Al-Qawī- Al-Mateen
The All-Powerful - The Strong
‘The All-Powerful’ is the One Who possesses absolute power and ability. No one can resist Him or repel His decree, and nothing in the heavens or earth can ever escape His power.

Allah’s name ‘the All-Powerful’ occurs 9 times in the Qur’an, mostly coupled with His name the All-Mighty.

For example:
(Allah is Ever-Kind to His servants; He provides whomever He wills; and He is the All-Powerful, the AllMighty.) (Sūrat Al-Shūra: 19) And (Indeed, Allah is the AllPowerful, All-Mighty.) (Sūrat Al-Hadīd: 25) As for the name ‘the Strong’, it refers to His tremendous strength and power, and that He finds no difficulty in whatever He does. Allah’s name ‘the Strong’ occurs only once in the Qur’an in a verse that says, (Indeed, Allah is the Superb Provider, the Owner of Power, the Strong.) (Sūrat Al-Dhāriyāt: 58)

In light of these two great names, I would say:
1. No matter how much strength you possess, it is nothing compared to Allah’s strength. Therefore: Be humble before Allah, the Lord of the Throne, so that you may be elevated. No servant who submits to the Creator can ever be disappointed.
2. It is incumbent upon all of us to rely on none but Allah, the All-Powerful, the Strong, for He is always the strong support when others let us down.

3. We feel such great tranquility and peace of mind as we know that the One we rely upon is the Strong God Whose commands and decrees can never be opposed. What strength can any enemy possibly put up before the Almighty God, the Strong!

What matters is to know how to gain and deserve Allah’s assistance and support. (Indeed, Allah will definitely help those who help Him. Indeed, Allah is surely All-Powerful, All-Mighty.) (Sūrat Al-Hajj: 40)