Eating too much in Ramadan
Dr. Zaid bin Muhammad Al-Rummani

In Ramadan, the expenses of families are increased to cope with consumption gluttony and binge shopping and high spending, as sleep shifts to the day, eating and visiting and roaming the streets and clubbing to Night the individual consumes breakfast and pre-dawn meal at least three meals before the blessed Ramadan. In the evenings of Ramadan, it became commonplace to have a high number of ambulance cases due to satiety on Breakfast tables.

Extravagance in eating and drinking leads to its storage in the body, turning it into meat, grease, obesity and indigestion, and it is a human being that has a lot of work and activities.

It is said that the abundance of food and drink is proof of the insatiable and eagerness and gluttony and the predominance of lust, which causes the harms of the world and the Hereafter and the body of the flesh and the soul and the self-fatigue.

It is a wonder of a society that holds weddings, banquets and Muslim communities suffering from sorrows and funerals.

Moderation, then, is to mediate between hunger and satiety, by reducing the amount of food and drink, without diminishing the need for the body and work. This has great benefits: the health of the body, the quality of understanding, the power of conservation, the lack of sleep, and the lightness of oneself. Some elders said: The biggest drug is estimating food.

On the other hand, food uptake is a plus, making the food of the extravagant gluttony a goal and an end, for which they are making exorbitant money and spending long times in the markets, buying colors Foods.

Those who have made their bellies and their goals their pleasures and desires, are making money from miserable help or a poor subsidy, resulting in hungry stomachs and lost money.

He says Mohi al- deen Mesto in his book ((Food and drink between moderation and extravagance)): If the satiety is sick and desperate, the deprivation of self gets sick and droop away from worship, but the moderation will stimulate the self and show Its spirituality Moderation is mediated between tiredness and extravagance, and between stingy and excessive spending on halal food and beverages.

If a person eats something that fills his hunger, and drinks his thirst, this is required by reason, and by a representative to him, for his self-preservation and the maintenance of the senses.

The human being's response to the instinct of food and drink is innate. The preservation of a diverse and balanced food structure with moderation gives human being a strong body, lasting health and a blessed and long life. It is not enough for a person to eat and drink one species, basic needs such as water, sugars, proteins, lipids, fats, vitamins, and some elements must be available Metal.

The subject of food and drink in the history of the Muslim nation is old and ancient, its origins derives from the Quranic verses and hadiths, and the books of jurisprudence, , sermons, and the morals are the uniqueness of the doors For food and drink, prevents taboos and order to follow the Islamic ethics.

Today, food and drink in the lives of most people have become insatiable and evil, extravagance, Wastefulness, joy and purpose.
