Al-‘Aleem – Al-‘Ālim
The All-Knowing - The Knowledgeable
He is the One Whose knowledge encompasses all things, outward and inward, open and secret, past, present, and future. Nothing is hidden from Him. This noble name occurs 157 times in the Qur’an.

For example:
(They said, “Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the All-Knowing, All-Wise.") (Sūrat AlBaqarah: 32) And (Indeed, Allah alone has the knowledge of the Hour. It is He Who sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs, although no person knows what he will earn tomorrow, nor does he know in which land he will die. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.) (Sūrat Luqmān: 34) As for Allah’s name ‘the Knowledgeable’, it occurs in the plural form in two verses in Sūrat Al-Anbiyā’: (Surely We had bestowed wisdom upon Abraham even earlier, and We were Knowledgeable of him.) (Sūrat AlAnbiyā’: 51)

And (And We subdued the strongly raging wind to Solomon which blew at his command towards the land We blessed. We are Knowledgeable of everything.) (Sūrat Al-Anbiyā’: 81) And it is attached to the Unseen and the Witnessed or the Unseen only in 13 places in the Qur’an.
For example:
(They will excuse themselves to you when you return to them. Say, “Do not excuse yourselves; we will never believe you.” Allah has already fully informed us of (some of) your tidings; and Allah will soon see your doing, and His Messenger (will see).

Thereafter you will be turned back to the Knowledgeable of the Unseen and the Witnessed (and) so He will fully inform you of what you used to do.) (Sūrat Al-Tawbah: 94) And (He is the Knowledgeable of the Unseen, and He does not disclose His Unseen to anyone.) (Sūrat Al-Jinn: 26)

1. When we learn about the knowledge of Allah Almighty, our glorification and praise for Him and His perfection grows.

2. And when we also know that Allah is Knowledgeable of our situation, this should prompt us to engage in more good deeds and to perform them better; and this should also prevent us from committing sins.

3. My sure knowledge that Allah, the All-Knowing, is Watchful over everything in the universe increases my reassurance and my belief that Allah’s victory and promise will certainly come true. Hence, one of the best sources of the Prophet’s solace and comfort is that Allah Almighty would remind him that He is Knowledgeable of his condition and the condition of his enemies. (We certainly know that their statements surely grieve you.) (Sūrat AlHijr: 97)
4. One of the greatest concerns of a person seeking help is the probability that his helper does not hear him or know about his situation. This is not the case when dealing with Allah Almighty. So, we should trust Him and expect His relief.

5. How would a person choose for his life a law other than the Shariah of the All-Knowing and the All-Wise Lord! This is nothing but ignorance and wrongdoing. Allah Almighty says, (Do they desire judgment according to the Law of Ignorance? But for those who have certainty of belief whose judgment can be better than Allah’s?) (Sūrat Al-Mā’idah: 50)

6. Allah’s pleasure with any of His servants is based on His knowledge of him. In fact, this constitutes a slap in the face of some ugly people who slandered the Prophet’s Companions and declared them disbelievers even though Allah Almighty is pleased with them and did please them, as revealed in Sūrat Al-Fat’h: (Allah was much pleased with the believers when they swore fealty to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts. So He bestowed inner peace upon them and rewarded them with a victory near at hand.) (Sūrat Al-Fat’h: 18)

7. How poor are those criminals who secretly and cunningly plot against people. Allah Almighty says, (Whether you speak in secrecy or aloud, (it is all the same to Allah). He knows the secrets that lie hidden in the breasts of people.) (Sūrat Al-Mulk: 13)If they have cunning plots and schemes, we do have: (And Allah surrounds them.)