The Ever-Watchful
He is the One Who watches over His creation and records the deeds of His servants. He misses nothing whatsoever, neither a look nor a thought. This noble name occurs 3 times in the Qur’an.

For example:
(Indeed, Allah is Ever-Watchful over you.) (Sūrat Al-Nisā’: 1) Another verse quotes Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) as saying, (Then when You took me up, You were indeed the Ever-Watchful over them, and You are Ever-Witness over all things.) (Sūrat Al-Mā’idah: 117) In the third verse, Allah Almighty says, (And Allah is EverWatchful over all things.) (Sūrat Al-Ahzāb: 52)

In light of this great name, I would say:
1. Always remember that Allah is ever watchful over you and your conditions. If you commit any sin, ask Him for forgiveness. And if you do any good deed, give thanks to Him. And if you are engaged in a certain endeavor, seek His help and support.

2. Knowledge of this name explains why many societies abounds with theft, oppression, betrayal and deception. This is only due to the lack of heedfulness of Allah’s watchfulness over us, in public and secret.