The All-Nourisher
He is the One Who created subsistence and sustenance and guaranteed to make them reach His creatures. Also, He is the Keeper over them and over the deeds of His servants without any omission. This great name occurs only once in the Qur’an in the verse that says, (And Allah is All-Nourisher to all (living) things.) (Sūrat Al-Nisā’: 85)

In light of this noble name, I would say:
1. When we consider how Allah is gracious to us and makes our sustenance easy for us since we were embryos, this makes us feel great love for Him. (And if you should count the favors of Allah, you will not be able to enumerate them.) (Sūrat Al-Nahl: 18)

2. We should rely upon Allah Almighty alone for providing our sustenance. About the creation of the earth, He says, (He set up firm mountains on it, blessed it and provided it with sustenance in proportion to the needs of all who seek sustenance. All this was done in four days.) (Sūrat Fussilat: 10)

3. As you ask your Lord to give you the provision for your body and to bless it, do not forget to also ask Him for the provision of hearts and souls. A person’s soul is fed by spiritual meanings, and not by food or drink.
4. Some scholars differentiated between Allah’s names ‘the All-Nourisher’ and ‘the All-Sustainer’, saying, The All-Nourisher is more specific than the All-Sustainer, for the former is about subsistence only (food and drink), while the latter encompasses all sustenance, food and drink as well as other things.