The Praiseworthy
He is the One Who is praised for His names, attributes and actions, and He is praised at good and bad times and in prosperity and adversity. This noble name occurs 17 times in the Qur’an.

For example:
(They were guided to the pure word; they were guided to the Way of the Praiseworthy.) (Sūrat Al-Hajj: 24) And (Against these they had no grudge except that they believed in Allah, the All-Mighty, Praiseworthy.) (Sūrat AlBurūj:

In light of this great name, I would say:
1. Know that Allah Almighty is praiseworthy for His perfect attributes, even if His servants do not praise Him.

2. You should also know that one of the greatest verbal acts of worship is to frequently extend due praise to Allah. Let your tongue say it, your heart feel it, and your rank be elevated because of it. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, “And ‘glory be to Allah’ and ‘praise be to Allah’ fill what is between the heaven and earth.”41 Praise is to describe Allah by the perfection of His Self, attributes, and actions while feeling love and glorification for Him. If love and glorification is not there, then your praise is not a true one.
41 Narrated by Muslim)
3. One of the most sublime things for which Allah Almighty is praised is His excellent names and attributes. He is praised for His power and strength, forbearance, knowledge, majesty, magnificent authority, and His vast mercy and forgiveness. Then, He is praised for His blessings and bounty.

4. We should try to know the situations where the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is authentically reported to have engaged in Dhikr comprising praise for Allah Almighty.

For example,
Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that whenever the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) went to bed, he would say, “All praise is due to Allah, Who provided us with both food and drink, protected and provided us with shelter. There are many who have no one to protect or shelter them.” (Narrated by Muslim)
5. Let me conclude my speech on this with the words of Al-Zajjāj (may Allah have mercy upon him), “Allah Almighty is the One Who is praised by everyone and in every situation as we say in the supplication, 'All praise is due to Allah, other than Whom none is praised for all conditions.'"42 Here I’d like to note the lack of accuracy in the common phrase that says, “All praise is due to Allah, other than Whom none is praised for unpleasant things.” This was also noted by the two erudite scholars Ibn ‘Uthaymīn and Al-Barrāk.
42Tafsīr Al-Asmā’, p 55)