The All-Hearing
He is the One Whose Hearing encompasses all things, secret and public, and all sounds no matter how loud or low they maybe; and He is the One Who responds to those who supplicate to Him.

This noble name occurs 45 times in the Qur’an; one of which is in the verse that reads, (Indeed, Allah is AllHearing, All-Seeing.) (Sūrat Al-Mujādilah: 1)

Another verse says, (And (remember) when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House and Ishmael, (saying), “Our Lord, accept (this) from us. Indeed, You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.) (Sūrat AlBaqarah: 127)

In light of this great name, I would say:
1. The approach of Ahl Al-Sunnah Wa Al-Jamā‘ah is so beautiful and simple in dealing with these excellent names of Allah Almighty. They say clearly: We affirm what Allah established for Himself, in His Book or by the tongue of His Prophet; yet we reject likening Him to anything else; Allah has hearing that befits His magnificence and greatness, and the created beings have hearing that befits their weakness and need.

Allah Almighty says about Himself, (There is nothing like unto Him: He is the AllHearing, All-Seeing.) (Sūrat Al-Shūra: 11) And regarding human beings, He says in Sūrat Al-Nisā’, (Allah wants to lighten your burdens, for man was created weak.) (Sūrat Al-Nisā’: 28)
2. As you are careful not to let Allah Almighty hear from you what displeases Him, also be keen to make Him hear what is pleasing to Him.

3. To everyone in need (and we are all in need), I say: People may hear your complaint, but they may be unable to help you. As for Allah Almighty, He hears your complaint, knows your condition and answers your supplication as long as you are sincere to Him. Prophet Ibrahīm is quoted to have said in Sūrat Ibrahīm, (Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of supplication.) (Sūrat Ibrahīm: 39)