The All-Encompassing
He is the One Who encompasses all His creation with His knowledge and power. Nothing of their conditions is hidden from Him and they are all under His control and authority. Allah’s name ‘the All-Encompassing’ occurs 3 times in the Qur’an.

For example:
(But Allah is All-Encompassing of the disbelievers.) (Sūrat Al-Baqarah: 19) And (And Allah is All-Encompassing of them on every side.) (Sūrat Al-Burūj: 20)

In light of this noble name, I would say:

1. Whoever properly ponders Allah’s name ‘the AllEncompassing’ will feel fearful and shy of Him.

2. When the meaning of this name firmly settles within one’s heart, he no longer fears people who are weak creatures. Allah Almighty says, (If anything good happens to you, they are grieved; if any misfortune befalls you, they rejoice at it. But if you remain steadfast and mindful of Allah, their schemes will not cause you any harm. Indeed, Allah is All-Encompassing of all what they do.) (Sūrat Āl-‘Imrān: 120)

This is also true when a person knows that there is no escape from Allah but to Him. (So flee to Allah. Indeed, I am a clear warner to you from Him.) (Sūrat Al-Dhāriyāt: 50)