منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers

(إسلامي.. ثقافي.. اجتماعي.. إعلامي.. علمي.. تاريخي.. دعوي.. تربوي.. طبي.. رياضي.. أدبي..)
الرئيسيةالأحداثأحدث الصورالتسجيل
الحــواس فـي القـــرآن الكـــريــم أحكـام صـلاة المـريض وطهـارته إلــــــــى كــــــــــل زوجـيــــــــــن مـــن أقـــــوال شيـــــخ الإســــلام لا عـلـيـك مـا فـاتـك مـن الـدنـيــا رؤية الخاطب مخطوبته قبل العقد شــاعر العـاميــة بيــرم التـونسي أحْلامٌ مِنْ أبِي باراك أوباما كُــــتُـبٌ غَــــــيُّـرَتْ الـعَـالَــــــمْ مــصـــــر التي فـي خــاطـــــري الزعيـم الثــائر أحـمـــد عـــرابي مـحـاسـن العقيـــدة الإسـلامـيـــة الرحـالة: أبي الحسن المسعـودي رضـــي الله عـنـهـــم أجـمـعـــين الأسئلة والأجــوبــة في العقيــدة النـهـضــة اليـابـانـيــة الـحـديثــة الحجاج بـن يــوســف الـثـقـفــي قـصــة حـيـاة ألـبرت أيـنـشـتــاين الأمثـــال لأبـي عبيــد ابن ســلام الإسـلام بيـن الـعـلـم والـمــدنـيــة
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

soon after IZHAR UL-HAQ (Truth Revealed) By: Rahmatullah Kairanvi
قال الفيلسوف توماس كارليل في كتابه الأبطال عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: "لقد أصبح من أكبر العار على أي فرد مُتمدين من أبناء هذا العصر؛ أن يُصْغِي إلى ما يظن من أنَّ دِينَ الإسلام كَذِبٌ، وأنَّ مُحَمَّداً -صلى الله عليه وسلم- خَدَّاعٌ مُزُوِّرٌ، وآنَ لنا أنْ نُحارب ما يُشَاعُ من مثل هذه الأقوال السَّخيفة المُخْجِلَةِ؛ فإنَّ الرِّسَالة التي أدَّاهَا ذلك الرَّسُولُ ما زالت السِّراج المُنير مُدَّةَ اثني عشر قرناً، لنحو مائتي مليون من الناس أمثالنا، خلقهم اللهُ الذي خلقنا، (وقت كتابة الفيلسوف توماس كارليل لهذا الكتاب)، إقرأ بقية كتاب الفيلسوف توماس كارليل عن سيدنا محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، على هذا الرابط: محمد بن عبد الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-.

يقول المستشرق الإسباني جان ليك في كتاب (العرب): "لا يمكن أن توصف حياة محمد بأحسن مما وصفها الله بقوله: (وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِين) فكان محمدٌ رحمة حقيقية، وإني أصلي عليه بلهفة وشوق".
فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ على سائر البُلدان، كما فَضَّلَ بعض الناس على بعض والأيام والليالي بعضها على بعض، والفضلُ على ضربين: في دِينٍ أو دُنْيَا، أو فيهما جميعاً، وقد فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ وشَهِدَ لها في كتابهِ بالكَرَمِ وعِظَم المَنزلة وذَكَرَهَا باسمها وخَصَّهَا دُونَ غيرها، وكَرَّرَ ذِكْرَهَا، وأبَانَ فضلها في آياتٍ تُتْلَى من القرآن العظيم.
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

المهندس حسن فتحي فيلسوف العمارة ومهندس الفقراء: هو معماري مصري بارز، من مواليد مدينة الأسكندرية، وتخرَّجَ من المُهندس خانة بجامعة فؤاد الأول، اشْتُهِرَ بطرازهِ المعماري الفريد الذي استمَدَّ مَصَادِرَهُ مِنَ العِمَارَةِ الريفية النوبية المَبنية بالطوب اللبن، ومن البيوت والقصور بالقاهرة القديمة في العصرين المملوكي والعُثماني.
رُبَّ ضَارَّةٍ نَافِعَةٍ.. فوائدُ فيروس كورونا غير المتوقعة للبشرية أنَّه لم يكن يَخطرُ على بال أحَدِنَا منذ أن ظهر وباء فيروس كورونا المُستجد، أنْ يكونَ لهذه الجائحة فوائدُ وإيجابيات ملموسة أفادَت كوكب الأرض.. فكيف حدث ذلك؟!...
تخليص الإبريز في تلخيص باريز: هو الكتاب الذي ألّفَهُ الشيخ "رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي" رائد التنوير في العصر الحديث كما يُلَقَّب، ويُمَثِّلُ هذا الكتاب علامة بارزة من علامات التاريخ الثقافي المصري والعربي الحديث.
الشيخ علي الجرجاوي (رحمه الله) قَامَ برحلةٍ إلى اليابان العام 1906م لحُضُورِ مؤتمر الأديان بطوكيو، الذي دعا إليه الإمبراطور الياباني عُلَمَاءَ الأديان لعرض عقائد دينهم على الشعب الياباني، وقد أنفق على رحلته الشَّاقَّةِ من مَالِهِ الخاص، وكان رُكُوبُ البحر وسيلته؛ مِمَّا أتَاحَ لَهُ مُشَاهَدَةَ العَدِيدِ مِنَ المُدُنِ السَّاحِلِيَّةِ في أنحاء العالم، ويُعَدُّ أوَّلَ دَاعِيَةٍ للإسلام في بلاد اليابان في العصر الحديث.


 Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:03 pm

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Unp10

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam

(Second Draft - 1442 A.H.)

Prepared by: Translation Pioneers Center

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam

Dictionary contents


•    All religions call for a person's goodness and integrity, so why is it necessary to convert to Islam in particular?

•    How can the resurrection be proven after death?

•    Why do Muslims condemn others and describe them as infidels?

•    What does Islam mean?

•    What is the reason for the spread of Islam and its impact on the world?

•    How do we know that Islam is the true religion?

•    Is it true that Muslims worship the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace?

•    Is it Islam that a person believes in a number of gods because the Qur’an used the word “we” when God Almighty speaks?

•    How do we prove that there is a day of reckoning after death and that there is life after death?

•    What are the five pillars of Islam?

•    Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the last of the prophets and messengers? If so, what was the reason behind it? Don't you think that humanity needs more prophets these days?

•    Why does a woman inherit half of what a man inherits in Islamic law?

•    Islam has permitted a man to marry more than one woman, but why did it not allow a woman to do the same?

•    What do Muslims believe?

•    How do you become a Muslim?

•    Who is Mohammed?

•    What is Islam's position on women's rights?

•    How Islam dealt with the concept of war and fighting?

•    How did Islam deal with the restaurant and the drink?

•    Can a person attain happiness without knowing the purpose and purpose of life?

•    Is it logical for God - who has great wisdom - to create us without a goal behind that?

•    Who is god?

•    Do Muslims worship the Kaaba?

•    Do Muslims believe that all religions lead to the same consequence?

•    If Islam is such a beautiful religion, why are the media so full of atrocities committed by Muslims in the name of Islam?

•    Should I convert to Islam?

•    Why do Muslims kill Jews and Christians?

•    Where does Islam stand from the two concepts of free will versus reparation?

•    What is the difference between jinn and angels?

•    Is it true the news of the Prophet’s killing of six hundred Jews in Medina?

•    Why is Islam the best religion?

•    Will Christians enter Heaven?

•    What is the ruling of Islam in the theory of evolution?

•    God Almighty challenged someone to come up with a parable of the Qur’an. Has anyone tried this challenge before?

•    Why do people show interest in Islam?

•    Can a Muslim man marry more than one woman?

•    How did Islam guarantee human rights?

•    What is the concept of moderation in Islam?

•    Why did God create fire?

•    How do I tell my parents and family of my Islam?

•    Why should a person worship God Almighty?

•    What is the reward for good deeds performed by non-Muslims?

•    Can one see God Almighty in this world?

•    Is Islam the most violent religion?

•    What is the concept of punishment in Islam?

•    What is the wisdom in Islam of cutting off the hand of a thief?

•    Who created and invented the concept of the Trinity?

•    Is Jesus, peace be upon him, is the son of God?

•    How do Muslims and infidels see women?

•    Did Islam support the viewpoint of those who say that Christ died on the cross?

•    Who did God create?

•    Does the theory of evolution refute the existence of God Almighty?

•    What are the evidence for the existence of God Almighty?

•    Does this universe have a creator?

•    How can one be certain of the existence of the Creator?

•    What is the true religion that God desired for his servants?

•    If God is the Almighty, the Resurrected Power, how do we see so many people suffering from poverty and dying of hunger?

•    Did Prophet Muhammad wronged the Jews?

•    What are human rights in Islam?

•    Which group of Islam teams is on the right?

•    What is the goal and purpose of life?

•    What are the images of tolerance in Islam?

•    How is life after death?

•    Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Qur’an and copied it from the Bible?

•    There is a verse in the Qur’an written in which it is written that Mary is the sister of the Prophet Aaron, and this is evidence that Muhammad is the author of the Qur’an, as he did not know that between Mary, peace be upon her, and Mary, the sister of Aaron, there are nearly a thousand years?

•    Was Islam spread by the sword? If so, how could it be described as a religion that preaches peace?

•    What is the evidence for the possibility of resurrection?

•    Why are Muslims divided into parties and sects when they follow one book?

•    Islam forbids the idea of taking idols and idols, so how do Muslims prostrate themselves to the Kaaba in their prayers?

•    Why does Islam adopt a brutal method of slaughtering, which causes excruciating pain due to the slow killing?

•    Modern science shows that what a person eats is reflected in his behavior, so why did Islam allow eating animal flesh despite the brutality and violence that this causes to man?

•    Who are the Muslims?

•    What is the Kaaba?

•    Why are Muslims divided into sects and ideological sects?

•    What is Islam's position on non-Muslims who do not fight Islam?

•    Why do Muslims pray five times a day? Is not one enough?

•    Why are non-Muslims allowed to enter Makkah and Madinah?

•    Why did the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, marry eleven women even though it is permissible for a Muslim only to marry up to four wives?

•    What is the Quran?

•    Why did Islam allow pluralism?

•    Why Islam forbids eating pork?

•    Why Islam prohibited alcohol?

•    Why are most Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists?

•    What are the topics covered by the Qur’an?

•    Why do Muslims give so much importance to the concept of the family?

•    What is the Muslim belief in death?

•    What is the concept of happiness in Islam?

•    Does happiness lie in eating, drinking, and physical enjoyment, and it is only momentary pleasures followed by a sudden death?

•    What if I could not implement Islam 100%?

•    Do I have to lower my gaze and wear the hijab as soon as I convert to Islam?

•    Do I have to perform the prayer as soon as I convert to Islam?

•    I am fourteen years old and I think that my family will not agree to my conversion to Islam?

•    I think a lot about Islam, but I get sad when I think about discussing it with my friends, lest I be described as crazy.

•    She converted to Islam before her husband, is their marriage valid?

•    Are there other things that a Muslim should believe in other than belief in God and His Messenger?

•    Did the Prophet Muhammad send any kind of miracles?

•    Do Muslims direct their prayers to the Prophet Muhammad?

•    What is the Day of Resurrection?

•    What happens in Heaven and Hell? 140

•    What is jihad?

•    Why does he find a Does anyone have some similarities in Islam and Christianity?

•    Do Muslims have any contributions to the advancement of humanity?

•    Who are the Jews?

•    All religions claim to be from God, so why should a person follow Islam alone?

•    What does the concept of worship mean in Islam?

•    What is the wisdom of the limit of stoning and flogging in Islam?

•    Why did God not eliminate the demons, knowing that they were misleading people from the truth?

•    Why did God revealed the Noble Qur’an to the Prophet? Does this mean copies of both the Torah and the Gospel? Does this mean that the followers of the Torah and the Bible were not guided by God, so God revealed the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad?

•    Why is it forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim, and is it permissible for a Muslim to marry a Jew or Christian?

•    Did the Qur’an challenge humans to come up with a surah like it?

•    Was Christ Jesus, peace be upon him, crucified?

•    How has the spread of Islam affected the world?

•    Are there any sacred sources in Islam other than the Qur’an?

•    Does Islam accept other beliefs?

•    Why are we recommending?

•    Why do we fast?

•    Why do we perform Hajj?

•    What is the cure for a music addict?

•    Does Islam permit the husband hitting his wife?

•    Can a Muslim attend the funeral of a non-Muslim?

•    How does a person increase his belief in God?

•    What kind of people of the book is permissible for a Muslim to marry their wives?

•    Why Islam prohibited adultery and gambling?

•    Why does Islam forbid homosexuality and lesbianism?

•    What is the surviving group in the afterlife?

•    Does Islam allow women to be the head of the state?

•    Should a woman convert to Islam to leave her husband immediately?

•    How should a Muslim deal with his non-Muslim family?

•    What food that Islam permitted a Muslim to eat?

•    What is the mosque?

•    What does a Muslim who converted to Islam other than his wife do?

•    Who is the Antichrist?

•    What is the wisdom of Muslims directing their prayers towards the Kaaba?

•    What is the reason for the prohibition on wearing gold for men?

•    Was the religion of Islam a precursor to the mission of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace?

•    Does Islam support the concept of class?

•    What are the ten commandments in the Holy Quran?

•    One of the signs of the sun rising from the west, so how does that happen?

•    When does one describe terrorism?

•    Who is the sacrifice from the son of Abraham, peace be upon him?

•    Is the Bible Really a Book of God?

•    Does God give birth?

•    Is atheism acceptable behavior and personal freedom?

•    Does Islam despise women?

•    Do Muslims hate the Prophet of God Jesus?

•    Is Islam a racist religion that only concerns people with black skin?

•    Is Islam is the religion of the Arabs alone?

•    Does Islam produce an illiterate, lethargic society?

•    Why is the testimony of a man equivalent to the testimony of two women?

•    Was Uzair called as the son of God?

•    Is it really that women are more people of Hell?

•    Did the Prophet Muhammad kill innocent Jews in his life?

•    What is the correct understanding of the hadith Al-Ghadeer?

•    What does a Muslim say in his prayer?

•    What is the prophetic way in dealing with people's mistakes?

•    What is the difference between the Sunni creed and the Shiite belief?

•    How did Islam deal with faith in Jesus, peace be upon him?

•    What did the Prophet of God Jesus say about the Prophet Muhammad?

•    How did life begin?

•    What is the wisdom of women wearing the veil?

•    Is wearing amulets of polytheism?

•    Did the Qur’an not mention Jesus’s death and resurrection in Surat Maryam Verse No. 33?

•    Did the Qur’an not mention that Jesus is the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Him, which indicates the deity of Jesus?

•    What is the effect of Islam on a person's life, and what can I benefit from Islam?

•    How is it possible to combine the fact that Islam is the best of religions and the fact that Muslims are far from honesty and seriousness, and even immersed in the paths of fraud, bribery and drug use?

•    Is it true that all Arabs are Muslims and that all Muslims are Arabs?

•    Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the founder of the religion of Islam?

•    How do I invite or convince a criminal of the ugliness of theft?

•    Why do Muslims bury their dead instead of burning them?

•    Why do Muslims use the name of Emperor Akbar when inviting people to pray?

•    How did Muhammad become a prophet sent by God?

•    Do I have to change my name if I convert to Islam?

•    Do I have to pray in Arabic when I convert to Islam, or can it be performed in English?

•    I know that Islam is the true religion, but I find it difficult to leave the religion that I grew up in even though I did not really believe in it.

•    Can I convert to Islam even though my husband did not enter it?

•    According to the Islamic belief, my non-Muslim family does not enter Heaven in the Hereafter, is this correct?

•    Do Muslims believe in the doctrine of original sin?

•    What is Sharia? And if Muslims want to live under this system, why don't they live in a Muslim country?

•    What is the position of Islam towards other religions and minorities?

•    Why is the Prophet Muhammad called the last of the prophets?

•    How do I show my friends Islam that Muslims are compassionate?

•    Why is the Qur’an a linguistic miracle?

•    Why do some Muslims blow themselves up?

•    Can a Muslim participate in the army of a non-Muslim country?

•    Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad had slaves and slaves?

•    How does Islam view the elderly?

•    What is Islam's position on the implementation of the rite of circumcision?

•    How does Islam treat non-Muslims?

•    Should a Muslim change his name if it has a bad meaning?

•    What are the husband's rights over his wife and the wife's rights over her husband?

•    Can a Muslim marry a Christian woman?

•    Is it permissible to sell forbidden wines such as alcohol to non-Muslims?

•    Were the heavens and the earth created in six days or eight?

•    What is the treatment of waswasah in matters of uniformity?

•    What did God prepare for women in Heaven?

•    What is the concept of reprehensible terrorism?

•    Who is the forbidden person that a woman can take off her hijab in front of him?

•    How can a Shiite be from the Sunnis?

•    Does Islam view men and women equal in reward and punishment?

•    How does a Muslim protect himself from envy?

•    Did God Almighty mention the five daily prayers in the Qur’an?

•    What should a Muslim do if he wants to have intercourse with his wife?

•    How do I serve Islam?

•    Why Islam prohibited yoga?

•    How does a Muslim pray and fast in his country where the night or day lasts longer than usual?

•    Why does Cain bear the burden of anyone who committed the murder after him?

•    What is meant by the seven heavens?

•    Is the digital miracle of the Qur’an a hoax and a heresy?

•    Is Prophet Jesus Arab?

•    Are Mormons considered from the People of the Book?

•    How can adherents of Sikhism be convinced of Islam?

•    Why can not we see God Taa Mine?

•    Did the Prophet Muhammad write the Quran?

•    When does a man have the right to marry more than one woman?

•    Did the Qur’an describe the earth as spherical in shape?

•    What is Islam's position on terrorism?

•    What is the characteristic of ablution?

•    What is the characteristic of prayer?

•    How does a Muslim perform Hajj?

•    What is Islam’s perspective on sex?

•    If God had revealed a book in every period of time, what was the book revealed to the Indians?

•    Does God incarnate in the image of a human being?




Director of the Forum, Mr.Ahmad Muhammad Laban

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:07 pm

Question # 1
All religions call for a person's righteousness and integrity, so why is it necessary to convert to Islam in particular?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first of all, what is meant by righteousness and integrity? It appears that what is meant is safety in behavior by abandoning crimes, drinking alcohol, immorality, and the like, and good morals such as good treatment and respect for others and the like. Secondly, we assume for argument that the matter in other religions is the same, and if this is subject to research and scrutiny, but we go beyond it for what is more important. Third, righteousness and integrity are a matter. Well, there is no doubt that it is required in Islam, but is what is required is limited to goodness and integrity in the meaning mentioned first? In order to know the answer, he went beyond the place of sharing between Islam and others, and compared the differences, for Islam includes beliefs first, and this is what distinguishes it from other religions, and includes worship secondly, transactions and rights third, and the ethics mentioned in the question fourth, and this characteristic is called inclusiveness, just as there are many aspects that distinguish it from other religions. By Islam, apart from other religions, Islam must be converted. Because truth is limited to it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 10

Question # 2:
How can the resurrection be proven after death?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: No one true Islam and faith without faith in the resurrection, the Almighty said: (And Allah claimed to disbelieve that they will not be less wear and tear and raised to be raised again as you would have and whomsoever Allah goes) (Taghabun: 7).
Second: The resurrection can be proven by the following evidence:
1- The resurrection is one of the unseen matters that is known as true news, and resurrection is a matter in which the news from the Messengers of God, may blessings and peace be upon them, was frequent, and that is why Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in it, and God - may He be glorified and exalted - has told about that in the Holy Qur’an in many verses.
2- An analogy to the existence of many things absent from us, and we do not know their true nature, and we and all human beings believe in them, like the soul, so every person knows that there is a soul between his sides and that if it is partially separated by sleep his senses are disrupted, and if it is completely separated he dies and does not return, then there is no sane person who doubts that The living dies, but he does not know where this soul will go and what will happen to it; Because it is a matter of the unseen, and it is not necessary to negate it from its absence.
3- Which of the two possibilities is closer to the mind: the possibility that man was created by chance, and that the lives and deaths of people have no purpose or goal behind it, and what was created for them on this earth was found for enjoyment only, without restriction or calculation, or the possibility corresponding to it, which is that behind this universe and existence A goal and purpose, and that everything that is subject to disappear must be attributed to a perpetrator that does not disappear, and that this mastery indicates the wisdom of this actor, and that the oppressor, if he dies in what seems happy, he must be rewarded and accountable, and that he who worked hard in good deeds and the benefit of others deserves to be To be rewarded, and all of that will be after the resurrection?
4- In the Noble Qur’an there are many sensory examples of resurrection, which are divided into two parts: the first: news of people and animals that have returned to live in the worldly life, so he who brought it back in this world is able to bring it back in the hereafter, and the second: mental evidence. Examples of this are: First: the creation of the heavens and the earth, the Almighty: (Ulm said they see that Allah ٱlzy create the heavens and the earth was not only aware Bouklgahn as much that Yahya ٱlmuty wear it over all things) (Ahqaf: 33), Second: the plants cycle, and how they appear and grow and look green soft and then after months die and dry, then if the date of its appearance came and hit the rain returned with greenery again, God willing, the one who revived is able to revive the dead, he said, Glorified and exalted: (Allah ٱlzy sends ٱlrih raise clouds Phippsth in ٱsamae how he likes and makes it a piece you see ٱlodq out From through Him then when someone who wishes among his servants befalls him When they excommunicate preachers (48) and if they were before him to go down Mbulsin (49) Vٱnzer to Ouather Rahmat Allah ڪev Yahya after Mutہa earth, that whomsoever the erased ٱlmuty is over all things) (Romans: 48-50), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 30

Question # 3:
Why do Muslims condemn others and describe them as infidels?
The answer:
Praise be to God, and why do infidels describe Muslims as infidels? If the questioner knew the meaning of disbelief, his question would have no place. As for slander, if it was right, there is no objection to it, and any slander and ugliness is more severe than for a rational person to believe that his god came out of a woman's vagina and was a child and when his enemies grew hard and unable to defend himself, and that he did that to atone for himself The sins of his followers, and what slander and ugliness is greater than for a rational person to believe that his god is poor, or that he rested after the creation of the heavens and the earth, or that Jacob, peace be upon him, wrestled and conquered him, and what slander and ugliness is greater than for a person to believe that God who is in the heavens, glory be to Him, is the one who created him and created everything and provided for his sustenance But worship is for another creature, and what slander and ugliness is greater than for a foolish person to believe that everything is God? In addition to other beliefs, does the slander not deserve it and whoever believed it? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 130

Question # 4
What does Islam mean?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam is surrendering to God through monotheism and submitting to Him through obedience and freedom from polytheism, and it means that a person leaves all religions and believes only the doctrine of Islam, and adheres to the law of Islam only, and Islam is based on uttering the two Shahada: I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, with Knowledge in its meaning, firm belief in it and love for its purpose, and on faith in God, his angels, his books, his messengers, the Last Day and the Fate, and it is a religion that organizes a person’s relationship with his Lord, so he gets to know his names, attributes and actions, and he believes that he is alone in creation, king and management, and that everything other than him is created and destined, and the monotheism of God is achieved by God.
He spends nothing from it for others, and teaches the servant how to worship his Lord, such as prayer, zakat, fasting and Hajj, which together with the two testimonies are the five pillars of Islam, and it regulates the relationship of one with himself and others in all aspects of life, such as transactions, marriage and discounts, and Islam is characterized by comprehensiveness and validity for every time and place, with ease and ease, And that it is the final, abrogating religion of all the monotheistic religions, (and whoever desires someone who changes Islam as a religion, it will not be accepted from it, and he is in the last time, and we are blessed.)
Unified number: 220

Question # 5
What is the reason for the spread of Islam and its impact on the world?
The answer:
Praise be to God, people need a religion that guarantees them happiness in all their affairs. In belief, they want convincing answers about God, the beginning of the universe, the reason for existence in life, what is after death, what is the unseen, and other innate questions that every person raises. If they do not find a convincing answer Except in Islam, that was one of the reasons for their embracing him, and in worship and the relationship of man to his Lord, how he worshiped him, when and where, and not adopting multiple gods, nor adopting a deity with deficient attributes or faults of creatures, nor dispensing worship to an intermediary, and most of it is between the worshiper and God Almighty, with ease. And clarity, so Islam is distinguished from many religions in this aspect, and in the political, military and international relations they find the exact system that governs the relationship of the ruler with the ruled, and the relationship of rulers with each other in Islamic Sharia, which is the source of some European laws, and in the financial aspect they find in Islam justice and method Who guarantees them safety from depression, inflation, monopoly, and economic problems. In Islam, the imposition of zakat in which the rich consolate the poor, and the prohibition of usury that prevents the occurrence of class, so that the rich increase in wealth without compensation, The poor person became poorer by doubling his debts, prohibiting sales that involve ignorance or harm, and the prohibition of risking luck, such as gambling and gambling, and in the social aspect, Islam has regulated a person’s relationship with his parents, wife, children, relatives, neighbors, what he has and what he owes, and in all respects Islam is the religion shown and the solution The correct and precise order, which corresponds to reason and common sense, and nothing remains but implementation, so the individual must abide by the provisions that pertain to him. To get him the happiness of the two worlds, and the rulers should not seek it as an alternative, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Islam is a complete religion of Al-Shanqeeti.
Unified number: 240

Question # 6
How do we know that Islam is the true religion?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: Islam is the religion that is compatible with common sense, so all people, if major calamities befall them, do not call except God Almighty, who is the God of Muslims alone and has no partner, and the worshipers of idols and human worshipers leave their idols and the worshipers of the planets are their planets and atheism are their atheism, and it is only called God, and they find themselves compelled to beseech Him, Glory be to Him. If He is a refuge in harm's way, then why should someone else be worshiped in prosperity? Second: The reader of the Holy Qur’an with an understanding that he can only believe in it. For many things, including its mention more than a thousand years ago, facts that modern science has now reached, and this indicates a clear indication of the miracle of the Qur’an, and that it is the word of God Almighty, and it is not from human beings. Third: The law of Islam contains persuasion and wisdom that astonishes the reader and the knowledgeable, so it is not We have in the religion of Islam an ignorance of minds or a stone on them, or superstitious matters. Fourth: Islam is comprehensive and addresses all aspects of life, which makes it the right religion for every time and place, and a religion that is qualified to survive and make people happy, for in it the slave knows his Lord and knows how to worship him, and knows how to deal with Himself, what should be done and what is permissible for him to do, in order to obtain benefit and benefit in this world and the hereafter, and what is forbidden for him to do, so that he is free from sin and harm in this world and the hereafter, and he regulates his relationship with others in all aspects, and introduces him to the things around him seen and absent, And he sets his mind to the limits and controls, so he knows what is correct to think about and what to refrain from delving into the mind, and what is the position towards it, and many questions among non-Muslims have discussed them for a long time and then they found the convincing answer in the religion of Islam, and that was the reason for their Islam, Fifth: By studying religions and comparing them with a non-guided comparison, it is possible to find out the answer, and the evidence for the validity of Islam is many, some of these, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 260

Question # 7
Is it true that Muslims worship the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace?
The answer:
Praise be to God, it is not true, Muslims worship God alone, he has no partner, and whoever slaves with God other than him or a servant other than God is an infidel, and not a Muslim, and Muslims say in their prayers: I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is his servant and his Messenger, so Muslims follow the Prophet - prayers. God and peace be upon him - and they do not worship, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “Oh God, do not make my graves a second, for God is a group that took the graves of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Unified number: 350

Question # 8
Is it Islam that a person believes in a number of gods because the Qur’an used the word “we” when God Almighty speaks?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam is based on the word monotheism: There is no god but God, meaning there is no true worship but God, and the Qur’an is full of the words of God - glorified and exalted - about itself with the conscience of singularity and monotheism. (Taha: 14), and he did not say: We are God, so worship us, and He, Glory be to Him, said: (And when your Lord said to the Kingdom, I am making a successor in the land, then I will return.
Abide. And shed ٱldmae We praise praise and sanctify you said, I know what you do not know) (Al-Baqarah: 30), did not say: I am Jaalon, said Glorified and Exalted: (Emusy it I am Allah ٱaziz ٱgam (9) Take your stick when their visions Tہtz Konہa committees gone foul play was not followed Emusy do not be afraid I am not afraid of the ٱlmrslon (10) but the injustice and then instead of Well after I ill Forgiving, Merciful) (ants: 9-11) as mentioned in the Koran in good conscience plural, such as saying: (I'm We have revealed to you the two Qur’an revealed. ”(Al-Insan: 23). What is meant by it is veneration. Let him name these gods, and mention his evidence in Islam, (Is he the one who stands over all souls with what you have earned, and have made partners for God the people of their highest name? Or Tenbouna including not knowing in the back of the earth, or even ٱlcol Zain for those who disbelieve and turn from their cunning ٱlsepel and what Allah misleads him no guide) (Thunder: 33), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 360

Question # 9
How do we prove that there is a day of reckoning after death and that there is life after death?
The answer:
Praise be to God, belief in the unseen is not an easy matter, and it requires sincere faith and firm certainty to be believed. Therefore, whoever believes in what has come from God Almighty and his Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - of unseen matters, he will be rewarded with paradise and higher levels. Because he has passed this stage and has not become one of the materialists who deny what they do not perceive with their senses, but there are several evidences approximating that, including:
1- That there are many things absent from us, and we do not know their truth, and we and all human beings believe in them, including something that cannot be denied, namely the soul, so every person knows that there is a soul between his two sides, and that if his senses are partially separated by sleep, his senses will be disrupted, and if they are completely separated he will die and not Promise, there is no sane person who doubts the death of the living, but he does not know where this soul will go and what its fate is, and the mind cannot determine what comes after this stage, so there must be a source other than the tangible.
2- One of the things that we inherited from assertiveness, cutting and certainty from other than the five senses is the confirmed news, as many of us did not go to Australia, but he does not suspect that there is a continent with this name and there are people who live, because of the frequency and diversity of news about it. The news of the messengers, as it is proven by the Jews, Christians and Muslims, and God - may He be glorified and exalted - has told about that in the Holy Qur’an in many verses.
3- Which one is closer to realism: the possibility that a person was created by chance, and that the lives and deaths of people have no purpose or goal behind them, and what were created for them on this earth was found for enjoyment only, without restriction or calculation, or the corresponding possibility, which is that behind this universe and existence is a goal And an aim, and that everything that is subject to disappear must be attributed to a perpetrator that does not disappear, and that this mastery indicates the wisdom of this actor, and that the oppressor, if he dies in a seemingly happy, must be rewarded and accountable, and that he who worked hard in good deeds and in the benefit of others deserves to be To be rewarded, and all that on Judgment Day?
4- In the Noble Qur’an there are many sensory examples of resurrection, including the world of plants, and how its greenness and life appear to people, then after months it dies and dries up, then when its time comes and it is hit by rain, greenness returns to it again, God Almighty willing, so whoever revived it is able to revive the dead.
5. The human thinking in principle, and that he has created from scratch is able to return and resurrection, which is the lesser of the Almighty, the Almighty said: (Do they not see ٱlansn I Khalguenh sperm If is _khasim shown (77) and hit us, for example, and has forgotten his creation said Yahya ٱlazm a Rmam (78) Say Ahieddiہa ٱlzy established the first time, which is all the creation of Alim (79) ٱlzy you make ٱlhjr ٱlokhaddr fire. If you are from him Tokaddon (80) Is not ٱlzy creation of heavens and the earth as far as to create the like wear a ٱlkhalq ٱ'er (81) but ordered him if Haٴa wanted to say to him, be (82) Vsobhn ٱlzy his hand, the kingdom of everything and it shall return) (Yasin: 77-83), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 370

Question # 10
What are the five pillars of Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the pillars of Islam are five, the first: testifying that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, meaning: the belief that there is no true idol but God Almighty, knowing the meaning of that and its requirements of disbelief and submission to the law of God Almighty and loyalty to Him, glory be to Him, with love and veneration, That belief compares the six pillars of faith: belief in God, his angels, his books and messengers, the Last Day and the Fate, and the testimony that Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib al-Hashemi al-Qurashi - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - is the last of the prophets and the most honorable of the messengers, while adhering to his Sharia and glorifying it according to what is stated in the Sharia without exclusion And no exaggeration, because it is impracticable not to act in his Sunnah, and from exaggeration to worship him without God Almighty, such as: swearing an oath or supplication or anything else that is not permissible to spend other than his God Almighty, the second: the establishment of prayer, which is five prayers per day and night, prayer of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha Third: Paying Zakat, which is money that the rich give to the needy, such as the poor and the debtor, of certain types, once a year. Fourth: Ramadan fasting, which is refraining from breaking the fast, such as eating, drinking, and intercourse during the day in the ninth month of the Hijri year, the fifth: Hajj, which is visiting the holy sites in Makkah once in a lifetime for the one who is able to perform certain rituals, and each of the last four pillars has many conditions, pillars, and details. And greetings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 400

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:10 pm

Question # 11
Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is the last of the prophets and messengers? If so, what was the reason behind it? Don't you think that humanity needs more prophets these days?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - the last of the prophets, and since the religion that was sent by him was the most complete of religions, one of his qualities was that it was valid for every time and place, and the divine scholars spread and explain the religion to people, so people in these days need to adhere to their religion - may God bless him and am back and work Psonth, and enough that, even came a prophet was his nation peace be upon him, and the work of Bhariath, (taking Allah Mathag ٱlnpin to the Ouatiڪm of ڪtb and wisdom then Jaeڪm messenger confirming what with you to Tamanan him and Tnasrnh said Eoorteurtm and have taken away on to that. Asry And they said, acknowledge us, He said, so seek affection, and I am with you among the two witnesses) (Al-Imran: 81), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet.
Unified number: 450

Question # 12
Why does a woman inherit half of what a man inherits in Islamic law?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: We assume that the questioner concerns the woman and the man, the husband and the wife. Because in inheritance there are cases in which the woman inherits the same as the man inherits, and other cases the woman inherits more than the man, and cases the woman inherits and the man does not inherit. Second: Islam obliges the man to spend on the woman as a mother, sister, wife or daughter, and it enriches her from exposure to work and earnings. Because of her preoccupation with upbringing and the rights of the husband, she is commanded to make decisions at home except for necessity, and yet Islam did not deprive her of inheritance, but it gave her the amount that suits her, and the man who is responsible for collecting and spending money has given the amount that suits him. It is surrounded by human minds, so whoever obeys is guided and benefited in this world and the hereafter, and whoever disobeys he will not find what is more beneficial, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 530

Question # 13
Islam has permitted a man to marry more than one woman, but why did it not allow a woman to do the same?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God created mankind and He knows best in what is good for them, so whoever obeys Him reaps the benefits assessed in obedience and escapes from the disadvantages that go against him, whether he knows those benefits and harms or not, so knowing or being convinced of wisdom is not a condition of obeying the Shari’a commands and avoiding the prohibitions in the religion of Islam And despite that, everything from her has great wisdom, which we may know and may ignore, so the meditator in the marital relationship knows that the woman is subordinate and the man is followed, and she cannot follow more than one man, so a woman is pregnant, giving birth and breastfeeding, so she cannot do that in two homes for two men, and how he will know Every husband has a child from this joint woman, and the woman raises her children, and she must be with them all the time when they are young, and she cannot be in two or three homes at the same time, and the woman is required to obey her husband without disobeying God Almighty and the decision in the husband’s house and not leaving without his permission And you cannot do that for more than one person, such as a polytheist who worships three gods, for example, and a monotheist who only worships one Lord. No, praise be to God, but most of them do not know) (Al-Zumar: 29), and other aspects of the shortcomings in the nature of the female, and on the other hand a man can manage multiple household affairs, but there must be a limit to this multiplicity in such a way that it does not go outside the power of human beings, and who knows That was specified for them by four wives only, which is God - may He be glorified and exalted - and the man does not have to stay in the home for upbringing. Because he is required to strive and seek living, so he can support more than one house, and in marital intercourse he can suffice more than one woman, so he is not occupied with menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding, and one of the solutions for the large number of women and the lack of men is polygamy, and not vice versa, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed.
Unified number: 550

Question # 14
What do Muslims believe?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Muslims believe in God Almighty, and that He alone deserves worship and has no partner, and that God is the owner of the universe and disposes of it as He pleases, and they believe in the angels and that they are a creature obedient to God Almighty, and they believe in the books that God revealed to His prophets - upon them, prayers and peace -, such as the Torah and the Gospel, and that The Qur’an abrogates it, and they believe in the messengers and prophets, and they do not differentiate between them in faith, and that they reached what God commanded them to do for their people, such as Abraham and Moses - peace be upon them - and that Jesus - upon him be peace - Abdullah and His Messenger created him with a word from him, which is his saying: (Be) and it was, and that Our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is their seal, and there is no prophet or messenger after him, and his law abrogates all the previous laws, and they believe in the Last Day, and what is meant by the unseen related to what comes after death, from torture, bliss and resurrection, and the last day is the Day of Resurrection, which is the day of recompense and reckoning. And they believe in fatalism and destiny, and that everything is happening in the universe, for God knows it in detail before it happens, and He wrote it in the preserved Tablet, and it does not happen except with his knowledge, will and creation for him, this overall faith, and under every corner are details that increase the Muslim’s faith in increasing it, and they gather to the faith to be compliant with deeds and sayings For the law of the God Almighty, so they do what He commands them and avoid what He forbids them, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: The Creed of the People of the Sunnah and the Jamat by Ibn Uthaimin, one of the principles of the creed of the People of the Sunnah and the Jamaa of Fawzan
Unified number: 680

Question # 15
How do you become a Muslim?
The answer:
Praise be to God, to enter Islam to say: I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, believing its meaning, which is that there is no true worship but God, and believing in it, with innocence from all worship and religion The other, and he believes in his heart the belief in God Almighty, and that the Lord is the owner of everything and disposes of it as He pleases, the belief in the angels, and that they are obedient to God Almighty, and the belief in the books that God revealed to His prophets - upon them, prayers and peace -, such as the Torah and the Bible, and that the Qur’an abrogates it, and it is the book The house is upon our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and faith in the messengers in general, including Jesus - peace be upon him - the servant of God and His Messenger created him with a word from him, which is his saying: (Be) and he was, especially if he was a Christian, and that our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - He is their seal, and there is no prophet or messenger after him, and his law abrogates all the previous laws, belief in the Last Day, and what is meant by the unseen related to the afterlife, from torment, bliss and resurrection, and the last day is the Day of Resurrection, which is the day of recompense and reckoning, and faith in judgment and destiny, and that everything is It happens in the universe, because God knows it in detail before its occurrence, and he wrote it in the preserved Tablet, and it does not fall except with his knowledge, will and creation for him, then after that he learns the rituals of Islam little by little, from purity and prayer, and forsaking the forbidden things, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 690

Question # 16
Who is Mohammed?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib al-Qurashi, who was the son of Ismail bin Ibrahim - peace be upon them - and he is the Seal of the Prophets and the master of the son of Adam. All, and he was forty years old at the mission, and he immigrated to Medina and died there at the age of sixty-three, and whoever was realized by the mission of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - has no way to paradise except with faith in him and his followers. which is the soul of Muhammad in his hand, does not listen to me one of this nation, Jew or Christian, then die and did not believe in him who sent him, but it was the fire "(Narrated by Muslim (153)), and the Almighty said: (n ٱkulm and Istron (1) what you are the grace of your Lord, mad (2) if you pay for non Memnon (3) and you to create great) (pen: 1-4), and Abdullah bin peace, may Allah be pleased with him said: When the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him The city agitated the people It was said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, I came in people to look at him, and when he Astbnt the face of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, I knew that his face is not generally a liar "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2485) and Ibn Maja (1334)) And it is correct, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: The chapters in the biography of the Messenger by Ibn Kathir, the sealed nectar of Mubarakfoury.
Unified number: 700

Question # 17
What is Islam's position on women's rights?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam has honored women with a dignity that you do not find in any religion or society whose people do not adhere to the religion of Islam, and European women in our time dream of being a Muslim woman to obtain some of the rights that all women desire, and find them in this religion, and how it is not so, and it is a religion of God Worlds? If we look at the condition of women in other societies and civilizations before and after Islam, we can know the extent of what Islam brought. The Chinese used to neither marry nor look at the woman nor contact her in order to give preference to asceticism, and see her as the cause of every sin, and the Indians before Islam used to make women like goods. A man may lose his wife in gambling, and she will be the target of insults and insults, and if her husband dies, she becomes like a woman who does not marry, and sometimes a woman has several husbands, and she may burn herself after the death of her husband in order to avoid the torment of life and the misery of the world. Small for fear of shame or because of poverty, and they deprive her of her money and her inheritance, and after divorce or the death of the husband, she is confused by the possibility of marrying a husband that she agrees with, and bequeathed as the property or animal bequeath, and she considers a year in a lonely house, and does not touch water throughout that year, and as for the manifestations of the enslavement of women and their oppression among Persians and Romans So the phenomenon until now is better than it was in history, so what do the enemies of Islam revenge from it? Do they avenge him by preventing women from prostitution, fornication, taking betrayals, spreading immorality, and mixing of lineages? Or do they revenge him when the woman conceals her adorned from the eyes of non-mahram men and conceals them so that they will not be exposed to her, and she remains a woman for her husband only? Or do they revenge from her that she stays in her home with a dignified and honorable woman who serves her father and mother, unless she is married or in the service of her husband, and her breadwinner is the one who earns and supports her without forcing her to be exposed to mixing with men and exposure to work problems, while preserving her right to learn and work when needed with decency and chastity? Or do they avenge him that the woman in the inheritance in some matters has half that of the man who is responsible for spending money on the woman and her children, because he is in need of obtaining money from her? In addition to other forms of preserving women's rights in the smallest details that cannot be encompassed in the answer to this question, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: What did the world lose with the decline of the Muslims, p: 46, 53, 60.
Unified number: 820

Question # 18
How Islam dealt with the concept of war and fighting?
The answer:
Praise be to God, war and fighting in Islam aims to elevate the word of God Almighty, and it enters into that many great meanings, such as the spread of the patch of Islam, the entry of fighters into Islam, the entry into Muslims' protection and the running of the rulings of Islam over them, and an end to their exposure to Muslims and their standing in the path of the Islamic call, God said The Almighty: “And kill them, until there is no trial,” and the religion is for God.
Nevsڪm Aziz, it is cursed keen Aliڪm Bٱlmaemien Rauf Rahim (128) If they turn away, say resort to no God but it is Toڪlt He is the Lord ٱerh ٱlazim) (Repentance: 128, 129), which is keen to Hdaatkm of misguidance and Topetkm, Valhdaah is the end, Flo I got the guidance did not fight them replaced, and Elam gets fought until the whole religion of God, and said, Glorified and Exalted: (if ٱnsk ٱlohہr ٱharm Vٱqtheloa ٱlmusharkin where ye find and take them and ٱhsrohm and ٱqta them ڪl repent, and they set up ٱsaloh and Ouatwa ٱlzڪoh then leave their way, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful) (repentance: 5), and the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him if a prince is an army or a raiding party of God, and with Muslims good and then said: "Agzoa the name of God in the name of Allah, fought from Kafr God, Agzoa not Conquer A Tglua is not internalized nor kill a hand, and if you received your enemy of the infidels, Vadehm to three things Voathn what Ojabok, accept them and keeping them, and then invite them to Islam, the Ojabok, accept them and keeping them, and then invite them to switch from their house to house immigrants, and told them that they if they do so they have what immigrants and they are immigrants, it refused to turn them tell them that they are Koarab Muslims, being on them the judgment of God being on the believers, and not have them in the booty and shade something but grapple with the Muslims, the they refused Vzlem tribute, If they answered you, then accept from them and stop them, for if they are a father, seek the help of God and fight them. ”(Narrated by Muslim (1731): fighting between them is general, and from fighting and especially from them. In Islam, it is legitimate to fight the people of prostitute and fight the Kharijites, and this has special provisions, and from the jihad is the struggle of the soul and the jihad by calling and stating the truth, not by fighting, and if they are combined then it is jihad by fighting the infidels.
Unified number: 870

Question # 19
How did Islam deal with the restaurant and the drink?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: God, may He be glorified and exalted, created the land and what is on it, and made fun for people to benefit from it. He made the basic principle in food and drinks permissible, and forbade few things in relation to permissible things. By this and has been complied with since the advent of Islam Believing In recognition, then proved to modern science health that experiments finally research, and those taboo pork, blood, dead and wine, the Almighty said: (is ٱlzy created for you in the earth, all then ٱstoy to ٱsamae Fssoٮhn seven Smoٲt a knowledge of all things) (Al-Baqarah: 29) , and the Almighty said: (deprived you ٱlmath and ٱldm meat ٱknzir and the people of non Allah by the ٱlmnknqh and ٱlmoukozh and ٱlmitrdah and ٱlntihh and eat ٱsba only what Zkeetm and the slaughter on ٱnasb and Tstksmwa Bٱlozlam to that. debauch ٱleom Aٮs and Allah disbelieve your religion is not Tkhcohm and ٱkhcon ٱleom you completed your religion and completed upon you As I have been blessed and satisfied with you (Islam is a religion), for whoever is forced into a relationship other than the table, Islam is sinful 3. To Islam about a lot of food and drink in the book and the Sunnah, the Almighty said: (built Adam Take Look at every mosque and ڪloa reward for not waste not by love ٱlmosrovin) (custom: 31), and said peace be upon him: "Man fills the pot evil from the belly, according to the son of Adam cuisine Iqmn crucifixion, it was inevitably one third of the food and one-third of his drink and a third for himself. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2380) and Ibn Maja (3349)), which is true modern, and the wisdom that a lot of them is harmful to the body, and prevents him from achieving What will be mentioned soon, and in this aspect of Islam’s attention to food and drink in terms of quantity, and third: Islam’s command to eat and drink is a positive matter in principle, so it is forbidden for a person to refrain from them until he exposes himself to death, but it is the choice in terms of individuals, so he should not eat what He does not desire him, but it is forbidden for him to eat what he forbids even if he craves it, and he preferred some foods to him that it is desirable at some times, such as dates at the time of suhoor and at breakfast from fasting, and this is Islam’s attention to food and drink in terms of To rule, he says: (O ye ٱlnas eat what in the earth, good suits and do not follow Khtoٲt ٱheitun it to you an avowed enemy) (Baqarah: 168), Fourth: Islam warned to take care not to exaggerate the food and drink; Because man does not live to eat and drink, rather he has lofty goals, which are for which he was created, but food and drink are necessary for the survival of the body and for you
We are able to accomplish these goals, and fasting has been prescribed for him by abstaining from food and drink during a month of the year is obligatory, and only during the day. He fed him with food and drink, and Islam came to take care of all of them, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 880

Question # 20
Can a person attain happiness without knowing the purpose and purpose of life?
The answer:
Alhamdulillah, happiness cannot be obtained without knowing the purpose and purpose of life; Because he who does not know the purpose of his existence no matter what he does of the things that bring him pleasure and joy, then if he remembers that he will part with these pleasures by death his pleasure will be removed, and he sees and realizes with his sense that the living are dying, and whatever he attains of physical pleasure, his soul and spirit think about this issue, even if Sometimes, if he does not have knowledge of the answer, then he lives in confusion, with which the joy of pleasure disappears, and the goal of life is for a person to worship the Lord of the two worlds, glory be to Him, and unite him, and thus achieve happiness for him in the world and the hereafter, and whoever contravenes this goal and pursues other goals, whatever he may find hE temporary virtual in this world, it must be living in a narrow, the Almighty said: (and introduce Zڪry it has a life of hardship and Nhacrh day of Resurrection blind) (Taha: 124), (and created ٱgan and ٱlans except to worship) (Almariaat: 56) , And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 910

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:12 pm

Question # 21
Is it logical for God - who has great wisdom - to create us without a goal behind that?
The answer:
Praise be to God, this is neither wisdom nor logic. If I say: What is the wisdom of creating creation? The answer is the monotheism of God Almighty with worship. The Almighty said: (I did not create jinn and mankind except for them to worship) (Al-Dhariyat: 56)..
Unified number: 930
Question No. 22
Who is god?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God is the Lord of the worlds, God is the one who created all creatures and appreciated their deeds and conditions, knew that, wrote it and wanted it. God Almighty is the one who, if the tricks of your calling are narrowed by you, then he responds to you, God willing. to worship without the others, the Almighty said: (Say ٱhamd to God and blessings to his slaves and Allah ٱstefy Eallah is better? (59) the security of the creation of the heavens and the earth, and sent down Lڪm from ٱsamae water charted with Hdaٮq with the joy of what ڪan you that Tneptua Cjrha accountability with Allah, but they people adjust (60) security made the earth, a decision making during which Onehra and make her Roٲsy make between ٱlbharin barrier accountability with Allah, but Oڪtherhm do not know (61) the security answer ٱlamadtr if him reveals ٱlsu and Adjalڪm successors earth, accountability with little to Allah, Tzڪron (62) security j Hdaڪm in wronged ٱlber and ٱlbhr and sends ٱlrih human beings between the hands of his mercy with accountability, Allah convey what Allah Icherڪon (63) security ٱlkhalq and then get up and bring him back Arozkkm of ٱsamae and accountability with the earth, Allah Say: Bring your Brhnkm if you are truthful) (ant: 59-64) , And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: The Faith in God by Umar Al-Ashqar.
Unified number: 1090
Question # 23
Do Muslims worship the Kaaba?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Muslims do not worship the Kaaba, and they only worship God Almighty, but the Kaaba is a venerated house. In honor of the one who has worship - Almighty and Sublime -; Because he commanded to venerate it as an act of worship to him, by receiving it in prayer and supplication and circling around it, and every worshiper must have a side to receive it, and this side must receive it the slogan of Muslims, so that Muslims unite in their worship to one side, and Omar - may God be pleased with him - came to the black stone concentrated in a corner Kaaba Before him said: "I know you're a stone does not harm or benefit, and not because I saw the Prophet peace be upon him, kisses what your kiss" (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (1590) and Muslim (1270)), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1110

Question # 24
Do Muslims believe that all religions lead to the same consequence?
The answer:
Praise be to God, in which Muslims believe that other than Islam from other religions leads to eternity in Hellfire, and that the only religion that leads to salvation from Hellfire and entry to Paradise is the religion of Islam. (Al-Imran: 85). This ruling is from the mission of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - until the Day of Resurrection. As for what came before that, whoever believed in the Prophet who was sent to him is also a Muslim, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 1200
Question # 25
If Islam is such a beautiful religion, why are the media so full of atrocities committed by Muslims in the name of Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if you do not know that the media are hostile to Islam and fear the power of Muslims and their renaissance and their multitude, then you may believe these atrocities. Your saying “Muslims commit them in the name of Islam” is an accusation without proof, and it is sufficient for you that Muslims are killed in many countries without being able to protect or defend themselves But the media is directed and striving to falsify facts, fabricate stories, and distort the true facts, and if what is meant is what some of the followers of Islam do sabotage, then this is firstly something that is not specific to Islam. In all religions, those who do things that are not approved by their religion, and it is contrary to what they are obligated to do. He did it in his belief, and secondly, that this matter is not approved by Islam and it is denied by most Muslims in the world, and you have to get to know the true Islam from reliable sources, and you will see Islam’s mercy in creation and its call to virtuous morals and good handling of everything, even animals as well as human beings. Finally, The one who looks at history and reality with impartiality and fairness knows that the religion of Islam is a religion of mercy and justice, and knows who has committed the true atrocities. There were 1018 dead, while the number of people killed in the world war in four years was more than seven million, and the number of those executed by the Inquisition in the most horrific images was twelve million people, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
See: A Mercy for the Worlds by Al-Mansour Fouri, p.: 468, 469, 470.
Unified number: 1260
Question # 26
Should I convert to Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, if you want to escape from the torment of the Hereafter and win Heaven, there is no way to that except with Islam, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1320

Question # 27
Why do Muslims kill Jews and Christians?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: it is necessary to specify the goal in order for the answer to be obtained. Does the questioner mean the past? Does he mean why Muslims kill Jews and Christians in the Crusades or in World War I or in World War II or in the secret inquisition courts in Andalusia? Or did he mean the questioner recently? Do Muslims kill Jews and Christians in the western occupation of Muslim lands? Or in the Russian occupation of Muslim lands? Or in the wars of the Serbs for the Bosnian Muslims? Or in America's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Russia's war in the Levant? Or the frequent massacres of the Jews in Palestine, or the massacres of the Hindus in Burma, Nepal and elsewhere? Or the massacres of the Chinese against Muslims? Or the Christians of the Philippines against the Muslims? The question should be: Why do Muslims not defend themselves when their lands are occupied and their young and old kills their male and female without sin? And can infidels compare the ugly and repeated killing of Muslims in different places with the rare cases that are often a reaction to a disaster that occurred before that against Muslims, and sometimes it is a political game and a media lie so that the infidels' power holders can tighten the screws on Muslims, and who do what they want with them on the pretext that A Muslim killed, destroyed, or did a transgression, and reality is otherwise? Second: There is a difference between jihad and killing, and Islam, like all other monotheistic religions, does not approve killing except for clear reasons related to the felony of the murdered and his act, not just his religion, and it differs from one religion to another, and Islam does not approve the killing of any of the Jews, Christians and dhimmis, and the treaty, but fighting for war is among them. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1340
Question # 28
Where does Islam stand from the two concepts of free will versus reparation?
The answer:
Praise be to God, what is meant by free will is that a person is disposed of by his will and choice, and by force that he has no choice and will, and regardless of the validity of these statements, the answer to this question is the detail, as for what determines his fate in the hereafter - from heaven that is the fate of the believers, and the fire that is The fate of the unbelievers - he is in that choice, and he has a complete will, and this is an innate matter that every person finds within himself, so how many unbelievers embraced Islam, and if he was forced, he would not have been able to change his religion at that time that he chose, and this is not outside of God’s judgment, will, knowledge and creation. So everything that happens in this universe is with the determination of God Almighty, and he knows everything, wrote and wills, and despite this, a person does not feel a compulsion that leads him to go to the mosque or to the nightclub, but rather he is chosen to do it, so it is not valid for him to invoke the previous fate of what he did with his will. As for what happens to a person, such as being from his father and mother or from such-and-such country or born in this age and at such a time, and what happens to him in terms of livelihoods or calamities and what is going on inside his body of heartbeat, blood movement, the work of organs, and so on, he is guided by him, not He has a choice, and instinct indicates that, so can anyone control what is written and destined for? Rather, he is described as impotent reparation, like a person who forces others to do what he hates, and God Almighty is too great to compel someone. Because he creates in the heart of the servant the will, so he does or does not want to leave, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1360
Question No. 29
What is the difference between jinn and angels?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the angels were created from light, their place in the sky and they may descend to the earth by the command of God. They are all obedient to God Almighty. They have wings, two, three and quadrants, and they do nothing except with the command of God Almighty. Revelation is revealed to the prophets, and he is the most honorable of them, and he is Gabriel, and among them is the one who is appointed for the fall of rain, and he is Mikael, and some of them are blown into images on the Day of Resurrection, and he is a Israfil, and among them is the angel of death who seizes the souls of servants, and some of them are a reservoir for paradise and a reservoir of fire, and others, and they are the most created by God. The Almighty, as for the jinn, they are created from fire, and they live on earth and may fly between heaven and earth, and they are charged like humans, some of them are the believer and some of them the infidel, and they eat and reproduce, and the task of their infidels is to mislead people and obsess over them with all the evil they are capable of, and they delude some magicians that they are angels, and everyone Of the jinn and humans educated servants whose worship is not permissible, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1370
Question # 30
Is it true that the news of the Prophet’s killing of six hundred Jews in Medina is true?
The answer:
Praise be to God, before going into the number, there is no difference between killing one and a thousand, and if the killing was right then everyone who was killed with the right is deserving of that, and likewise the Jews who were killed during the era of prophethood, and the mentioned number relates to the Jews of Banu Qurayza. As Musa bin Uqba said, and at the highest estimate of nine hundred, as mentioned by Ibn Ishaq, and the Banu Qurayza, when Quraish came to conquer the trench, they declared insulting the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -. When he sent them, he found that they had broken the covenant. Thinking that the polytheists would triumph over the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - then when God defeated the parties, he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - directed to Banu Qurayza, and they descended on the rule of Saad bin Muadh - may God be pleased with him - so he ruled to kill their men and captive their wives and boys. As a punishment for their betrayal, this was done to them, and they were the most violent of the Jews as disbelief, the most enmity of them and the last of them treacherous, and they did not take advice from those before them, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1420

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:14 pm

Question # 31
Why is Islam the best religion?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the difference between Islam and others becomes evident by studying religions and by comparing civilizations, and it is not possible to simplify this here, but one of the minor aspects in comparison is that the monotheistic religions whose owners are linked with revelation and have books of status, such as Judaism and Christianity, are better than the earthly religions in which God is chosen By the worshiper himself from his earthly surroundings, so that his god who worships him suffers the same changes that affect the worshiper, but the worshiper needs the worshiper more than the worshiper needs him. Because it is the one who makes it, the one who cleans it, the one who builds the place of worship for it and transfers it to him, the one who restores it if it breaks and raises it if it falls, and lights it if it is a fire that is worshiped, water and air extinguish it, and it quenches if he does not find fuel from the worshiper, and so on, like Hinduism and Buddhism, if we look at the heavenly religions, we find that Islam includes belief in Moses, peace be upon him, and the Torah revealed to him, and belief in Jesus, peace be upon him, and the Bible revealed to him, and Jews and Christians disbelieve our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Qur’an, and from the comparison is that Islam is a religion that is compatible with common sense and does not find in it contradicting the instinct or a shock to the mind, such as Belief that the gods are three and one at the same time, and what some people present in terms of dilemmas about Islam finds its satisfactory answer in Islam - if a scientist is successful for him - with the praise of God, which supports the inclusiveness, ease, clarity and validity of Islam for every time, place and person, for these and other reasons Islam was the religion The truth, and if the comparative introduces the behavior of some Muslims contrary to Islam into the comparison, he will find the same in all religions, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1430
Question # 32
Will Christians enter Heaven?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, will not enter the Christians Paradise even penetrates sentences in cm Khayat, and will not find Rihha, whether created fire only for Christians and their ilk, the Almighty said: (I ڪfr And Allah said, Allah is ٱlchrist Son of Mary, said ٱlchrist built Asrٲel ٱabdoa Allah, my Lord and Rbڪm It engages Bٱllah deprived Allah it ٱganh and Mooٮh ٱlnar and the Zlim supporters (72) I and Allah ڪfr said, Allah's third three and no god but God and ٲhd if not finished what they say to Williamson and Allah disbelieve them a painful punishment (73) do you not repent to Allah and ask forgiveness and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (74) what ٱlchrist the Son of Mary, but the messenger has deserted him ٱlrsl and his mother's girlfriend ڪana Aoڪlan ٱltaam ٱnzer ڪev show them the Signs and ٱnzer that I Aavkon (75) Say Otabdon without Allah There is no harm or benefit for you, and God is the one who is Sami` Al-Ulaim) (Al-Ma`idah: 72-76). The monotheists who did not understand the era of Islam and believed in God as Lord and Jesus - peace be upon him - as a Messenger, for these are believers, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1440
Question # 33
What is the ruling of Islam in the theory of evolution?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the theory of evolution is that the universe arises from pure chance, and not by creation, will, or appreciation, and that man has a single cell origin that developed over millions of years until it reached the ring of supreme apes, then this in turn evolved until it ended in the witnessed evolution: man, and that it is not There is a creator of man, and it is called Darwin's theory, and he is the researcher who is the author of this theory spread in Western society, since about 1858, and the invalidity of this theory from five sides: The first side: it is a theory that confronts the instinct, so man cannot believe that action takes place without an agent, so how If the verb is repeated in a clear, accurate and complex order? It cannot be believed that the book he is reading could have its letters and papers gathered and glued as a result of the explosion of a printing press, so the universe, with all its mastery, how can there be without a creator capable of seeking a world? It is one of the greatest physical evidence of the existence of God Almighty. Thinking about the universe and common sense reject this theory, and the second aspect: that it has been rejected by many Western researchers themselves, and the truth is what the enemies have witnessed, and their research has been published in some sites, even though they are not Muslims but their minds Their instinct indicates the lie of the theory, and the objective response to them has not been made by the followers of the false theory, and it is not considered a concrete reality, for it is not a certain theory, but rather conclusions and analyzes that other studies contradict, and the third aspect: that the Islamic legal evidence preceded this theory by centuries in the detailed statement Because of the emergence of the creation, and that God was and had nothing with him, then he created creation with his wisdom and ability, and from what our father Adam - peace be upon him - created from dust and then clay, sixty cubits long in the sky, and his wife Eve was created from him, and she gave birth to children from him, and the creation continues until now. He found a person, and this is the correct conception of creation, and it is detailed in the Holy Qur’an in many surahs, the fractions of al-Baqarah, Surah al-A'raf, Surat al-Hajj, Surat al-Mu'minun, Surat al-Sa`ah and Surat al-Rahman, in addition to other verses such as the Almighty saying: (And He has honored us with the building of Adam and the Lamb. Binge ٱlber and ٱlbhr and Rozknhm of ٱtaibt and Vdilnhm on ڪtar those who created favorable) (Isra: 70), and in response to God that the Almighty create things and then left to develop without the ability nor the will not create, we find the verse: (And We have created above you seven Traٮq and what we were about We are created by two wives) (Al-Mu'minun: 17), and the Almighty said: (And from all things He created us as two wives, so that you may remember him) (Al-Bukhariah: Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) (Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: (p. 46)), which is true, everything is a creature God created, the Almighty said: (and Entrust breath only can and we have written utter Bٱlhak they will not be wronged (62), but Gulwbہm in the midst of this and they work without whomsoever they have Amlon) (believers 62: 63), and believing the theory of evolution is blasphemy. Because atheism and denial of the Holy Qur'an, and the negation of the wisdom of existence and denial of the resurrection, (and created ٱsamae and the earth, and what Banہma a hero whomsoever thought And Allah disbelieve, woe to those who disbelieve from ٱlnar) (p. 27), the fourth: the opposition, a theoretical interview mental revenue that overriden, To be told: Where was it found to be the first creature whose evolution took place? And what was before the stages of development began? How does inanimate objects create a living being? And if you claim that the monkey evolved into a human at some stage, then what about the monkeys that exist until now? Why did they not evolve, which are many and varied species like all other creatures, and what stopped the wheel of evolution? And if man has evolved, then why is his development not attributed to a Creator who actually developed him, just as electronic devices, cars, etc. develop, and it is attributed to their developer from humans? Evolution does not save the proof of the Creator. Glory be to you, this is a great delusion, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
For more: The Journey of Certainty, Iyad Quneibi, on YouTube.
Unified number: 1520
Question # 34
God Almighty challenged someone to come up with something like the Qur’an. Has anyone tried this challenge before?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, and none of them was comparable to the power of the Noble Qur’an. Rather, they were failed attempts, evidenced by that they were forgotten and no one paid any attention to them, and they are divided into two parts: The first part is the one who opposes the Qur’an with a book from his own without claiming that it is a revelation from God, or that he is a prophet. Like Ibn al-Rawandi and Abu al-Alaa al-Maari in a book he called “The Seasons and the Objectives”, he was told: Where is this from the Qur’an? He said: The mihraabs did not straighten him for four hundred years. It means that people have familiarized themselves with the Qur’an and become accustomed to it, and my book is still new, and the second part is the one who claimed prophethood and that he has no Qur’an from God Almighty. An example of this is what Ibn al-Jawzi - may God have mercy on him - said: “Among them is Musaylimah, who claimed prophethood, and she is called Rahman Al-Yamamah. Because he used to say: What comes to me is Rahman. So he believed in the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and claimed that he had partnered with him, so it is astonishing that he believed in a messenger, and he says that he is a liar, then he came with a Qur’an that people laugh, such as saying: “O frog, girl of two frog, we purify what you purify, above you in water, and below you in Mud, and one of the wonders is a black sheep milking white milk. ”Among them was Taliha bin Khuwailid, who came out after the claim of Musaylimah al-Nawwah, and was followed by commoners ... and from his Qur’an:“ And the pigeons, the doves, and the fasting sard, to inform our king of Iraq and the Levant. ”... and Taliha fled to Sham, then embraced Islam, corrected his Islam, and killed Benhawand ... A man called the whisper of the dogs prophesied, and he was claiming that God Almighty revealed to him: “Oh, you who are hungry, drink milk that is saturated, and do not strike that which is of no use. It is not convincing ... and among them is Hathail bin Ya`four ... who opposed Surat Al-Ikhlas, and said: “Say: He is God is one, a god like a lion, sitting on the watch, and no one misses it.” Among them was Hadhil bin Wasi` ... he opposed Surat Al-Kawthar, so he said to him Man: What did you say? He said: “We have given you the jewels. He returns ”, and whoever appeared, claimed that he was revealed to him by Al-Mukhtar bin Abi Ubayd ...”, and he knew that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - was illiterate and did not read or write, and he did not go to study from the news of the ancients, so he brought this great book that the falsehood does not come from Between his hands and not behind him, a revelation from a wise and benevolent, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Sayd al-Khater by Ibn al-Jawzi, pp. 416-419, biography of the flags of the nobles by al-Dhahabi 18/31, why my friend embraced Islam and the Vatican’s opinion on the challenges of the Qur’an: Author: Dr. Ibrahim Khalil.
Unified number: 1660
Question # 35
Why do people show interest in Islam?
The answer:
Thank god; Because it is the most deserving of what a person cares about, and only the sane person who searches for happiness in this world and salvation and happiness in the hereafter is interested in it. If God enables him to enter Islam, happiness and salvation will attain for him, so Islam is what calls for attention to it, whether in his beliefs, his acts of worship, or his rulings. In non-acts of worship or in his etiquette and morals, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1690
Question # 36
Can a Muslim man marry more than one woman?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes permissible to four women, the Almighty said: (If you fear not justly in ٱleetmy Vٱnkhawwa what your choice of ٱlnsae two, a third and a quarter of the fear not Tadloa Voٲhdh or possessed Oamenkm whomsoever slave women) (women: 3), and the so-called Polygamy, and in its permissibility there is a ruling from several sides, including: First: The wife may not have children, and she must have a husband, so this husband who will be satisfied with her either spends his life without offspring, or he resorts to fornication and immorality in order to obtain the child, or he marries another wife, And it is the correct legal solution and the appropriate reason, secondly: that God - may He be glorified and exalted - created a man able to support more than one family, so he is not required as a woman to stay with children, breastfeed and raise them, so he can take care of everyone, as well as in terms of marital cohabitation, unlike the woman who is in The majority is weaker than a man who is exposed to something that prevents her from having intercourse, such as menstruation. Third: That women are more than men in all societies, regardless of the different reasons, and the requirement for non-pluralism is that a woman who does not find a husband is either deprived of marriage or That you follow the path of immorality, and both of them are forbidden. In polygamy, there is a solution to this social problem. Fourth: That the man may not settle psychologically with the first woman, and he does not want to harm her with divorce, and she is content to stay with him, so he has a chance to live with another wife and relieve He has some of what is in it. Fifthly: that the lawmaker stipulated in pluralism fairness so as not to harm one of the wives, and he also stipulated not going over the four so that the husband would not be negligent and neglectful, so that the desired benefits would be obtained while being careful from the potential harms of polygamy, and the ruling is many for those who contemplate. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1820
Question # 37
How did Islam guarantee human rights?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam preserves animal rights, so how can human rights be lost? All the legal rulings contain the preservation of human rights, but we shed light on some aspects, including: the aspect of religion: Islam called for the true religion, and demonstrated the invalidity of other religions, but without coercion against Islam, and the people who do not accept the invitation and did not fight Muslims but rather engaged in Muslims By holding the dhimma, as happened in the time of jihad and the Islamic conquests, they acknowledge their religion, and they are in the authority of Muslims, and this leads to their contact with Muslims and their acquaintance with Islam, and on the side of the soul: Islam preserves all infallible and respected souls by prohibiting their killing or assaulting them, and respectable souls Muslims and unbelievers non-combatants And in the event of war, to prevent the killing of children, women, and elderly people not participating in the fighting, and to deal with the issue of slavery and servitude that existed from ancient times, removing its evils and preserving the good, narrowing its causes and expanding its banks, preventing captivity at the beginning of the battle with the infidels, but after excelling in the battle. Then if the prisoner becomes slave, then Islam obliges his owner to deal with him well, and makes his emancipation an expiation for many sins, and if he offends him he must free him, and among the benefits in slavery is that if there is no slavery, he must lose the money. Women, children, and the helpless whose parents were killed in battle, instead of leaving them to death, immorality, or thieves, they move to an owner who spends on them and takes care of them, and from the point of view of the mind: Islam preserves it by preserving it from corrupt beliefs and perverted perceptions about the universe and the unseen and the like, and preserving it by prohibiting intoxicants that remove the mind and spoil health, and in An aspect of Islam’s maintenance of the health aspect: This includes prohibiting the use of anything harmful to the health or the health of others, preventing exit from the country in which the plague inflicted on those inside it, and preventing entry to it from those outside it, and from the social point of view: Islam took care of the formation of the family from the spouses and the details of raising Children have preserved the right of parents, the right of relatives to be kind and alimony on them when needed and in need of their connection, and the right of neighbors to do good and stop hurting them, and the right of way in terms of wandering and blindness and so on, Islam did not differentiate between the races of human beings and their races and their colors in duties and rights, and the general population has rights that are well known in Islam And from the economic point of view: Islam preserves the right to own property for an individual, forbids usury, and warned against leniency in debts while permitting them to the needy, obligated the needy with zakat comfort, and regulated misfortune Turn the general resources of the state, and on the woman’s side, preserving her right as a mother, with the obligation to take care of her, her righteousness and make her happy as much as possible, and safeguard her right as a sister, wife and girl to take care of her and travel with her; Because the travel looks like fatigue and other reasons, and she obliges her guardian to spend on her. Because she is commanded to make decisions at home except for necessity, and she has the right to dispose of what she possesses, and the right to marry with her consent and the right to care for her children is guaranteed, and so on, and the difference between Islam and others is that the individual’s observance of these rights is based on belief and desire for a reward from God Almighty, and not fear of a law or the like. the apparent virtues of Islam is evident in comparison to what it was human in general and women in particular before Islam, the Almighty said: (I have honored the sons of Adam and Hmlnhm in ٱlber and ٱlbhr and Rozknhm of ٱtaibt and Vdilnhm on ڪtar those who created favorable) (Isra: 70), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1870
Question # 38
What is the concept of moderation in Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, moderation is mediation and justice, for Islam in all respects is good between two evils, and what is required of a Muslim is to be moderate and not exaggerate and exaggerate, and not be indulgent and negligent, and apply moderation in himself, and generalize that on his words and deeds, and from those aspects: First: Islam takes care of the soul’s need with acts of worship And the purification of souls and the like, and he took into account the need of the body by organizing transactions, controlling food and drink, urging marriage, and forbade celibacy, that is, ceasing to worship and abandoning marriage. The food that does not suit them with the exaggeration in worship, the isolation of people, and the contradiction of common sense, such as Christian monks, some Buddhists, Hindus, and fanatics of Sufis, and on the other hand, people who dominate the side of the body and neglect the soul, so that he does not live except for his desires and the fulfillment of his desires, so he does not adhere to Sharia and does not care about worship. Dealing with the infidels by selling, buying, gifting and the like, and it is necessary to treat them with justice, and it is forbidden to harm them in a state other than jihad, without being affected by their beliefs and customs and with the prohibition of heartfelt loyalty to them, and from People are the one who kills everyone who contradicts him in religion and cannot stand their presence, so he oppresses them because they are not according to his religion, his method or his doctrine, and in return they are those who give up his religion for the sake of the infidels and obey them in disobeying God by falsity and greed, and he does not know that they despise him by that, so he does not attain a religion or a world. Third: Islam came with faith in God Almighty, his attributes and actions without representation, and among the people of his belief is atheism and denied the existence of God Almighty in his tongue, even if in his heart contradicts his words, and some of them believe in him as nothingness and does not prove to him an attribute or an act, and these and their likes participated in the obstruction, and in return some believed People believe that everything is God, and others believed that there is divinity in some creatures, such as angels and Christ, or what is less, such as idols and trees, and they named some of them with names derived from the names of God Almighty, and these and their proverbs participated in the analogy. Fourth: Islam has proven fate and that everything that happens in this universe is By the will of God Almighty, and what happens in him is what He commands, so he loves and satisfies him, and that the servant has a will, and that his willful actions do not deviate from the will of God Almighty, and among the people are those who say that a person is compelled by his actions and has no will, and on the other hand there are those who say that man creates Fifthly: Islam is a mediator in the economy between socialism and capitalism, sixth: Islam has achieved justice and moderation in all matters, in relation to God Almighty and the relationship with people and one's relationship with himself, and you may find an investigation of some of these aspects in other than Islam but not on one side The general public, because Islam is the religion of God Almighty that He has pleased and sealed religions with, and made it valid for every time, place and person, and the minds are incapable of comprehending its mystery and its end, and no religion is accepted by anyone other than it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2140

Question # 39
Why did God create fire?
The answer:
Praise be to God, fire is of two types: the fire of the world and the fire of the Hereafter, as for the fire of this world it has great benefits, the most famous of which is to benefit from its light in the dark, ripen drinks and food, warm up in the cold, and destroy what a person needs to destroy, soften minerals, facilitate industries and treat some diseases, and the fire of the Hereafter has a ruling. Among them is the punishment of the infidels and those who violate the command of God Almighty. Because he denies those who have created him and directed his worship to others and did what he deserves to be punished, and if he is a united sinner and God decreed that he will enter Hell, then he will leave it if he is cleansed of his sins and enters paradise. Knowledge of its existence and its attributes was a reason for believing and ceasing to do what anger God Almighty and adhering to what He enjoins and loves, just as the torment of the unbeliever and the unjust in Hell is a victory for the oppressed believer who has been wronged in this world and avoiding his anger, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2230

Question # 40
How do I tell my parents and family of my Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if you do not live with them in one house, then the matter is easy. Tell them by any means, such as a call or a letter or on a visit, with their invitation to Islam, and if you live with them then the evaluation of matters is up to you, and there is no single answer for all people, and the important thing is that telling them is not a duty. Sharia, then do the righteous, if informing them results in harm, then it is not necessary, and if there is no harm or interest, such as the possibility of their entry into Islam and being affected by you, so inform them in the appropriate way, such as gradually telling them about Islam and its virtue, then telling them about your Islam, with a supplication God Almighty to guide them to Islam and explain their hearts to Your hands, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2280

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:17 pm

Question # 41

Why should a person worship God Almighty?

The answer:

Praise be to God, religiosity is instinctive, meaning that every person is compelled to adopt a god and worship him, and those atheists want not to be bound by their desires, so they suffer from a great spiritual emptiness. Because they were shocked by their instincts with their atheism, and the evidence for this is the admission of many of them that if a calamity befalls him, he is directed to the sky, then why does he go to heaven while denying the existence of a god? And some of them create a religion in order to allow himself to exercise his desires, by setting laws that suit him in the new religion, and if it is decided that he must be worshiped, then every worship other than God Almighty is not suitable for worship. Because it has a beginning, and it was non-existent before that, and because it does not have the power to change anything in the universe, so if the worshiper needs to bring a benefit, he will not be able, and if he needs to pay harm, he will not be able. These attributes were present in him, and he is God Almighty, the Creator and Provider, in whose hand is the ruler and the measure, and nothing else should be worshiped, and cosmic evidence such as the creation of the heavens, the earth, the sun and the moon indicate deism and monotheism, then how do we worship him? We cannot know this except by going back to His Messengers, may blessings and peace be upon them, so by going back we find that all the prophets preach to our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and one of the conditions of prophethood in the Torah and the Gospel is the presence of good news about it from a previous prophet, and it is a condition that applies to the Prophet of Islam - may God bless him and grant him peace. And he brought many evidence of his sincerity, and from what he brought is that his religion abrogates all religions, and if this is determined, then God Almighty cannot be worshiped without the religion of Islam. ) (Al-Imran: 85), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 2410


Question # 42

What is the reward for good deeds performed by non-Muslims?

The answer:

Thankfully, the answer is in the words of the Prophet peace be upon him: "God does not oppress a good believer, given to them in this world and is rewarded in the afterlife and the infidel Vitam virtues of what worked out to God in this world, even if it led to the afterlife, it was not He has a good deed to be rewarded. ”(Narrated by Muslim (2808)), so the unbeliever is given the reward for his work as an increase in his money, or a good remembrance in this world, or other worldly reward, and in the hereafter God Almighty mentioned the fate of their deeds and said: From a work and he made it a mantle pampered) (Al-Furqan: 23), and that is that the unbeliever did not bring Islam, which is a condition for accepting deeds in the hereafter, and peace and blessings of God be upon our prophets Muhammad.

Unified number: 2430


Question # 43

Can a person see God Almighty in this world?

The answer:

Praise be to God. As for seeing God with eyesight in this world, this is not possible. Because man’s creation does not cope and is not able to do that, and God is the ideal, can a person see the sun for half a minute? no why? Because the eyes are not prepared for that, and if on the Day of Resurrection God Almighty created them another creation, and then they can see God Almighty, and Moses - upon him be peace - asked his Lord Almighty to see him in this world and he told him that this is not possible, the Almighty said: (And when Moses came to Miqtna and word Rabbo said, Lord, show me look at you said will not Trٮny but ٱnzer to ٱljbl the ٱstqr Mڪanh will Trٮny when he manifested his Lord of the mountain make it Dڪa bowed Moses electrocuted when he woke up, said Sobhnk decide to you and I am the first the believers) (custom: 143), And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 2450


Question # 44

Is Islam the most violent religion?

The answer:

Praise be to God, it is fair to the questioner to say: (did) he did not say (why), and the answer is based on a comparison of religions, and this is not necessary, it is sufficient for us to make Islam a correct statement, then the comparison is left to those who want it. First, by looking at the texts contained in the Qur’an and the Sunnah, we can see that We say with all impartiality: Islam is the religion of mercy and justice. The Almighty said: (And what He sent to us is nothing but mercy to the two scholars) (Al-Anbiya’s: 107). If the images of mercy include animals, then how about a person? The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "God wrote the charity on everything, if you kill, kill well, and if you slaughter, slaughter well and limit any one blade, Fleurh sacrifice" (Narrated by Muslim (1955)), and if the mercy of Islam include the infidels All kinds, so how about Muslims? The infidels are of three types, the first: the militant infidel, who fights Muslims or is ready to fight them, and even these people Islam was merciful to them, and in the most severe cases on them - that is fighting - Islam forbade torture them or mutilating their bodies or killing women and elders who did not fight or kill children and the like. To other examples, and the second: the dhimmi, who is an infidel who adheres to the rulings of Muslims while remaining on his religion in exchange for a tribute that he pays annually. So that many of the infidels wished to be under the protection of Muslims instead of living in their country and under their authority, because they found the difference between the good treatment of Muslims and injustice, persecution and mistreatment of their own people, and this does not mean generalization, and the third types of infidels: the trustee, institutes, and the trustee He is the one who entered the Muslim countries safely, and the institutes are those who have peace between his country and the countries of the Muslims, and these also will not be exposed to mischief until the end of their era or their safety. The Almighty said concerning the second and third types: (God does not spoil you from those who are Not Aguetlokm in ٱlden did not drive you out of Deirkm dealing kindly and justly Alaہm, Allah loves ٱlmkstin) (Mumtahinah: 8), and Islam as it commands justice in dealing with the infidel we find it also forbids taking the infidel and his love, and injustice, too, and this fully justice, and secondly, given Because of Islamic history, and to apply Muslims to the teachings of their religion, we find the same clearly, and with the testimony of enemies before friends, and it is worth noting that the enemies of Islam try to distort its image in order to alienate people from it and to question Muslims about their religion, so they come to some things that people think of violence and collect them and highlight them as Islam, such as killing The apostate, stoning the adulterer, or cutting off the hand of the thief, and they do not contemplate the justice and perfection of these legal rulings, and they come to some historical positions that are considered wrong jurisprudence from their owners and highlight them as being the history of Muslims, as positions in jihad for some Muslims, and unfortunately they are taught in schools and universities on the basis of That this is the history of Muslims, and praise be to God, that the results are sometimes counter-productive. Because students are eager to read more and discover the truth on their own, and this is how every sane person should do so, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 2460


Question # 45

What is the concept of punishment in Islam?

The answer:

Praise be to God, punishment in Islam has three parts: the first is another punishment, which will be on the Day of Resurrection with complete justice, so whoever misses the punishment in this world will increase his eschatological punishment, and whoever is punished in this world if it is as much as his offense, he will not be punished in the Hereafter, and if it is less he will receive his complete punishment in the Hereafter. And that is with the will and wisdom of God, so he informed that the infidel has eternal punishment and that the believer may be forgiven and may be punished, and the second: worldly punishment, and this is of two types: The first type: God Almighty will punish diseases, poverty and the like, and this is due to His wisdom, so whoever wants to examine it in This world will punish him in the same way, and whoever wants to provide him with torment in the Hereafter did not receive scrutiny in this world, and the second type: Sharia punishment, carried out by the Sharia judge, and it is in two ways: the first beatings are specific punishments, which are the limits, such as killing the apostate and stoning the adulterer, and the second beating are non-punishments. Specific, rather it is due to the judge’s discretion, and it is in the sins that have no limits, such as someone who hurts his neighbors or spread immorality among Muslims or insults and insults those who are not worthy, and this beating is called a discretionary, such as imprisonment, fines and hard disciplinary work, and punishments in Islam have benefits and secrets First, it is a scrutiny of pain Peace, secondly, being a deterrent to those who talk to oneself by doing those sins, and thirdly because it is a fairness and victory for the oppressed with regard to the rights of the servants, such as slander and theft, the third of the sections: disciplinary punishments for those who have the authority to discipline such as a husband, father and teacher, and these are by different methods, including beating with controls, including Being a hitting is ineffective, and not exceeding ten strikes, and avoiding the face and dangerous places in the body, and it is in important matters such as not praying for those who are over ten years old, with an explanation of the reason for the punishment to obtain the fruit of discipline by correcting behavior, threatening him before that and not initiating the punishment, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Against our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 2510


Question No: 46

What is the wisdom in Islam of cutting off the hand of a thief?

The answer:

Alhamdulillah, theft is extremely harmful. Because the thief takes the money secretly from the place where it is usually kept, so it is difficult to guard against it, and in leaving it without punishment is injustice to the stolen from it, the spread of chaos and fear among people, and the disruption of many works. If it is decided that the thief must be punished, cutting his hand if the legal conditions are more appropriate. Punishment; For reasons including: that the hand is the organ that started the theft, and that the hand is a prominent organ. If it is cut off, the people who are afraid of the thief will see it, and they believe and know that he has received his reward, and if the other thieves see him they are afraid and refrain from stealing so that they do not join him, then the people are saved from their evil, and that man is with him If the hand of the thief was cut off and he repented, he was able to live with the other hand, and Islam does not fear cutting hands, rather the purpose of the harsher punishment was to distract people from it, and if the conditions were not met, the thief would be punished with any other punishment less than cutting the hand until it was deterred, such as imprisonment, flogging and a monetary fine. And if you compare that with the limit of fornication, for example, the understanding of wisdom and the proportionality of the legal limits of the crimes that have been arranged for them will increase, because the married adulterer has committed a great crime without the need for it, and it is more severe than taking money and pleasure has reached all his members, so it is appropriate for him to be destroyed in the ugliest images, and the fornicator is not The dungeon does not deserve to be killed because his crime is lighter, and cutting off his memory is inappropriate. Because it is an invisible organ, and there is only one in the body, so he deserved flogging and alienation from the place that reminds him of sin, to other rulings and secrets, with the mention that the Muslim must obey the law of God Almighty, whether he knows wisdom or not, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 2540


Question # 47

Who created and invented the concept of the Trinity?

The answer:

Praise be to God, Trinitarianism is the belief that there are three gods, and they are one at the same time, and this was not the doctrine of Christ - upon him be peace - nor his followers until three hundred years after him, and the most recent of which is the late Christians affected by the worshipers of idols, so they approved it in the Council of Nicaea, year 15 of the reign of King Constantine, which corresponds to the year 325 AD, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

See: Iqhat al-Lahfan from the fisheries of the Devil by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah 2 / 1035-1050.

Unified number: 2630


Question # 48

Is Jesus - peace be upon him - the son of God?

The answer:

Praise be to God, whoever believes that Jesus - peace be upon him - the son of God is an unbeliever, for God - may He be glorified and exalted - is the first without a beginning, so how can he be a father to anyone, and if His Almighty wants to take children, then why is He one? And if Jesus was created without a father, then Adam was created without a father or a mother, then why was he not a son of God Almighty? And the correct belief is that Jesus - peace be upon him - is the servant of God and His Messenger, and that God created him with a miraculous sign, as He created him from a mother without a father, rather he said to him: (Be), and it was, and that he and his mother used to eat food, and he was the previous Prophet of our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him. And peace - and it is not valid for a person to convert to Islam until he believes in his prophethood, peace be upon him. The Noble Qur’an explained the story of Mary and the story of Jesus in several chapters, the fractions of the family of Imran, Surat al-Ma’idah and Surat Maryam, and the ratification of it came in the Sunnah in several hadiths, and this is identical to the authentic versions of the Gospel of Barnabas. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

See: My great love for Christ led me to Islam, p. 169.

Unified number: 2650


Question # 49

How do Muslims and infidels see women?

The answer:

Praise be to God, when comparing Islam with others in women's affairs, we find that Islam honors women with a dignity that you do not find in any other religion or society, and the truth is what the enemies have witnessed. European women, for example, in our time dream of being a Muslim woman in a Muslim society that complies with the rulings of Islam, in order to gain some The rights that all women desire, and you can only find in this great religion, and how can it not be that which is the religion of the Lord of the Worlds? This is a brief comparison with which there is some answer. According to many Arabs before Islam, a woman was killed when she was young or buried alive for fear of shame or because of the poverty of her father. A lonely house, and she does not touch water throughout that year, and she does not inherit until Islam came and was fair in the waiting period, inheritance and all other rulings, and women among the Jews as in the Sunnah and with the Christians as in their holy book they see her uncleanness if she menstruates and is unclean everything that she touches, and that women are the cause of all evil, which is what He made them kill women en masse in Europe at different times, and as for the Chinese, they did not marry and did not look at the woman or contact her in order to overcome asceticism. Because they have the source of all sin, and the Indians before Islam treated a woman as money, and if her husband dies, she does not marry, and sometimes in them the woman has several husbands, and this means that she is vulnerable to epidemics and diseases because of the follow-up of men in her womb, like prostitutes, and she may burn herself after the death of her husband As for a woman in Islam, she does not travel alone, rather she must have a husband or a mahram with her to protect her from exposure to the troubles of travel or fear of being blackmailed in her honor. Her breadwinner is obliged to earn money and spend on her without forcing her to be exposed to mixing with men and exposure to work problems, while preserving her right to learn and work when needed with modesty and chastity, and other things that are long explained, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 2700


Question # 50

Did Islam support the viewpoint of those who say that Christ died on the cross?

The answer:

Praise be to God, the Messiah Jesus son of Mary - upon him be peace - was not crucified and was not killed. Rather, God raised him to him in the second heaven, and he will descend before the Day of Resurrection, and his descent will be one of the great signs of the Hour, so he breaks the cross that he worshiped besides God, and the Christians slandered that he was crucified and kill the pig, and governs the law of Islam, the guide says: (and disbelief and saying Mary great Bہtna (156) and saying We killed ٱlchrist Jesus the Son of Mary , the Messenger of Allah and killed him and crucified him, but they almost even and Allah ٱchtlfoa it is in doubt of it as they have no knowledge except ٱtba ٱzn and killed him with certainty (157) , but lifted Allah to him and Allah is Mighty , wise (158) and that of the people of ٱketb only to believe in him before his death and the day of Resurrection will be Aliہm Hہada) (women: 156-159), and the Almighty said: (taking Allah Mathag ٱ The prophet did you come from the writings and wisdom then came to you a messenger Confirming what with you to Tamanan him and Tnasrnh Eoorteurtm said you have received on to that . Asry said we recognized said Vٱhہdoa I am with you ٱlhhdan) (Al - Imran: 81), and said peace be upon him: "The Hour will not even come down to you , the son of Mary sentenced installments . So he breaks the cross, kills the pig, applies the tribute, and the money overflows, so that no one will accept it ”(Sahih Al-Bukhari (2476) and Muslim (155)).

Unified number: 2710

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:19 pm

Question No. 51
Who did God create?
The answer:
Praise be to God, every creature must have a creator, so if the Creator is also a creature of others, then he must have a Creator, and the mind does not accept that the matter should proceed to infinity. In the end, there must be an absolute Creator, a first with no beginning, and from him creation began, and this An explicit mental evidence, and as for the correct narrative evidence, the hadith of Anas Ibn Malik - may God be pleased with him - said: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “People will not refrain from asking them until they say: 7296) and Muslim (136), and on the authority of Abu Hurairah - may God be pleased with him - who said: The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said to me: “They still ask you, O Abu Hurayrah?” He said: So we showed that I am in the mosque, when some of the Arab people came to me and said: O Abu Hurairah, this is God, so who created it? He said: So he took a pebble with his palm, and he threw them. Then he said: Get up, my boyfriend was right. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (3276) and Muslim (135), and the wording is his), so the believer to whom the Devil throws this question must say: I have believed in God and end with the meaning that the thinking is cut short. Because it is a sequence that has no end, and God Almighty is a Creator and not a creature until it is said about him: Who created him, so this is similar to the question: Who heard the color green? Just as the visible is not heard, so is what is not created without a creator, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2740
Question # 52
Does the theory of evolution refute the existence of God Almighty?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the theory of evolution is that the universe arises out of pure chance, and not by creation, will, or appreciation, and that man has a single cell origin that developed over millions of years until it reached the ring of supreme apes, then this in turn evolved until it ended in the witnessed evolution: man, and that it is not There is a creator of mankind, called Darwin's theory, and he is the researcher and author of this theory spread in Western society, since about 1858, and it is a theory that is unable to explain cosmic facts with a logical explanation, but rather refers to chance and suddenly, so how is it said that it refutes the existence of God Almighty, and it is also a theory They are not neutral, because those who support it do not have an impartiality in scientific research. Therefore, the prior interpretation of all the results is that the universe has no god, and everything happened by chance. The results of studies must be adapted to this matter, otherwise the study will be excluded, so the confidence in what they present in terms of statistics is weak, and has been deceived. It has some Muslims; For two reasons: The first is the lack of certainty in the Qur’an, Sunnah, and Islamic law As a result of friction society atheist and a fascination with the progress of worldly them, this progress does not link his health belief, the Almighty said: (the promise of Allah does not break Allah promise, but Oڪther ٱlnas do not know (6) teaching at noon ٱlahioh ٱldnia They are for the Hereafter they Gvlon (7) Ulm reflect on Onevsہm what create Allah heavens and the earth and Banہma only Bٱlhak and named for though many of ٱlnas Belkay Lord for Kafroun (8) Have they not traveled in the earth, and see what was an obstacle and Allah by them ڪanwa the most Mnہm force and raised the earth, and Amrha Oڪther which Amrha and came to their messengers Bٱlpint what was God will oppress them, but if yourselves are wronged) (Al-Rum: 6-9), the second: ignorance, whether ignorance of the truth of the theory and its requirements, or ignorance of the legal ruling of this theory, this has been rejected by many Western researchers. Share, and their research was published in some sites, so evolution did not reach a certainty, realistic and tangible reality, but rather conclusions and analyzes that were contradicted by other studies, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2760
Question # 53
What are the evidence for the existence of God Almighty?
The answer:
Praise be to God, from the evidence for the existence of God Almighty the mind, the instinct and the truthful news. As for the mind, it is the contemplation of the universe. Everything around you runs in an elaborate order, in terms of time, place and quality, and it includes bizarre secrets that indicate that it did not create itself, but rather it was created by a Creator who has a will And the ability and knowledge, and the more knowledge increased, the research deepened, the means and tools developed, the more evidence and proofs of His presence, the perfection of His attributes, and the greatness of His actions, such as the sun that rises and sets at specific times, can be determined in advance. Because it is running in a precise order, and if it got close a little, it would have burned the planet, and if it moved away a little, people would freeze, and how it is a great creature that man cannot approach to analyze or climb upon, even though he benefits from it light, warmth, fix plants, knowledge of times, etc., it is evidence of the existence of God Almighty, as for the instinct, it is an instinctive matter that a person finds in himself and cannot defend him, and one of the examples of the innate significance is that when a severe affliction befalls a human being, he feels that his heart is directed to heaven to seek help, so at this moment the atheist believes and waives his infidel principles, and knows that he does not There must be a god, and whoever worships other than God Almighty also leaves his idol and turns to Him, glory be to Him, then some people go to other gods contrary to his instinct and insist on his polytheism, and this does not indicate the denial of the existence of God Almighty, but it indicates the arrogance of some of the creation and the dream of God Almighty With regard to them and not treating them with punishment, and as for the truthful news, the Holy Qur’an evidence is loaded with talk about God - may He be glorified and exalted - his attributes and actions, and alerting to the rational and innate verses that indicate this, and this is something that all the divine books share, and an example of that is the saying of God Almighty: Heavens and the earth and sent down Lڪm from ٱsamae water charted with Hdaٮq with the joy of what ڪan you that Tneptua Cjrha accountability with Allah, but they are people who adjust) (ants: 60), verses, and the words of God Glorified and Exalted: (said emissaries Avi Allah doubt Originator of the heavens and the earth, invites you to forgive your sins and Lڪm of Aakhrڪm indefinite said that you are only human beings like us want to Tsdona what was worshiped our fathers Votona Bsultn shown) (Ibrahim: 10), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
For more information: Evidence of God’s Existential Lecture by Abdullah Al-Ajiri
Unified number: 2780
Question # 54
Does this universe have a creator?
The answer:
Praise be to God, for this universe is a creator of a wise, aspiring world, and looking at the spheres and their movement and the perception of the sun and its setting and the movement of the moon indicates that it is the result of creation with knowledge and will, and looking at the seas and their creatures that do not die by drowning, and if they are taken out of it they will die, and what they contain of coral reefs and creatures The delicate, great, and between that, and the bright and wonderful colors in it are certain that they are the result of creation with knowledge and will, and whoever sees birds and their species and sizes, and that some of them eat meat, and some of them eat grains, and how they are guided to fly and walk on the ground, and travel in regular flocks and times of information, in their forms The different and different colors know that it is the result of creation with knowledge and will, and every wild animal who meditates on it has found great dazzling verses indicating that it is the result of creation with knowledge and will, and man was created in the best evaluation, and he mocked his surroundings of animals and inanimate objects, so he rides some of them and eats some of them He drinks milk and honey from some of them, hunts some of them, and takes care of some of them, that is to make them guard his crops or sheep, and in himself many verses some of which were discovered and he did not know much of them, all of which indicates that it is the result of creation with knowledge and will, and say something like that in clouds and mountains and Plains, sand, micro-organisms, and winds. Whoever says that they are not the creation of a masterminded Creator denies his instinct and abolishes his mind, and the Creator of the Wise World is God Almighty, and everyone else is a creature of the creatures indicating his power, may God bless our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2790
Question # 55
How can one be certain of the existence of the Creator?
The answer:
Praise be to God. Contemplation of cosmic verses leads to belief in God Almighty, from night and day, sun, moon, human creation, seas, and mountains, and what is in them of orderliness and greatness, finding, tightening, regularity and care in all the universe, does this not indicate the existence of a Creator who is described by all of this? And people are broken to believe in Him, may He be glorified, and whoever befell him a great calamity, he should turn his heart to God Almighty. Because if he denies his tongue and declares atheism, yet in his heart he is compelled to believe, and it is also said to him: Who created you? Whatever the mental possibilities that he will present, it must go back to a Creator who has no first, who is God, glory be to him, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2810
Question # 56
What is the true religion that God desired for his servants?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the true religion is Islam, God Almighty said: (The ٱlden with Allah ٱlaslm and ٱchtlv And Allah were given ٱketb only after what came to them ٱlalm prostitute themselves and atone bytes Allah, the Allah fast ٱlhassab) (Al-Imran: 19), if the liquid said : Every person who has a religion believes that his religion is the true religion. It is said to him: Islam is distinguished as a heavenly religion, it has a book which is the Qur’an, which a prophet came from God Almighty, and he is our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -, the last of the prophets, and it is not an earthly religion chosen by human minds, nor is their idol a created thing that man makes with his own hand Secondly: Islam is distinguished by believing the previous prophets, and in the Holy Qur’an 25 prophets were mentioned by their names, and it was mentioned that there are others, and believing in them and believing in their prophethood is a condition of the validity of the Muslim’s religion, but working and following our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -, as well as It is distinguished by the belief in the books that were revealed to them, but the action is by what is in the Holy Qur’an, and since Islam is the final religion, there is no other divine religion to copy or come after it, so it is necessary to move to it. Third: Islam is a religion that is in harmony with reason and common sense, and it does not clash with the results of applied sciences. And the correct empiricism in all fields, and fourth: that in the Torah and the Gospel there is sufficient evidence for the prophethood of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and it is the evidence of the validity of Islam in the previous books. Fifth: The inclusion of Islam, as it is a religion that regulates worship, transactions and morals in very many details, in which it can be found. Every researcher whose aim is with conviction and clarity. Sixth: The validity of the religion of Islam for every time, place and person, and other proofs, and the preacher has no more than significance and guidance, and guidance is in the hand of God Almighty, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2820
Question # 57
If God is the Almighty, the Resurrected Power, how do we see so many people suffering from poverty and dying of hunger?
The answer:
Praise be to God, we have in Islam one of the pillars of faith is belief in destiny and destiny, and it means that everything that happens in the universe is with the complete knowledge and will of God, and that he wrote this before in the preserved Tablet, and he is the Creator of every creature and his deeds, and faith in the destiny includes its good, its evil, its sweetness and its bitter, and it may be bitterness. Fate is in the loss of a loved one, sickness, war, hunger, fear, oppressive domination, etc., and belief in fate is not valid if a person will believe in his sweetness and atone for his bitterness, and be satisfied with his goodness and resent his evil, and from faith in God Almighty is faith in His wisdom, and that everything that happens in the universe is his. A deep explanation and appreciation, human beings cannot surround his knowledge, and if the creation knew the secret about a matter their view would have changed, and their saying said: “I would not have thought so, if I knew what I objected, as long as it is so there is no objection, this is great wisdom”, and death The fate of every living person, whoever dies of starvation is like one who dies of murder or dies of disease or dies without cause. Either he is a believer and what has befallen him is a reason for expiating the sins on his behalf on the Day of Resurrection, or he is an unbeliever, this is part of his punishment, because the world is a place of work and affliction and there is some penalty in it. The oppressors with destruction, the reward for the believers with empowerment, and the full penalty Be in the Hereafter, for the oppressor who prevailed and whose account was not permitted in this world is difficult, and the believer whose blessing in this world has been afflicted is multiplied and permanent, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2830
Question # 58
Did Prophet Muhammad wronged the Jews?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - did not oppress the Jews, for he immigrated to Medina and it contained three tribes of the Jews, namely the Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir and Banu Qurayza, and he made a peace with them. As for the Banu Qaynuqa, they broke the covenant and fought after the Battle of Badr, and the Prophet besieged them - May God bless him and grant him peace - and he triumphed over them and then those who were against them and left them, and they were the bravest of the Jews in the fight, and they were the first of them to break the covenant. As for the Banu Nadir, they betrayed high treason after the Battle of Badr as well, and it was said after Uhud, and that is that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and some of his companions came To them in need, and they sat at a wall, and the Jews agreed among them to assassinate the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - by throwing a rock on him from the top of the wall, but God Almighty revealed to his Prophet so he left the place before they did so, so he prepared an army for them and besieged them, so they demanded that they be allowed to evacuate And leave their homes and farms to the Muslims; For fear of being killed, the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, allowed them to go out by themselves and carry from their belongings what camels carry except for weapons. As for the Banu Quraysh, when Quraish came to conquer the trench, they declared insulting the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -. When he sent them, they found that they were annulled. the covenant; Believing that the polytheists would triumph over the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace -, when God defeated the parties, he - may God bless him and grant him peace - directed to Banu Qurayza, and they descended on the rule of Saad bin Muadh, so he ruled to kill their men and captive their wives and boys. As a punishment for their betrayal, this was done to them, and they were the most infidel and the most hostile of the Jews, and they did not take notice of what happened before them, so every time the Jews betray and the punishment is on them, and the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - fought the Jews of Khaybar just as other polytheists fought them, so when their good was victorious over them. He treated them, and as for the Jews who severely hurt the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Muslims ordered his killing, and in return some Jews embraced Islam, such as Abdullah bin Salam - may God be pleased with him - and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3010
Question # 59
What are human rights in Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, all the legal rulings in Islam contain the preservation of human rights. One of the universality of Islam is that it has not neglected the rights of man in some aspects, as is the case in man-made laws, including: First: The right of man to religion: Islam calls for the true religion, and shows the invalidity of religions The other, but without compulsion on Islam, and making religion the most important necessities, so preserving it takes precedence over everything, and secondly: the human right to life and freedom: Islam preserving all respected souls by prohibiting killing them, and respectable souls Muslims and non-combatants, in the event of war the killing of children is prohibited And women and sheikhs not participating in the fighting, and he dealt with the issue of slavery and slavery that existed from ancient times, for freedom is the origin and slavery is a contradiction, so Islam removed the evils of slavery and preserved what is good in it, preventing captivity at the beginning of the battle with the infidels, and stipulating the superiority of the Muslim army in the battle. The prisoner became slave, so Islam obliges his owner to deal with him well, and makes his emancipation an expiation for many of the obligations of expiation, such as perjury, killing and zihar, and if the master offends the slave, he must free him, and among the benefits in slavery is that if there is no enslavement, he is obliged to sacrifice Support the women, children and the helpless whose guardian was killed in the battle, instead of leaving them to death, immorality, or thieves, they move to an owner who spends on them and takes care of them, and third: human social rights: Islam preserves the right of parents and relatives' right to charity and maintenance on them when needed and their connection is necessary, and the right of neighbors to be charitable and to stop hurting them. And the right of the way in the sense of a wandering and blind eye and so on, and for the general public are rights reserved known in Islam, and fourth: economic human rights: Islam preserves the right to own property for the individual, forbade usury, and warned against leniency in debts while permitting the needy, and required the consolation of the needy with zakat, and whoever needs it An emergency, he allowed him to ask people until his need was removed, and he organized the state's public resources and resources, and Fifth: Human health rights: by preventing things that harm human health in himself or in the community around him, such as preventing Islam from consuming intoxicants, and by preventing the transmission of diseases, such as preventing Islam when the plague strikes in a country from leaving that country or from entering that country; Because entering it exposes health to deterioration, and exiting it is a weakness in faith in fate on the one hand, and a reason for transmitting disease on the other hand, and sixth: the rights of women: Islam preserves her right as a mother by the obligation to take care of her, her righteousness and happiness as much as possible, and preserve her right as a sister, wife and girl to take care of her and travel with her. Because the travel is a suspicion of fatigue and other things, and the guardian is obligated to spend on her. Because she is commanded to make decisions in the home except for necessity, and she has the right to dispose of what she owns, the right to choose the husband, the right to custody and care for her children and so on, and the difference between Islam and others is that the individual’s observance of these rights is based on belief and desire for a reward from God Almighty, and not fear of a law or the like. Islam is clear in comparison to what man in general, and women in particular, before Islam, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad. Unified number: 3120
Question # 60
Which group of Islam teams is on the right?
The answer:
Praise be to God. Firstly: Diffusion is present in all religions, and this does not mean that the entire religion is invalid because some people disagree with it. Difference is a matter that God Almighty decides, and the truth is one, and there is evidence of those who sincerely sought his request and may God Almighty guide him to it. Second: That the difference is what is acceptable In Islam, the one who violates it is not considered to be a deviant or deviant, as is the disagreement in some matters of jurisprudence, that is, practical sub-rulings, such as matters of purity, prayer, sale and judgment. As for what is included in separation, it is the difference in the major issues of belief, such as prophethood, faith, destiny, attributes and companions. The difference is what is considered their disagreement as an outlet for them from the circle of Islam. For contradicting it is the consensus of the predecessors, and some of them are not considered as such, and from the difference is what was agreed upon in most of the issues. Third: That the sect that represents true Islam is what the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his companions had in all aspects of life, and they are the people of the Sunnah and the community, and it is worth mentioning. to disperse blameworthy forbidden in Islam, God Almighty said: (the and Allah dispersed Danہm and were sects do not Mnہm in anything but ordered them to Allah and then Enbiہm what they were doing) (cattle: 159), and the Almighty said: (Mgnen to him and ٱtqoh Surely, ٱsaloh do not be Among the mushrikeen (31) from those who separated their religion and were Shi'a, every party with what we have..
Unified number: 3140

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:21 pm

Question # 61
What is the goal and purpose of life?
The answer:
Praise be to God, life was created by God Almighty, and He clarified the purpose of that, by saying: (And I did not create jinn and human beings except to worship) (Al-Dhariyat: 56). Help such as maintaining his body, his mind, etc. To be able to achieve worship, and that is why God Almighty sent messengers to people and revealed books, so that people know their Lord, and know His truth, the Almighty, which is His monotheism, and know how to worship Him, and know the rights of themselves, so that the Muslim lives on light from God - may He be glorified and exalted - in all his affairs, and this clarity makes A Muslim is reassured while many people live in confusion; Because they did not yet know why they were created, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3160
Question # 62
What are the images of tolerance in Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam has lifted the hearts of Muslims, so there is neither hardship nor hardship for the common people in Sharia rulings, and whoever has a special excuse in Sharia has provisions specific to it that increase it mitigation, and the obligation to honor parents and alimony to the wife, children and the needy relative, and this is Islam's tolerance of Muslims And among the forms of Islam's tolerance towards non-Muslims is that Islam erases and expiates what was before it of sins and sins, and that dealing with the infidels differs according to their situation, and one of its forms is good dealing with them in wars is not to kill those who did not participate in the war, including boys, women, the disabled and the disabled, and accepting the tribute from Infidels in exchange for injecting their blood and affirmation in their land on their religion, permitting marriage to a chaste clerical with the command to deal well with the wife, and permitting charity and feeding the infidel, among other forms, and it is worth noting that Islam is a religion of justice, so it does not put things in a misplaced place, so the use of tolerance for murderers Criminals and deviants of the religion and warriors of Islam are called humiliation, submissiveness and lack of wisdom, so it is not necessary to tolerate non-jihad, not enjoining good, forbidding evil, and not establishing boundaries. Peace, so I mentioned some things that are fair, as being from the intolerance of Muslims, and the fair man knows how to judge, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3180
Question # 63
How is life after death?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: This question abolishes most of the religions, and only the sublime religions remain, showing that the pagan and earthly religions are confused about the answer to this question, and they do not have the details with which to satisfy the questions of their followers, and this is evidence of its invalidity, Second: From the pillars of faith In Islam there is faith in the Last Day, and this includes everything after death from what is mentioned in the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah, including that every soul must die, and that God has appointed the Angel of death to take away souls, so whoever is among the believers, his soul is gently seized, and he takes it from the hand of a king. Death is the angels of heaven and they ascend with it, and the gates of heaven are opened for it, and the people of heaven rejoice in it, then it is referred to God Almighty and then they return to the body that was placed in his grave or settled anywhere, then two angels come to him and ask him about his Lord, His Prophet and his religion, and he says: My Lord God And the two prophets of Muhammad and the two religions of Islam, he will continue to bliss until the Hour of Resurrection, and as for the infidel and the hypocrite, the hypocrite who reveals Islam and lining the disbelief, his soul is severely removed, and he suffers very much, so if the angel of death takes it from his hand from the fire and they ascend to it so the gates of heaven are not opened to it. And thrown from the sky to His body, then two angels come to him and ask him about his Lord, Prophet, and his religion, so he cannot answer, so he strikes a blow to which he shouts, and continues in torment until the Hour begins. This is the stage of the isthmus (the grave), and it may lengthen or shorten, then if the life of this world is over, God orders Israfel to blow and shock every living Except for those whom God wills, and God leaves them what they want, then he blows another puff with the command of God Almighty, then God - may He be glorified and exalted - sends the first and the others and great scenes take place, and all nations stand together, and they stand for a long stand, then God will hold them accountable - glorified and glorified -, and the infidels enter the fire for eternity There is an endless eternity in it, and as for whoever is worshiped besides God Almighty, whoever is righteous, he will not be blamed for what the unbelievers did, such as Jesus, Mary and the angels, and as for those other than them, they enter Hell before their followers, such as the demons and Pharaoh, as well as the sun and the moon, then the path is placed on Hell and the monotheists pass over it. According to their deeds, some of them survive and enter Heaven, and some of them fall into Hell because of their sins until they are cleansed of them, then go out of them to Heaven, and the people of Heaven are immortalized in Heaven, and the people of Hell are immortalized in Hell, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3230
Question # 64
Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad wrote the Qur’an and copied it from the Bible?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - was an illiterate who did not read or write, so how did he write the Qur’an from the Bible, and the Qur’an was revealed to and read to the Companions, may God be pleased with them, and in the Qur’an are rulings and details of Muslims that are not in the Bible, so how can it be taken from it? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3260
Question # 65
There is a verse in the Qur’an written in which it is written that Mary is the sister of the Prophet Aaron, and this is evidence that Muhammad is the author of the Qur’an, since he did not know that between Mary - upon her be peace - and Mary the sister of Aaron, there is nearly a thousand years?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Almighty said: (O my sister, they are not, your father would not have seen anything wrong, and your mother would not have been a prostitute) (Maryam: 28), and Aaron does not raise the question of Moses’s brother - that the author of peace is against them. verse is Aaron, the brother of Moses, and which shows that the Prophet, peace be upon him, he knew that the marauding bin Division may Allah be pleased with him said: When presented Najran asked me, they said: You are reading (O sister of Aaron), and Moses before Jesus such and such , -ovi novel: I did not know what I tell them when he made the cramped and impoverished Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, I asked him about it, he said: "they were called Bonbeaihm and righteous before them" (Narrated by Muslim (2135)), and the blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3270
Question No .: 66
Was Islam spread by the sword? If so, how could it be described as a religion that preaches peace?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the spread of Islam was due to multiple factors, including jihad, and jihad was a bright image of Islam. Because it was not extermination, killing, and bloody barbarism, as the enemies of Islam do today and before in their wars. Rather, it was a call to Islam, so those who enter Islam do not fight, and many villages and cities along the path of Islamic armies were entering Islam at this first stage. Some of them rejected Islam, the second stage comes, which is the agreement to pay the tribute and abide by the conditions of the Muslims in exchange for ceasing to fight them and protect them from their other enemies. If this is agreed upon, then praise be to God. Otherwise, the Muslims will move to the third phase, which is fighting, is this peace or not? Among the means of the spread of Islam is the direct call to clarify the doctrine of Islam and its rulings, whether it is a call from the caliph of Muslims to the kings of the infidels of Islam, as the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - did, or a call by Muslim individuals to individual infidels, including the application of justice in the rulings between Muslims and others, when he opened Qutaybah bin Muslim Samarkand during the reign of the Umayyad state, the people of Samarkand said to Sulayman bin Abi Al-Sirri: “Qutaybah betrayed us, wronged us and took our country, and God has shown justice and fairness. We gave it a right, because we have a need for that. ”So he authorized them, so they directed a people from them, and they approached Umar, so Omar wrote to them to Sulayman bin Abi Al-Sirri:“ The people of Samarkand have complained to me of injustice that befell them and the prejudice of Qutaybah against them until he drove them out of their land. So sit down for them the judge, and look into their matter, and if he decides for them, then take them out to their camp as they were and you were before Qutaiba appeared on them. ”He said: So Soleiman all bin Hader, the surviving judge, sat for them. Victory by force, that is, victory by overcoming, according to To the people of Al-Soughad: “Rather, we accept what was, and we do not renew a war.” They agreed with that, so the people of opinion among them said: “We have mixed with these people and established us with them, and they believed us and their security. If the ruling is for us, we go back to war and we do not know who the nail will be, and if it was not for us we would have. We have brought enmity in the dispute, “so they left the matter as it was, and they accepted and did not quarrel, for this is justice that leads to the entry into Islam, including the call to actions in compliance with Muslims who mix with the infidels with the rulings and morals of Islam, so it is a reason for influencing the infidels and their entry into Islam, and a 1994 statistic was published. In the spread of the major religions in the world during 50 years, from 1934 to 1984, and the first and highest religion in the prevalence rate was Islam, at 235%, while the prevalence of Christianity was 47%, so what was the war that made millions of these Muslims? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Al-Tabari's History (History of the Apostles and Kings) 6 / 567-568.
Unified number: 20

Question # 67
What is the evidence for the possibility of resurrection?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first is not true Islam, one is not faith without faith in the resurrection, the Almighty said: (claimed And Allah disbelieve that they will not be less wear and tear and raised to be raised again as you would have and whomsoever Allah goes) (Taghabun: 7). Second, evidence of the Baath health:
1- The resurrection is one of the unseen matters that is known as true news, and resurrection is a matter in which the news about the Messengers of God, may blessings and peace be upon them, are frequent, and that is why Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in it, and God has told - glorified and exalted - about that in the Noble Qur’an in many verses.
2- The analogy is that there are many things that are absent from us, and we do not know their truth, and we and all human beings believe in them, like the soul, so every person knows that there is a soul between his sides and that if it is partially separated by sleep his senses will be disrupted, and if it is completely separated he dies and does not return, then there is no sane person who doubts the death of the living But he does not know where this soul is going and what its fate is; Because it is a matter of the unseen, and it is not necessary to negate it from its absence.
3- The analogy is the first of creation, for the one who is able to create you out of nothing is able to inspire you and hold you accountable for your work, and he told you that this is an object.
4- That is, the two possibilities are closer to the mind: the possibility that man was created by chance, and that the lives and deaths of people have no purpose or goal behind it, and what was created for them on this earth was found for enjoyment only, without restriction or calculation, or the corresponding possibility, which is that behind this universe and existence there is a goal and an end And that everything that is viable must be returned to a perpetrator that does not disappear, and that this mastery indicates the wisdom of this actor, and that the oppressor, if he dies in what seems happy, must be rewarded and accountable, and that he who has worked hard in good deeds and the benefit of others deserves to be rewarded, and all That will be after the resurrection?
5- In the Noble Qur’an there are many sensual examples of resurrection, which are divided into two parts:
The first: news of people and animals that have returned to live in this worldly life, so he who brought it back in this world is able to bring it back in the hereafter, and the second: mental clues, such as the cycle of plants, and how they appear and grow and appear green and soft, then after months they die and dry up, then if the time of their appearance comes and the rain hits them Green has returned to it again, God Almighty willing, so whoever revived it is able to revive the dead, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 60
Question # 68
Why are Muslims divided into parties and sects when they follow one book?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: Every researcher in religions knows that separation exists in other religions, but the existence of separation is not necessary to nullify the whole religion, for dispersal is a human matter in which everyone participates, and I consider that with professions or worldly specialties, how different doctors differ, engineers differ, cooks and others differ Secondly, the difference in Islam is of two types: a difference of validity, and the one who disagrees with it is not considered to be misguided or deviant, such as the disagreement in some matters of jurisprudence, that is, practical sub-rulings, such as issues of purity, prayer, sale and judgment, and among the reasons for this difference is the difference in perception. Some people have a broad and precise mind and understanding that is guided to what no one else can be guided to, and the reason may be hidden evidence, along with other reasons, and the second type: disagreement that is forbidden. His blame came in several verses, including: God Almighty said: I'm not Mnہm in anything but ordered them to Allah and then Enbiہm what they were doing) (cattle: 159), and the Almighty said: (Mgnen to him and ٱtqoh Surely, you will not ٱsaloh of ٱlmusharڪan (3 1) From those who separated their religion, and were Shi'a, every party with what they have ۡ are joyful) (Al-Rum: 31, 32). To contradict it the consensus of the predecessors, and some of them are not considered as such. Third: That the sect that represents true Islam is what the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his companions were in all walks of life, and they are the people of the Sunnah and the community, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 80
Question No .: 69
Islam forbids the idea of taking idols and idols, so how do Muslims prostrate themselves to the Kaaba in their prayers?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Muslims do not worship the Kaaba, and they only worship God Almighty, but the Kaaba is a venerated house. In honor of the one who worships Him, the Almighty; Because he commanded it to be venerated as an act of worship to him, by receiving it in prayer and supplication and circling around it, and every worshiper must have a side to receive it, and this side to receive it is the slogan of the Muslims, and Omar - may God be pleased with him - came to the black stone in the corner of the Kaaba so he kissed you and said: It would neither harm nor benefit, and had I seen the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - accept what I had accepted ”(Narrated by Al-Bukhari (1590) and Muslim (1270)), and peace and blessings of God be upon you..
Unified number: 90
Question # 70
Why does Islam adopt a brutal method of slaughtering, which causes excruciating pain due to the slow killing?
The answer:
Praise be to God, there is no cruelty in the lawful slaughter, and the legal method for zakat is complete comfort for the animal and a guarantee of safety for the human being. If this question was an issue for everyone who eats meat. Because he wasted the animal's life in one way or another, but the wise people agreed that God Almighty created animals that are eaten to be food for a more honorable race, and is hitting an animal until it gets dizzy or electrocuting it a comfort for him? It is more torture than his direct slaughter. Because he does not often die after being stunned until he is slaughtered, then harm is caused to those who eat it, so neither the animal rested, nor the human being peace, and the harm is that blood that does not come out with zakat poisons the flesh and is loaded with harmful organisms and things that the body used to get rid of by the liver and other organs At the time of life, then it stopped its work by death, so keeping the blood trapped in the food is harmful to those who feed on it, while Islam commanded to hasten the slaughter and to take the sharp knife and not to sharpen the knife in front of the animal and not to slaughter another animal or to cut the head when slaughtering until the soul comes out, and in that Whoever preserves the right of the animal and the kindness with it that is not hidden, then kicking the beast after cutting the pharynx, esophagus, and dowry is a slaughtered movement and not a painful movement, and by that, he brings the remaining blood in the organs to get the largest amount of harmful blood out, and if the head was completely separated in the slaughter, this useful human kicking would not have occurred. , And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 140

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:23 pm

Question # 71
Modern science shows that what a person eats is reflected in his behavior, so why does Islam allow eating animal flesh despite the brutality and violence that this causes to man?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: What the questioner reported about modern science mentioned by Muslim scholars hundreds of years ago, such as Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, which is that he who is fed with something that has gained from his character. Second: All wisdom is in what God Almighty legislates, and the human mind is short. Do not be able to scratch in the health of Islam, and the Muslim benefits from obtaining the interests and benefits that are in permissible things and actions that are required and safety from the harms that are in the forbidden. Third: Islam does not permit eating wild animals, that is, predatory, for the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - forbade eating everything. A tusk of lions like a lion, a cheetah, and a wolf, and on behalf of everyone with a claw of birds like an eagle and punishment, and what Islam permits to eat is good and does not have a malicious character, unlike the infidels who eat pigs, so they are imprinted with their dirty nature. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Miftah Dar al-Sa`ada by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah 2/909, The Explanation in the Days of the Qur’an by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah p .: 566.
Unified number: 190
Question # 72
Who are the Muslims?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Muslims at all are the nation of Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - who believed what he brought from God Almighty, and responded to his call, and their Holy Qur’an, and greeted them, peace be upon you, and they are the last of the nations, meaning that no other prophet will come with a new law after our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the Prophet of God Jesus - upon him be peace - will come down at the end of time and rule people according to the law of our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and his ummah will continue until the Day of Resurrection, and the benefit of the phrase: (upon release) is that Islam has a more general meaning, It is the religion of all the messengers that have been agreed upon, including calling for the unification of God Almighty, and introducing him to the unseen, such as the angels and the Last Day, and so on. , And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 200
Question # 73
What is the Kaaba?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Kaaba is a venerable building in Makkah Al-Mukarramah that Muslims turn to in prayer, and it is the first mosque on earth. Muslims do not worship the Kaaba, but it is a venerable house for the one who worships the Almighty, so every worshiper must receive it from a side, and this side receives the slogan of Muslims , And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 250
Question # 74
Why are Muslims divided into sects and ideological sects?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: Some people give thought to belief, and there is a great similarity between them, and there are those who differentiate between them. Second: Diffusion is present in all walks of life, because the existence of division within a religion does not mean the nullity of the whole religion, so the judgment in cases of separation is the one whose argument is stronger. Third: That there is a difference in Islam in two parts: the first is permissible, and the one who disagrees with it is not considered misguided or perverted, as is the disagreement in some matters of jurisprudence, that is, practical sub-rulings, such as matters of purity, prayer, sale and judgment, and the second: separation, which is the difference in major issues of Issues of belief, such as prophethood, faith, destiny, attributes, and companions, and this is blameworthy, and it is of two types: One of the differences is what their disagreements are considered as a way out for them from the circle of Islam. Fourth: The reasons for separation are many, including ignorance, lack of knowledge of the Sunnah of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and the sayings of the predecessors, and limitation to wrong understanding of some texts, including the love of appearing and being alone from the great majority, and presiding over the others, including extremism, and to disperse blameworthy forbidden in Islam, God Almighty said: (the and Allah dispersed Danہm and were sects do not Mnہm in anything but ordered them to Allah and then Enbiہm what they were doing) (cattle: 159), and the Almighty said: (Mgnen to him and ٱtqoh Surely, ٱsaloh and you will be ٱlmusharڪan (31) of and Allah divide their religion and ڪanwa sects each party including the Daہm rejoicing) (Romans: 31, 32), in other evidence, Fifth: that this separation had told him about the Prophet peace be upon him, this One of the flags of prophethood, according to Abu Hurayrah, that the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “The Jews were separated into seventy or two The Christians are like that, and my ummah was divided into seventy-three groups. ”(Narrated by Abu Dawood (4596), Tirmidhi (2640) and Ibn Majah (peace be upon him), 3991), and he is authentic..
Unified number: 310
Question # 75
What is Islam's position on non-Muslims who do not fight Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, Islam's position shown in the words of God: (not Anhٮkm Allah for And Allah did not Aguetlokm in ٱlden did not drive you out of Deirkm dealing kindly and justly Alaہm, Allah loves ٱlmkstin) (Mumtahinah: 8), and enter the call them to Islam, and girl names Abu Bakr said: my mother made a mushrikah in the era of Quraish as disobeying the command of the Messenger of Allah peace be I asked about Allah be upon him, I said: O Messenger of Allah, Ali made my mother is willing, mushrik? He said: “Yes, your mother prayed.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (2620) and Muslim (1003)). This does not contradict jihad when there is power for Muslims and the disbelievers refuse to enter Islam or adhere to the provisions of Islam or reconciliation Because jihad has introductions and conditions of etiquette, and then says: (Aoaہa killed those who believe, comes from Iloncm And Allah ٱlڪvar them find harshness in you, and that Allah ٱalmwa with ٱlmottagan) (Repentance: 123), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 330
Question # 76
Why do Muslims pray five times a day? Is not one enough?
The answer:
Praise be to God, who senses the pleasure of prayer and that it is the nourishment of the soul and the connection between the servant and his Lord does not suffice with five prayers, but rather adds to them a number of redundancies, such as the Sunnahs of salaries, the Sunnah of Duha, Witr and so on, just as a person is not satisfied with one meal in most cases, so prayer is the nourishment of the soul. From the wisdom and mercy of God Almighty, he - may God bless him and grant him peace - said in the incident of the Mi'raj: “So God - may He be glorified and exalted - prescribed fifty prayers to my ummah, so I returned to this, so I went back? I said: the imposition of fifty prayers, he said, go back to your Lord, the nation can not afford it, Fradjat, he put half if, she went back to Moses, he said: Put half if, he said: see the Lord, the nation can not afford, Fradjat he put half if, she went back to him, he said : Return to your Lord, the nation can not afford it, Fradjath, said: it is five, which is fifty, does not alter say I have, she went back to Moses, he said: see the Lord, I said, too embarrassed of my Lord "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari (349) and Muslim (163 )), And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 410
Question # 77
Why are non-Muslims allowed to enter Makkah and Madinah?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam teaches us that it is the true religion, and that the land is bequeathed to God by whomever He wills, and that God Almighty is the one who chooses whoever enters and those who do not enter any land he wills, and if human beings set conditions by themselves for entering their country and see that as a right for them, so are Muslims. The difference is that this condition is from God Almighty and not through the diligence of mankind, and the answer is detailed, as for Makkah, it is a sacred land to which two great acts of worship depend, for it is the qiblah of Muslims in prayer, and Muslims intend it to perform the rituals of Hajj, and our Lord, glory be to Him, has said, explaining the reason for preventing the infidels from entering the boundaries of the Haram Mecca: (O those who believe, but ٱlmusharkon unclean not Iqrbwa ٱlmsadjad ٱharam after this birthday. if you fear headed will Agnekm Allah of His bounty willing, Allah is Knowing Hڪam) (repentance: 28), meaning that the polytheist unclean uncleanness moral, Vachark dirtiness and ugliness, and Islam purity Hasan, and as for Medina, there is no objection to them entering it, but they do not enter the mosques except with permission from the Muslims, and this is a story related to preventing the infidel from entering the Haram, Ibrahim al-Khoo was Aas - may God have mercy on him - if he wanted a trip, he did not talk to anyone about it, but take his rak and walk, and the raking was a small vessel for water, one of his students said: We with him in his mosque took his rak'ah and walked and followed him and he did not talk to me until we met Kufa, so he stayed there for his day and night, then he went towards Al Qadisiyah When he met her, he told me: Oh Hamid, to where? I said: Oh sir, you went out. He said: I want Mecca, God willing. I said: I, God willing, want Makkah, so we walked our day and night. When days later, a young man joined us in some way, and he walked day and night and did not prostrate to God - glory and majesty - prostration, so I knew Ibrahim and said: This boy does not pray. So he sat and said to him: Oh boy, what is it for you not to pray, and prayer is more obligatory for you than Hajj? He said: O Sheikh, I do not have to pray. He said: Are you not a Muslim man? he said no. He said: What are you? He said: A Christian .. and I claimed myself that she had tightened the state of trust, but I did not believe her when I claimed, until I took her to this space in which there is no existence except the deity, I raise my dweller and test my mind. - I mean, tell himself whether he is sincere in trusting in God - then Ibrahim got up and walked and said: Let him be with you. He kept walking with us until we met a bitter stomach - the name of a place - so Ibrahim got up and removed his clothes and cleansed them with water, then he sat, and said to him: What is your name? He said: Abd al-Masih. He said: O servant of Christ, this is the vestibule of Mecca Allah has forbidden to people like you accessed and read: (O those who believe, but ٱlmusharkon unclean not Iqrbwa ٱlmsadjad ٱharam after this birthday. If you fear headed will Agnekm Allah of His bounty willing, Allah is Knowing Hڪam) (Repentance: 28) .Whoever you wanted to explore from yourself has become clear to you, so beware that you enter Makkah, and if we see you in Makkah, we will deny you. Hamed said: So we left him and we entered Makkah, and we went out to the parking lot. We are sitting in Arafat, if he has come with two garments on him while he is forbidden, flipping the faces until he stood on us, so he stood firmly on Ibrahim kissing his head and said to him: What is behind you, Abd al-Masih? He said, "Hey, I am today a servant of Christ, his servant." Ibrahim said to him: Tell me your conversation. He said: I sat in my place until the caravan of Hajj came, so I got up and disguised myself in the dress of Muslims as if I was forbidden, so an hour later my eyes fell on the Kaaba, every religion but Islam faded away with me, so I embraced Islam, I washed, and I was forbidden, and here I am asking you for my day. Ibrahim turned to us and said: Oh Hamid, look at the blessing of truthfulness in Christianity, how did he guide him to Islam? He accompanied us until he died among the poor - may God have mercy on him - and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Kitab al-Tawabeen by Ibn Qudamah (p. 297).
Unified number: 430
Question # 78
Why did the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - marry eleven women even though it is only permissible for a Muslim to marry up to four wives?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the total answer is that the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - has characteristics that are not for his ummah, including that God Almighty has permitted him to marry more than four, and Solomon - upon him be peace - had a hundred women and it was said more, and this was not a preoccupation for him about the call or jihad. For others, polygamy was defined as four because it is incapable of doing more than that, and this impotence is excluded from the right of our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the detailed answer is that every wife of the mothers of the believers, may God be pleased with them, has a story that indicates the wisdom of her marriage, and none of them was virgin Except for Aisha - may God be pleased with her -. Some of them were married to her in the beginning as people marry, as Khadija and Souda - may God be pleased with them - and among them were those who married her because of the proximity of her father and his goodness in Islam, as Aisha and Hafsa - may God be pleased with them -, and some of them married her for the sake of the household. He who is from him among her people, so their honor increases and their status is confirmed with the Muslims by that, as Juwairiya and Safiyya - may God be pleased with them - and some of them insulted her and confirmed her Islam by contracting her. Because she was in a foreign country and perhaps she became tempted from her religion and apostatized, like a mother Habiba - may God be pleased with her - and among them were those who married her to remove a jahilian habit, which is not to marry a divorced woman who is adopted, so when God annulled the adoption, he confirmed that by marrying Zainab - may God bless him and grant him peace - with a daughter. Jahsh - may God be pleased with her - after Zaid bin Haritha - may God be pleased with him - divorced her willingly in desire for her, and the man does not marry Haleela his son, so this was a confirmation of non-sonship by adoption. The perfection of wisdom on the one hand and the perfection of the morals and attributes of our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - on the other hand, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 460
Question # 79
What is the Quran?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Noble Qur’an is the word of God Almighty revealed by Gabriel to our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - who worshiped with his recitation, and it is the book that copies the previous books revealed to the prophets before, such as the Torah and the Gospel, and which is authenticated, meaning that they are in agreement with the origin of the call to monotheism and faith. The resurrection and the fundamentals of belief in general, and it is a great book that includes the doctrine, rulings, morals, stories of the prophets and previous nations, the fate of the believers and the fate of the infidels and hypocrites. Within twenty-three years it was revealed to our Prophet, may blessings and peace be upon him, and the Companions preserved and transmitted it to those after them. God mankind and the jinn have to come with something like Him, and no one has been able to distort it in addition to introducing something like it or like some of it, and it is thirty parts, and it contains one hundred and fourteen surahs, and the Holy Qur’an has many sciences such as Tajweed, Interpretation, and the causes of revelation and so on. The scholars have written well-known books, and the meanings of the Qur’an are translations. Supported in many languages, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 470
Question # 80
Why did Islam allow polygamy?
The answer:
Praise be to God, polygamy is for a man to have more than one wife, and the end of the permissible number is four wives, and this includes great wisdom from several sides: First: The woman may not have children, and she must have a husband, so this husband either spends his life without offspring, or To resort to fornication and immorality, or to marry another wife, which is the correct solution according to Sharia and the appropriate reason. Second: that God - may He be glorified and exalted - created a man able to support more than one family, so he is not required like a woman to stay with the children, breastfeed and raise them, so he can take care of everyone, as well as In terms of marital intercourse, unlike women who are often weaker than men and who are offered something that prevents cohabitation, such as menstruation, third: that women are more than men in all societies, regardless of the different reasons, and according to non-pluralism, women who do not find a husband are either deprived From marriage or to taking the path of immorality, both of which are forbidden, in pluralism a solution to this social problem, fourth: that the man may not settle psychologically with the first woman, and he does not want to harm her with divorce, and she is content to stay with him, so he has a chance to live with Another wife relieves some of what he is in. Fifthly: that of the street The condition of pluralism is fairness so as not to harm one of the wives, just as the condition not to pass the four so that the husband does not neglect and neglect, so that the desired benefits will be obtained while being aware of the potential harms of polygamy, and the ruling is many for those who contemplate, and peace and blessings of God be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 540

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:25 pm

Question # 81

Why did Islam prohibit eating pork?

The answer:

Praise be to God, our Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, is wise, and this wisdom is in his judgment and destiny and in his rulings and law. The whole interest is in following the Sharia, but due to the lack of human knowledge and awareness, God did not assign them to know the causes and causes, nor did he make judgments dependent on their minds and their understanding, but he ensured for them what is in their interest and relieved them from looking for it, so the Muslim believes in the existence of wisdom even if it is hidden from him, and as for the pig, it is maliciously nourished. He leaves good food and eaten impure, one of the merits of Sharia is the prohibition of eating anything from it, and modern medicine has proven that this is validated by experiments and analyzes, as in contemporary studies and books that have proven that eating pork causes serious diseases, and that its function is to clean the earth from carcasses and dirt, and that it is forbidden in all laws. And if it is assumed that some pigs are protected so that they only eat delicacies, are raised in clean farms and receive all vaccinations, then the ruling on eating them is also forbidden. Because the ruling is not related to the existence of wisdom and does not negate its negation, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

See: Encyclopedia of Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an and Sunnah by Nabulsi 2/170.

Unified number: 590


Question # 82

Why did Islam prohibit alcohol?

The answer:

Praise be to God, our Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, is wise, and this wisdom is in his judgment and destiny and in his rulings and law. All of them are in following the Sharia, but due to the lack of human knowledge and awareness, God did not assign them to know the causes and causes, nor did He make judgments dependent on their minds and their understanding, rather he ensured for them what is in their interest and relieved them from the worry of searching for it, so the Muslim believes in the existence of wisdom even if it is hidden from him, and alcohol is apparent, then the mind What distinguishes a person from beasts is removed by drinking alcohol, and causes ulcers and molds in the stomach, and addiction to it leads to damage to parts of the brain so that the addict becomes mad or other brain and nervous diseases, and it is sufficient that if he drinks it even once, if he loses his mind, he will behave behaviors that he regrets. Such as killing, destroying things, and encroaching upon others, and people in ancient times and modern times still take pride in abstaining from drinking it, and if it is assumed that a person does not drink from it except for a little that does not reach the point of evading it, then Islam forbids that. For things including: that a little may lead to a great deal, and that most of those who drink it are not limited to this amount, and that it is unclean, and a person is commanded to avoid impurity. And God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..

Unified number: 600


Question # 83

Why are most Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists?

The answer:

Praise be to God, this questioner either does not know Islam or does not know terrorism, and he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “I do not think so-and-so and so-and-so knows anything of our religion” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (6067)); Because he who knows this religion is not hostile to him, and this mentioned in the question is to classify some of the enemies of Islam, and in Islam we do not accept the testimony of the enemy against his enemy, so what is required for a person to reach correct results is to base on sound evidence that is not false, and to prove before asking about the reason, Islam can be recognized from its correct sources, and history and reality testify that Muslims are tortured and persecuted in many places in the world, and they are unable to defend themselves, and that brutal and terrorist crimes only come from infidels of various religions against Muslims, and that some Muslims have transgressions that are not approved. Islam does not justify issuing this ruling against most Muslims, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 630


Question # 84

What are the topics covered by the Qur’an?

The answer:

Praise be to God, the Noble Qur’an is the word of God and the seal of the divine books and its scribe. It was revealed to our Prophet Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and it is divided into parts, and each part into chapters, and each surah into verses, and the surah may be in one topic or in several subjects. The topics mentioned in the Noble Qur’an explain the truth of God Almighty over slaves, which is his monotheism and worship of Him without anyone else, and his attributes and actions, and that the one who is alone in creation, sustenance, revival and death, and the statement of the need of creation to the messengers, their vows and gospel, and the statement of what is to be believed in from revealed books, angels and today The other, detailing the recompense of believers and their entry into Heaven, the recompense of unbelievers and their entry into Hell, forever in it, and stating the condition of previous nations and what they did with their prophets To take a lesson, including warning about the cosmic verses in heaven and earth, and to reflect on them; Because it leads the unbeliever to faith and monotheism and increases the believer's unified faith, and it also regulates the human relationship with his Lord and creation, from acts of worship and transactions, such acts of worship as prayer, zakat, fasting, pilgrimage, jihad, loyalty, disavowal and jihad, and transactions such as sales, debts, marriage and inheritance..

Unified number: 760


Question # 85

Why do Muslims give so much importance to the concept of the family?

The answer:

Praise be to God, one of the virtues of Islam is caring for the family, and one of the manifestations of that is caring for how to choose a wife, which is the first building block in the formation of the family, organizing the relationship between spouses, then taking care of the children before giving birth, choosing the appropriate name for him and the joy of his coming, then improving his education little by little until he grows And the goodness of the family and other details, and the goodness of the family entails the goodness of the ummah, and a good state will not arise out of invalid individuals, for whoever preserves Islam’s human rights is interested in this aspect, and all the important matters in the right mind will find that Islam cares about it. They deserve it, and the most important projects of Satan and his followers, the dismantling of the family, the Messenger of Allah said peace be upon him: "The devil put his throne on the water, and then sends out, Vodnahm him the status of the greatest of sedition, one of them comes and says: I did so and so, he says: what I have done nothing, he said, and then one of them comes and says: what left him so broke up between him and his wife, he said: Vidnyh him say: yes you "(Narrated by Muslim (2813)), meaning" yes you ": which are you, O Satan divider between the couple Yes devil ; As a refinement of his action, may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 810


Question # 86

What is a Muslim's belief in death?

The answer:

Praise be to God, death for a Muslim is the separation of the soul from the body, and it is a transition from this worldly life to the life of the barnacle, in which the believer is blessed and the unbeliever is tormented, and the Day of Resurrection is sent by God Almighty to reckon and reward, and death will be by the seizure of the King of death, the soul..

Unified number: 860


Question # 87

What is the concept of happiness in Islam?

The answer:

Praise be to God, happiness in Islam is achieved through the realization of faith and complete adherence to Islam, and with it happiness occurs in this world and the hereafter, and true happiness is that emanates from the heart and is associated with its owner. This also presents a believer sadness opposed or fear normal, and then return every one of his mettle, God Almighty said: (and introduce Zڪry it has a life of hardship and Nhacrh day of Resurrection blind) (Taha: 124), narrow and dengue, said the Messenger of Allah peace God be upon him -: “The world is the prison of the believer and the paradise of the unbeliever.” (Narrated by Muslim (2956)), and the meaning is that whatever the believer's joy and pleasure in this world, this is with regard to what awaits him from the bliss of paradise is prison, and whatever befalls the unbeliever in this world in terms of misery and misery and misery. Paradise awaits him in the Hereafter, and he - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “The best people of the world will be brought from the people of Hell on the Day of Resurrection. Never good? have you ever lived in luxury? He would say: No, by God, O Lord. And the most miserable people in this world will be brought from the people of Paradise, and he will be dyed in paradise, and he will be said to him: O son of Adam? have you ever suffered distress? So he says: No, by God, O Lord, I have never experienced misery, and I have never seen hardship. ”Narrated by Muslim (2807), and the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon me,.

Unified number: 900


Question # 88

Does happiness reside in eating, drinking, and physical enjoyment, and it is only momentary pleasures followed by a sudden death?

The answer:

Praise be to God, true happiness is the happiness of the soul, and the happiness of the soul does not occur without the achievement of guidance, exemplified by Islam, and the greater the Muslim’s faith, the greater his happiness, even if the causes of physical happiness are not available to him, and the happiness after death is greater and greater, and what happiness is offered to the unbeliever. First, it is temporary and does not continue, and secondly, it is apparent, of the same kind as mentioned in the question, such as the concerns that may befall the believer, but the lesson is what lasts and accompanies a person and what stems from the heart, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..

Unified number: 920


Question # 89

What if I could not implement Islam 100%?

The answer:

Praise be to God, if a person enters Islam by performing the two testimonies according to their conditions, and believing in the six pillars of faith, instruct him to do the duties according to his ability, with the necessity to leave all forbidden things. If he does it with an excuse such as coercion, error, or forgetfulness, then he is pardoned. He prays standing, praying seated, and if he is unable to fast for an occasional matter, he breaks the fast then makes up, and if he is poor and cannot perform Hajj while he is far from Makkah, he is not obligated, and so on, and the evidence for that is the saying of God Almighty: and Aliہa what ٱkzbt our Lord does not Taakhzna if we have forgotten or sinned against our Lord and we carry insisted as his campaign on and Allah by us of our Lord and carry us what we can not afford it and ٱaf about us and ٱghafr us ٱrahmana you Mulٮna Vٱnasrna on ٱlqom ٱlڪvrin) (Baqarah: 286), and the words of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - he said: “If we forbid you to do something, avoid it. And if I tell you something, come from it. What you were able ”(Narrated by Al-Bukhari (7288) and Muslim (1337)), and there must be shortcomings, but the Muslim realizes that by repentance and forgiveness, and for a person to embrace Islam and apply only some Islam that is better for him than staying in disbelief, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon him..

Unified number: 940


Question # 90

Should I close my eyes and wear the hijab as soon as I convert to Islam?

The answer:

Praise be to God, yes, and lowering the gaze and wearing the veil is a sign of chastity, and protecting women from non-mahram men, and they are a sign of the strength of a Muslim woman’s faith, and all duties in Islam are conditional on ability, and the veil is one of the duties, so a Muslim woman should perform it as much as possible, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed.

Unified number: 960

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:27 pm

Question # 91
Do I have to perform the prayer as soon as I convert to Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, you must, and your Islam after uttering the Shahada is not valid except by performing the prayer, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 980
Question No .: 92
I am fourteen years old and I think that my family will not agree to my conversion to Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, to answer this question there are aspects: The first: that the most important matter is that you are first convinced of Islam, and the necessity for you to convert to it, and that your survival from the torment of the Hereafter depends on that, and that you be assertive and not hesitant in this decision, and second: Expect the best results and set a plan for the worst Meaning: What if your family agreed, and said: Do whatever you want, or you are free, or so, isn't this what is required, and it is a possibility? Yes, but Satan always tries to prevent you and Islam with such ideas and possibilities, then what if you do not agree to that? Do you think that the correct solution is to stay as you are? The answer is no, but you are supposed to think about the appropriate solution, and each person has his own temporal and spatial circumstances that suit him, so whoever suits him to conceal his Islam does not harm, God willing. Third: If after your conversion to Islam it is better to stay with your family and try to invite them, then this is the best. And if you appreciate the inadequacy of this and you are able to be independent, then you are required to do so, and Islam does not command you to abandon your family or boycott them even if you separate from them, with God’s supplication for them for guidance. Fourth: A person is strong in his brothers and weak in himself, so it is good for you to communicate with those Muslims who can stand beside him. , And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1000
Question No .: 93
I think a lot about Islam but I get sad when I think about discussing it with my friends lest I be described as crazy.
The answer:
Praise be to God, all that lacks your courage and courage, and that you know that Satan exaggerates such matters to you in order to prevent you from the truth, so you must initiate Islam, and they do not have to know about your Islam. He annoyed one of them, so he interrupted him, and replaced him with a reasonable friend, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1010
Question No: 94
She converted to Islam before her husband, is their marriage valid?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if her husband converted to Islam before her waiting period ended, then their marriage is valid, and the waiting period is three menstrual periods if she is menstruating or three months if she does not menstruate, and if the husband did not enter her then divorce takes place as soon as she becomes Muslim, and their marriage is annulled, and if her waiting period ends and not Salam Her contract has also been broken, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1040
Question # 95
Are there other things that a Muslim should believe in other than belief in God and His Messenger?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, the pillars of faith are six, and they are faith in God, his angels, his books, and his messengers, and the Last Day, as much as good and evil. And they are servants of God Almighty who do not disobey God what He commanded, such as descending by revelation, seizing souls and blowing images, including Gabriel and Michael, and believing in the books that God revealed to His prophets and glorifying them, such as the Torah revealed to Moses - peace be upon him - and the Gospel revealed to Jesus - peace be upon him - but What is in the hands of the Jews and Christians now is distorted, has no value, and the belief that the Noble Qur’an authenticates these books and copies them, because work can only be done in the Qur’an, and faith in the messengers and prophets, and that God Almighty sent them to people by calling to worship him, including Adam, Noah and Ibrahim - peace be upon them - and follow them. The complete Prophet Muhammad bin Abdullah - may God bless him and grant him peace -, and belief in the Last Day on the Day of Resurrection, and what follows that, such as belief in the grave's bliss and torment, in resurrection and resurrection, in reckoning, reward and punishment On deeds, and faith in destiny, meaning that everything that happens in this worldly life is written in the preserved Tablet, and God Almighty has taught him in detail and wills for his occurrence of good and evil, nothing outside his will and creation, these are the pillars of faith in general, and God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1100
Question No: 96
Did the Prophet Muhammad send any kind of miracles?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the miracle is an extraordinary thing that appears at the hands of a prophet, and our Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - has sent many miracles. Ibn Katheer - may God have mercy on him - said: “The imams collected more than a thousand miracles about this, so whoever dazzles them and is the greatest of them is the dear Qur’an,” Ibn Katheer, may God have mercy on him, said: What the falsehood does not come from between his hands nor from behind him is a download from a wise and benevolent, and his miraculousness in terms of his articulation and meaning, as for his pronouncement in the highest goals of eloquence of speech, and whoever has increased knowledge in this regard increased the Qur’an in veneration in this section, and he challenged the eloquence and rhetoric in his time with The intensity of their hostility to him, and their eagerness to deny him, by bringing a parable or ten surahs like it, or a surah, and they were unable, and he told them that they could never stand that, but he challenged the jinn and people as a whole to come up with something like him and they were powerless, and he told them that, then God Almighty said: (Say: (Say Lٮn ٱjtmat ٱlans and ٱgan to come up with such a ٱlqrouan do not come in kind, even if Bedہm for some helpers) (Isra: 88), to other faces proven likeness, and the meaning it is very collaboration and wisdom, compassion and interest, and the consequence of good agreement, and the collection of higher Aims, and disable Evils, and other than that which appears to those who have a true heart and mind free of likeness and passions. We seek refuge with God from them and ask Him for guidance. And from that, he grew up among a people who knew his lineage, his educator, his entrance and his way out, an orphan among them who showed them honest, truthful, righteous, and adult, all of them know that, and he was only denied by those who were stubborn, irreverent and old, and he was illiterate who did not write well and did not suffer from her or her people, and there is no knowledge of the first people in their country, nor from those who deny it. He knows something of that, so he came to them at the head of forty years of his life, telling of what had passed in detail and clearly. The scholars of advanced books attesting to him who are guided by the truth ... And among that is what he - may God bless him and grant him peace - told about in this Qur’an, and what has been authenticated about him from the hadiths. From the receptive absence identical to his experience similar to that of a piece of cloth, which is lengthy to be investigated here, and from that what God Almighty showed on his hands of the extraordinary habits, including: what God - Glory and Exalted - about him in his dear book about the splitting of the moon, and that is that the polytheists asked him A verse, and that was at night, and he pointed to the moon, so it became two divisions, so they asked those around them from among the living, lest he had charmed them, so they told them what they had seen, and this is reported by the scholars about the news, and more than one of the Companions - may God be pleased with them - narrated it all, and from That is what appeared with the blessing of his supplication ..., one of which is that he - may God bless him and grant him peace - supplicated God Almighty in the skeleton that was with Ibn Masoud in grazing, and called God and milking it, so it turned on him, and he drank and watered Abu Bakr, as he did in a sheep or a temple, and he called for the child bin Amr, and it became a verse at the end of his whip a light shining visible from a distance, and the same happened to Usid Ibn al-Hudayr and Ubad bin Bishr al-Ansari, and they left him on a dark night, and he prayed to God for the seven who mocked him while he was praying, and they were killed with Badr, and he prayed against Ibn Abi Lahab. His horse's hand was on the ground, then he called God and released it, and he threw the infidels of the Quraysh in Badr with a fist of gravel, and he hit each of them and defeated them, and so did the same day on the day of Hunayn, and gave Okasha bin Mohsen on the day of Badr with a splendor of wood, so he became in his hand a past sword, and told his uncle Al-Abbas - And he was a prisoner - with what he and Umm al-Fadl were buried of money under their doorstep, so he acknowledged that, and informed Umair bin Wahb of what came to him from his killing, apologizing that he came in the ransom of the Asara Badr, so he confessed to him, and embraced him from his time - may God be pleased with him -, and he responded On the day of Uhud, Qatada ibn al-Nu'man al-Dhafri appointed his eyes after dropping on his cheek - and it was said: After it became in his hand - and his eyes became better, and they were not known On the other hand, on the day of the trench, he fed the large crowds of people who approached a thousand of saklah and barley at Beit Jaber, and on that day I fed a little bit of dates brought by Bashir’s daughter, as well as he fed about eighty food that almost disappeared from his honorable hand, and so did he on the day he became a bride with Zainab girl A colt, and as for the day of Tabuk, it was a tremendous matter. He fed the army and filled every bowl with them from the pot of a goat with food, and Abu Huraira - may God be pleased with him - gave a manger and he ate from him forever, and prepared from him for the sake of God a lot of it, and he remained with him until the days of the killing of Othman. ... And he prayed to God Almighty when they were destroyed and did not descend from the pulpit until the water descended on his beard - may God bless him and grant him peace - from the roof of the mosque, and before it there was no cloud or heave in the sky or a palm tree. Madinah became like a wreath, and God called upon the Quraysh, and he struck them from the effort that could not be expressed, until they rested him, so he gave them kindness and released them, and a bowl of water was brought to him to perform ablution with him, so the people there wanted him to perform ablution with him, so he put his hand in that vessel, so he could not, then He prayed to God, so water sprang from between his fingers - may God bless him and grant him peace - and so did the day of Al-Hudaybiyah, and the army was a thousand And four hundred, Jaber said: “If we were a hundred thousand, it would suffice.” And he did on some of his travels with a drop of water in a watering bowl. The narrator said: When he ordered me to empty it into the bowl, I was afraid that he would drink it with a dried out bag. So he put his hand in it, and prayed to God Almighty, and the water sprang from between his fingers for his companions, until they performed ablution and drank. He also sent his arrow to Ain al-Hudaybiyyah, and it was placed in it, and it was filled with water until its cuff .. And as we mentioned it is enough, God Almighty wills. ”And God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Al-Fusul fi Al-Sirah, pp. 228-236.
Unified number: 1120
Question No. 97
Do Muslims direct their prayers to the Prophet Muhammad?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Muslims do not direct their prayers to our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - nor to another creature besides him, but prayers and all other acts of worship to God Almighty, and likewise the prophets, including our Prophet Muhammad, may blessings and peace be upon him, used to pray to God Almighty, and worship no one else with him. Say my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death to God, Lord ٱlalim (162), with no partner and Bzٲlk I ordered the first ٱlmuslimn (163) Say I change Allah i want Lord and He is Lord of all things earn ڪl the same but Aliہa no bearer of burden of another and then to your Lord your return Venbikm including In it you would differ.) (Al-An'am: 162-164), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1130
Question # 98
What is the Day of Resurrection?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Day of Resurrection is the day of recompense and reckoning for the deeds that every person does in this worldly life. After death, people will be resurrected on that day, and they will stand long to wait for reckoning, and on that day horrors and dread, then they are held accountable, and the unbelievers enter Heaven, and the believers enter Heaven. And greetings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1180
Question # 99
What happens in Heaven and Hell?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Paradise is the abode of the reward and blessing of the believers in the Hereafter is eternal bliss, and the Fire is the abode of the reward and torture of the infidels in the Hereafter eternal, and the disobedient of the monotheists are tormented in it and then they are taken out to Heaven, and Paradise is in it what no eye has seen, no ear heard, and no danger to the heart of a human being, the Qur’an has indicated The Noble and the Sunnah of the Prophet Much of what happened and will happen in Heaven, detailing in detail that makes souls yearn for it, and likewise detailing the Hellfire in detail that frightens the souls, and compels them to work to avoid it. ), and the Almighty said: (it is eased Moٲzanh Voolٮk and Allah lost themselves in hell Khaldun (103) Tlvh faces ٱlnar they abide. Klhon) (believers: 103, 104), he said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "When God created - Uzz and Jal - Paradise He said to Gabriel: Go and see it. So he went and looked at it and then came, and said: O Lord, your glory that no one hears of it except it comes in. Then he swept it around with deceit, then said: O Gabriel, go and look at her. So he went and looked at it and then came, and said: O Lord, and your glory, I feared that no one would enter it. He said: When God created fire, he said: O Gabriel, go and look at it. So he went and looked at it, then came and said: O Lord, your glory is not heard by anyone, and he will enter it. He swore it with lusts, then said: O Gabriel, go and look at her. And he went and saw it, then came and said: Lord, I am afraid that no remains one of only income "(Narrated by Abu Dawood with Hassan (4744)), said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him:" Come affluent people of this world of the people of the Fire Day The Resurrection, then it is dyed in the fire, then it is said: O son of Adam, have you ever seen good? have you ever lived in luxury? He would say: No, by God, O Lord. And the most miserable people in this world will be brought from the people of Paradise, and he will be dyed in paradise, and he will be said to him: O son of Adam? have you ever suffered distress? He says: No, by God, O Lord, I have never experienced misery, nor have I ever seen hardship. ”Narrated by Muslim (2807). The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon me, never saw it..
Seen: the one of the souls to the country of wedding by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah and Paradise and Hell by Omar al-Ashqar.
Unified number: 1190
Question # 100
What is jihad?
The answer:
Praise be to God, jihad has two releases: the general release includes man’s striving for himself and Satan against monotheism and doing orders and forsaking the forbids, and fighting hypocrites and disobedient by calling for the truth and rejecting suspicions with knowledge, and the same was the case with the infidels before the legitimacy of jihad by fighting, as evidenced by the words of God Almighty: (So do not obey the evil. And their striving with it is a great striving) (Al-Furqan: 52), that is, their struggle with the Qur’an, by clarifying the truth and nullifying the falsehood. Jihad was limited to this kind in the beginning of Islam, which remains tight and not abrogated, and the second launch: the special release, which is the struggle of infidels. There are two parts: the jihad of the payment, which is the fight of Muslims against those who are not against them from others in order to push their aggression, and the jihad of demand, which is the fight of the infidels in their homes to elevate the word of God Almighty, and from the wisdom of the legitimacy of jihad is the spread of the area of Islam and the entry of fighters into Islam, and entry into the protection of Muslims and the flow of the rulings of Islam on them And ending their exposure to the Muslims and their standing in the way of the Islamic call, God Almighty said: (Say to those who fled, 'If they finish, they will be forgiven for what was previously mentioned, and if they return, they are gone. Lynn (38) and killed them so as not to be sedition and Aڪon ٱlden ڪlh God the ٱnthua the Allah what they Basir (39) If they turn away Vٱalmwa that Allah Mulٮkm Yes ٱmoly and yes ٱlnasir) (Anfal: 38-40), Valhdaah is the end, if I got guidance They entered Islam and their fight would not be carried out, and if the Muslims did not kill them until the religion was entirely for God, and jihad has morals and rulings that ensure the achievement of the lofty purpose of jihad, and the right to be reserved for everyone, such as forbidding the direct killing of those who do not participate in the fighting, such as boys, women, the disabled, the elderly and monks, and the prohibition of Treachery and the representation of the bodies of the dead, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1210

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:29 pm

Question # 101
Why does one find in Islam and Christianity some similar things?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the doctrinal principles in the supreme religions are united, for the Noble Qur’an attests to what is in his hands of books, such as the Torah and the Bible, and the call of all the prophets was to unify the worship of God alone with no partner, so the existence of similarity is evidence that its origin is from God Almighty. Therefore, the Muslim must believe in the books that God revealed to his prophets, but the work is in the book that copies them, which is the Holy Qur’an, and when the Torah and the Gospel were distorted and altered, the fact that the book in their hands now is the book that must be believed in in general, that is in terms of faith With all of it from beginning to end, this is not correct, because there is distortion in some of it, and accordingly it is said: As there is similarity, there is a difference, Islam does not advocate the pagan matters that were introduced into Christianity, from trinitarianism, crucifixion, baptism, sin, penance, and the denial of Muhammad's prophethood - may God bless him and grant him peace. - The permissibility of pork, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Looking at the influence of Christianity by paganism: the guidance of the confused in the answers of the Jews and the Christians i. Dar Alam al-Fawaeed (p .: 53), the investigator mentioned in the footnote eight references.
And listen for more information on the Zakir Knight lecture
Unified number: 1280
Question No: 102
Do Muslims have any contributions to the advancement of humanity?
The answer:
Praise be to God. First: There is no doubt that Islam was and still is the only source of happiness of the soul and the integrity of belief. On the intellectual side, there is no rival to Islam in the first place. Second: The material progress that the world is experiencing today got on the shoulders of Muslim scholars, at a time when Paris did not know the illumination At night and suffering from environmental pollution, the streets of Fez were lit, paved and clean, and the material civilization was a general human company, but the glory of the primacy in it was for Muslims, and this was detailed in many books, which we refer to a brief book of them, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
See: Islamic Civilization by Abd al-Rahman Habanaka al-Midani, pp. 549-579, Cultural Values in Islam by Muhammad al-Suhaim.
Unified number: 1310

Question No: 103
Who are the Jews?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Jews are the nation of Moses - peace be upon him - and their Torah book, and they are from the children of Israel, that is, the children of Jacob bin Ishaq bin Ibrahim - peace be upon them - and Jacob, the fifth father of Moses, and whoever believed Moses - peace be upon him - during his covenant and his follower of the children of Israel And he died on that, he died on the truth and his abode is Paradise, and whoever disbelieves in him has died for falsehood and his shelter is Hell, and whoever of them comprehends our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and does not follow him, he is also on falsehood and his abode is Hell..
Unified number: 1400

Question No .: 104
All religions claim to be from God, so why should a person follow Islam alone?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: Not all religions claim to be from God - glorified and glorified - but by studying religions, we find that most of them are earthly religions, that is, they have no connection with God Almighty, rather they call for the worship of some people as they are God, or to worship some The physical things that exist on the earth, such as trees and mountains, or to worship the sun or the moon or some planets, which are pagan doctrines, and there are atheists who do not have a religion who deny the existence of God Almighty in their tongues. Secondly: religions that are really from God, and are called the heavenly religions, It does not contradict Islam, rather it includes the obligation to follow the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - upon his appearance, for it was correct in its time, and some of it copied what it presented, just as the Bible copied some of the rulings of the Torah and called on its companions to convert to Islam, so we find a contemporary of the Prophet - the prayers God be upon him - from the Jews who were waiting and awaiting his appearance in order to follow him, and threaten the polytheists with him if there were disputes between them. Salama bin Salama bin Waqash - may God be pleased with him - said, and he was one of the companions of Badr: We had a neighbor of Jews in Bani Abd al-Ashal, so he went out against us. One day from his home before the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - Bisir was sent, and he stood on the majlis of Bani Abd al-Ashhal, and I was at that time the youngest of a tooth in whom I had a coldness, lying in it, and he mentioned the resurrection, the resurrection, the reckoning, the scale, the paradise and the fire, so he said that to a people who have a trap of idols, who do not see that a resurrection exists after death. After their death, people are sent to a house in which there is heaven and fire, and they will be rewarded with their deeds. He said: Yes, and he who swears by him wished to have his fortune from that fire the greatest enlightenment in the world. They protect him and then enter it to be applied to him and to escape from that fire tomorrow, they said to him. : Woe to you, and what is the verse of that? He said: A prophet is sent from about these countries. He pointed with his hand towards Mecca and Yemen. They said: When do you see it? He said: He looked at me and I was the one who made them very young, and he said: If this boy consumes his life, he will realize it. Salamah said: By God, the night and day did not pass until God Almighty sent His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - while he was alive among us, so we believed in him and disbelieved in him with hatred and envy, so we said: Woe to you, so-and-so, are you not with whom you told us what you said? He said: Yes, and not. (Narrated by Ahmad (15841) with a good chain of transmission), so every person must enter the religion of Islam. Because other religions are either religions heavenly precedent Islam transcriber them, either they are religions void of origin, the Almighty said: (It Eptg is ٱlaslm will not accept it, which in the Hereafter from ٱksrin) (Al-Imran: 85), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1510

Question # 105
What does the concept of worship mean in Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the worship of submissiveness and submission to God Almighty with love and veneration, and the concept of worship includes all the apparent and hidden deeds that God Almighty loves and satisfies. Some of the actions are pure worship such as prayer and Hajj, and some of them are what a person will be rewarded for the reward of worship if its reward is counted with God, such as Sleeping with the intention of strengthening oneself for worship, and eating with such an intention. As for sayings, such as remembrance and reciting the Qur’an, as for the inner sayings, which are heartfelt beliefs and matters that a Muslim asserts, such as resurrection and faith in the unseen, and as for acts of heart, such as trust, fear and hope, it is not permissible to spend worship other than God Almighty, and not Worship is accepted except with three conditions: the first is Islam, the second is sincerity, the third is to follow the Sunnah, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 1560

Question No .: 106
What is the wisdom of limiting stoning and flogging in Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, stoning is the punishment for adultery for one who was married, meaning he previously had intercourse with his wife in a valid marriage, and flogging is a punishment for one who drinks alcohol or fornication and is not a punishment - these are among the limits - or whoever did an act that deserves punishment without limits, at the discretion of the judge, which is what It is called discretionary discretion, as one who harms passers-by on the road or betrays trust, and in leaving the disobedient and criminals without punishment, the spread of sin and corruption Because there are people who are not deterred by intimidation by the aftermath punishment, then some punishment must be hastened in this world, and if it is decided that they must be punished, then stoning to those who deserve it if the Sharia conditions are met, as well as flogging in non-married adultery and drinking alcohol are the most appropriate punishment. For reasons including: The married adulterer and the married adulterer each of them committed a great crime while not calling for it, and pleasure reached all his members, so it was appropriate for him to destroy the ugliest images, with a punishment that reaches all of his body, and this is a deterrent to others from doing this crime, and the unscrupulous adulterer does not deserve Murder is because his crime is lighter, so flogging and alienation from the place that reminds him of sin is appropriate, and the drinker of alcohol causes his mind to disappear and may harm others and may not harm others, unlike the adulterer, then his harm to others is achieved, so it is appropriate to be flogged without estrangement, and if it is said: If the thief is to cut off his hand to fit the punishment for the crime Why is the adulterer not punished by cutting off the organ with which he committed the sin? And why not punish the drinker of alcohol by cutting his tongue? It was said: cutting off the male of an adulterer is inappropriate. Because it is an invisible organ, it does not happen by cutting it to relieve others and reducing the crime, and there is only one in the body, and that causes the cutting of the offspring, so he deserves the previous punishment, and if the conditions are not met for it to be kissed, joined or started without the forbidden intercourse, then he will be punished with any other lesser punishment From that until it is deterred, such as imprisonment, flogging, financial fine and hard work, as well as the drinker of alcohol, in addition to that he did not drink with his tongue only until he cut his tongue, and the wisdom appears to those who contemplate it and is not limited, with the evident that the Muslim must obey the law of God Almighty, whether he knows wisdom or not, and he prayed God and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1590
Question # 107
Why did God not eliminate the demons, knowing that they were misleading people from the truth?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Almighty said: (It is not asked of what he does while they are being asked) (al-Anbiya ': 23). A creature has no right to object to the actions of God Almighty, especially if he is a Muslim. Because one of the pillars of faith is belief in judgment and destiny, and it means that everything that happens in the universe is with the complete knowledge and will of God, and that he wrote that before in the preserved Tablet, and he is the Creator of every creature and his actions, and from faith in God Almighty is faith in His wisdom, and that everything that happens in the universe has explanation and appreciation An adult, human beings cannot surround his knowledge, for the existence of demons is not pure evil, meaning that there is no benefit in it in any way, for the world is a house of affliction, so that the believer who does not respond to the whispers of Satan is taught, so he is rewarded and enters Heaven, and is learned from the unbeliever who responds to Satan and does not enter into Faith is punished by eternity in Hellfire, and it is learned from the sinner who introduces what Satan misuses to obey God sometimes even though he is a believer and deserves punishment, so the disparity in the Hereafter between the believer and others does not appear unless there are causes in this world, such as the demons and the soul that preaches evil and other temptations, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Against our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1620

Question # 108
Why did God reveal the Noble Qur’an to the Prophet? Does this mean copies of both the Torah and the Gospel? Does this mean that the followers of the Torah and the Bible were not guided by God, so God revealed the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad?
The answer:
Praise be to God. It is said to the questioner: Why did God reveal the Torah even though there were before it the newspapers of Abraham and the books of other prophets? And why did God reveal the Bible with the Torah before it? The answer is one, which is that God legislates in every age what is suitable for its people, and as for the fundamentals of faith, it is agreed upon among the messengers, all of whom call for the worship of God Almighty alone, and God entrusted the preservation of the Torah and the Gospel to the scholars of the Children of Israel, so they distorted it and changed it, and it was in their knowledge that God Almighty would resurrect The End of Time is a messenger with which the Messengers are sealed, and he is our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -. So God Almighty sent down to him the Book that copies the previous books, and is good for every time and place until the Hour of Resurrection, and by which Jesus, peace be upon him, will judge if he descends at the end of time, and he undertook his preservation , many of the reasons, no matter how some people tried to distort come to light and, accordingly, every Jew or a Christian realized Islam did not enter it is not guided, he says: (d ڪtar of the people of ٱketb if Ardonkm after Aamenkm infidels Invidiously from when themselves after they found They have the right, so pardon and pardon until ٰ God commands His command. None of this nation hears of me - and the name of God - whoever is called a Jew - will not be called a Jew, then he dies and does not believe in the one whom I was sent with, except by whom I was sent, whoever was a Muslim. The call, and whoever believes in it among them is called the nation of the answer, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1630
Question No. 109
Why is it forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim, and is it permissible for a Muslim man to marry a Jew or Christian?
The answer:
Praise be to God, a non-Muslim does not believe in the prophethood of Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - nor the Qur’an, so he does not deserve to marry a Muslim woman, and a Muslim believes in the prophethood of Moses and Jesus - peace be upon them - and what God has revealed to them from the Torah and the Gospel, so he deserves to marry Judaism and Christianity on condition that she is chaste Then, the guardianship is for a man in the marriage contract, and if he is an unbeliever - whether he is a clerical, pagan, or otherwise - he may force the woman to leave Islam or to leave something of her religious rituals or to do what is not permissible in her religion, such as intercourse during menstruation, or preventing her from fasting Ramadan Therefore, for this and for another ruling, Islamic law came with this preference and detail, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1640
Question # 110
Did the Qur’an challenge humans to come up with a surah like it?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, the Qur’an challenged people to come up with something like it, in multiple verses in which it is graded, in which there is a challenge with ten chapters, a challenge with a surah, and an absolute challenge even with a verse. Exemplify Him, and call your martyrs from those without God, if you are truthful) (Al-Baqarah: 23). The Noble Qur'an is miraculous first in its systems of language and rhetoric, in terms of vocabulary and structures, so that the Arab listener obeys the righteousness or the one who studied Arabic and navigated it, and the polytheists of the Arabs did not come with something like him, and if they were able they would have done victory over this Prophet who tried to overthrow his religion by every means, and a miracle second in its meaning In terms of legislation, in general and in detail, and on the news side, truthfulness in the past, and an investigation into the future, and it is a third miracle in its influence and guidance, so God brought out a lost, ignorant and warring nation with it from darkness to light, until the Muslims conquered the land east and west. Islam replaced the civilizations of the earth, and it brought together the Persian, the Rumi, the Coptic, the Ethiopian, the Turkish and the Berber, in one system, despite the multiplicity of languages, the difference of races, the contradiction of customs, and the precedent of hostility, and its followers became imams who are emulated by knowledge, dream, mercy and justice, and a fourth miracle in believing modern science for what it contains Whether in astronomy, seas, earth science, biology, or embryos, as it was mentioned in that ancient age that what people did not know except in later ages with advanced machines, and other aspects of miracles, so can anyone bring something similar? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1650

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:31 pm

Question # 111
Was Jesus, peace be upon him, crucified?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Christ Jesus - peace be upon him - was not crucified, but was raised to heaven, and he is now alive and has not died in the second heaven, and he will come down before the Day of Resurrection, rule by Islam, break the cross, kill the pig and pay the tribute and not accept it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1670
Question No: 112
How has the spread of Islam affected the world?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the example of the spread of Islam is like the example of the rising of the sun on a dark place, for its effect is greater and better. From the religious point of view, people in the East were among those who present the material and deny the soul, the unseen and everything that is not felt, and those who present the soul and cancel the consideration of matter, so these are their beliefs and their view of the things around them And if you look west, you see those who worship people, idols and stones, and people remained for centuries in the darkness of ignorance and injustice, not worshiping God who created them and provided them, until Islam came with monotheism and the correct conception of the spectators and the absent, and from the social point of view, the polytheist used to raise his dog and slaughter his daughter for fear of shame, and adultery was rampant. Reading and writing are few, so Islam reformed that with its principles, and from the economic point of view wars were for the seizure of money where there is no ruler, and unfair taxes where the ruler is present, and the spread of usury, so Islam forbids this, and controls resources and resources, spread justice and eliminated class, and the same is said on the international level. That is, the relationship of states to each other, in terms of civilization, worldly sciences and all walks of life, until the infidels witnessed Islam with grace, in the old and the new, and on the other hand, Islam is the religion that God Almighty approves and guarantees Keeping it, as it was, it deserves to spread, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: What has the world lost through the decline of Muslims to the dawn, the abbreviated role in the beauties of Islam by Ibn Saadi, Islam is a complete religion of the Chinguetti.
Unified number: 1750

Question No: 113
Are there any sacred sources in Islam other than the Qur’an?
The answer:
Praise be to God, sanctification is veneration and reverence, and the holy sources in Islam are the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah, because other than that from the respected sources in Islam are dependent on these two sources, whether it is from evidence, such as consensus and analogy, or from classified books, such as books of interpretation, hadith and jurisprudence, And if what is meant by the sacred is the divine text and the words of God Almighty, then it is the Noble Qur’an and the divine hadiths only, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 1770

Question No. 114
Does Islam accept other beliefs?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if the intention is to correct other religions, and freedom of belief, and that Islam is the best option, but other than it is not false, then all of it and its meaning is not accepted by Islam, and it is not valid for a person to convert to Islam until he believes that the truth is limited to Islam and that what other than it is invalid, the Almighty said: There is no compulsion in ٱlden ٱrashd has shown ٱlgy it atone Bٱltgot believes Bٱllah has ٱsthompsk Bٱeroh ٱlothagy not ٱnfsam them; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing) (Al-Baqarah: 256), though it was intended coexistence and dealing with non-Muslims, it is acceptable to Islam known terms, including not to be dealing Forbidden, and for the Muslim not to inflict an insult on it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1790

Question No: 115
Why are we recommending?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first: The Muslim pays zakat because God - glorified and glorified - who has provided life, guidance and money, he must pay, in order to obtain the reward and reward, and to escape punishment and sin, secondly: on the obligation of zakat there is a lot of wisdom and benefits, some of which are due to the person entitled to zakat. Such as paying the needs of the needy and charity to others, among the poor and others, and some of them are due to money, such as purifying and preserving it from disappearing, and some of them are due to the motive, such as purifying oneself from miserliness and attachment to the world and experiencing it by removing the thing that souls have broken their love and collecting. Obedience to God Almighty, including what belongs to the Muslim community, such as preserving the balance between its members, removing reprehensible classism and spreading consolation, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1900

Question No .: 116
Why do we fast?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Muslim performs fasting in worship and obedience to God - glory be to God. Because he knows that God does not command except for what is best for him in this world and the hereafter, so he will get reward and reward because of that, and by fasting it achieves piety. Because it is an education to observe God Almighty in secret, so he leaves those breaking the fast in every place and every moment of the day of fasting, even if he is empty, and because he leaves necessary things such as food and drink, he is able to leave sins that are not necessary but harmful, with the determination with which he was able to Fasting, and because it narrows the blood streams, which are the channels of Satan, and other benefits that occur accordingly without the Muslim intending them for worship, such as health, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1910

Question No. 117
Why do we perform Hajj?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Muslim performs the Hajj in worship and obedience to God - glory be to God. Because he knows that God only enjoins what is best for him in this world and the hereafter, so he gets reward and reward for that, and gets to him other benefits that are consequently obtained without the Muslim intending them for worship, such as trade and acquaintance with Muslims, and God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 1920
Question No .: 118
What is the treatment for someone addicted to music?
The answer:
Praise be to God, his remedy is to be certain that it is forbidden to hear it, and every forbidden must repent from his action, and from repentance to give up and stop it, and to replace that with frequent reading of the Qur’an, and to engage in memorizing and understanding it, and by remembrance of God Almighty, for they do not meet in the heart, and to pray to God-Glory be to God. the Almighty to prove and guide him, including: (our Lord does not cause our hearts after as our gift given to us from Thy mercy, you are ٱwahab) (Al-Imran: 8), and "O hearts proved my heart on your religion, your bank hearts exchange my heart to obedience ", And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1940
Question No: 119
Does Islam permit the husband hitting his wife?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam has made the husband infallible in order for the home to be upright, so he must raise his wife as a father raises his son, and as a teacher raises his student, and this calls for compassion and wisdom, and Islam has permitted the husband to strike in case it is needed and with conditions. including Fadl Allah each other, and because they spend of Omoٲlhm Vٱlsaleht Qnti preserved the unseen including keeping Allah and ٱlty afraid Ncuizen Fzawhn and ٱahjrohn in ٱlamadadja and ٱdharboehn the Otanڪm not Tbgua Aliہn way, Allah was the supreme ڪbera) (women: 34), women obedient to her husband is not permissible for the husband to He strikes her, and if she is disobedient to the husband, he must gradually treat her, so he begins to preach, so it does not work, then abandoning it does not help, so beating, and one of the conditions is that the beating is not excruciating, that is, a hitting is a discipline not a hitting of revenge. For you took them with the security of God, and you took them in peace. Directed by the word of God, and to you they should not Aotin anyone Frckm whom you dislike, it did so Vadharboehn beat is badly "(Narrated by Muslim (1218)), and not more than ten flagella in the beating, he said, peace be upon him:" Do not Thump one above Ten stripes, except within one of the limits of God. 7420), and it was authenticated by Ibn Hibban (5605), and his origin was narrated by al-Bukhari (2559) and Muslim (2612)), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1960

Question # 120
Can a Muslim attend the funeral of a non-Muslim?
The answer:
Praise be to God, it is not permissible to attend or perform the funeral of an unbeliever, but it is permissible to console his family without praying for him for forgiveness, but rather urges them to patience and the like, but if there is no one to bury the infidel, then it is permissible for the Muslim close to him to undertake that without washing or praying, and he is not buried in tombs of the Muslims, God Almighty said: (not up on one Mnہm never died on his grave and do not Anہm disbelieve Bٱllah and His Messenger, and they die while they Vsagon) (repentance: 84), and Ali may Allah be pleased with him that he came to the Prophet peace be upon him, he said, Abu Talib died. He said: “Go into smoke.” He said: He died as a participant. He said: “Go forth with it.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood (3214) Al-Nasa’i (190)). It is a good hadith, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 1980

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:33 pm

Question No .: 121
How does a person increase his belief in God?
The answer:
Praise be to God, faith increases and decreases, and the means to increase faith are numerous, including:
1- Learn about the six pillars of faith: belief in God, his angels, his books, and his messengers, the Last Day, and fate is good and bad. Because increasing knowledge of what is to be believed in and moving from general to detail is a direct increase in faith, so whoever does not know of the angels except Gabriel and then learns and knows Mikael and Israfil, his belief in them is an increase in his faith..
2- Knowing the beautiful names and their meanings and the appearance of their effect on you, so if you know that God Almighty is Hearing, Knowing, Knowing, Close Watching, He will bequeath that to observe God Almighty in being alone and observing His command and prohibiting it. Of bliss, and if you know that God Almighty is powerful, Mighty, Mighty, and severely punished, it bequeathed you that fear of His torment and avoiding its prohibitions, and if you know that He is a provider of sustenance, a sponsor, the creator of the king’s owner, bequeathed to you that trust in him, and so on..
3- Frequent reading of the Holy Quran.
4- The supplication of God Almighty to increase your faith.
5- Preserving the obligations and increasing the redundancy.
And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2020

Question No .: 122
What kind of people of the book is permissible for a Muslim to marry their wives?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, it is permissible for a Muslim to marry any Jewish or Christian provided that they are chaste, which is far from outrageous, God said: (ٱleom lawful to you ٱtaibt and food And Allah were given ٱketb solution to you and yours is lawful to them and ٱmahsnt of ٱlmament and ٱmahsnt of And Allah were given ٱketb by you if Ouateetmohn wages is immune Mesfhan not Okhaddan and atonement makers Bٱlaamn lost his good deeds, which in the Hereafter from ٱksrin) (table 5), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2050

Question No .: 123
Why did Islam prohibit adultery and gambling?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Lord, may He be glorified and exalted, is wise, and this wisdom is in his judgment and destiny and in his rulings and law. All of them are in following the Sharia, but due to the lack of human knowledge and awareness, God did not assign them to know the causes and causes, and did not make judgments dependent on their minds and their understanding, rather he ensured for them what is in their interest and relieved them from the worry of searching for it, so the Muslim believes in the existence of wisdom even if it is hidden from him. Sharia is something that is oppressed by the mind, which makes people like animals, and it results in the emergence of elements that are indignant in society, spreading corruption and crimes, in most cases, and they are children of adultery Because he will not receive education and attention from his parents, and it is not possible in every country to take care of him, and if every person is content to satisfy his instincts with adultery and relieve the responsibility of establishing a family and spending on them, he is obligated to corrupt all people with the passage of days, in addition to the mixing of lineages, so the person does not know his father. It is the spread of sexual diseases, as has appeared in our time, such as AIDS, herpes, syphilis, love disease, etc. His children and his family, in the hope of winning in gambling, and if he spent that little money on himself, it would have been better for him than wasting it, and Islam does not forbid anything..
Unified number: 2070
Question No: 124
Why does Islam prohibit homosexuality and lesbianism?
The answer:
Praise be to God, these immoralities are forbidden in all religions. Because it is a deviation from the instinct, the cosmic Sunnah that God Almighty created requires that the family bond be between a male and a female, and God has created in the man a tendency to the female and vice versa. So that the encounter, pregnancy and childbirth would take place and the human element would continue, and if a person was satisfied with emptying his lust for these immoralities, males would be enriched with males and females with females and the human race became extinct, even animals other than humans do not do this, so how can a person be content to be inferior to beasts? Better get the benefit of injury with damage safety; Because homosexuality is penetration in a dirty place from which impurity comes out, so both parties are harmed, and the wisdom of prohibiting that is apparent, although we believe that the forbidden is a harmful Sharia, even if some people imagine a benefit in it..
Unified number: 2080
Question No: 125
What is the surviving group in the hereafter?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the surviving group in the hereafter Muslims who follow the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in beliefs and actions, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2110

Question No .: 126
Does Islam allow women to be the head of the state?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam does not allow women to lead a state. The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “No people will succeed even if a woman orders them” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (4425)). Because God created her and made her deeds appropriate to her creation, so it is unfair to her and others to assign something that contradicts her character, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - has prevented her from assuming the supreme mandate, whether we know wisdom or not..
Unified number: 2180

Question No .: 127
Should a woman convert to Islam to leave her husband immediately?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, she must leave him, meaning that she should not be able to do so, but the contract is annulled when her waiting period ends, which is three menstruation if she menstruated or three months if she did not menstruate, from the time of her conversion to Islam. Against our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2290
Question No .: 128
How should a Muslim deal with his non-Muslim family?
The answer:
Praise be to God, he must invite his family to Islam in the appropriate manner, for every person has methods that suit him, and if he does not find acceptance and it is best in his estimation to stay with his family, then he should repeat their call at appropriate times, and maintain Islamic morals in dealing with them. Because it is a practical call to Islam, and if he appreciates the inadequacy of staying with them, and that he may expose himself to temptation, major sins, apostasy from his religion, or the entry of suspicions against him from them and he is able to live on his own, then he is required to do so, and to search for a society in which he increases his faith, and Islam does not order him to abandon his family or boycott even if separated from them, but tell him to righteousness and treat them with disbelief in God Almighty said: (though Jhdak to involve me what you do not knowledge there is no final destination in ٱldnia known and ٱtba way of turns to then to your return Vonbiڪm what you were doing) ( Luqman: 14,15), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2300
Question No. 129
What food is Islam permitted for a Muslim to eat?
The answer:
Praise be to God. The basic principle with regard to food is that it is permissible, and what is forbidden is limited things, and it is of two parts: the first is forbidden because of earning, so its prohibition is specific to the gainer, such as food stolen and stolen, it is forbidden for the thief and the usurper to eat it. Because it is a respectable money that was not taken from its owner in a permissible way, and the second: forbidden for all, such as pig and the dead, and what was slaughtered for anyone but God, and what was killed without slaughtering it by beating or stunned and the like, and what was from predatory lions such as lions and tigers, and what was from predatory birds such as eagles, these are only permissible in If necessary, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2330
Question No: 130
What is the mosque?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the mosque is a place of worship of God Almighty among Muslims, and the first acts of worship related to the mosque are prayer, which are places that are not owned by anyone that are taken care of, cleaned and prepared to be suitable for worship, in which Muslims gather for the five prayers and prayers for which the congregation is prescribed such as Friday, Eid, Eclipse, rain and Taraweeh, and in which Muslims learn their religion They recite the Qur’an and pray to God Almighty and perform i'tikaaf, and the mosques are protected from matters that are contrary to the above, such as buying and selling, having fun, raising the voice and unpleasant smells, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2340

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:35 pm

Question No: 131
What does a Muslim who converted to Islam other than his wife do?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if his wife was Jewish or Christian I do not mind the continuation of the marriage, the Almighty said: (ٱleom lawful to you ٱtaibt and food And Allah were given ٱketb solution to you and yours is lawful to them and ٱmahsnt of ٱlmament and ٱmahsnt of And Allah were given ٱketb by you if Ouateetmohn wages immune non Mesfhan and makers For the one who disbelieves in an imam, then he has frustrated his work and he is in the hereafter from the last one, and the husband did not give her the blessing of the book, so I prayed to her, that my father prayed to her, and I prayed to him. God and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2350
Question No: 132
Who is the Antichrist?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Antichrist is a man whose hands are supernatural by God, which will be a temptation to people, and his appearance is one of the signs of the Hour, and it is described in his description that he is great in creation, tied in a cave on an island, and was called Christ because his eye is scanned, or because if he appears he wipes the earth All of them pass through it except Makkah and Madinah, so he is not able to enter them, and the Antichrist, that is, the liar, and the exhortation to seek refuge in God Almighty from the temptation of the Antichrist. Because he calls people to disbelief if it appears, and whoever obeys it will be bestowed upon him, and whoever disobeys the faithful will be constrained by his livelihood, affliction and testing, and he is followed by the Jews of his companions, and the prophets, peace be upon them, have warned of it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet.
Seen: Sahih Muslim (2942).
Unified number: 2360

Question No: 133
What is the wisdom of Muslims directing their prayers towards the Kaaba?
The answer:
Praise be to God, first, God Almighty assigns His servants to whatever He wills, and in all that He has legislated wisdom and the benefit of those charged, and it is not required that the servant understand wisdom in order to obey the matter, for wisdom may be known and may be hidden. Worship and prayer. If it was said: Why do the Jews welcome the Holy House, and why do Christians receive the East in their worship, what would the answer be? There is no doubt that every community has its own prayer and its acceptance, so every Muslim who prays anywhere must have received a certain united side. In order for Muslims to unite in their worship, and not disagree, because if he prays and sees other Muslims praying with him the same prayer by bowing and prostrating to the same direction, make him feel and this earns him the spirit of community, cooperation, agreement and unity, which is a meaning that is required to be spread among Muslims, and also to be able to perform this worship in congregation, and to be a slogan For the Muslims, and for other rulings, and this body was the Kaaba. Because it is the first mosque on earth, and its construction was an exaltation of God Almighty, so that worship could take place with it, Muslims do not worship the Kaaba, but it is a venerable house for the one who worships, and God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2370

Question No: 134
What is the reason for the prohibition on wearing gold for men?
The answer:
Praise be to God, to God Almighty to judge the servant by whatever He pleases, and His rulings - Glory be to Him - are of the utmost wisdom and justice, and the servants do not encompass wisdom in everything. Therefore, they do not have to search for wisdom or be convinced of the reason in order to act according to Islamic rulings, and the Muslim asks about the ruling or the document of the ruling, and that is sufficient for him. On men; Al-Bara` Ibn Azib, may God be pleased with him, said: “The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - commanded us seven, and forbade us on the authority of a seventh.” Then he said: “And he forbade us from Aniyat al-Dhahab. One of the morals of women, the Almighty said on the authority of the female: (Or is he raised in a state, and he is in an unequivocal quarrel) (Al-Zukhruf: 18). We prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2400
Question No: 135
Was the religion of Islam prior to the mission of the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -?
The answer:
Praise be to God, general Islam is the religion of all messengers, they are unanimous in calling for the unification of God Almighty and recognizing His names, attributes and actions, but some of the laws are different, such as the details of worship, transactions and marriage, this Islam precedes the mission, and Islam in its special sense is the religion of God that our Prophet Muhammad sent. - May God’s prayers and peace be upon him - and the Holy Qur’an was revealed with it, and it cannot be a precursor to it at that time, and he is the one who does not accept a religion other than the people after the mission of our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - (and whoever desires to change Islam and his religion will not be accepted from him. In the last days of the last two sins) (Al-Imran: 85), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2440
Question No: 136
Does Islam support the concept of class?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the class divide people into classes according to money, race or position so that a man can change his class, and Islam does not support the existence of class Muslims, the Almighty said: (Aoaہa ٱlnas Verily Khalguenkm of male and female and Djalinkm peoples and Qubaٮl, Ye Oڪrmkm when Allah Otqٮkm Indeed, God is All-Knowing and All-Knowing) (Al-Hujurat: 13). One of the wisdom in the legality of zakat is to console the rich and poor, as well as in alms and aiding the needy in general, and Islam does not seek to abolish the division of people, by making them all rich or poor, for example, and in fighting differences and trying to eliminate them in contravention. For the cosmic Sunnahs, and therefore Islam came to correct dealing with them, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2470
Question No: 137
What are the ten commandments in the Holy Quran?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Ten Commandments in the words of God: (Say: Come Recite what is Rbڪm Aliڪm forbidden not to join none with Xia and Bٱloٲlden we have a good do not kill Ooldڪm of Amlq We Nrozkڪm and them not come near ٱlfoٲhac apparent and belly do not kill ٱlnevs ٱlty campus Allah only Bٱlhak to that. And Sٮkm it that you understand (151) does not come near money ٱletem only Bٱlty is the best until it reaches its peak Fulfill ٱlڪal and ٱlmizan Bٱlkst not MANDATE breath, but it can, and if you say Vٱadloa even ڪan a kinship and covenant of Allah fulfilled Zٲlڪm and Sٮkm it may recall (152) and that this Srٲty straight Vٱtbaoh And do not follow the paths, and you will be separated from your paths, which He has commanded you through, so that you may fear) (Al-An'am: 151-153), and most of these A came in Surat Al-Israa, the first commandment is to unify God and not to associate polytheism, and the second is to show charity to the parents, who are the greatest in truth after the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - and the third is the prohibition of killing children, whether the reason is the occurrence of poverty for the parents, as in this verse, or for fear of poverty because of the boy, as in verse Isra ', the Almighty said: (Do not kill Ooldkm for fear Amlq we Nrozkhm and you that killed ڪan line great) (Isra: 31), when they were poor began their livelihood, and because they were rich fear poverty began in Providing for their children, the fourth is the prohibition of sacrificing immorality, which are major sins, including fornication and homosexuality, and the fifth is the prohibition of killing the respected soul, and it comes out by that who deserves to be killed, so killing her with the right, such as the murderer, the apostate and the adulterer who is protected, and the sixth prohibition of disposing of the money of an orphan except for what is beneficial and in his interest, and the seventh is loyalty And not to cheat in transactions, for the agent is the unit of size, weight is the unit of weight, and the equity is fair, and the eighth is fair in saying and that includes judging others, and the ninth is to fulfill promises, and the tenth is to adhere to Islam and avoid division and heresy, And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2520
Question No. 138
One of the signs of the sun rising from the west, so how does that happen?
The answer:
Praise be to God, when the day comes that God Almighty wills, when the sun rises from its sunset, it is said to the sun: Go back from where you came and it rises from its sunset. They are gathered together, and that is when its faith does not benefit a soul. ”(Narrated by Al-Bukhari (4636) and Muslim (157)), and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - said to his companions one day: They said: Allah and His Messenger know said: "This is taking place until the end to Mstqrha under the throne, Vtakr Sajida, is still well even said to her: Artfie, Turn back where I came from, Fterdja becomes up from the opening lines, then take place until the end to Mstqrha under the throne, Vtakr Sajida, and remains so even said to her: Artfie, Turn back where I came from, Fterdja becomes up from the opening lines, are then not people denouncing them anything until end to Mstqrha that under the throne, said to her: Artfie Osubha up from the Mgrbak, becomes up from the So, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Do you know when that is? That while (Do you see but come upon them ٱlmlٮkh or comes your Lord, or come some Ouaat Lord day comes some Ouaat Lord does not work breath Aamnہa were not Ouament or earned in Aamnہa good Say ٱntzeroa Verily, waiting) (cattle: 158) "(Narrated by al-Bukhari (7424) and Muslim (159)), prostration of the sun is something unseen that the mind cannot perceive, but it must believe in it, just as it believes in the existence of a soul if it comes out from between its sides he died, and he does not know where it is, or where it was and where it is going, and he cannot To catch it or see it, but he knows its effects, and to exclude some minds when the sun rises from its setting; Because you have noticed that it always rises from the east at a specific time, which we can know in advance, and it is a frequent and clear thing, so it is said to the owner of this mind: Why does your mind accept that this happens by chance without a capable, creative actor and does not accept that it comes from its west by chance? As for the monotheist believer, he knows with the light of revelation corresponding to common sense that the sun is one of many miracles that God created with His wisdom, and He is planning it by His command, and that a day will come upon her that He orders it to set out from the sunset and it rises, and He who created it from nothingness is able to do that. Sensual matters. As for the unseen matters, the reference is to the truthful news, and whoever is truer than God in a hadeeth, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2530
Question No: 139
When does one describe terrorism?
The answer:
Praise be to God, a person is described as terrorism if he misled people by fighting Islam or distorting it by any means, or killing innocent people who are not permitted to be killed in Islam, from Muslims and infidels, who are treaty or trustworthy, or frighten people with any criminal act, such as blocking the road, blowing up buildings and terrorizing the safe, and it came in a collective decision Islamic jurisprudence: “Terrorism is the aggression that individuals, groups, or states carry out against a person in his religion, blood, mind, money and honor. It includes types of intimidation, harm, threats and unlawful killing, and what is related to the forms of warfare and intimidation and blocking the path, and every act of violence or threat takes place In implementation of an individual or collective criminal project, which aims to throw terror among people, to terrorize them by harming them, or to endanger their lives, freedom, security, or conditions, including damage to the environment or to a public or private facility and property, or to endanger a national or natural resource All of this is one of the forms of corruption in the land that God Almighty has forbidden Muslims from. God does best to you, and do not seek corruption in the earth, for God does not love the corrupt..
Decision of the Islamic Fiqh Council of the Muslim World League, in the 16th session, dated 21-27 / 10/1422.
Unified number: 2570

Question No: 140
Who is the sacrificed child of Abraham - peace be upon him?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the scholars differed from the Companions and the Successors and those after them regarding the sacrifice. The first saying is that it is Isaac, and the second saying that it is Ishmael, and it is the correct one. The evidence for that is: First: God Almighty said: (So he preached good news to him of a meek slaughtered) (As-Saffat: 101), so he mentioned the story of slaughter. then he said: (and Bhernh prophet Isaac from ٱlsalehyn) (Saaffaat: 112), which indicates that it is slaughtered, Vtaan that Ismail, the second directory: says: (and ٱmroth Qaٮmh laughed Fbhernha Isaac and behind Isaac Jacob) (Hood: 71), The order to slaughter him denies the good news to his grandson, because the meaning of the good tidings is: preach the good news to another child after Ishmael, which is Isaac, and preach the gospel to another child to him also, who is Jacob, and Jacob realized his grandfather Ibrahim, peace be upon them, in fulfillment of this good news, and Ibn Taymiyyah - may God have mercy on him - said: “In the sentence The dispute in it is well known, but what must be made clear is that it is Ishmael, and this is what is indicated by the Book, the Sunnah, and the well-known evidence, and it is what is indicated by the Torah that is in the hands of the People of the Book. And in another translation: Bikra. And Ismael was the one who was alone and venerated according to the consensus of the Muslims and the People of the Book, but the People of the Book distorted and increased Isaac, so those who received it received this from them and spread among some Muslims that he was Isaac, and his origin is from the distortion of the People of the Book..
See: Majmoo 'al-Fatwas 4 / 331-332, Iqhat al-Lahfan 2/1139, al-Hawi al-Fatwa by al-Suyuti 1/492.
Unified number: 2580

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:37 pm

Question No. 141
Is the Bible Really a Book of God?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the holy book that exists today in the hands of Jews or Christians is not the book of God Almighty in the sentence. Because it is corrupted, and what has not been corrupted from it is what the Holy Qur’an agrees, and this ruling is for the book by looking at its sentence, that is, from its beginning to the end. Because the origin of the Torah and the Gospel is true, so the Torah revealed to Moses and the Gospel attributed to Jesus must be believed in them, but the followers of the Holy Qur’an, and distortion occurred in them by adding, deleting and changing them. If this is decided, then it is not permissible to insult the existing copies of the Torah and the Gospel today. For two reasons: First: to preserve the amount that was not distorted from the insult, and secondly: by looking at the origin of the book, this does not mean that it is permissible to read it or work with what is in it, but Islam is a religion of justice and fairness. The Torah that God revealed to Moses - peace be upon him - and we believe in it. As for these papers that are in the hands of those astray, we do not know what they are originally, and we do not treat them with veneration or insult. Rather, we say: We believed in God and his angels, books and messengers. -", And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Biography of the flags of the nobility, letter i 2/419.
Unified number: 2620
Question No: 142
Does God give birth?
The answer:
Praise be to God, I can not find an answer to this question greater than what God Almighty said: (Say: God is one (1) God is the steadfast (2) He was not born He was not born (3) And He did not have affection 4 An attribute of deficiency in reality, but rather a person seeks it to complete his deficiency and fill his deficiency, and God Almighty has no equal or need To take a son, and he is the first without a beginning, so how can he have a son? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2660

Question No: 143
Is atheism acceptable behavior and personal freedom?
The answer:
Praise be to God, atheism is the denial of the existence of God Almighty, whether it is with adherence to another earthly religion such as Buddhism, or with abandonment of all other religions, and there is no doubt that atheism is one of the greatest disbelief, so how is it acceptable or acceptable, and an atheist fights his instinct that calls for him to acknowledge deity and deity, but it clashes His instincts, and the universe around him collides, which speaks great verses indicating the great qualities of the Almighty, of power, knowledge, wisdom, will and mercy, and whoever is this is deserving of worship, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2800
Question No: 144
Does Islam despise women?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam has honored women with a dignity that you do not find in any religion or society whose people do not adhere to the religion of Islam, and European women in our time dream of being a Muslim woman to obtain some of the rights that all women desire, and find them in this religion, and how it is not so, and it is a religion of God Worlds? If we look at the condition of women in other societies and civilizations before and after Islam, we can know the extent of what Islam brought. The Chinese used to neither marry nor look at the woman nor contact her in order to give preference to asceticism, and see her as the cause of every sin, and the Indians before Islam used to make women like goods. A man may lose his wife in gambling, and she will be the target of insults and insults, and if her husband dies, she becomes like a woman who does not marry, and sometimes a woman has several husbands, and she may burn herself after the death of her husband in order to avoid the torment of life and the misery of the world. Small for fear of shame or because of poverty, and they deprive her of her money and her inheritance, and after divorce or the death of the husband, she is confused by the possibility of marrying a husband that she agrees with, and bequeathed as the property or animal bequeath, and she considers a year in a lonely house, and does not touch water throughout that year, and as for the manifestations of the enslavement of women and their oppression among Persians and Romans So the phenomenon until now is better than it was in history, so what do the enemies of Islam revenge from it? Do they avenge him by preventing women from prostitution, fornication, taking betrayals, spreading immorality, and mixing of lineages? Or do they revenge him when the woman conceals her adorned from the eyes of non-mahram men and conceals her from them so that they will not be exposed to her, and she remains a woman for her husband only? Or do they revenge from her that she stays in her home with a dignified and honorable woman who serves her father and mother, unless she is married or in the service of her husband, and her breadwinner is the one who earns and supports her without forcing her to be exposed to mixing with men and exposure to work problems, while preserving her right to learn and work when needed with decency and chastity? Or do they avenge him that the woman in the inheritance in some matters has half that of the man who is responsible for spending money on the woman and her children, because he is in need of obtaining money from her? In addition to other forms of preserving women's rights in the smallest details that cannot be enumerated in the answer to this question, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: What has the world lost with the decline of Muslims (pp. 46, 53, 60).
Unified number: 2850
Question No .: 145
Do Muslims hate the Prophet of God Jesus?
The answer:
Praise be to God, it is not correct for a person to convert to Islam until he believes that Jesus - peace be upon him - is the servant of God and his Messenger, and it is not permissible in Islam to dislike a prophet among the prophets, including Jesus, and whoever hates it is disbelief, and Jesus is not a son of God Almighty, as the Christians claim, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed.
Unified number: 2880
Question No .: 146
Is Islam a racist religion that only concerns people with black skin?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, Islam is not, and the Muslims their religion is one, and their colors variety, not skin color standard in preference or in the legal provisions, but the lesson of piety, God Almighty said: (Aoaہa ٱlnas Verily Khalguenkm of male and female and Djalinkm peoples and Qubaٮl, Ye Oڪrmkm when Allah Otqٮkm Verily, Allah is Knowing expert) (closets: 13), and the Almighty said: (and ٱatsamua rope Allah are all not divided among yourselves and ٱzcarua enjoyed Allah be upon you as you were enemies and he joined your hearts Vosubhtm grace Akhoٲna and you were on the brink of ٱlnar with gratitude Mnہa Kzٲlk Allah shows you Ouaath that you may Tہtdon) (Al-Imran: 103), said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "O people, the Lord is one, and your Father one, not not preferred an Arab foreigner, nor Ajami on the Arab, nor red on black No black on red, except with piety. ”(Saheeh hadith narrated by Ahmad (23489)), reality is a third proof of this matter, and Islamic brotherhood is an introduction to tribal and ethnic racism, and may God bless us and grant peace to us..
Unified number: 2890
Question No: 147
Is Islam is the religion of the Arabs alone?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, Islam is not exclusively on one, but can it enters mankind and the jinn, Arabs and others, God Almighty said: (Aoaہa ٱlnas Verily Khalguenkm of male and female and Djalinkm peoples and Qubaٮl, Ye Oڪrmkm with Allah Otqٮkm, Allah is Knowing expert) (closets: 13), he said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "O people, the Lord is one, and your Father one, not not preferred an Arab foreigner, nor Ajami on the Arab, nor red on black, or black on red, but By piety. ”(Sahih Hadith narrated by Ahmad (23489)). God Almighty mentioned in his book The Common Message of the Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - so God Almighty said:“ No one sent you except for a scourge of people, 28 people: (And he did not send you except as a mercy for the two scholars) (Al-Anbiya ': 107). Today, Muslims in the world cannot be enumerated in their races and ethnicities. Of their many, praise be to God, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2900
Question # 148
Does Islam produce an illiterate, lethargic society?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam produced the heroes who brought down the states of Chosra and Caesar, and who conquered the land until they reached China, and conquered half of Europe, such as Khalid bin Al-Walid, Qutaiba bin Muslim, Tariq bin Ziyad, Ibn Abi Aamer al-Hajib and Muhammad al-Fatih, may God be pleased with them and have mercy on them, and it produced the scholars who On their knowledge and discoveries, the West built their contemporary civilization in various fields, but the adherence of some Muslims to their great religion was weak, so laziness occurred in them, and this is present in all nations, that some of them are active and some of them are lazy, and the spot of Islam is vast and not a religion specific to a race or sect, so society A Muslim is present in Asia, Africa, and Europe, and what he said - may God bless him and grant him peace -: “We are an illiterate nation, we do not write and we do not reckon” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (1913) and Muslim (1080). It is applied and applied to the illiterate before the learner, and Islam is not dependent on worldly sciences that a person learns, such as astronomy, medicine or arithmetic, and this is evidence of the ease of Islam, and the second: that the Arabs are an illiterate nation and not the Muslims, because many of them at the mission did not know how to read, write and arithmetic. It is good news The reality is not an urge to this quality, and God knows best, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2950

Question No: 149
Why is the testimony of a man equivalent to the testimony of two women?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, the Almighty said: (O those who believe, if Tdaantm debt for a name Vٱڪtboh and writes among you ڪatb Bٱladl and writer Yap to write ڪma knowledge of Allah Vlaڪtb and Imll ٱlzy him Assuredly, and whosoever fears Allah his Lord and not underestimate him Xia it was ٱlzy it Assuredly Sviha or weak or can not get tired is Vlimll les Bٱladl and ٱschہdoa Hہadan of Rjalڪm it were not two men since a man and ٱmrotan who are happy with the ٱlhہdae to go astray Ahdٮhma Vtzڪr Ahdٮhma ٱlokhry and Jaap ٱlhہdae if they called not Tzmoa to Tketboh small or ڪbera to him to that. premium on Allah and I For young people and less M stand not Tketboha and testify if Tbaiatm nor prejudiced writer and martyr if you do it debauch Bڪm and ٱtqgua Allah and Aalmڪm Allah and Allah Bڪl something Alim) (Al-Baqarah: 282), between the Almighty that the weakness of the mind of women and save them is a sign of not to adjust the certificate details, instead of preventing women Of martyrdom even though a person may be compelled; Therefore, this decrease was compensated for by an increase in the number, so the woman’s testimony was half of the man’s testimony, so the two women reminded one of the other. For fear that she will be lost, that is to be forgotten, and if we impose a woman with strong memory, this does not change the ruling. Because the rare has no judgment, and the intention is to control financial rights; Because what was previously mentioned is part of the verse of indebtedness, as for what is other than that, either it is specific to women, such as breastfeeding, then the testimony of a single woman is accepted, or it is not usually the concern of women, and their testimony about it is not accepted in the first place, such as marriage and blood, and it has a well-known detail in the books of science, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed.
Unified number: 2970
Question No .: 150
Was Uzair called as the son of God?
The answer:
Praise be to God, this is the belief of the Jews only, have lied in that it is not God Almighty was born and the father, says: (He said ٱlehud Uzair Son of Allah said ٱnasry ٱlchrist Son of Allah whomsoever saying Bovoٲham Eidahon say And Allah ڪfroa by the killing of Allah that I Aavڪon (30) ٱtakzu their rabbis and Rhpinhm lords besides Allah and ٱlchrist Son of Mary and ordered not to worship God and ٲhadda is no god but Sobhnh what Icherڪon) (repentance 30, 31), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2990

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:39 pm

Question No: 151
Is it really that women are more people of Hell?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, and your Lord does not oppress anyone, and women are the most dwellers of this world and most of the people of Heaven as well, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
See: Sahih Al-Bukhari (1462), Sahih Muslim (79 ).
Unified number: 3000
Question No .: 152
Did the Prophet Muhammad kill innocent Jews in his life?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if the questioner does not believe in the prophethood of our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - then it is said to him: The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not kill an innocent Jew, and the biography indicates that, and if he believes in the prophethood of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - then how is he envisioned? That a prophet would do that? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3020

Question # 153
What is the correct understanding of the hadith Al-Ghadeer?
The answer:
Thankfully, modern Ghadeer from Zayd ibn Arqam, may Allah be pleased with them, said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him one day in us orator with water called Khma between Mecca and Medina glorified God and praised him, and preaching said, and then said: "After, not O people, for he I preached about that the Messenger comes my Lord was told, and I am one who does not in you Tkulain: the first is the book of Allah the guidance and light, So take the book of God and Astmeskua him, "he urged the book of God and wanted it, and then said:" the people of my house of God remind you of the people of my house, I remind you of God in the people of my house, God remind you of the people of my house. Alice wives of his household? He said: His wives are among the people of his house, but the people of his house are the ones who were deprived of charity after him, he said: And who are they? He said: They are the family of Ali, the family of Aqil, the family of Jaafar, and the family of Abbas. He said: All of these are deprived of charity? He said: Yes. (Narrated by Muslim (2408)), clout the second are the people of the house, including the mothers of the believers, the Almighty said: (Ansae ٱllenby for Sten ڪohd of ٱlnsae that ٱtakitn not Tkhaddan Bٱlcol Vitma ٱlzy in his heart disease and said words of kindness (32) and a century in your houses and display yourselves overdress ٱljhlih ٱlooly and Oqmn ٱsaloh and Ouatin ٱlzڪoh and stab Allah and His Messenger, but wants Allah to go Anڪm ٱlrjs people ٱlbat and purify cleansing) (parties 32, 33), including Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him and his descendants, and Jaafar bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him And his descendants, and Al-Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib - may God be pleased with him - and his descendants, and this requires their love and reverence and more concern for them and their benefit as is possible, and it is not permissible to exaggerate them, neither belief nor worship, such as believing that they have something of the characteristics of the Lord of the worlds, and spending something of the acts of worship for them, may God’s prayers and peace be upon them. Against our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3050
Question No .: 154
What does a Muslim say in his prayer?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God Almighty said to Moses - peace be upon him -: (Indeed, I am Allah, there is no God but I am, so worship me and make the prayer of prayer, for the prayer is greater. That no one is greater than him, glory be to Him, and he says it when entering the prayer and when moving from corner to corner, reading the Qur’an when standing up, and praising in the state of kneeling and prostrating, and when rising from kneeling, he says: “God heard the one who praises Him, our Lord and you, praise.” And when sitting Between the two prostrations: “Lord, forgive me, Lord forgive me.” Among the remembrances of prayer is the tashahhud and the prayer upon the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in sitting, then the salutation, which is saying: “Peace be upon you and the mercy of God” upon completion of the prayer, and supplication in places such as Prostration and before submission, for there is nothing in prayer to speak with people, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3080
Question No .: 155
What is the prophetic way in dealing with people's mistakes?
The answer:
Praise be to God, every person is subject to error, and one of the characteristics of Islam is cooperation in goodness and advice to Muslims. Muslim to his Muslim brother made a mistake, he should steadies and make sure before abusing probably his brother, says: (Aoaہa those who believe ٱjtenboa many of ٱzn some ٱzn sin or spy nor backbite one another loves Ohdڪm that Aoڪl the flesh of his dead brother? ٱtqgua Allah, Allah Oft Rahim said (Al-Hujurat: 12), and this is what he did - may God bless him and grant him peace - in various situations. If a Muslim knows that his brother has made a mistake, then the prophetic approach is to advise him that indicates compassion and love. Jarir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, said: I pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - to establish prayer, pay zakat and advice to every Muslim. ”(Narrated by Al-Bukhari (57) and Muslim (56)). The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Religion is advice.” We said: To whom? He said: "Allah and His Book and His Messenger and the imams of the Muslims and their common folk" (Narrated by Muslim (55)), and not common that mistake among the people, the Almighty said: (The And Allah love to be common ٱlvhach in those who believe them a painful punishment in ٱldnia and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know) (An-Nur: 19). He - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “Whoever conceals a Muslim, God will cover him on the Day of Resurrection” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (2442) and Muslim (2580)) .This is on the whole, and some mistakes have a special ruling on how to deal with them. And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3100
Question No: 156
What is the difference between the doctrine of the Sunnis and the Shiites?
The answer:
Praise be to God, there is rarely agreement between the doctrine of the Rafidah and the belief of the Muslims, the people of the Sunnah and the Jamat, neither in terms of belief nor in terms of Sharia, for it is that they believe in the twelve imams that they act in the universe with their power to manage matters, and this is one of the characteristics of the Lord of the worlds, and most of them believe Distortion of the Noble Qur’an, which is the constitution of Islam and the words of the Lord of the worlds who have ensured its preservation, and they believe that God Almighty sent down books to those who took them as imams as it was revealed to the prophets of God Almighty, and they believe that the companions of the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - disbelief except for a small group, and they are the ones who transmitted the religion They accuse the mother of the believers Aisha - may God be pleased with her - and the Prophet's husband - may God bless him and grant him peace - of immorality, and God has absolved her of it, and in the rulings they perform pilgrimages to the najaf, and they do not see prayer or jihad until the infallible Imam who entered the basement comes out And he has not come out yet, which is the issue of backbiting, and they say: He entered the basement and has two, three or five years. And this is an orphan whose custody and preservation of his money must be done, and if he has reached seven years, he is commanded to pray, so whoever does not perform ablution or pray while he is under stone, if he is present, how is the imam of the people of the earth? And how the interest of the Imamate is lost with the length of ages? With their saying: If the earth remains without an imam, it will become old. So what is the benefit of a lost imam that does not exist in the notables, and they obligate the common people to pay one-fifth of their money to their masters, and they permit adultery in the name of pleasure, and they pummel themselves and injure them on the day of Ashura, so rejection is a null religion, what God has sent down of authority, and not from Islam in anything, and he prayed God and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Summary of the Methodology of Moderation by Al-Dhahabi, The Twelver Shi'a Beliefs Question and Answer by Abdul Rahman Al-Shathry.
Unified number: 3150

Question No: 157
How did Islam approach belief in Jesus - upon him be peace -?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Jesus - peace be upon him - is one of the greatest prophets of God Almighty, and he is the previous Prophet of our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - and it is not valid for a person to convert until he believes in the prophethood of Jesus - peace be upon him - and that he is the servant of God and His Messenger, and whoever believes that he is a god or part Among the gods, he is an infidel, and the Noble Qur’an explained the story of Mary and the story of Jesus in several surahs, the fractions of the family of Imran, Surat al-Ma’idah and Surat Maryam, and it came in the Sunnah in several hadiths, so what is stated in it is that God created Jesus with a miraculous verse, as he created him from a mother without a father, but rather He said to him: “Be.” So it was, and that he and his mother used to eat food, and that a sect believed in it and a group disbelieved. So God helped the believers over the unbelievers, and that he was not crucified, but was raised to the heavens, for he is alive and did not die in the second heaven, and that he will descend before the Day of Resurrection. He rules by Islam, and he breaks the cross and kills the pig and kills the antichrist, so he stays for forty years, then he dies and the Muslims pray for him, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3170
Question No: 158
What did the Prophet of God Jesus say about the Prophet Muhammad?
The answer:
Praise be to God, I have preached God's prophet Isa Allah exalt his mention of the prophets Muhammad peace be the seal of God be upon him, he says: (Taking Jesus the Son of Mary, said, built the Messenger of Allah I Asrٲel to you confirming the hands of ٱltorٮh and promising a Messenger comes after me ٱsmh Oh, so when he brought them with the clarification, she said, they said this is a clear bewitching) (Al-Saff: 6). The priest asked Christ, who is his successor, he said: "Mohammed is his name blessed, Ismail Abu-Arab dynasty", and in the other Gospels as well as Ksafar Deuteronomy and the Gospel of John and others, he says: (and Allah follow ٱlrcol ٱllenby ٱlomy ٱlzy they find written with them in ٱltorٮh and ٱlangel instruct them Bٱlmarov And he will spare them from the place where the goodness is, and the goodness shall be permissible for them. Put them Azarethm and ٱlogll ٱlty were they Vٱlven believe, by the Ezroh and Nasroh and ٱtbawa ٱlnor ٱlzy revealed with him Oolٮk are ٱmuflhon) (custom: 157), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: My great love for Christ - peace be upon him - led me to Islam, p. 169.
Unified number: 3190

Question No: 159
How did life begin?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God was and there was nothing other than Him, and He created the Throne and made it on water, then He created the Pen and the Preserved Tablet, and wrote what will be until the Day of Resurrection, then He created the creation, including the angels, and He created the heavens and the earth and Adam in six days. The dust of the earth and his dwelling in paradise, then he created her husband from it, brought them down to the earth, and human beings reproduced according to what is known, and the wisdom of that is to worship God Almighty alone. me that Khalguenkm in vain and that you are us shall not be returned) (believers: 115), and did not tell us the Almighty from the beginning of creation or objects he thought does not accept those who brought him, he said, glorified and exalted: (and they ٱlmlٮkh and Allah Abd Al ٱrahman Antha testify created them will be written Hhdtہm Wilson) (Zukhruf: 19), (the creation of Ohہdtہm heavens and the earth and create Onevsہm and what you ٱlmdilan maker, a support) (cave 51), and the blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3200

Question # 160
What is the wisdom of women wearing the veil?
The answer:
Praise be to God, what is required in Islam is to obey the command and avoid the prohibition even if a person does not know the wisdom. Because God is wise in everything that is prescribed and decreed, and God has created in both sexes the man and the woman inclination towards the other. So that marriage takes place, which is permissible engagement, and human offspring continue, and there is no doubt that showing a woman her charms is harmful to her. Because she will be exposed to immoral men, and it harms men who look at her, so there is no doubt that the veil is a safeguard for everyone, and a sign of a woman’s chastity, and a husband’s competence to know the good deeds of his wife without the people sharing with him, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3210

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:40 pm

Question No .: 161
Is wearing amulets polytheism?
The answer:
Praise be to God, amulets are a plural amulet, and it is called an amulet. Because they see that with it the eye is pushed, and it is a form of polytheism. The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “Ruqyah, ritual prayer, and the tulah is polytheism.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud (3883) and Ibn Majah (3530)). In it there was a supplication or supplication to someone other than God, and the polytheism mentioned in the hadith is a greater polytheism that brings out the sect if it is believed to be influential in itself, and it is smaller polytheism if it is believed that the motive for the eye is God Almighty, but the amulets are a reason Because the Sharia did not make it a reason to be protected by the eye, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: The useful saying on the Book of Tawheed 1 / 178-182.
Unified number: 3220

Question No: 162
Did the Qur’an not mention Jesus’s death and resurrection in Surat Maryam Verse No. 33?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, this has been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and the verse is the Almighty’s saying on the authority of Jesus - peace be upon him - that he said: (And peace be upon me: the day I was born, the day I would die, and the day that I will be sent alive) (Maryam, prayer and security: 33), In this citizen, which is when he was born, at his death, and upon his resurrection, the birth has occurred and has taken place. That is why he said: “I was born” meaning in the past, and he said: “I die” meaning in the future, and also “I will be resurrected”, and death and resurrection have not yet occurred to him Because it is alive in heaven, and will come down before the Day of Resurrection and then die, peace be upon him, God Almighty said: (as Allah said Ieisy I am causing the Ravek to Mtehrk of And Allah ڪfroa and Renderer And Allah thee above And Allah disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection and then to Marjaڪm Vohڪm among you In it you differ.) (Al-Imran: 55), and the meaning of tawfiyyah is the completion of his stay on earth, or the death of sleep. Says: (Allah dies ٱlonevs until her death and ٱlty have not been in Mnamha examining a ٱlty spent Aliہa ٱlmut and sends ٱlokhry to indefinitely if in whomsoever to Ait for those who reflect) (cliques: 42), said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "Do not play the time even come down in you, the son of Mary sentenced installments, break the cross and kill the pig and put the tribute, and flooding even money is not accepted by one "(Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2476) narrated and Muslim (155)), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3280
Question No: 163
Did the Qur’an not mention that Jesus is the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the Spirit of Him, which indicates the deity of Jesus?
The answer:
Praise be to God, meaning that Jesus - peace be upon him - is the word of God Almighty, meaning he was created by the Word of God. He said to him: “Be.” And it was, and the meaning of being a spirit from God, that is, he was created with the spirit that Gabriel - peace be upon him - breathed into Mary’s pocket - peace be upon her. No, as people are usually created, and this is evidence of his creation, and the created being is not a god, and if what was mentioned indicates the divinity of human beings, the Christians are obliged to say that his divinity is Adam, for he was created without a father or a mother, and God created him with his hand, and God Almighty has no beginning and no earth or land in it Heaven, and this is the quality of perfection that is not characteristic of a creature, so how can Jesus be a god? God Glorified said the Almighty: (Taking Allah Ieisy the Son of Mary Eont I said to the people ٱtakdhuny and my mother as gods besides Allah Sobhnk said what is for me to say what I have no right if you said you have taught him to learn what I do not know myself what in yourself you are aware of ٱgheiob (116) what I told them only what ordered me to do that ٱabdoa Allah is my Lord and your Lord, and you Aliہm Hہada as long as you Viہm when Toviny you are ٱlrguib Aliہm you on everything Hہad (117) the Tazbہm Vanہm slaves, and if you forgive them for you are ٱaziz ٱgam (Al-Ma'idah: 116-118), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3290

Question No: 164
What is the effect of Islam on a person's life, and what can I benefit from Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam brings true happiness to the human being in this world and the hereafter. One of the benefits that a person who enters into Islam finds is that he knows the purpose of life, which is the monotheism of God Almighty, knows the correct attitude towards the unseen, and is saved from false material beliefs, and knows what happens after death in detail, until Other than that of correcting beliefs, and worshiping God Almighty alone and escaping from destructive polytheism, and being spared from the harms that are forbidden, such as fornication, usury, eating pork and drinking wine, and guides to the proper dealings with others in sales, rent, marriage and districts, this is in this world, but in the hereafter he benefits immortality In Heaven and deliverance from Hellfire, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3320

Question No. 165
How can we combine the fact that Islam is the best of religions and the fact that Muslims are far from honesty and seriousness, and even immersed in the paths of fraud, bribery and drug use?
The answer:
Praise be to God, most people in the world avoid alcohol, drugs, bribery and deceit Muslims, and all of this is one of the fruits of Islam, but if we accept the validity of the aforementioned in the question, the answer is: First: The reprehensible morals mentioned are present in all religions and religions, so how to combine that with those religions’s call for morality Virtuous? Second: What needs to be collected when a conflict arises in the minds is the contradiction between the two contradictory things, such as the action of a person who contradicts his saying, and with the difference of the source does not contradict, such as the action of a person and the saying of another person, and if it is known that Islam is the law of God and His command, and that the actions of creation are all attributed to them and they are They are held accountable, so do not oppose it until the gathering is requested. Third: The Muslims whom you described know that what they have fallen into is a mistake on their own, and they do not claim that Islam commanded them to do so, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 40

Question No .: 166
Is it true that all Arabs are Muslims and that all Muslims are Arabs?
The answer:
Praise be to God. It is not true. Among the Arabs are those who are not Muslims, and Islam is broader than Arabic. Muslims are of all races and countries of the jinn and mankind. The Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - said: “The Prophet used to be sent privately to his people, and I sent to the people in general.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari (335) and Muslim (521).
Unified number: 290

Question No: 167
Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - was the founder of the religion of Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam is a religion from God Almighty, and Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - is a messenger prophet, and he is the one who speaks about God - may He be glorified and exalted -. Wrong, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 300

Question No. 168
How do I invite or convince a criminal of the ugliness of theft?
The answer:
Praise be to God, among the means of persuading the ugliness of theft are the following: First: By calling for faith and monotheism, the light of faith corrects perceptions and convictions, and straightens behavior. Second: By being told, would you like thieves to steal your money from you if you have money? If it is a good thing, then you should wish it for yourself and be satisfied with it. Third: It is said to him: Why do people, their believers and infidels, fight thieves and criminals and pursue and imprison them if the theft is an honorable and beautiful thing? There is no doubt that theft is a crime in the Shari'ah and with reason, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 380

Question No: 169
Why do Muslims bury their dead instead of burning them?
The answer:
Praise be to God, burial is a tribute to the dead and respect for him, preservation of his body from lions and dogs and the like, and protection for the living from harm by the smell of corpses. As for cremation, it is an insult to the dead and pessimism about his fate to the fire of Hell, and in it mourning for his family and loved ones living, and burial is most of the actions of the people of the earth of the owners of the sublime boredom. And the ground, and only some of the pagans disagreed in that, so it is more correct for the question to be turned and directed to them, so it is said to them: Why do you burn your dead? And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 650
Question number: 170
Why do Muslims use the name of Emperor Akbar when inviting people to pray?
The answer:
Praise be to God, this translation is not correct. Muslims say: God is great, and God is the Lord, the truly worshiped God, and it is one of the remembrances that are said during prayer and outside prayer, and the Muslim feels when he says that God Almighty is greater than everything, so his heart becomes attached to the supplication and the hope in Him alone He has no partner, and his heart becomes attached to him when fear and affliction alone, he has no partner, and he directs his verbal and actual rituals to him alone, without a partner. Because he realized in his heart what he said in his tongue that there is no greater than him alone, he has no partner, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 670

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:42 pm

Question No: 171

How did Muhammad become a prophet sent by God?

The answer:

Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul-Muttalib - may God bless him and grant him peace - is the last of the prophets, and his prophethood has been proven just as the prophethood of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and the rest of the prophets - may God bless them and grant them peace - was proven by revelation from God - may God bless them and see the signs of prophethood. And scholars, both Jews and Christians, were waiting after Jesus, the Prophet of the End of Times. Because it is something fixed in their books, but when the prophets after Abraham - upon him be peace - were all descendants of Israel, and he is Jacob - upon him be peace - the Jews thought that the final prophet would be so. When God sent him from the sons of Ismael ibn Ibrahim - upon him be peace - which is Muhammad ibn Abdullah and the attributes in their books that they envied and disbelieved in him were applied to him, and only a few believed in him, with the testimony of many of them of his prophethood, and then the miracles were varied on his hand - may God bless him and grant him peace -, and his religion continued to exist and spread throughout these centuries, and this is another sign of His prophethood, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 710


Question No: 172

Do I have to change my name if I convert to Islam?

The answer:

Praise be to God, if your name is sound from a violation of the Sharia, then you do not have to change it, and if it is a violation of the Sharia, it must be changed..

Unified number: 950


Question No: 173

Do I have to perform the prayer in Arabic when I convert to Islam, or can it be performed in English?

The answer:

Praise be to God, you must learn Surat Al-Fatihah in Arabic, and the takbeer, praises, greetings, and Abrahamic prayers in Arabic, and it is not correct to pray in English. Because these matters are arresting, and the translation does not take its place in dhikr, but you can learn its meanings in English, and you can pray in English inside and outside prayer, as well as all other languages, so if the time for prayer is too short, then you can say the dhikr in your language without the Qur’an so that you learn, and if you pray before Learning while he is able to repeat the prayer after learning, but if he is unable to complete all of Al-Fatihah and is able to do some of them, he repeats what he can as much as Surat Al-Fatihah, and if he is unable to do it and is able to perform another surah, then he repeats it as much as Surat Al-Fatihah, and if he is unable to memorize something from the Qur’an and is able to recite the dhikr He brings the remembrances that he makes good, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 970


Question No: 174

I know that Islam is the true religion, but I find it difficult to leave the religion that I grew up in even though I did not really believe in it.

The answer:

Praise be to God, this knowledge is the first step for guidance, God willing, but it is not beneficial if the entrance into Islam does not bear fruit, and our advice to you is the following: First, direct your heart to God Almighty, Lord of the Worlds, and ask him to explain your destiny if you die before entering In Islam, this difficulty and difficulty in making a decision is not comparable to the difficulty that a person will encounter after his death if he turns away from Islam, and the rational person is the one who thinks about the consequences. Third, meditate and identify the matter that is difficult for you and that prevents you from entering Islam, and look for a solution for it. Fourth, change the society that you Around you as much as possible to make it easier for you, God willing, to make the right decision, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 990


Question No: 175

Can I convert to Islam even though my husband did not enter it?

The answer:

Praise be to God, yes, you must convert to Islam; Because no one escapes except for that, and we advise you to invite your husband to Islam also, and if you became Muslim before him, he should not close you for a period of three menstruation, or if the menstruation was interrupted for three months..

Unified number: 1030


Question No. 176

According to the Islamic belief, my non-Muslim family does not enter Heaven in the hereafter, is this correct?

The answer:

Thankfully, if your family says, who dies of them other than Islam does not enter Paradise in the Hereafter, Allah Almighty said: (I And Allah ڪfr said, Allah is ٱlchrist Son of Mary, said ٱlchrist built Asrٲel ٱabdoa Allah, my Lord and Rbڪm It engages Bٱllah has campus Allah it ٱganh and Mooٮh ٱlnar and the Zlim supporters) (table 72), said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, "and that that paradise does not enter only the same Muslim" (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6528) and Muslim (221)), while Whoever did not hear anything from them about Islam and commanded it to God Almighty, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 1050


Question No. 177

Do Muslims believe in the doctrine of original sin?

The answer:

Praise be to God, the doctrine of sin is that every person bears the sin of his father Adam, and its effect appears in a person’s inclination to desire or to evil, and there is no such thing in Islam, and this belief is false among Muslims, and contradicts God Almighty’s saying: do not earn the same ڪl only Aliہa no bearer of burden of another and then to your Lord as your return Venbikm you in which you disagree) (cattle: 164), and my father may Allah be pleased with him Rmth said: I and my father set off to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, when he we were in some way Vgaynah said to me, Dad: O my son, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: I think that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, is not like people, if a man has an abundance, and by deterring henna, it Bardan Green, he said: As if I look at his legs, he said: He said to my father: “Who is this with you?” He said: This is God, my son, he said: He laughed the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, NATO Dad, and then said: "ratified, but you do not earn it, and do not reap you," he said, followed the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: ( No bearer of burdens shall bear another's burden). (Narrated by Abu Dawood (4207), Al-Nasa’i (4832) and Ahmad (7114)), and it is a good hadith, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..

Unified number: 1160


Question No: 178

What is Sharia? And if Muslims want to live under this system, why don't they live in a Muslim country?

The answer:

Praise be to God, Sharia is the religion of Islam that includes organizing the relationship of a servant with his Lord, himself and others, and the questioner's saying: If Muslims want to live under this system, why do they not live in a Muslim country? A strange question, because Muslims live in Muslim countries, and whoever becomes Muslim from them while he is in a non-Muslim country, if he cannot apply the Sharia on himself, he must move to the country in which he is able to work with Islam, and the application of Sharia is in two things: First: The application of Sharia by Muslim individuals, By complying with its rulings within themselves, so he performs the acts of worship required of him, such as prayer, alms-zakat and fasting, and avoids forbidden things, such as eating pork and drinking wine, and adopting the etiquette of Islam, and this is what every Muslim does anywhere, so forbidden things he avoids absolutely except when necessary, and the duties he does according to ability, and the second: the application of rulings General Sharia, such as setting up punishments, fighting the infidels, collecting and distributing zakat, for this is addressed to the Muslim Sultan, and individuals are not required to establish it in the minorities in which they live, and it is known that immigration is obligatory for those who cannot reveal their religion in the countries of the infidels. The wrong people of themselves said, “Why have you been weak in the land” and said, “Was there not a land of God?” Ooٮhm Hell (97) only ٱlmstdafeen of ٱlrjal and ٱlnsae and ٱloldٲn can not trick or Aہtdon way (98) Voolٮk Perhaps Allah to forgive Anہm and Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving) (women: 97-99), and demanding fluid transfer of Muslims to an Islamic state in which the discussion From two aspects: The first: Why is this specific to Muslims, as there are many religions in many countries, so does he want the infidels to move to their countries as well? And the infidels who in Islamic countries are expelled to their countries as well? What is the benefit from that, and does he have anything in his possession of public decisions? The second: that the land is inherited by God whoever he wants from among his servants. At all times, whoever is on the true religion that God Almighty accepts, he is more entitled to any part of the earth than others, and his conquest is called jihad and his mastery of a land of conquest, and whoever does not have that capacity is called an aggression and enables him to occupy the takeover, God Almighty said: (Moses said to his people ٱstainwa Bٱllah and ٱsberoa the earth, God bequeath he wills of His slaves and ٱlakbh for the righteous) (custom: 128), said the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him: "Enkerkm out on that what we want" (Narrated Al-Bukhari (2335) and Muslim (1551)), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 1270


Question No: 179

What is the position of Islam towards other religions and minorities?

The answer:

Praise be to God, it is not valid for a person to convert to Islam until he believes that truth is limited to Islam, and that all other religions are invalid. Almighty: (no compulsion in ٱlden ٱrashd has shown ٱlgy it atone Bٱltgot believes Bٱllah has ٱsthompsk Bٱeroh ٱlothagy not ٱnfsam them; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing) (Al-Baqarah: 256), and the Almighty said: (The ٱlden with Allah ٱlaslm and ٱchtlv and Allah were given ٱketb only after what came to them ٱlalm prostitute themselves and atone bytes Allah, the Allah fast ٱlhassab) (Al-Imran: 19), and the Almighty said: (Say Aoaہa ٱlڪvron (1) do not worship what you worship (2) and you Abdoun what I worship (3) and I Abid What I worship (4) And yet you worship what I serve (5) to you ۡ your religion and to religion (6))

) (The unbelievers: 1-6 ). As for the Muslim’s stance towards non-Muslim minorities, dealing with them without violating a Shari’a ruling is permissible, with innocence of their religion on the one hand, and not wronging them on the other hand, and whoever attributes to Islam his offense to non-Muslim minorities is a distortion of enemies and a clash of history. And in reality, God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 1300


Question No: 180

Why is the Prophet Muhammad called the last of the prophets?

The answer:

Praise be to God, our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - the last of the Prophets and Messengers, that is, the last of the Prophets and Messengers. Because there is no prophet after him until the Day of Resurrection, so whoever claims prophethood after him is a liar, and this is known in the previous laws that the Prophet who will appear after Jesus, peace be upon him, is the last Prophet, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.

Unified number: 1470

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:44 pm

Question No. 181
How do I explain to my friends Islam that Muslims are compassionate?
The answer:
Praise be to God, this is evidenced by learning from the correct sources, from the Qur’an, the Sunnah and the Prophet’s biography, learning about the principles, rulings and benefits of Islam, and on the history of Islam and Muslims from its reliable sources, and by conveying that in appropriate ways to your friends, then by getting to know the true Muslims in their Islam, and introducing your friends to them. Adhering to Islam achieves compassion, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Seen: Misconceptions about Islam by Memory of Nike
. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ij2ifshu_E4
Unified number: 1480

Question No: 182
Why is the Qur’an considered a linguistic miracle?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Noble Qur’an was revealed in the Arabic language, which is the broadest language in terms of vocabulary, expansion of compositions and many styles, and since the Noble Qur’an the word of God Almighty was undoubtedly superior to human words, and the inability of mankind to do the same with the Qur’an challenging them, for their inability to do so despite an attempt Some of them, and this is only understood by those who have studied the Book of God Almighty closely, and the discussion narrated that the owners of al-Kindi told him: O wise man, do such a Qur’an for us. He said: Yes, I do the same. He hid for many days and then went out and said: (By God, I cannot and cannot stand this one, because I opened the Qur’an and came out Surat al-Ma’idah, and looked, and if it had uttered loyalty and forbade fornication, and analyzed a general analysis, then made an exception after an exception, then told about his ability and wisdom in Two lines, and no one is able to do this except on the executioners), and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Tafsir al-Qurtubi 6 / 31-32.
Unified number: 1490

Question No. 183
Why do some Muslims blow themselves up?
The answer:
Praise be to Allah, Islam does not allow suicide, Allah Almighty said: (O those who believe, not Toڪloa Omoٲlkm Banڪm Bٱbatl can only be wreaks by mutual consent of you do not kill yourselves, Allah the Merciful (29) Whoever does whomsoever Tٲna and unjustly will blades fire and ڪan whomsoever The Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “Whoever kills himself with something will be tormented on the day and from the day of standing up, Muslims do so” (1363). Narrated by Muslim. (1363) With the intention of killing the enemies, first: it is not permissible to do them; Because he begins killing himself by himself, and because he is certain that his soul has been lost and is not certain of influencing the enemy, and he increases in sin when he blows himself up to kill the infallible blood, such as institutes, children or women, and secondly: that those who do that see that the suicide that we are forbidden is caused by lack of patience with predestination. Painful, and in any case, it is better for him not to proceed with killing himself, and the person should not make these situations a reason preventing him from Islam. Because there is no excuse for that, for a person is held accountable for his actions, and the disbelief that he is for is greater and more heinous than blowing up the soul, and he will not find a religion on earth unless there are people who do actions that repel that religion if every religion is linked to its people, and it may not be that religion or the rest his family recognize those acts, the Almighty said: (We sent before thee ٱlmrslin they to eat ٱltaam and walking in ٱlosoaq and made us Bedڪm some affliction Otsberon and ڪan Lord Seer) (Criterion: 20), and the Almighty said: (Say I change Allah i want Lord, He is the Lord of all things earn the same ڪl only Aliہa no bearer of burden of another and then to your Lord as your return Venbikm you in which you disagree) (cattle: 164), God's blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1530
Question No .: 184
Can a Muslim participate in the army of a non-Muslim country?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Permanent Committee has issued a fatwa stating that it is not permissible for a Muslim to work in military factories for the infidels, or to participate in what strengthens them, or to join their armies. Because this kind of Mwalathm, God Almighty says: (Do not ٱlmamnon take disbelievers parents without the believers and who does whomsoever it is not Allah in anything but the piety of them Tqٮh and Ihdhirڪm Allah himself to Allah ٱlmasir) (Al-Imran: 28), and the Almighty says: (Aoaہa those who believe, do not take ٱlaہod and ٱnasry parents Bedہm parents some of you, it turns Mnہm, Allah guides not ٱlqom wrongdoers) (table 51), and the verses in this sense many, fear on this business works to reach its case to further the infidels full loyalty, becomes in Aadadhm and he does not feel, applies the words of God: (Aoaہa those who believe, do not take ٱlaہod and ٱnasry parents Bedہm parents some of you, it turns Mnہm, Allah guides not ٱlqom wrongdoers) (table 51), and the Almighty said: (to Take a ٱlmamnon disbelievers without parents and the believers do whomsoever it is not Allah in anything but that of them Tqٮh piety and Ihdhirڪm Allah himself to Allah ٱlmasir) (Al-Imran: 28), verse, blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Fatwas of the Standing Committee, Second Group 1 / 459-469.
Unified number: 1540
Question No: 185
Is it true that the Prophet Muhammad had slaves and slaves?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - had slaves and slaves, as well as to Dawad and Solomon - upon them be peace - and to other prophets, and even other people from among the rest of the people who had slaves and slaves, and there is no reason or sharia forbidden in that without a doubt, and there is no doubt. That it was a good and an honor for those slaves and slaves to be in the possession of the prophets, and slavery and slavery is an ancient matter that precedes Islam, and yet Islam dealt with it with mediocrity and complete fairness, removing its evils and preserving what is good in it, first narrowing its causes, slavery is a trace of captivity, Our Lord Almighty families were prevented at the beginning of the battle with the infidels, but after the superiority in the battle, the Almighty said: (what was the prophet to have prisoners until thickens in the earth, you want to display ٱldnia and Allah wants the Hereafter; and Allah is Mighty, wise) (Anfal: 67), Secondly: He has refined his companions, and if the prisoner becomes slave, Islam obliges his owner to deal with him well, and the obligation to spend on him. He - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “Feed them from what they eat, and dress them.” He should close his door, so he made the emancipation of the king an expiation in many matters, such as wrongful killing, penance for oaths, prohibitions for Ihram, zihar, and intercourse during the day in Ramadan. He and peace be upon him-: “Whoever emancipates a Muslim woman’s neck, and they are released by God with every member from the fire, until the vagina of Al-Tadhari and Al-Tadhari.” (1509). Mr., writing that the slave works and leads to his master installments aged in most recently, Sasa said peace be upon him: "Whoever freed a portion of his slave, was his money with a value based upon the value of justice and freed from his money, otherwise it ransoming From it ”(Narrated by Al-Bukhari (2553) and Muslim (1501)), and seventh: If there was no slavery, it would have required the loss of women, children, and helpless children whose relatives were killed in battle. Instead of leaving them to death, immorality, or thieves, they moved to an owner to spend on him. M and take care of them, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1600
Question No .: 186
How does Islam view the elderly?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam urges the great Muslim to reverence and respect him, and to present him in honor and speech, and to speak well with him, and if helping a person to carry his belongings or helping him to ride on his ride or its significance on the road or so on is a certain desirable thing, then it is in the right of the old one is certain, and if it is great parents hath more right to his children, (your Lord and spent not none but him and Bٱloٲlden take good either they reach you have ٱlڪbr one or both do not say to them, F and Tnہarhama say two words ڪrama (23) and ٱkhvd them the wing ٱlzl of ٱrahmh and say the Lord ٱrahmanma as none small) (Al-Israa: 23, 24), and Islam did not prevent benevolence to non-Muslims and their righteousness, including kindness towards the elderly among them, and it is possible to know the fate of the elderly in Islam by comparing their conditions and what they are exposed to in terms of loneliness and depression in non-Islamic Western societies. We prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 1840
Question No. 187
What is Islam's position on the implementation of the rite of circumcision?
The answer:
Praise be to God. As for circumcision of a male child, it is obligatory, but for a newborn girl, it is neither obligatory nor forbidden, and when calling the infidels to Islam, if that detracts him from entering Islam, then Islam and worship is valid for those who are not circumcised, and after Islam has settled in his heart, he feels the legitimacy of circumcision, and he prays God and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
See: Fatwas of the Standing Committee, First Group 5/132, 136.
Unified number: 1930
Question No: 188
How does Islam treat non-Muslims?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam is the religion of mercy and justice. The Almighty said: (And what He sent to you was nothing but a mercy for the scholars) (Al-Anbiya’s: 107), and this mercy includes all kinds of unbelievers, so the infidels were of three types, the first: the infidel or the one who fights them. Islam is merciful to them, and in the most severe cases against them, which is fighting, Islam forbids torture or mutilation of their bodies or killing women and elders who did not fight or killing children and the like, in addition to other examples, and the second: the dhimmi, who is an infidel who abides by the rulings of Muslims while he remains on His debt is in return for a tribute that he pays annually, and if they were exposed to a fight, Muslims must protect them, and whoever grows old and is unable to work, the tax is forfeited while his rights remain on Muslims, until many of the infidels wished to be in the custody of Muslims instead of living in their country, they would not find them. One of the difference between good treatment of Muslims and injustice, persecution and mistreatment of their own people, and this does not mean generalization, and the third types of infidels: the trustee and institutes, and the trustee is someone who entered Muslim countries safely, and institutes are those who are between his country and the countries of touch Of Maine peace, and they are also not exposed them ill until their reign ends or their safety, he says for the second and third types: (not Anhٮkm Allah for And Allah did not Aguetlokm in ٱlden did not drive you out of Deirkm dealing kindly and justly Alaہm, Allah loves ٱlmkstin) (Mumtahinah: And Islam, when it enjoins justice in dealing with the unbeliever, we find it also forbids the infidel to assume and love him and venerate him absolutely, so when the need to venerate him is restricted to his people, he is not great with God Almighty or Muslims, and that does not lead them to his oppression, the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace. upon him to Hercules the following message: "In the name of God the Merciful, from Muhammad Abd Allah and His Messenger to Hercules great Roman: peace be upon those who follow guidance, but after, I invite you propaganda of Islam, Aslam received, Aatk God reward twice, the I took the sin on you Arisenites and (Say: O People of the Book, come to a common word between us and you ... the verse) "(Narrated by Al-Steam J (7) and Muslim (1733)), and Abdullah bin Rawahah, may God be pleased with him, sent to the Jews of Khubar to save their dates, so they gathered for him some of their women's jewelry, and they said: This is yours, and he eased us and went over the oath. may Allah be pleased with him: "O Jews, God, you who hates God created me, and that holders that Ohev you, either bribery of what you presented it haraam and I do not eat." So they said, The heavens and the earth are risen. (Narrated by Ahmad (14953) and Al-Bayhaqi (4/206)). The rulings of the infidels have other details, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 1970

Question No: 189
Should a Muslim change his name if it has a bad meaning?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, and the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - changed the names of the Companions. For this reason, like Abd al-Kaaba, Abd al-Rahman made him disobedient, made it beautiful, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2010
Question No: 190
What are the husband's rights over his wife and the wife's rights over her husband?
The answer:
Praise be to God, marriage is a definite covenant, and both husband and wife must respect this contract and fulfill the legal duty upon it, and among the benefits of that is that their lives are stable. the word of God, and to you they should not Aotin anyone Frckm whom you dislike, it did so Vadharboehn beat is excruciating, and for them you a living and Ksuten the Promotion of Virtue "(Narrated by Muslim, 1218), he said:" Otamohn which you eat and Aksuhen than Tkedzon and Tdharboehn not Tqbhohn "(modern Hasan, it was narrated by Abu Dawood (2144) and Al-Nasa’i in Al-Kubra (9106), so the husband has to spend on his wife according to custom, providing her with food, drink, housing and clothing and gives her the right to have sex in bed, and not offend her or oppress her, even if he has more than one wife. He must be fair between them, and the wife must obey her husband in not disobeying God Almighty, and she should do the household affairs with kindness, such as cooking, sweeping, and so on. They, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2030

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:46 pm

Question No .: 191
Can a Muslim marry a Christian woman?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, it is permissible for a Muslim to marry a Christian woman if she is chaste, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2040
Question No: 192
Is it permissible to sell forbidden things such as alcohol to non-Muslims?
The answer:
Praise be to God, this is not permissible..
Unified number: 2060
Question No .: 193
Were the heavens and the earth created in six days or eight?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God created them in six days. God Almighty said: (And He created us: the peace and the earth, the earth, and what is between them in six days. And Yunus, Hood, Al-Furqan, Sajdah, and Iron, and he has wisdom and test in that, and if he wanted to create it in the blink of an eye, he would do. Because he says the thing, Be, (no God but is ٱlhy ٱgayoom do not take one year and not sleeping him what in the heavens and the earth, of a ٱlzy intercede with Him except with his permission knows what is between them and behind them and surround something of his knowledge, but he wishes expanded his chair heavens and the earth and Yudh saved a ٱlaly ٱlazim) (Baqarah: 255), which does not shove it so, and detail these days came in the verse: (Say Oٮnkm to disbelieve Bٱlzy create the earth, in two days and equals with him whomsoever Lord ٱlalim (9 ) and make Roٲsy of the above abide. pools and much abide. Oqoٲtہa in four abide. days for both Saٮlin (10) and then ٱstoy to ٱsamae a smoke, and said it and the land ٱitaa voluntarily or involuntarily saying come Taٮaan (11) Vqdٮhn seven cm Watt in two days and inspired in each heaven its Zena ٱsamae ٱldnia Bmsbih and preserved whomsoever estimate ٱaziz ٱ'er) (separated: 9-12), she recalled the first verse that the creation of the earth was in two days, and in the second verse tell about the total days with regard to the land of the creation and appreciation What it has to do, and it is four days, of which two are the creation of the earth, according to the meaning of the first verse, so it means (in four days) in the fullness of four days, and in the last verse that the creation of the heavens is in two days, and the total is six days, as in the other verses, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammed.
Unified number: 2090
Question No. 194
What is the treatment of waswasah in matters of monotheism?
The answer:
Praise be to God. The waswasah in tawheed is dealt with, among other things: cessation and ending, meaning not to be indulgent with this waswas, but rather to occupy himself with something else, and to blow on the left side three times, and to say: “I seek refuge in God from the evil Satan and the righteous man.” And read the following verse: (It is Allah. And the conscience and the interior are all knowledgeable) (Al-Hadid: 3), and read Surat Al-Ikhlas, and he says: “I believed in God,” or “I believed in God and His messengers,” or “We have faith in God, peace be upon him.”.
Unified number: 2100

Question No: 195
What has God prepared for a woman in Heaven?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God has prepared for a woman an example that He has prepared for a man in everything except Al-Houris. She has only one husband in Paradise, and God knows best, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2120
Question No: 196
What is the concept of reprehensible terrorism?
The answer:
Praise be to God, terrorism in our time is an unedited term, by which many countries that use it want to affix this description to everyone who contradicts it and want to take revenge on it. As for the blameworthy terrorism in Islam, it is the killing of innocents who are not permitted to be killed in Islam, including Muslims and infidels who are treaty or trustworthy and destroy their buildings And similar forms of corruption, this is not permitted by Islam, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2130
Question No. 197
Who is the forbidden person that a woman can take off her hijab in front of him?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the incest for whom it is permissible for a woman to uncover her head and neck and her arms with the hands and the lower legs with the feet are the father, the son, the brother, the nephew, the nephew, the uncle and the maternal uncle, the father of the husband and the son of the husband..
Unified number: 2150
Question No. 198
How can a Shiite be among the Sunnis?
The answer:
Praise be to God, anyone can enter the doctrine of the Sunnis, and if he is from the Twelver Shiites or Isma'ilis, then he enters the doctrine of the Sunnis with the belief in God, his angels, his books, and his messengers, and the Last Day and fate is good and bad, and with the testimony that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and believes its meaning It comes under its conditions, that the owner and creator of the universe is God alone, and no one else is worshiped, and that the Companions - may God be pleased with them - are the best of creation after the prophets, and that the best of them is Abu Bakr, then Umar, then Othman, then Ali - may God be pleased with them - with the love of the Ahl al-Bayt. And not to exaggerate in them, and that the wives of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - are from the family of the household, and he learns the details of his religion from reliable and esteemed sources, and he disavows the beliefs of the sect that she was in. And may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2170
Question No. 199
Does Islam view men and women equal in reward and punishment?
The answer:
Thankfully, the male and female are equal in reward and punishment, and God knows, the Almighty said: (Vٱstjab them with their Lord, I do not take the work of the work of you male or female from one another Vٱlven emigrated and were driven from their monastery and traumatized in Sapele and killed and killed the Okfrn Anہm Saatہm and Odechlnhm Gent take place from Tanہa ٱlonehr reward is from Allah, and Allah has good ٱltwab) (Al-Imran: 195), (work Salha of Zڪr or female whosoever believes in Haywah good and recompense them reward the best of what ڪanwa are working) (bees: 97), God's blessings and peace on We prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2200
Question No: 200
How does a Muslim protect himself from envy?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the Muslim protects himself from envy - in the sense of the eye - by preserving the dhikr, including the morning and evening remembrances, sleep remembrance and the absolute dhikr of praise, praise, cheerleading and takbir, in addition to preserving the obligatory duties and superfluous and reading the Qur’an, and leaving excessive adornment of self, money and the child, and avoiding boasting about them and too much Talking about it among people, and a person may afflict himself with the eye when he does not know, so he must remember God if he sees something he likes. As for the envy of evil souls who hate the occurrence of good to others, this only harms himself, and God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2220

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:48 pm

Question No. 201
Did God Almighty mention the five prayers in the Qur’an?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, God Almighty said: (I do ٱsaloh Hell. ٱchamms to the twilight ٱlal and Qur'an ٱlfjr The Qur'an ٱlfjr was Mhہoda) (Isra: 78), and Aldlok meridian, which is at noon, and the darkness of the night darkness, a dinner time, he gathered between prayers converged By mentioning the beginning and end of it, and the sympathy for it alone, which is the Fajr prayer. Because between dinner and dawn and between dawn and noon spaced in temperate places times, and detail the exact these prayers in the Sunnah, the time of the Almighty: (Bٱlpint and ٱzubr said, and sent down to you ٱlzڪr to show people what came down Alaہm and perhaps they may reflect) (bees: 44), God's blessings and peace Against our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2240

Question No. 202
What should a Muslim do if he wants to have intercourse with his wife?
The answer:
Praise be to God, he must make sure that she is safe from menstruation, and avoid penetration of the vagina, and it is desirable for him to say before intercourse: “In the name of God, God spared us Satan, and spared Satan (14). God is not mentioned during intercourse, and it is desirable for him to intend an intention to be rewarded, such as the intention to fortify himself, chastise his wife and collect offspring with which Muslims may multiply and seek to reform them, because with this heart intention increases his reward for doing this permissible matter, and the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said of intercourse The wife: “One of the examples of your deeds is Eiyan al-Hallal” (Narrated by Ahmad (18027) with a good chain of narrators, and he is concealed from people, and he does not hasten before she relieves her needs..
See: Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudama 10/231.
Unified number: 2250
Question No. 203
How do I serve Islam?
The answer:
Praise be to God, with the correct adherence to Islam and steadfastness in it and the call to Him as much as you can and your knowledge, and start with the closest, and do not despise the good deeds even if it is little, and in the service of Islam it is not necessary for fame and knowledge of people to serve you for Islam, but what is necessary is sincerity of the intention of God - glorified and exalted - and that your work be based on Know, and may God bless our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2270
Question No: 204
Why has Islam prohibited yoga?
The answer:
Praise be to God. Yoga or yoga is a Hindu worship, which means connection with the universe and union with God Almighty about what they say, and if it appears to the questioner that it is just a sport, it is not so. Therefore, they had certain conditions that symbolize prostration to the sun, and they are done at certain times, which are the times of that worship, which are at sunrise and sunset, and are accompanied by expressions of shirk, and worship in Islam is a pure right to God Almighty, so it is not permissible to spend it on others, and it is not permissible to like someone who spends anything from Worship other than God in that act of worship, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2320
Question No: 205
How does a Muslim pray and fast in his country where the night or day lasts longer than usual?
The answer:
Praise be to God. As for fasting, if a night and day passes over twenty-four hours during the days of Ramadan, he must fast the day, and if it is prolonged according to his ability. If a reason is presented to him for breaking the fast on one of those days, such as extreme hardship, then he may break his fast, and if he is unable to fast in the first place. He breaks his fast, and there is no objection to delaying making up for a time when the day is short before the next Ramadan, but if no day and night passes over it in a single day, but the day lasts more than twenty-four hours, then he fasts the number of hours of the day in the nearest country in which there is a day and night, and it starts at a time. Dawn breaks out in that country, and one of the purposes of fasting is to cultivate souls and attain piety. If a person invokes this, then he feels the pleasure of patience in fasting to please God Almighty, and he invokes the great reward that God writes for the fasting person. Night and day within twenty-four hours, the times of the prayers are known, even if they are far apart, so he prays the dawn when it rises, the noon when the sun passes, the afternoon at the fate of the shadow of everything like it, the sunset at sunset and the dinner at the sunset of the red twilight, even if we assume that he is unable to know anything who is this At times, he is able to do it, and he does not pray until he thinks the time has come over. Because prayer before the time is not valid in any case, but it is valid after the time has passed, and if no day or night passes over it in a single day, then it does as it did in fasting, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2380

Question No. 206
Why does Cain bear the burden of anyone who committed the murder after him?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - indicated that it is so. Because the crime of murder was not known in mankind before Cain, the Messenger of God - may God bless him and grant him peace - said: “No unjust person shall be killed unless it is upon Ibn Adam the first one who had a surety from its blood” (3377) because it is safe for him. )), And the meaning is that the example is preceded by the action, so whoever did a good that he had not previously done or revived it in a place in which that good was not done, he would have equal wages for the one who did that good after him, and likewise the evil, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2390

Question No. 207
What is meant by the seven heavens?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the seven heavens are the roof of creatures, we see and reason the lower sky close to us, which is the ceiling of creatures on the earth, and the heavens above them from the heavens, each sky is a roof that is below it, and their number is seven corresponding heavens, one on top of each other, full of angels, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2500
Question No: 208
Is the digital miracle of the Qur’an a hoax and a heresy?
The answer:
Praise be to God, the numerical miracle or numerical miracle is the belief in the miracle of the Qur’an in terms of numbers and numbers, by extracting an arithmetic operation or reaching a match in number between similar or opposite mentioned in the Qur’an or a relationship between the Qur’an’s letters, words, verses and surahs, or revealing a future metaphysical matter, and so on. Through numbers found in a text or symbol in the Qur’an, the example of which is their saying: The word (month) came in the Qur’an 12 times, and that corresponds to the months of the Sunnah, and the word (day) came 365 times, and that corresponds to the days of the year, and is equal to the mention of a man and a woman in the Qur’an, and Paradise And the fire or the angels and demons, and the like, and what was mentioned in the question of being a true heresy, which is foolishness and absurdity that is not worthy of the guidance and message of the Qur’an, and it may lead to questioning the truthfulness of the Qur’an and the integrity of its meanings, due to the disruption of the mathematical results and their inaccuracy at times, and most of those who work in it are not of the people. Forensic science, and even if some accounts are true or some speculations based on them have occurred, but this is not sufficient to attribute that to the Holy Qur’an..
Unified number: 2550
Question No. 209
Is Prophet Jesus Arab?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Jesus bin Mary - peace be upon him - is not from the Arabs, but from the children of Israel, and they and the Arabs are cousins, for their father is Abraham - upon him be peace -, the father of Ismael - peace be upon him - the father of the Arabs, and the father of Jacob - peace be upon him -, and he is Israel, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2690
Question No .: 210
Are Mormons considered among the People of the Book?
The answer:
Praise be to God..
Unified number: 2720

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 51846
العمر : 72

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam   Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam Emptyالأربعاء 12 مايو 2021, 5:51 pm

Question No .: 211
How can Islam be persuaded by converts to Sikhism?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Sikhism religion fabricated between Islam and Hinduism, and mixing the truth with falsehood produces a void, it is true Islam only after infidelity other in all other religions, he says: (no compulsion in ٱlden ٱrashd has shown ٱlgy it atone Bٱltgot believes Bٱllah has ٱsthompsk Bٱeroh ٱlothagy not ٱnfsam Allah is Hearing, All-Knowing) (Al-Baqarah: 256), and the call of its companions to Islam is like the call of all the infidels, so there is no privacy for them, and they can be persuaded to explain the difference between their false beliefs and the true religion of Islam. And it was included in the attempts to reconcile beliefs, but it lost the way when it did not know Islam enough on the one hand, and because religions revealed revelation from the heavens, and there is no room for human endeavor through fabrication, synthesis and selection of the elements of belief from here and there..
See: The Facilitated Encyclopedia of Contemporary Religions, Sects and Parties 2/769.
Unified number: 2730
Question No .: 212
Why can not we see God Almighty?
The answer:
Praise be to God, it is not possible to see God Almighty in this world because the eyes are not able to do that, God has given them a limit and energy, if a person does not see a certain degree of infrared and ultraviolet rays and he cannot gaze at the sun when it is in the middle of the sky or know Its diameter, which are created things, so how does he see the Lord of the Worlds who created everything? But God will create another creation on the Day of Resurrection, so that the eyes will be able to see Him, may He be glorified and exalted, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 2770
Question No .: 213
Did the Prophet Muhammad write the Quran?
The answer:
Praise be to God, our Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - did not write or read, and the Holy Qur’an is a revelation that God Almighty revealed to our Prophet through Gabriel, peace be upon him. God is on their behalf - on the command of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - and among the writers of the revelation are the four caliphs, Zubayr, Abi bin Ka'b, Zaid bin Thabit, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Thabit bin Qais, Hanzalah bin Al Rabeeh, the writer and Khaled bin Al Walid - may God be pleased with them - and whoever reads the Holy Qur’an or a translation Its reliable meanings it becomes clear to him the greatness of this book, and that no one can do something like it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2870
Question No .: 214
When does a man have the right to marry more than one woman?
The answer:
Praise be to God, if a man is able to make justice between more than one wife in terms of overnight stay and alimony, then he may marry more than one to four, and it is not permissible for him to exceed the four, and justice in staying overnight is equal, by staying overnight at this night at that night, or a week when The first and a week at the second, and so on, and justice in spending by giving every household what it needs and not with equality, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 2960

Question No. 215
Did the Qur’an describe the earth as spherical in shape?
The answer:
Praise be to God, yes, he says: (creation of the heavens and the earth, Bٱlhak liqueurs ٱlal on ٱlnہar and liqueurs ٱlnhar on ٱlal ridiculed ٱchamms and ٱalghemr ڪl being named for not is ٱaziz ٱghaffr) (cliques: 5), and the Almighty said: (not ٱchamms should be aware ٱalghemr And the night does not precede the nagar, and the whole of the earth is in an orbit that swims.) (Yassin: 40). Mohammed.
See: Total Fatwas 5/150.
Unified number: 3030
Question No .: 216
What is Islam's position on terrorism?
The answer:
Praise be to God, terrorism in our time is an unedited term, with which many countries that use it want to affix this description to everyone who contradicts it and want revenge on it, as for terrorism, in the sense of killing innocent people who are not permitted to be killed in Islam, from Muslims and infidels who are treaty or trustworthy and destroy their buildings and the like This is not permitted by Islam, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3040
Question No .: 217
What is the characteristic of ablution?
The answer:
Praise be to God, ablution is the key to prayer, and prayer is not valid without purity, and purification from minor impurity is by ablution, and ablution is based on the pillars, which does not perform ablution without them, which is washing the face, with rinsing and sniffing, washing hands to the elbows, wiping the head and ears, and washing the legs to the ankles, he said, our Lord, the Almighty: (Aoaہa those who believe, if you have to ٱsaloh Vٱgsilwa your faces and your hands to ٱlemravq and ٱmshawwa Brwoskm and Orgelڪm to ٱlkaaban if you side Vٱtehroa if you are sick or on a journey, or was one of you ٱlgaٮt or sensed ٱlnsae did not find water Ftimmwa Saida good Vٱmshawwa Bjrhڪm and hands him what he wants to Allah makes Aliڪm awkward but wants to purify you and the grace of Alڪm meaning) (table 6), and know now how full ablution, pillars and Msthbath: human light begins By naming him, he says: “In the name of God,” and he washes his hands; Because he would start his other organs with them, and - peace and blessings be upon him - when he started his ablution, he emptied water on his palms and washes them before he put them into the bowl, and he did not go beyond washing the hands three times, and make sure to wash the hands upon waking up from sleep. Then he rinses his mouth and inhales and rinses, and rinses the water to put water in his mouth, stir it and then take it out, and inhalation is to put water into the nose, and excitement takes it out of the nose, and he washes his face, and he does not forget that water reaches all parts of the face, such as around the ears on the side of the face, and does not increase Rinsing the mouth, inhaling and washing the face three times. After washing his face, he washes his hands from the tips of his fingers to his elbows, and he enters the elbows in the washing, and begins with the right hand and pickles his fingers, to exaggerate the flow of water between the fingers, he does that once, twice or three. Then he wets his palms and wipes his head with them one time, so that he grasps his head, and the aim of assimilation is to wipe the whole head and not to bring water to each hair, and it is better for him to place his hands on the front of his head and then pass them to the back of his head and return again to the front of his head, and the woman is like a man. After that, he must wash his feet, start with the right foot and wash it to the ankles, then wash the left foot as well, and pick his toes with his hand. He does all this in succession, and does not delay a member until the organ that precedes it has dried up, and then he says: “I bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the servant of God and His Messenger.” Thus, he would have completed his ablution, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3060
Question No. 218
What is the characteristic of prayer?
The answer:
Praise be to God. For prayer there are conditions, pillars, duties and desirable things. The recipe for prayer in general after fulfilling its conditions is for a person to grow up by saying: God is Great, and he raises his hands to his shoulders or ears, then puts his right hand on the left and puts them on his chest, then recites the supplication of the opening, then seek refuge and smile and recite Al-Fatiha. After that he recites another surah, then he grows up, raising his hands as the first time and kneeling, by bending and placing his palms on the knees, and he says while kneeling: Glory be to my Lord the Great, and praises God for what has been mentioned, then he raises his head and raises his hands as the first time and says: God heard those who praise Him, our Lord and you Praise be to God, and he says what has been mentioned, then he says takbeer and prostrates on the seven members, which are the forehead with the nose, the hands, the knees and the tips of the feet, and straightens in his prostration, and he says: Glory be to my Lord the Most High, and pray as he pleases, then he raises his head and sits on his left foot, and puts his right foot on his right foot Then his thighs, and he says: Lord, forgive me, then he prostrates like the first prostration, then raises his head and gets up for the second rak’ah and does as he did in the first rak’ah, and if he raises his head from the second rak’ah, he sits as he sits between the two prostrations and recites the tashahhud, which is: Greetings to God and prayers and kindness, peace be upon you, O The Prophet and God's mercy and blessings be upon us, peace be upon us The righteous servants of God, I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger, so if the prayer is dual, then he prays on the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - with the Abrahamic prayer, and he says: O God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as I prayed on Abraham and upon the family of Ibrahim, you are praiseworthy and glorious, and bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as you blessed Abraham and the family of Ibrahim, you are praiseworthy and glorified, and he calls for what has been mentioned or what he wants, then greeting, turning his head to the right side: Peace be upon you and the mercy of God, and to the left side: Peace be upon you And God’s mercy, and his prayer is complete. If the prayer is three or quarter, he stands for the third rak’ah, and does it as he did in the first rak’ah, except when reciting the second surah after al-Fatiha. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, explained to the Companions the attribute of the prayer in a practical statement, and so it should be Whoever wants to learn it should see someone who improves prayer and learn from it, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad..
Unified number: 3070

Question No. 219
How does a Muslim perform Hajj?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, so if its conditions are fulfilled by a Muslim or Muslim, he must go during the months of Hajj to Makkah Al-Mukarramah, and be deprived of the meeqaat, and stand on the ninth day of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah in Arafah with the Muslims, then spend that night in Muzdalifah Then he goes to Mina on the day of Eid, and he throws the Jamarat al-Aqabah, then he shaves and the Ihraam becomes permissible, and the corner circumambulation, and the night in Mina two or three nights, and the three pebbles on those days, then the farewell circumambulation, this is a general definition of Hajj, and that includes many details, and the prayers of God And greetings and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3090

Question No: 220
What is Islam’s perspective on sex?
The answer:
Praise be to God, Islam has urged marriage, from one to four wives, and the king of the oath is permitted, without number, although in our time it is rare, but it is stipulated in the Qur’an and its rulings are not abrogated, and it is permissible to enjoy them absolutely in every place except in the beard, and in every A time except at the time of menstruation, and encouraging young people to marry; Because the outburst of lust in them is more, and with these matters a person fortifies his private part and turns away his gaze from what is not permissible for him, the street has forbidden everything that leads to the immorality of fornication, from looking at women or being alone with them or mixing between the sexes or a woman traveling without a forbidden and so on. The opposite sex is an innate matter that cannot be suppressed, as in some Eastern religions, and it is not correct to pronounce it so that a person empties his desire in forbidden ways, as in many people who do not adhere to the Sharia, and Islam has directed and refined this instinct, as mentioned, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet.
Unified number: 3130
Question No. 221
If God had revealed a book in every period of time, what was the book revealed to the Indians?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God Almighty told us that he sent a messenger in every nation, and that he does not torture anyone until after the proof has been established, and that he revealed books of which we knew and some of which we did not know, and that the Noble Qur’an abrogates previous books. So God, make it valid for every time and place, the Almighty said: (We have sent in ڪl nation a messenger to ٱabdoa Allah and ٱjtenboa ٱltgot Some of them Huda Allah and some of them suffered by ٱldillh Walk in the earth, Vٱnzeroa How was the obstacle ٱlmkzban) (bees: 36), and the Almighty said: (from ٱhtdy for he Aہtdy himself and went astray for he led astray Aliہa no bearer of burden of another and what we were tormented until we send a messenger) (Isra: 15), and the Almighty said: (and sent down to you ٱketb Bٱlhak confirming the hands of ٱlڪtb and dominated it Vٱhڪm them what was revealed to Allah and do not follow their own liking what comes to you from Assuredly, each of you made law and a way of Allah even if he is Djalڪm nation ٲhdh but Ablukm in Ouatٮkm Vٱstbakoa ٱljerٲt to Allah Marjaڪm all So he informs you of what you were to differ in it.) (Al-Ma'idah: 48), and our lack of knowledge of something that does not deny its existence, because not knowing what the book was revealed to a particular nation does not mean that a book was not revealed to them, and also our lack of knowledge of the Messenger who was sent to a nation of nations does not indicate They did not send a messenger to them, and it is not correct to say: A book such and such is the book revealed by God Almighty for a nation of such-and-such except with evidence from the authentic book or Sunnah, and may God’s prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Unified number: 3250

Question No .: 222
Does God incarnate in the image of a human being?
The answer:
Praise be to God, God does not incarnate in the image of a human being, and everything in it is deficient, because God - may He be glorified and exalted - is excluding Him from Him, and the mind has no right to wade into a field other than the one for which it was created, and it has to adhere to the glorification of God Almighty, may God bless him and grant him peace..
Unified number: 3310
Director of the Forum, Mr.Ahmad Muhammad Laban

Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Dictionary of frequently asked questions about Islam
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Seven Common Questions about Islam
» Misconceptions that the enemies of Islam falsely attribute to Islam and a brief refutation of it.

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منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers :: (English) :: The Islamic Religion :: frequently asked questions about Islam-
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