time I had come to the certainty that What I'm in it now is my path to salvation..... and also you when a entered into an argument with a some extent People from other churches ended the discussion completely silent.... and that's because of my extensive knowledge In the Bible, I memorized hundreds of texts from the Bible....and this was what distinguished me from Others... Despite all that confidence that I had, a part of me was searching.... But for what...? Something about a size of which reached him!
I was constantly praying to the Lord to guide me to The right religion... and forgive me if I'm wrong... up to this moment I have not had any Direct contact with Muslims and I did n't know anything about Islam.... All I knew was what So- called " Nation of Islam ", a group of blacks found them have their own and is not racist It accepts non-blacks.... but they called it “the Nation of Islam ” and this is what made me think that this is it Islam... the founder of this religion is called “ Elijah Muhammad ” and he is the one who started this religion and who He also called his group " Black Muslims ".... In fact, an eloquent orator caught my eye for this The group named Louis Farrakhan has attracted me his way and this was in the seventies of this century... and after I graduated from the university you have reached the advanced stage of work in the field Religious.... and at that time followers appeared “ Elijah Muhammad “To appear clearly..... and then I started to support them, especially as they are trying to promote black people from their mistreatment. And the situation in general.... I started attending their lectures to learn the nature of their religion Specifically... but I did not accept the idea that the Lord is as a man and d (as owners of the nation believes Islam) and I didn't like the way they used the Bible to support their ideas... I know this book is well..... So I was not enthusiastic about this religion (and at this time I thought it was is Islam).
Six years later, I moved to live in Texas City.... and quickly Walt done To become a member of two churches there and he was working in one of those two churches a young man without Khabb Rh in While that my experience in Christianity had reached a significant amount above the usual too... and in the Church the other which I was a member where there was vaccinia o great age, and though He didn't have the knowledge I had about the Bible so I chose to get out From her so that there would be no problems between me and him... Then I moved to work in another church.... in another city. The head of that church was a seasoned and expert man with abundant knowledge... and an amazing way of teaching.... And although he had ideas that I only agree with He was in the Allen Haah u person has the ability to pussy to people. At this time I started Discovered things did I teach her church and made me think about while I'm in it from religion...!!!
Welcome to the real world of the church: I quickly discovered that in the church Lots of jealousy which is very common in the church ladder... Also many things changed thoughts Which I was accustomed to...... for example women wear clothes that I used to consider Shameful....and everyone cares about his appearance in order to draw attention... no more... to the opposite sex!! Now I found out how that money plays a major game in the churches have told me that If the church does not have the specified number of members, then you do not need to waste your time with it because you You will not find the appropriate financial return for this........ Then I told them that I am not here for Money... I am ready to do so without any return for... Even if he found one member just...!!
Here I began to think of those whom I used to be wise, how they were They only work for money!! I discovered that money, power, and utility were most important to them From introducing people to the truth... Here I started asking these professors some questions, but these The time publicly at the time of the lectures.... I used to ask them how Jesus could be the Lord?.... And also at the same time the Holy Spirit, the Father, the Son, Wu... etc... But there is no answer!! a lot Some of these priests and preachers used to tell me that they also did not know how to explain it But at the same time they believe that they are required to believe in it!!
The discovery was the size The great cases of adultery and Alp abolition of the canon in the center and also the spread of drugs and trade Among them, and also many of the discovery of gay priests Jane Sia led me to change the way Thinking and looking for something else, but what?
And in those days I was able to get a job New in Saudi Arabia... A New Beginning: Not so long ago I noticed the different way of life of Muslims..... they were different from the followers of “Al- Yajh Mohammed " racists who do not accept only black... Islam in Saudi Arabia includes All classes... all races... that's when I had a strong desire to get to know this Distinguished Religion... I was amazed at the life of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and I wanted to know More........ I ordered a set of books from a brother who was active in calling for Islam.... I was getting all the books I was asking for... I read them all and then they gave me The Noble Qur’an and I read it several times..... during several months... I asked so many questions And I always found a convincing answer..... What added to my admiration was the person's lack of insistence on the answer...... Rather, if he did not know it, he would simply tell me that he did not know and that he would ask me about it. And tell me later!!
And the next day he always brought me the answer.... and also What attracted me about these bewildering people is their pride in themselves!!
I was surprised When I see women who are modest from face to feet! I did not find religious ladder or competition Among the people affiliated to work for the sake of religion, as it was happening in America in the ecclesiastical milieu There …..it was all great but there was one thing that bothered me and that was how I could leave the debt Who were you brought up on? How do I leave the Bible?? I had a belief that it had some truth to it Despite the large number of distortions and revisions that occurred to him.... then I was given In which a video tape debate S. Maha " Is the Bible God 's Word " which is between Sheikh Ahmed Deedat and between Jimmy Swagrt... and then immediately declared an Islamic!!!!!! To watch this exciting debate Or listen to it, you can download it from the following link:
http: //www. islam. org/audio/ra622_4. ram
Then I was taken to the office of Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz to announce the martyrdom and my acceptance of Islam... and I was given advice on what I will face In the future.... It 's actually a new birth for me after a long darkness. I was thinking what My church colleagues will say when they know the news of my conversion to Islam? there was no time long to know. After that I returned to the United States of America in order to leave took Criticisms hit me from every side for what I am about as “ lack of faith, ” as they say!! And they started describing me with all possible descriptions..... such as traitor and morally promiscuous... as well Church leaders used to do.... but I did n't care what they were saying because I am now happy And I am pleased with the blessing that God has bestowed upon me, which is Islam... Now I want to dedicate My life is to serve Islam as I was in Christianity. But the difference is that Islam does not exist in it A monopoly on religious education, but everyone is required to learn...... I was gifted by Sahih Muslim from Before the Qur’an teacher.. then I discovered my need to learn the biography of the Messenger - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -... and his hadiths and what he did in his life... So I read the hadiths available in the language English as much as possible... Also I realized that my experience in Christianity is very useful for me in Dealing with Christians and arguing with them... My life has completely changed. The most important thing I have learned is that This life but is a preparatory life eschatological and also what I have learned that we Njazy So intentions... ie you if you intend to work good work was estimated to do, do what circumstance... the reward of this work have you.... This is completely different from Christianity.... Now Of the most important of my goals is to learn the language in Arabic and learn more about Islam. And now I'm working In the field of da'wah to non-Muslims and non-Arabic speakers..... and I want to reveal to the world Contradictions, errors and inaccuracies contained in the book that millions of people around the world believe in The world (the Bible for Christians) and there is also a positive side of what I learned from Christianity is that no one can argue with me, because I know most of the deceptions that modern people try Using it to deceive Christians and other inexperienced people.... I ask God to guide us all to whether the path “ May God reward him with good, and these words do not, in fact, come from anyone except from a man.” Sadiq knew God and believed in him... and then faith grew in his heart... until his goal became guidance All people!!!
To this man the following verse applies: “You will find The people most hostile to those who believed were the Jews and those who associate, and that you will find the closest of them in affection to those who believe They said: We are Christians because among them are priests and monks. And they are not arrogant *
And if they heard what was revealed to me The Messenger sees their eyes overflowing with tears from what they knew of The truth is they say, Our Lord, we believe, so write us with the witnesses. *
gesticulate We do not believe in God and the truth that has come to us, and we hope that Our Lord will admit us with the righteous people. ” Surah Al-Ma’idah State 82 84

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:20 am

33 story Fawzia Nigerian
Lightning whips the Nigerian plateau (Bauchi) harshly, the tears of the sky are swollen, the universe has wrapped its black cloak, and the stars are trying to flash from behind the dark clouds, and in the muddy path a girl walks to share the crying sky, her eyes are swollen, her face is green from kicks, and human wolves invite her to sleep accompanied Devilish sticky smiles.

What is the girl's story?
The slender young man (Abu Bakr) who was fond of introducing the mark “ Deedat ” answered me: “ I will tell you everything, but first let us take shelter from the rain under the papaya tree.”

And actually sat underneath, and sailed with his interesting in Arabic mixed English: " my friend, do not forget that the day that I pray with construction workers in the new House proselytes project, cool thing stuck Besdegue, and hoarse voice terrifying Akhatabna, which Alkzna the barrel of the old rifle: (I'll kill you If my daughter converted to Islam, do you hear), I recognized the voice easily. Who does not know the priest of the city? Indeed, Professor, I have never been exposed to the invitation, but it is God’s mercies that lead it to the perplexed.

I was supervising the project, and a girl asked me from behind:
You are African, why are your prayers different from ours?
I told her: I am a Muslim.

She laughed and said:
A Muslim who marries four women!!

You cover women with cloths as if they are infected with elephantiasis, so you are ashamed for people to look at your women!! Then I laughed.

He interrupted his speech:
What did you do about these successive insults?

He smiled Abu Bakr Vlmat white teeth:
" did not go off and exploded, of course, but I replied quietly, the least thing we respect our women, do not go out to run behind a living, are the queens we have Tlosmt the girl returned to her home in front of the project house new converts, and followed by a series of days and turned The provocative discussions turned into calm dialogues, and the words turned into a stream that flows in the soul, shaking them in a state of shock, and the phrases turned into convictions, and then the convictions turned into action, will and Islam.

She shouted with joy:
Have you embraced Islam?!

An individual with all the usual calm:
" Of course, I've stayed Tnaakecna long, perhaps months, do not forget it is usual to come daily to place the project to sell (Aloueckh) and rice cooked with milk for our workers, and was investing the afternoon in the discussions and questions, I think that the questions will not end at all, I was the occasional appearance of her father, I expect to fulfill his promise and end my life, as previously told me, yes, I converted to Islam and the girl received and still receive from the insults and humiliation from her father is not tolerated by humans. Do not forget that her father is a priest and a monk in the city.

I asked him:
But what compels her to go out at that hour under this rain in this form?

Here we were alerted that it was our duty to stop her and ask her, we tried to catch up with her, but we could not trace her tracks under this violent tropical rain.

The next day we know that it came out of her house expelled from her father 's pastor, the girl where And not sure to go, where to spend the night painful night that, if it sees Odhiraa warm legislator so, I saw from afar the minaret of the mosque statement, Ffarht promised it as a conservation divine her to the extent He is saying now in the mosque, and when it became morning and grandfather Sheikh Suleiman, sent her to his house, told her she now is the sister of all of us, and the families of the people of his home care and carry out whatever you do.

The girl stayed with Sheikh Suleiman’s wife for long days, and she saw closely how the life of Muslims is, and her conviction of Islam increased, but the days are not the same, her father went crazy and started looking for her, and he took advantage of human demons, so they kindled evil in his heart until tomorrow like the fire of Nimrod that he lit to burn our master Abraham, peace be upon him, came with his number, his equipment and his old rifle, and he surrounded the house of Sheikh Suleiman, and threatened to burn the house with whoever was in it if his daughter did not come out. As for me, the Muslims in Medina asked me to hide, if he found me, he would make my blood shed in the Sunday mass in their church.

Sheikh Suleiman the skinny came out like a deer, and told him that his daughter had not been touched by any harm, so he asked to see her and she went out to him, so he was relieved when he saw her fine, and asked her to take him home, but she refused because she knows what you will find there, so he became angry, and those around him started setting fires, and at the critical time the police came The crowds dispersed.

The father asked the authorities to return his daughter to her home, but she refused, and the Muslims appointed a lawyer for her to defend her, and the rule of law: that the girl is an adult and has the right to choose the religion that she is convinced of, and she is free to decide how her life will be.

The Muslim crowd marched through the city after the end of the case, chanting:
(Fawzia is from us, Fawzia is our sister, Fawzia is a Muslim).

You may laugh, but I hope you never lose sight of the religious fervor we Africans have.

The event was covered by the media in the city, but Sheikh Suleiman’s wisdom came like a balm on the heart of the girl’s parents, as he hosted them in his house, honored them, and brought their daughter to them to see her.

She may not feel the extent of the impact of this situation on her father the priest and her mother, her father jumped to hug Sheikh Suleiman, and the mother cried a lot, and they knew that Islam is peace and mercy, not as they think it is terrorism and the marriage of four women!!!.

Fawzia returned to her father's house honorable and protected, with her veil she returned, with her pride she returned, with her faith that fills her heart she returned, winning the guidance of God, and the love of Muslims for her.

So the Muslims called her here: Fawzia.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:37 am

34 dialogue with a new convert to Islam
This is an interview conducted by some women's discussion forums with a new convert to Islam, in which it was explained how she wore the hijab before her conversion to Islam.

How did you convert? And what attracted her to Islam?
The interviewer conducted the Sisters’ Corner in the Women’s Path of Islam Forums: We conducted an interview with " Diem Stagirniels " a mother of one child at the age of 25 years living in Denmark, which is originally from Poland. I have traveled through six religions trying to find and live in a peaceful and safe spirit.

Sisters' Corner:
Diem: Did your parents raise you? What is the religion in which you were brought up, and the environment in which you grew up?

Diem: My father was a Catholic Atnehma yen. They separated when I was 3 years old. My mother raised me as a Catholic until she married a Protestant man when I was 12 years old. They forced me to go to conservative Christian churches until I was 19 and left home. I never thought the Catholic health, and in fact have been kicked out of the educational lessons because Trahi questions " wrong "! This continued for most of my youth. When I was in conservative Christian churches, the same thing happened. The sad thing is that I was originally an atheist.

In fact, most of these Christians (some of them claimed to have prophecy and a holy vision) could not understand the matter! I discovered that all a person has to become a Christian is to say the right words and can quote from the Bible at all times, but faith is really not important. My family life was really wonderful for the first twelve years of my life. I was close to Jamie p my family (except my father, who was still drunk).

The man who married my mother when he was 12 years old was Yasin Nglha materially and morally, and verbally throughout their relationship. He financially took advantage of me (but I was getting revenge and it stopped). He took advantage of me verbally and morally until I left the house. He sexually abused me once when I was 14 when he was a heavy drug user.

As for my father, communication has been cut off my Nana since I was 12 years old until I was 18 years old, and this was my choice Profile; I didn't want to spend my time with someone who preferred wine to his daughter. After that I tried to establish a relationship between us during my age between 18 and 22 years.

But this did not work because he lied to me about stopping drinking alcohol, and he was looking at me as a friend who drinks alcohol. It often happened that when I visited him, he pretended to give me alcohol, even though it was actually water.

Sisters Corner:
We ask God to bless you with a happy and secure life forever. Deem: What religions did you pass through before your belief in Islam?
Dam: I started out as a Catholic, but I didn't believe in it. Judges At my age between 12 and 14 Matnqh the " Wiccan " (Wicca: a religion of polytheistic nature of the pagan derived from several beliefs of pre - Christian European West. And God basic they are the gods of the mother, and this religion is used magic herbal and some divination.) but I did not feel comfortable, opted to pagan polytheistic when I was between 14 and 17. Yes, I practiced magic. I wouldn't say whether it was ' white ' or ' black ' since I believed that magic itself was neutral and was positively or negatively dependent on the person's own intent. It was not like that, so entered in the " Thelma " for a few months (Alhielma: religion, philosophical, believes that knowledge and the desire to achieve the real person is the ultimate goal and the duty of every creature).

Also did not like that, so I tried " devil worship " polytheistic for the year. I did not like that, so I converted to a Greek religion until I became a Muslim when I was 24 years old.

Corner sisters:
I have acceded designed to Brother Corner Forum WM Conference Na Lizzy July 19, 2003, and I truly say that the supervisors team shock when you hit them on 13 November to send a topic in " Veil Square " Next came it: " I am not a Muslim, I'm not Orthodox, not Jewish, not Christian.

But I wear the hijab. Do I get strange looks sometimes? Yes.. Do I allow that to bother me? No.. " we were shocked because you are as stated in your subject I'm not orthodox, I am not Jewish, I am not a Christian. But you were wearing pressed Gap! If you were a Christian and wore the hijab, we would understand and accept the matter since the nuns cover their hair. Why did you make such a decision? 

Dam: I decided to wear the hijab because I was curious what it would be like. Considering that I am of Polish origin, I used to wear a headscarf in a babochki dress (since most women in my family do). 

However, I knew that Hajj August was different because it was more than just a cover, it was a complete symbol of the bass. So; Decoding rate that I wear. But before that, I spoke with Muslim women on the Faith Network

Belief NetPersonally, to make sure that this will not hurt or hurt anyone's feelings. I went to an Islamic store and bought an abaya and a head covering and went out in public. Because of the veil, I felt freedom in every sense of the word! I liked that Jesse Mai was the first time of my own only; Did not Ta any one to be seen parts of Jesse de Iqimna dependent on them.

I liked how comfortable I was. And I also liked that when I was wearing the hijab, my mind was the net interest of mind is not busy feeling the de Almadén and I could focus on what there is inside. I also liked that for the first time in my life I feel special. I felt as though my body was something special, just for me and my husband to know and see; That was a treasure.

Since that time until now, I have not gone out of the house without my hijab. As the sisters Okhbernna that it is useful for me to try to act in accordance with the approach of Islam me while wearing the veil (so that others do not look at my actions as the actions of the infidel person touched not) and that was the beginning of the interest of Islam and learning behaviors accepted it. I found myself agreeing a lot with the teachings of Islam and with what Islam considers acceptable.

Sisters' Corner:
I can honestly say that when we learned that you were of the Greek religion, a discussion took place among the supervisory team about whether it was right for us to let you complete your posts or not. But praise be to God, who guided us to let you participate in the arena, but after we increased the censorship of your posts.

Our question is:
Have you ever felt any different treatment by any member or mesh unburden when you are not a Muslim?
Dam: I have neither seen nor felt any different treatment. I noticed that the o Ahmet participation contrary to Islam (unwittingly), I find one of the sisters TS babysit Ptsahhristi, or acceleration of one of the supervisors substantive amendment. I am grateful for that, and I have mentioned it many times on the forums. I never wanted to say, suggest or do anything in the yards that would be against Islam or cause problems for the sisters in the yards.

My mother raised me to respect people's beliefs; Even if they differed from my faith, and I work Gah Dah not to do anything against them with the presence of Ash particular followers of this belief, and I am working hard to reconcile different beliefs of the owners, and learn from them, and completely avoid doing something causes perversion. I never felt like someone judged me, treated me badly, or looked down upon me.

Sisters' Corner:
We recently noticed that when you joined the forums, your posts did not show a desire to learn about Islam, and we felt that you wanted to be surrounded by Muslim women. Was this feeling right? Why you for any discussion be exposing about religions during the first weeks or  months for the transfer of the first and focused on topics such as recipes for cooking and cooking?

Dam: Yes.. I wanted to be with Muslim women because I feel the utmost respect for them. I know that you are in the yard with women touching the dead, that he will not be raised as a married woman discussions lead me to things not should be. In addition, I learned that I was with women touching the dead will not be billed or talk to me badly, or that someone is trying to " sell me " Islam. Although I was vastly different from the sisters in the arena, I felt accepted in a way I had never felt before. I felt that the sisters were the right people to teach me Islam and answer my questions. I wanted to be with people who don't drink alcohol, don't go to bars, and don't stir up talk about relationships with men.

I found it in the sisters' corner yards. I found that at a time when our beliefs differed; However, we were Nash much left the things I felt that in order to reach the right of Muslims and non - touch of Maine they can spend together. The reason I didn't discuss religion was because I didn't know much about Islam and didn't want to talk about my religion.

I was wary that I talked about the Greek religion of the squares can I hurt the path of mayors to question a new Muslim, or that you think I want sisters devout fold, that I want to market and sell them to the Greek religion. I felt that it was better to avoid matters of religion, Bast praise if my information from the Greek religion (or from any other religions previously espoused) suitable for launch.

Ales main BP to put up topics related to cooking recipes is that I like to cook food in all ways countries of the world, I have noticed that much of the sisters were in love with cooking shared my. I concluded that I couldn't do much to help the sisters on their way to Islam, but I could at least name their kitchen book stores!

Sisters' Corner:
On October 23, I wrote the following: “ I am no longer Greek.. I woke up that day and went to complete my morning supplications.. but I couldn't do it. I sat there thinking to myself about the point of doing this; Since those gods were not present and I did not feel a connection with them after that.” I think that there are other reasons for thee TSH den that feeling, was not it in just one night. What made you feel that way?

What made you think of Islam at that stage?
Dim: I sometimes felt that there was no connection or connection between me and the Greek gods. I was making my invocations, making sacrifices, but nevertheless I felt emptiness. I felt that I had no guidance, no answers, no love or support. I felt that everything I had given fell on deaf ears and that I was left alone. At first I thought it was because I didn't try very hard to be a good follower of the Greek religion.

So; I doubled my efforts in prayer and offering. But that didn't make me feel better. Then I sat down and pondered things over, and came to the realization that the reason was that my belief in them no longer existed in me, and that the only reason for my former feeling was that I believed in them; But they were not actually present. I thought about Islam because I agreed with it on many things. But my stubborn nature and outdated views towards monotheism prevented me from recognizing the truth of my belief in Islam.

Sisters’ Corner:
Glory be to God.. You reminded me of the words of God, the Blessed and the Most High: “ O you who believe, respond to God and the Messenger when he calls you to what gives you life, and know that God separates a person from his heart and that to him you will be gathered ” (Al-Anfal 24) We ask God to increase our faith.

What was the last thing that prompted you to return to Islam?
Diem: When I was looking after my son looked up and said aloud a little " God." I went out and then the tears from my eyes, and I learned with certainty at that time and that place as if the son of a minor, who had never heard the name of " God " Almighty than anyone, can look up and say the name of " God " Almighty learned So, God really was there, and that He, Glory be to Him, is merciful, as if He, Glory be to Him, is sending me a message that I have to abandon my stubborn nature, and to admit immediately that I believe in Him, Glory be to Him.

Sisters’ Corner:
Deem: Among the points that we have prepared to raise to you in our meeting, this is the issue of your husband’s non-conversion to Islam, and the ruling on Islam in such a relationship.

But I was surprised that on the day the interview questions should have been sent to you, I had read a topic for you on the squares announcing the news of your husband’s pronunciation of the shahada! Allah is the greatest! how did this happen?!

I made him browse Islamic websites, and told him that I knew about Islam. He also obtained a translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an in English and has read it. The more he reads and studied, the more he liked it. I insisted in the supplication of God Almighty that if He decreed for me that I would stay with this man who treated me with the utmost love and respect, I insisted in his supplication that He guides him to Islam. Then my husband told me that he wanted to pronounce the shahada because he was sincerely convinced that God Almighty is right and that Islam is the right way to follow it.

Sisters' Corner:
What are your short- and long-term plans for the coming years? Deem: Learn more about my religion, and get more from it.

Sisters Corner:
What do you think you and your husband can do for Islam? Deem: I think we can do a little bit for Islam until we become more knowledgeable about the religion. Until we reach that stage, the matter is in the hands of God before and after.

Corner sisters:   
sold led us so far you've done much to Las L: Our participation Cut Tech UMS promising your husband to return to Islam, and wearing your hijab, being a polite woman in your behavior and way of thinking! In fact, you served Islam. Tire Ken a lot of experience and I am still young. We pray that you learn more and more Lotus other knowledge and experience in this debt service. Certainly, what matters is not the number of Muslims in this world as much as the number of active, committed Muslims who serve Islam.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:45 am

35 Boy delivers a Christian evangelical prophecy
The plane that took me from Jeddah to Paris, I met him after I knew him, he had rested his head on the seat cushion and wanted to fall asleep, so I said to him: Peace be upon you, Abu Muhammad, where are you, man, it is a beautiful coincidence that I meet you here on the plane, and I will not let you sleep There is no time for sleep, do you not see these hosts and hostesses needing invitation, advice and guidance, get up and roll up your sleeves, perhaps God will guide one of them at your hand, and that will be better for you than red camels, are we not a supplicating nation?! did you sleep?!! Do not rest after today!!

The man raised his eyes and stared at me, and as soon as he recognized me, he stood up and said: Dr. Sarhan is unreasonable!! I don't see you on the ground to find you in the sky, hello, I did not expect to see you on the plane, but you were really in my mind, I expected to see you in France or South Africa.. Are you still working there as director of the office of the Association! But tell me what are these beautiful moments when I see you standing in front of me on the plane!! I can't believe my eyes...

Believe my brother Believe not see me standing in front of you Bahma and meaty, including I think I see you absent - minded.

Yes, I was thinking that a child with ten years that I met in Johannesburg, which is the safest and did not deliver his father 's priest.

What a child and his father delivered a priest.. then.. then off and tell me about this story, I smell a beautiful story, fragrant story, let 's Brabeck told me.

It is a story stranger than fiction, but God Almighty if he wants something he spends, with his hand the kingdom of all Almighty guides whom He wills and leads astray.

Here 's the story: I was in the city of Johannesburg and I was praying once in a mosque, if a child ten years - wearing Arab clothes, a white dress and cloak Gulf Arab bear shoulders, and on his head scarf and headband, Vhdna appearance, it is not usually the people of South Africa to wear as well as the understanding of wear trousers And the shirt and they put a keffiyeh on their heads, or they wear the Islamic dress that distinguishes the Muslims of India and Pakistan, so he passed by me and gave me the greeting of Islam, so I replied to him and said to him: Are you a Saudi?!!

He said to me: No, I am a Muslim who belongs to all countries of Islam.. I was surprised and asked him: Why do you wear this Gulf dress?!? Ali replied: Because I cherish him, he is like Muslims.. A man who knew the boy passed by and said: Ask him how he became Muslim?! So I was surprised by the man's question that I ask the boy how to embrace Islam.. So I said to the man: Is he not a Muslim?!!

Then I asked the boy: Were you not a Muslim before?! Are you not from a Muslim family?! Then the questions rushed into my head, but the boy said to me: I will tell you the story from beginning to end, but first tell me where are you from? I said: I am from Makkah Al-Mukarramah!! As soon as the child heard my answer that I was from Makkah Al-Mukarramah, he rushed towards me wanting to hug and kiss me and started saying: From Makkah!! from Mecca!! I was so happy to see a man from Makkah Al-Mukarramah, the sacred land of God. I long to see her.. I was astonished by the child’s words and said to him: Come on, tell me about your story..

The child said: I was born to a Catholic father, a priest who lives in Chicago, America, and there I grew up and learned to read and write in a kindergarten. An American affiliated with the church, but my father took great care of me from an educational point of view. He always accompanied me to church and assigned a man to teach and raise me. Then my father left me in the church library to read children’s magazines dyed with Christian stories..

And one day while I was in the church library it extended I reached for a book that was placed on one of the shelves of the library, so I read the title of the book, and it was found in the Bible, and it was a worn-out book, and for my curiosity, I wanted to browse the book, and Glory be to God, as soon as I opened the book, my eyes fell (and at first sight) on a strange line, so I read a verse that says: And this is the translation of it: (And Christ said: An Arab prophet will come after me, whose name will be Ahmad), so I was astonished by that statement and rushed to my father and I asked him simply but with astonishment: My father, my father, did you read these words in this Gospel?!! My father replied: What is it?

So I said: Here on this page are strange words in which Christ says that an Arab prophet will come after him. Who is he, O my father, the Arab prophet whom Christ mentions that he will come after him? It is mentioned that his name is Ahmed? Has he come or not yet, my father? So the priest screams at the innocent child and shouts at him: Where did you get this book from?! From the library, O my father, the church library, your own library where you read.

Show me this book, What is the lie and the Lord Jesus Christ. But in the book, in the Bible, O my father, do not see it written in the Bible.

The owner and for this you these things do not understand you are still young, let 's get to the house, Vshabna my father from my hand and took me to the house and took shouting me and Atoadena and that he would do me so and so if I did not leave it up, but I knew that there was a secret he wants my father to hide Ali, but God guided me to start looking for everything that is Arabic for the origin of the result, I took looking for the Arabs to ask them, and I found a restaurant Arab in our town, I entered and asked about the Arab prophet, he said to me the owner of the restaurant: Go to the Muslim mosque, and there Christdthonk it better than me The child went to the mosque and shouted in the mosque: Are there Arabs in the mosque?! One of them said to him: What do you want from the Arabs?! He said to them: I want to ask about the Arab Prophet Ahmad?

Someone said to him: Go ahead, sit down, and what do you want to know about the Arab Prophet?! He said: I have read that Jesus says in the Gospel that I read in the church library that an Arab prophet named Ahmad will come after him. Is this true?!

The man said: Did you really read that?! What you are saying is true, my son, and we Muslims are followers of the Arab Prophet Muhammad -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-and our Qur’an has mentioned the same as what you have mentioned to us now. The child shouted as if he had found what he wanted: Is that correct?!!

Yes it is true, wait a bit, and the man went and brought with him a translated copy of the Qur'an and took out the verse from Surat grade which says: (and promising a Messenger to come after me, named Ahmad).

Shouted child: Show me them, the man verse translated Shouted showed him the child: O L is as it is in the Bible, did not lie Christ, but my father lied to me how I do, O man to be followers of the Prophet (Muhammad peace be upon him). He said: To testify that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger, and that the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is His servant and His Messenger.

The child said: I testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad the slave and His Messenger, and that Jesus is His slave and His Messenger preached that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, what I was pleased today I will go to my father and Obhrh, and the child began with joy to his father, the priest.

My father and my father I knew the truth, that the Arabs are in America and Muslims are in America, they are the followers of Muhammad peace be upon him, and I have seen the Koran have mentioned the same verse that I have shown them in the Bible, I have converted to Islam, I am a Muslim now, O my father, come on Aslam with me must follow the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, so Jesus told us in the Bible.

If Balksas as if lightning came down on his head, Vshab his young son and insert it into a small room and closed the door Sagna him, and asked not to clemency, remained in prison weeks brought him food and drink and then closes it again, and when he feared that the exposure as ordered by government authorities after I took the school where the son studying sends ask about the absence of the son, and he feared that develops it may lead him to prison, he thought in exile his son to Tanzania in Africa, where he lives and the parents of the priest, and already denied there and told his parents that do not Arahmoh if he returned to his And his delirium as they claim, and if the order cost them to kill him, let them kill him there, because in Africa no one will search for him!!

The child traveled to Tanzania, but he has not forgotten his conversion to Islam and took looking for Arabs and Muslims until he found a mosque Vdechlh and sat down to the Muslims and tell them with experience Ftefoa him and took teach Islam, but the grandfather discovered his command took him and his imprisonment as his father had done before, and then take in the torture of the boy, but did not succeed in restoring the child He expressed his determination and could not dissuade him from what he wanted to do. Imprisonment and torture increased him in firmness and strength to go on with what God wanted for him.

In the end, his grandfather wanted to get rid of him, so he put poison in the food for him, but God was kind to him and he was not killed in that heinous crime, after he ate A little bit of food, he felt that his bowels hurt, so he vomited, then threw himself from the room in which he was to a balcony and from there to the garden, which he quickly left to the mosque group who rushed to provide him with the necessary treatment until God Almighty healed him, after which he told them to hide him and then they fled to Ethiopia with one of them So he embraced Islam by his hand in Ethiopia, tens of people invited them to Islam!! Abu Muhammad said.

The boy said to me: Then the Muslims feared for me, so they sent me to South Africa, and here I am in South Africa, sitting with scholars and attending meetings of preachers wherever I found them, and I invite people to Islam.

This is the true religion, the religion of instinct, the religion that God commanded us to follow, the final religion, the religion that Christ, peace be upon him, preached him that the Prophet Muhammad would come after him and the world should follow him, that if Christians had followed what came in true Christianity, they would have been happy in this world and the hereafter, so here is the uncorrected Bible that I found in the church library in Chicago says that, God has shown me that The book and from the first page I open and the first line I read the verses tell me: (Christ said that an Arab prophet will come after me, whose name is Ahmad) Oh my God, how merciful you are, how great you have guided me from where I do not count, and I am the son of the priest who denies and denies that!! My eyes teared up, Doctor, as I listened to that miraculous little child. At that young age, God guides him with a miracle I did not imagine, he travels all these distances fleeing with his religion.

I listened to him and shook hands with him and kissed him and told him that God would write goodness on his hands, God willing, then he bid me farewell. small and went into hiding in the mosque, I will never forget that face irradiated with light and faith in the face of that young child, who called himself Mohammed a. I said to my father Muhammad: It affected me, man.

It is a strange story. It longed me to see this little child. I did not finish my words until I heard the voice of the host telling us to stay, as we are nearing our arrival at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris. So I sat in my place repeating: (You do not guide whom you love, but God guides whom He wills).

I once traveled to South Africa and the image of the child Muhammad in my mind did not leave me, and I kept asking about him, and they used to tell me that he was here and traveled to another city calling people to God, and I was eager to meet him and I will meet him one day, God willing, and if we live long, are you also eager?!

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:46 am

26 Ali Mohamed Mori (Japan)
Social researcher and preacher
About eighteen years ago I was in Manchuria and the Japanese were in control of it. My first encounter with a Muslim group was in the desert near Peking. Piety was evident in their lives and I was affected by their lifestyle and behavior in life, and this impact deepened in me as I went deeper in my travels within Manchuria.

I returned to Japan in the summer of 1946 AD, after its defeat, and found that the situation had completely changed there, and I saw a terrible change in the thinking of the masses. Buddhism, which the majority of Japanese believed in, spread corruption in it, and after it was inspiring people to ways of salvation, it becomes a misleading influence in the ranks of society.

After the war, Christianity began to spread rapidly among the Japanese after it remained during the last ninety years as a formal religion. The pure and simple youth began to embrace Christianity after they lost their feelings towards Buddhism, but soon their suspicions were disappointed and they saw behind the curtains of Christianity the fingers of British and American capital and its ambitions, Christian peoples have begun to abandon Christatha in their country and now they export into outside their country to serve the interests of capitalism.

The geographical location of Japan between Russia on one side and America on the other side, makes both parties covet to extend their influence over the Japanese people, and no one can always find a permanent and successful solution to the problem of the troubled spirituality of the Japanese people.

It is my certainty that the teachings of Islam alone and nothing else is undoubtedly the solution that has been sought for a long time, especially in the principle of brotherhood in Islam, which I admire all about, for Muslims are all brothers, and God commands them to live in peace, and to be dominated by the spirit of intimacy, and I believe that This type of living brotherhood is what the world lacks most today.

Last summer, three Muslims came to Tokushima from Pakistan, and I learned a lot from them about Islam and its call. Then she had the help of Messrs. Mutiwala from Cuba and Mita from Tokyo, and she converted to Islam.

And finally I look forward and I widespread hope that the day comes give it links Islam a new spirit to the Muslims in the world from all sides and that the return message the Lord to fill the ears of the world again and prevail all Bhalla becomes our planet Earth Commission Naim immersed the true happiness of God 's creation All of them, under it, have attained what God wants for them in terms of the perfection of life, in its material and spiritual halves.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:48 am

37 The story is very strange Islam
This story may be strange to the one who has not met its owner personally, hears what he said with his ears and sees it with his own eyes. It is a fictional weaving story, the reality of the events, embodied before my eyes by the words of its owner while he is standing before me, telling me what happened to him personally and to learn more and even to know all the interesting events. Let me take you to go together to Johannesburg, the city of the rich gold mines in South Africa, where I was working as the director of the Muslim World League office there.

That was in 1996 and we were in the cold winter that came upon us in that country, and one day the sky was overcast with clouds and foreshadowing a great winter storm, and while I was waiting for someone whom I had scheduled an appointment to meet, my wife was at home preparing lunch, as that would come The person is a generous guest in the house.

The appointment was with a person related to the former South African President, President Nelson Mandela, a person who was interested in Christianity, promoted and called for it.. It was the character of the priest (Selly). The meeting with Seely was done by the secretary of the association's office, Abdul Khaliq Mutir, who told me that a priest wanted to come to the association's headquarters for an important matter. On the appointed time, Seeley attended with a person named Suleiman who was a boxer and became a member of the Boxing Association after God blessed him with Islam after a tour by the Muslim boxer Muhammad Ali Clay. I met everyone in my office and I was very happy to meet them. Celie was short in stature, very dark in complexion, always smiling. He sat in front of me and started talking to me kindly. I said to him: Brother Seely, is it possible for us to listen to the story of your conversion to Islam? Sealy smiled and said: Yes, certainly. And listen to him, dear brothers, and focus on what he told me, then judge for yourselves.

Seely said: I was a very active priest, serving the church with all earnestness and diligence, and I was not satisfied with that, but I was one of the great missionaries in South Africa, and for my great activity the Vatican chose me to carry out Christianization with his support, so I took money from the Vatican for this purpose, and I used all means to reach my goal. I used to make frequent and numerous visits to institutes, schools, hospitals, villages and forests, and I used to pay from that money to people in the form of aid, donations, or alms and gifts, in order to reach my goal and introduce people to the religion of Christianity.. The church lavished me on me, and I became rich. I have a house, a car, and a good salary. And a prominent position among the priests. And one day I went to buy some gifts from the mall in my town and there was the surprise!!

In the market I met a man wearing a keffiyeh (a hood) and he was a merchant who sold gifts, and I was wearing the priest's long clothes with a white collar, which we distinguish from others, and I began negotiating with the man over the value of gifts. I knew that the man Muslim and we call on the religion of Islam in South Africa: the religion of the Indians, and Anicol the religion of Islam and after you bought Maorid from gifts and even less of the traps we sign the gullible people, as well as the owners of the religious and spiritual emptiness as we take advantage of situations of poverty when many Muslims, and South Africans to deceive them with the Christian religion and support them..

If a Muslim merchant ask me: You are a priest.. is not it? I said to him: Yes, he asked me Who is your God? I said to him: Christ is God said to me: I dare you to bring me one verse in (the Bible) says the words of Christ, peace be upon him personally, he said: (I am God, or I am the Son of God) Vaabdona.

So, the words of the Muslim man fell on my head like a thunderbolt, and I could not answer him and I tried to go back with my good memory and dive into the books of the Gospels and Christian books to find a satisfactory answer for the man, but I did not find!! There was not a single verse that spoke on the tongue of Jesus and said that he was God or that he was the Son of God. I fell in my hands and the man embarrassed me, and I was distressed and my chest was tight. How did I miss such questions? I left the man and whispered to my face, and I only knew that I was walking for a long time without a specific direction.. Then I resolved to search for such verses, no matter what it cost me, but I was unable and defeated.! So I went to the church council and asked to meet with its members, and they agreed. At the meeting, I told them what I had heard, so everyone attacked me and told me: The Indian deceived you.. He wants to mislead you with the religion of the Indians. I said to them: Then answer me!!... and they answered his question. No one should.!

Sunday came when I gave my sermon and lesson in the church, and I stood before the people to speak, but I could not, and the people marveled at me standing before them without speaking. So I withdrew into the church and asked a friend of mine to replace me, and I told him that I was exhausted.. In fact, I was collapsed and psychologically destroyed.

And I went to my house in a state of dazedness and great delusion, then I went to a small place in my house and sat sobbing in it, then I raised my eyes to the sky, and began to pray, but I pray who?.. I went to the thought that God is the Creator.. I said in a propaganda: (my Lord.. my Creator. I have closed the doors in my face is not your door, do not deprive me of the knowledge of the truth, where truth and where the truth? Lord! Lord, do not leave me in my confusion, He inspired me with truth and showed me the truth. Then I fell asleep and slept. During my sleep, if my I see in a dream in a very large hall, where no one else.. In the chest hall appeared a man, I did not notice the features of the light that was radiating from him and around him, he thought that God who Katabth to show me the right.. but I realized That he is an enlightened man.. So the man started pointing at me and calling: O Ibrahim! I looked around, and I looked to see who Ibrahim is? I did not find anyone with me in the hall.. He said to me man: You Abraham.. Your name Abraham.. Did not ask God to know the truth.. I said: Yes.. He said: Look to your right.. I looked to my right, if a group of men going carrier On her shoulders are her belongings, and she wears white clothes, and white turbans. And the man continued saying: Follow them. To know the truth!! I woke up and felt very happy, but I was not comfortable when I started wondering.. Where will I find this group that I saw in my dream?

I resolved to continue the journey, the journey of searching for the truth, as described to me by the one who came to guide me in my dream. I was convinced that all this was planned by God Almighty.. So I took a leave of absence from my work and then began a long search trip, which forced me to circumambulate several cities looking and asking about men who wear white clothes, and who wear white turbans also.. I searched and wandered for a long time, and everyone I watched were Muslims They wear pants and wear keffiyehs only on their heads. My wanderings brought me to Johannesburg, and I even came to the reception desk of the African Muslims Committee, in this building, and asked the receptionist about this group, and he thought I was a beggar, and he offered his hand with some money, so I said to him: This is not what I ask of you. Do you not have a place of worship near here? Showed it to a nearby mosque.. I went towards him.. If a surprise was waiting for me it was on the door of the mosque man wearing white clothes and put a turban on his head. I was so happy, because it is of the same quality that I saw in my dream.. So I went straight to him and I am happy with what I see! So the man came to me saying, and before I spoke a single word: Hello Ibrahim!!! I was amazed and stunned by what I heard!! A man knows my name before I know him myself. Fattaba man, saying: I saw you in a dream that you are looking for us, and want to know the truth. The truth is in the religion that Allah has accepted for His servants, Islam. I said to him: Yes, I am looking for the truth and I have guided me enlightening the man that I saw in a dream because I follow a group dressed like Matalps.. Can you tell me, so that I saw in my dream? The man said: that our Prophet Muhammad the Prophet of Islam right religion, the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him!! I could not believe what happened to me, but I started toward the man hug him, and tell him: Really was a messenger and prophet, came to me to show me the religion of truth? The man said: order. Then the man greeted me, and congratulated me that God had guided me to know the truth.. Then the time for the noon prayer came. Vojseny man in another mosque, and he went to pray with the rest of the people, and I saw Muslims and many of them was wearing like a man saw them as they bow and worship to God, I said to myself: (God it right religion, I read in the books that the prophets and apostles were putting their foreheads on the ground prostration to God). After prayers relieved myself and reassured when I saw and heard, and I said to myself: (and Allah has guided me the Almighty on the right religion) and called me a Muslim man declared an Islamic, and uttered a brief prayer, and took a cry great joy as God on the weeping of the guidance. 

Then I stayed with them to learn Islam, and then went out with them in the missionary journey long continued, they were patrolling the country 's length and breadth, calling people to Islam, and rejoiced sometime in them, and learned of them praying and fasting for the night and pray and honesty, and I learned of them that the Muslim nation of God put them responsibility Report the religion of God, and I learned how to be a Muslim preacher to God, and I learned of them wisdom in the call to God, and I learned them patience, forbearance, sacrifice and simplicity. After several months, I returned to my city, and my family and friends were looking for me, and when they saw me returning to them in Islamic dress, they denied me that, and the church council asked me to hold an urgent meeting with them. At that meeting, they took Aanpununa the Turkish religion of my fathers and my family, and they told me: the Indians have!! I said to them: did not Ikhaddni Adilna one.. it came to me the Messenger of Allah Muhammad peace be upon him in a dream to show me the truth, and the true religion. It is Islam.. and not the religion of the Indians as you call.. I invite you to the right and Islam. They were amazed!! Then Jawoni from another door, using seduction methods with money, power and position, they said to me: The Vatican asked to assess them for six months, in the assignment of a paid in advance, with the purchase of a new home and new car for you, and the amount of money to improve your living, and get upgraded to a higher position in the Church! I refused all of that, and I told them: Beyond that God guided me want to Tdilona.. God will not do it, even if cut to pieces!! Then you Bnsahhm and invite them again to Islam, two Voslm of priests, and thank God... when they saw my determination, they made each Arrange and Mnesba, and she rejoiced, but I wanted to Optdarham so, then you and attributed them Maldi of money and custody of abandoned..

The story of Islam Ibrahim Sealy, which he told me in my office in the presence of Abdul Khaliq Mitter, the secretary of the Association’s office in South Africa, as well as in the presence of two other people.. And Reverend Seely became the preacher Ibrahim Sealy.. who comes from the Koza tribes in South Africa. And I called Reverend Ibrahim. Sorry!! Preacher Ibrahim Sealy for lunch and my house you Pmaolzimna its religious Vokrmth very honor then let me Abraham Seeley, has left after the interview to Mecca, on a business trip where we were about to prepare for the first session of the Islamic Sciences in Cape Town.

Then I went back to South Africa to head to Cape Town. While I was prepared for us in the office at the Institute Arqam, if Baldaih Ibrahim Sealy enters Ali, His mother told him, and handed him.. I asked him: What do you do here O Abraham!? He said: I push a South African regions, I pray to God, and saved the children from the fire and my own kind over them out of darkness into the light of Islam in their detention. And after Ibrahim told us how he became concerned with calling to God, he left us leaving towards broad horizons.. to the fields of da’wah and sacrifice in the way of God.. and I saw him as his face changed, and his clothes were created, I was amazed at him because he did not even ask for help! He did not extend his hand wanted support!... and I felt that tear down my cheeks.. to awaken in a strange sense.. This sense and feeling as if they were Akhatabana saying: You are calling people who are playing.. not watching these Mujahideen in the way of Allah!?

Yes, my brothers, we fail to heed, and Tthaqlna to earth, and Gretna life.. and like preacher Ibrahim will be followed, and the Spanish preacher Ahmed Said sacrifice and struggling and struggling to Report this debt!!!! May God have mercy on you!!!

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:54 am

38 in Arafa converted to Islam
Islam is innate, a saying I've always heard It hesitates on the tongues of the Muslims around me and I did not realize the truth of its meaning until when I began my steps in Learn about the Islamic religion.

My story in a nutshell:
I'm a girl, I was a Christian Until 15/1/2006, when, praise be to God, I embraced Islam as a religion and adopted its Prophet and Messenger upon him  Prayers and peace be a guardian and intercessor, and I realized that there is no god but God.

My upbringing was in a Christian family that was not highly religious, as my father was an atheist and my mother was a follower Religion is like any human being born through a particular religion that he follows because it was taught to him, and we were brought up on that, my father He would not have interfered in our decisions or in our lives, he taught us the independence of thinking And the decision.

Our education was in nuns schools, so the focus was on the teachings of religion The Christian was very important and we had to attend the Mass on Sunday with the rest of the parish. And on Wednesday, a special mass for students. I never remembered in my life that I loved the liturgy, but I performed it with care because I was convinced that prayer was the way to get closer to God Glory be to Him, but internally, I did not feel reverence, appearances of glamor and adornment, whether it was In the church or its attendants, it is superior and does not give a general feeling of piety. The method of prayer is from Through the priest who is our connection with God during prayer, why do I need mediation when praying? From my childhood I used to watch a Muslim woman who came to help my mother in the housework, I watched her while she was She was praying, and I saw her dissolve in piety, even though she was praying alone, in isolation. I asked her once if she was praying. You feel that God is close to you when you pray, I feel as if I see a light shining from your face and you You prostrate, and she answered me, when you pray, you feel the Spirit of God close to you, despite the simplicity of it The response, except that it had a great impact on me, and I enraged the Muslims when I heard every call to prayer In those moments, they “ will feel that the Spirit of God is close to them. ”

I grew up through That debt and I remained on it until I was about thirty years old, when I joined the party The communist and therefore I moved away from religion for good and my thinking about God Almighty became closer To the thinking of atheists, but I could never be certain that God does not exist, and I remained on this The situation was a few years until I left the party, and my relationship with God continued to be sever. I restricted my going to church to the two holidays and to sharing people's joys and sorrows.

With the passage of time I no longer  feel My faith in God is sufficient, and I do not want that truncated relationship with the Creator something Inside me he was telling me that you should strengthen your relationship with the Creator and the only way is to get close to Him Religion, and the Christian religion was what was available to me socially and family, of course. But the length of this The period and since I was young, confusing and suspicious questions have always been circulating in my mind, questions related to the foundation Creed and what God is, who is God?

Is he the father?
Is he the son?
Is it the soul? Jerusalem?

God is one of those three, always had this answer, but never found in me Any acceptance or conviction, how can God have a son? How can he say God is that boy? Why Does God need a son to prove his divinity?

Why do I need as a Christian to know God only from him Through Christ, if he was a prophet, then in the end he is a human being like us, albeit on a higher level than sanctity, but I do not need him to be my intermediary to God, for he is, in the end, his messenger who communicated His message, as is the case with the rest of the prophets, and if he is a god, how can I worship two gods and polytheist? God?

I started sailing, reading and reading, I had a feeling of anxiety, a lot of The concepts did not live up to my thinking, I did not accept them as they are, I had doubts that the Bible was them The divine word, found in the Bible many references that Christ is nothing but A prophet sent by God with a message to complement what came before him, and indeed most of the signs are from the Bible She suggested that to me.

Matthew 11: 18 The Son of man came Lech thief perishables John 19: 12 I spoke with some of what I have, but the Father who He sent me commanding what I should say and speak.

Matthew 5: 17 I shall not think that I came To abolish the law and the teachings of the prophets: I have not come to abolish, but to be completed.

Mark 18: 10 And he said to him, Jesus: " Why do you call me good? No Wesal h but God alone "

Mark 37: 9 who accepted one of these The children in my name shall receive me, and he who receives me shall not receive me, but he who send me ”

John 3: 17 eternal life is that you may know God the truth alone, and that they may know Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

It's like that Many, he did not claim Christ as a god, and referred to himself as the Son of Man, but came in The book is that he sought God's help from the cross, saying: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

It is Where did the idea of the Trinity come from, and that Christ is God!?! He is the son of God!?!

dilemma baffled me for many years.

Another thing came to my mind with this dilemma, why does God need me? Is he embodied in the character of man to descend on earth in the images of his son? Why does he need to kill his son to erase him? Are people sinning?? Why does God need to tempt us to love and believe in Him? Isn't it enough sincerity? God is our creator? What is the purpose of our lives and why do we need to worship and obey God just because He He sent his son to save us so that we might live without sin. Where is the divine justice in downloading any errors? others?

And if Christ died crucified, then God is dead? How to be that?
The answers were always from those I asked to prove the deity of Christ that He made miracles, He did miracles before him too!!

Christ, after he died, rose from Among the dead, this can only be done by the gods.

Before him, the prophet Elijah did not die, but became pregnant To heaven on a chariot of light according to the Old Testament!! I didn't get an answer convince me.

The only answer that convinced me was from within, which is that the idea of redemption The Trinity was introduced into the religion at the beginning of the call in the era of Constantinople, where it was printed The Gospels in their current form, in order to entice people to enter the new religion to facilitate the process of It was published in countries where monotheistic religions were not known, and the idea of the Trinity was closer to People who were polytheists at that time and so was the idea of forgiveness of sins and salvation It also contains a temptation for people who used to live without any restrictions in order to bring them into the religion The new.

The other point, is the Bible the word of God???? Because there are copies And it is not identical from the Bible, so my conviction is firm that it is a written book by those who were contemporaries of Christ among his messengers. So I started reading in the style of the researcher and not in the style of the learner until I heard a debate of the late preacher Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, may God have mercy on him and forgive him with an American priest, entitled Is the book holy word of God, My convictions began to take hold of the inaccuracy of the New Testament of the book Holy, and also noted by ignoring many of the references in the Bible to the coming of Muhammad I read to Sheikh Ahmed Deedat more and more, and my convictions became entrenched and became untenable to change.

In the same period, the attack on Islam increased as a religion that threatens stability in the world world, and in the Islamic world, interpretations and interpretations of the Islamic religion appeared from the A degree of extremism that prompted me to research its origins and causes in religion, as my knowledge of By the Islamic religion, having lived my life in a country with a Muslim majority, my knowledge of it was that it was a tolerant religion He calls for love and affection between people and compassion for them, so this journey led me to the knowledge of religion Closely, I found it had nothing to do with what the West and some ultra-extremists were trying to brand it with. A religion that accommodates all, calls for the oneness of God without any doubt or polytheism, calls upon Muslims to Direction to the Creator and Tafwee in the shadow of His vast mercy, they do not wait for signs or sacrifices from Him To obey and submit to him.

(So as for him who repents and believes and works righteousness, To be prosperous.) Stories 67. I automatically felt stable in my heart and mind at once, with ease, as I found it more suitable for me as a person, more suitable For my personality, the way of prayer satisfies my desire to get closer to God, until God makes it easy for me to fast Ramadan Last year, everyone around me thought that my fasting was more social than religious, but internally I felt a serenity that I had never felt before, and during the month of Ramadan it was easy for me to seal the Noble Qur’an and sign it His words in my heart and on my mind resonated beautifully and satisfyingly, and I began to look at life in a different way.

Constant satisfaction, peace and reassurance, I continued my journey in search until Christmas passed and came after it Eid al-Adha, and the three holidays (Al-Fitr, Christmas and Al-Adha) came in close proximity, and it was a test of my conviction and stability. I belong to this religion, and by Eid al-Adha, I found myself intending to fast on the Day of Arafah, and to fast and give thanks For God’s sake, and on that particular day, I made the decision to declare my Islam, and I did so by the grace of God Glory be to Him, on January 15, 2006, and I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is His servant and his Messenger.

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:56 am

39 the story of a Jewish extremist Islam
The good character of the Muslim youth in his dialogue with me was the reason for my return to God. With these words, Mikhail Shrubesky or Muhammad Al - Mahdi summed up the story of his return to God and his conversion to Islam.

Muhammad al - Mahdi was a young extremist young Jew, and one of the settlers famous for their hatred of Islam and Muslims, his idol was the Jewish terrorist “Baruch Goldstein” who carried out the famous massacre of the Ibrahimi Mosque in 1994, which killed dozens of Palestinians who were martyred while praying, but a unique story According to the Hebrew newspaper Maariv, she was the reason for his conversion to Islam.

Muhammad al - Mahdi, of Azerbaijani origin, is 33 years old, belongs to a large Jewish family in Azerbaijan, came within the Jewish displacement campaigns of the Zionist entity in 1993, and desired to reside in the settlement of “Kiryat Arba” because of his desire to live in the same place in which he lived Where his former idol 'Baruch Goldstein' is the most famous settlement that includes senior Jewish extremists.

Mikhail Shrubesky began to adapt to his new situation after his displacement to the Zionist entity, so he rented a house, practiced his fitness profession, and became one of the most important activists in the settlement and quickly became famous, joining the extremist "Khana Hay" movement.

Al-Mahdi says about these days: 'I wanted to carry out my plans in hatred of Arabs and Muslims, which I was raised on in my home in Azerbaijan, and I grew up in Kiryat Arba'.

Al-Mahdi picks up old memories, thanking God for his return to him, saying: “I intended to carry out a suicide attack inside a mosque in the city of Hebron to kill Muslims while they were praying, as Goldstein did. ”

Muhammad al - Mahdi says: 'Before my conversion to Islam and after the Palestinian resistance carried out operations inside Israel, I sat with a large number of senior settlers and told them: You write death to the Arabs on the walls of your homes or shops, and this does not mean anything! If you want to do something, we must go and take revenge on them. If you are men, let us go to the city of Hebron and enter it and kill those in it. ”

God’s Way by a Young Man:
Al-Mahdi says: “Despite all that, I was inwardly rebellious against it, and I was suspicious of many things, especially the reality of this universe. The rabbis’ answers to my questions were not convincing me in most of them, especially when it comes to talking about other religions, especially Islam. ”

Mahdi reveals details of some of what is going on in the rabbis of Islam and its relationship to society, by saying: 'I have used the rabbis always on insulting the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in all the talk about it or about Islam'.

Al-Mahdi goes on to tell the story of his return to God: “In the meantime, three years ago, I met by chance a young man from the city of Hebron, called 'Walid Zalloum' who came to me to repair my car, and when I was sure that he was a Muslim, I raised the weapon in his face, and threatened him with death and death, but he seemed coherent. Calm, he invited me to the dialogue, the truth was his style was sane and his morals were good'.

Al-Mahdi confirms that the dialogue extended with the Palestinian youth, stressing that this young man was the cause of the upheaval in his life that occurred two years after this interview, during which he continued to research matters of the Islamic religion himself, saying: “I began to enter the depths of Islam after I bought Arabic language dictionaries To learn it, and I asked Walid to teach me prayer, and I learned more and more until I felt that I was swimming in the ocean of truth that I was able to find, and I felt that I was born and this thing inside me, and in the end my tongue pronounced: I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God..

Al-Mahdi tells that he was faced with unspeakable harassment by the settlers, so he feared for his life, leaving the settlement and returning to his native country, Azerbaijan. But the situation in his family’s home was not different from his situation in the Jewish settlement. His parents refused to receive him while he was a Muslim, so he decided to return again, but this time he decided to return to Palestine, specifically in the village of Abu Josh within the nearby Green Line from occupied Jerusalem.

Al-Mahdi ends his dialogue with Maarif, praise be to God for the blessing of Islam, the return to God, and the formation of a Muslim family that includes him and his wife “Sabina” and four children: Yaqoub Abdul Aziz, Issa Abdul Rahman, Haya bint Muhammad, Maryam bint Muhammad.

Mahdi wishes:
Muhammad al - Mahdi summarizes his wishes in his desire to change his first name in his Israeli identity card, for nothing but his desire to perform Hajj next year, fearing that the Saudi authorities will refrain from allowing him to enter because of his first name in official papers 'Michael', and he wants to Educating his children in an Islamic school concerned with memorizing the Noble Qur’an and raising children on the right Islamic curriculum.

Al-Mahdi did not fail to express his deep-seated wish to pray in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, after the Muslims had recovered it, and stressed that 'victory will be for the Muslims in the end, despite all the problems of the Islamic nation in the current era'.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 4:57 am

40 Mohamed John Webster (President of the Islamic Mission English)
I was born in London and grew up as a Protestant Christian. In 1930 AD, in my second decade of life, I faced the problems that an intelligent young man often encounters who uses his mind. They are mainly related to the compatibility between the daily affairs of daily life and the requirements of religion, and here I encountered the first weakness in Christianity.

Christianity is a dualistic belief that considers the world sinful and turns its back on the realities of life and hopes for the afterlife. Accordingly, it established a religious system for the people special on Sunday that is unparalleled in the rest of the other days of the week. At a time when England was suffering from many cases of poverty, deprivation and social stability, the Christianity did not try to do anything in this way. In the enthusiasm of the youth, and under the influence of passion more than I was affected by the facts of knowledge, my faith in Christianity was shaken and I became a Communist.

Communism had its limited persuasion to a young emotional teenager. It did not take long for its hateful nature based on the non-stop class struggle to become apparent. When communism uttered its materialistic principles, I turned to studying philosophy and religions. By observing everything around me, I felt the unity of this existence and this led me to embrace Pantheism, which is a religion. Reverence for nature and its laws.

It is difficult for us to betray Westerners to get acquainted with Islam since the Crusades, and we see either a deliberate omission of the mention of Islam, or a deliberate distortion and distortion of its facts.

Then, during my stay in Australia, I requested a copy of the Noble Qur’an from the Sydney Public Library. As soon as I read the translator’s introduction, I sensed open and exposed fanaticism against Islam. I could not help but close the book and leave it, and I could not find a translation of the Qur’an with them that a Muslim had done. A few weeks later, I was in Perth in Western Australia, so I searched its public library for a copy of the Qur'an, provided that its translator was a Muslim.

I cannot express in words the extent of my influence as soon as I recite the first Surah in which Surat Al-Fatihah with its seven verses.

Then I read about the life of the Prophet peace be upon him, and I spent a few hours in the library that day and got my students and Bgiti and God willing, thanks to him to be a Muslim even though I did not before have I met a Muslim, library Fbaran that day tired of the impact of what I suffered It is an intellectual and emotional effort.

On a second visit to the library, I wondered whether it was a dream that happened next or was it a reality, and it was impossible for me to believe what had happened. I went out of the library to have a cup of coffee, and as I was pointing on the road, my eyes fell on a building behind a high red brick wall that said On it (the mosque of the Muslims), I immediately said to myself, “As you know the truth, you must follow it immediately. ” So I declared my saying: “ There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God. ” Thus, thanks to God, I became a Muslim.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51206
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 2 Emptyالإثنين 26 يوليو 2021, 6:46 pm

41 American Huda Dorje
Sometimes I feel Sadly because I was not born a Muslim from the beginning, so I will be a Muslim all my life. I envy those who were born Muslims, and I feel sorry for those who do not appreciate this blessing. I was born to a Protestant father and a mother Catholic, my father was not the church activists, while my mother tried to establish ne on Catholic.

Become an active member of this The church, and when I was in the sixth grade I started taking care of young children During prayer, and in the ninth grade, she became the assistant to the priest's wife at Sunday School. In high school, I founded A church youth group by recruiting four of my friends. I was sitting with my girlfriends trying Answering some questions: Why did our merciful and loving God want to sacrifice the blood of Christ on him? Peace to forgive people their sins? Why are we all guilty of a sin committed by our father Adam? Peace be upon him? Why the words of the Bible do not agree with scientific facts? How can Christ be a god? How can three gods be three different people in one person? We discussed these issues a lot, but we did not reach any satisfactory answers, and the Church could not Also to give us convincing answers, they would just say: Be a believer. When I was fourteen From my age I got my first job, and it was in an ice cream parlor, and I was sending twenty-five A dollar from my salary for a program called “

The Parenting by Upbringing Project ” and this program was linking Among needy children overseas, with their American donors, and during the four The last of my school years, my scholarship went to an orphan Egyptian boy named Sharif, and we were We exchange messages, he had a sister my age and two brothers, and his mother was sick and could not work, I remember when I got a letter from him, and I was six years old in which he describes the joy of speech Sister, I said to myself: It 's my age has got engaged, it seemed to me this is very strange, and so was This is my first relationship with Muslims. My second relationship with Muslims I grew up volunteering in San Francisco to teach English to some refugee women, In my class were Fatima and Maysoon: two Chinese Muslim widows from Vietnam. After that I was meeting a group Of the foreign students in the “ conversation group ” there were five members in my group, and from Among them as the " Knight ", a young Palestinian man, we meet twice a week during lunch to practice English conversation, and we were talking about our families, our studies, our childhood, And about social differences... When I was listening to a Faris talking about his life, his family and his religion, It was as if he was playing a string in my heart, so I remembered Sharif, Fatima and Maysoon, their religion was alien to me, and contrary to my culture, so I never tried to study it, but the more I learned Something about Islam I was becoming more interested in that it could be my way of life.

During the second semester I enrolled in a class in the Department of Religion Studies, which was “ Introduction to Islam. ” These questions were brought back to me In my mind all the questions I was asking about Christianity, and through my studies of Islam I found Answers to all my questions, we are not all punished by Adam's sin, peace be upon him. Adam asked His Lord is forgiveness, so He was forgiven, the Forgiving, the Merciful, and God Almighty did not sacrifice the blood of Christ, peace be upon him As opposed to sin, and that Christ, peace be upon him, was not a god, rather he was a messenger of God like others The apostles always carried the message of monotheism.

I found this puts it all together In the right place, and that it pleases my heart and mind, and was not confusing, I found a place to rest In it my faith, I found what I was looking for.

I went back to my house and carried on My study of Islam, I read some books in the library, and I talked to my friends about it, I have They were searching like me too, they understood my search, and were glad I finally found something I believe in him, but they nevertheless raised questions about how Islam has affected my life as a Emancipated woman from California, and what about my family and its position?.. etc.

I continued my studies of Islam, I used to pray to God while searching in my soul to see how comfortable I am with Islam. You searched for Islamic centers in My area, but the closest Islamic center was in San Francisco, and I couldn't go there, I didn't have a car, and the bus schedules didn't match my work schedule, so I completed the search on my own.

I remember once, when I was with My family watching a cultural program on TV, and it was about the Eskimos, they said that The Eskimos have two hundred words or names for snow, because snow forms a large part of their lives. Later that night we talked about how different languages express important things People have many words, and my father mentioned how Americans use many words to express Money, commented, saying: Do you know that the Muslims ninety - nine names of God Almighty, So I think that God is the most important thing in their lives.

I came back at the end of the summer to My university, and the first thing I did was I called the mosque in Portland and asked for the name of a woman I could Talking to her, they gave me the name of an American Muslim sister, and in the same week I visited her at her house, After a while of our conversation, I realized that I was really a believer.

I told her “ this sister ” that I I was just looking for someone to help me with the practical steps to implement Islam, for example: How do I pray? I read it in books but I couldn't manage myself from books alone.

The American sister called me Muslim woman that night to eat the aqeeqah food for the birth of a newborn, I felt comfortable Complete with the Muslim sisters there, they were good friends for me.

I pronounced the two testimonies before them, She taught me how to pray, and she told me about their faith, as many of them were American like me, I left That house that night and I feel like I'm just starting a new life.

I was still living in the residence Internal, and I was isolated from the Muslim community, and I had to catch the bus to go to The mosque, and to the place where you live Muslim sisters, and this has lost my contact them, I was left alone to follow my faith in myself.

I started thinking about wearing the hijab, but I was too afraid to take this step, except that I started to dress modestly, usually I did not wear a scarf on my shoulder, and when I visited one of the sisters she said to me: All you have to do is What you do is to move the scarf from your shoulders to your head.

I had no strength what القوة It is enough to wear the veil, I understood the meaning of the veil, agreed with wearing it, and admired the women who were wearing it, they were pious and noble, but I knew that then When I wore it, people would start asking questions, and I wasn't able to answer about her.

That all changed when a month came Blessed Ramadan. On the first day of Ramadan, I went to college with a hijab, thank God. I haven't taken it off since that day, something in Ramadan made me feel strong and proud to be a Muslim. I felt that I could answer any question asked of me.

When I converted, I told my family Did not Astgrbwa, because they feel through my conversations about Islam, that this moment You will come, accept my decision and know that I am sincere in my faith, but they did not share it with me Faith, and when I started to wear the hijab, they expressed their concern that the hijab might racially isolate me. That it would prevent me from achieving my goals in life, and that they would be embarrassed if they were seen with me In a public place, they thought this was too extreme, they didn't mind my religion being different But they did not want him to change my appearance.

My family got frustrated when They knew that I decided to marry a Muslim, and he is “ Fares ” who was with me in the “ Conversation Group. ” “ And the first person who aroused my interest in Islam, and we got married in the second year From my Islam, my family was shocked by this, because they were almost silent about the issue of my hijab until they felt that I I put another burden on them, and they claimed that I was still young, and that I would abandon my goals in life. I will leave college. My family was afraid of my marriage that I'm becoming a young mother, and I'm going to ruin my life. My husband liked them, though They didn't trust him at first, they thought he married me for a ' green card' " (The Green CartFree). I quarreled with my family for several months I even thought that my relationship with them would never improve. This was three years ago. Since then, many things have changed, my husband Knight moved to Krowales Oregon ـ Oregon State University, we live in a strong Muslim community, and I finish my studies ، In the section " child develops " par excellence with honors. I worked in several jobs, and did not I've never had a problem with my hijab, and I'm still active in the community, doing business voluntary. My husband will finish his studies in Electronic engineering this year. We visited my family twice this year. Meet my parents, this Faris Summer for the first time, and we got them a precious gift. I learn Arabic To add it to the languages I mastered in speaking. My family saw it all and realized I did not destroy the life, I have seen how Islam gave me happiness.. not the pain and remorse, Now they are so proud of my accomplishments, they can see how really happy I am, living in Reassurance, our relationship is back to normal, and now they are always waiting for our visit.

Thank God, thank you Great for what guided me and approved me to it, and I feel great blessing in everything. It seems to me that the above My life harmonizes with each other to form an integrated picture that represents my path to Islam.

(Say: I supplicate besides God what It neither benefits us nor harms us, and we are turned back on our heels after God has guided us, like the one who was tempted by the devils The earth is bewildered, he has companions who call him to guidance, come to us, say, “God’s guidance is guidance, and we are commanded to submit.” Lord of the worlds) (Al-An’am: 71).

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
They Returned to Instinct
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