منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers

(إسلامي.. ثقافي.. اجتماعي.. إعلامي.. علمي.. تاريخي.. دعوي.. تربوي.. طبي.. رياضي.. أدبي..)
الرئيسيةالأحداثأحدث الصورالتسجيل
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

soon after IZHAR UL-HAQ (Truth Revealed) By: Rahmatullah Kairanvi
قال الفيلسوف توماس كارليل في كتابه الأبطال عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: "لقد أصبح من أكبر العار على أي فرد مُتمدين من أبناء هذا العصر؛ أن يُصْغِي إلى ما يظن من أنَّ دِينَ الإسلام كَذِبٌ، وأنَّ مُحَمَّداً -صلى الله عليه وسلم- خَدَّاعٌ مُزُوِّرٌ، وآنَ لنا أنْ نُحارب ما يُشَاعُ من مثل هذه الأقوال السَّخيفة المُخْجِلَةِ؛ فإنَّ الرِّسَالة التي أدَّاهَا ذلك الرَّسُولُ ما زالت السِّراج المُنير مُدَّةَ اثني عشر قرناً، لنحو مائتي مليون من الناس أمثالنا، خلقهم اللهُ الذي خلقنا، (وقت كتابة الفيلسوف توماس كارليل لهذا الكتاب)، إقرأ بقية كتاب الفيلسوف توماس كارليل عن سيدنا محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، على هذا الرابط: محمد بن عبد الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-.

يقول المستشرق الإسباني جان ليك في كتاب (العرب): "لا يمكن أن توصف حياة محمد بأحسن مما وصفها الله بقوله: (وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِين) فكان محمدٌ رحمة حقيقية، وإني أصلي عليه بلهفة وشوق".
فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ على سائر البُلدان، كما فَضَّلَ بعض الناس على بعض والأيام والليالي بعضها على بعض، والفضلُ على ضربين: في دِينٍ أو دُنْيَا، أو فيهما جميعاً، وقد فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ وشَهِدَ لها في كتابهِ بالكَرَمِ وعِظَم المَنزلة وذَكَرَهَا باسمها وخَصَّهَا دُونَ غيرها، وكَرَّرَ ذِكْرَهَا، وأبَانَ فضلها في آياتٍ تُتْلَى من القرآن العظيم.
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

المهندس حسن فتحي فيلسوف العمارة ومهندس الفقراء: هو معماري مصري بارز، من مواليد مدينة الأسكندرية، وتخرَّجَ من المُهندس خانة بجامعة فؤاد الأول، اشْتُهِرَ بطرازهِ المعماري الفريد الذي استمَدَّ مَصَادِرَهُ مِنَ العِمَارَةِ الريفية النوبية المَبنية بالطوب اللبن، ومن البيوت والقصور بالقاهرة القديمة في العصرين المملوكي والعُثماني.
رُبَّ ضَارَّةٍ نَافِعَةٍ.. فوائدُ فيروس كورونا غير المتوقعة للبشرية أنَّه لم يكن يَخطرُ على بال أحَدِنَا منذ أن ظهر وباء فيروس كورونا المُستجد، أنْ يكونَ لهذه الجائحة فوائدُ وإيجابيات ملموسة أفادَت كوكب الأرض.. فكيف حدث ذلك؟!...
تخليص الإبريز في تلخيص باريز: هو الكتاب الذي ألّفَهُ الشيخ "رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي" رائد التنوير في العصر الحديث كما يُلَقَّب، ويُمَثِّلُ هذا الكتاب علامة بارزة من علامات التاريخ الثقافي المصري والعربي الحديث.
الشيخ علي الجرجاوي (رحمه الله) قَامَ برحلةٍ إلى اليابان العام 1906م لحُضُورِ مؤتمر الأديان بطوكيو، الذي دعا إليه الإمبراطور الياباني عُلَمَاءَ الأديان لعرض عقائد دينهم على الشعب الياباني، وقد أنفق على رحلته الشَّاقَّةِ من مَالِهِ الخاص، وكان رُكُوبُ البحر وسيلته؛ مِمَّا أتَاحَ لَهُ مُشَاهَدَةَ العَدِيدِ مِنَ المُدُنِ السَّاحِلِيَّةِ في أنحاء العالم، ويُعَدُّ أوَّلَ دَاعِيَةٍ للإسلام في بلاد اليابان في العصر الحديث.


 Prophet Muhammad's kindness

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49023
العمر : 72

Prophet Muhammad's kindness Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Prophet Muhammad's kindness   Prophet Muhammad's kindness Emptyالأربعاء 25 سبتمبر 2019, 1:25 am

Prophet Muhammad's kindness

الشيخ د. خالد بن عبدالرحمن الشايع
He (peace be upon him)was especially fond of children and used to get into the spirit of childish games in their company. He (peace be upon him)would have fun with the children who had come back from Abyssinia and tried to speak in Abyssinian with them. It was his practice to give lifts on his camel to children when he returned from journeys. [Al-Bukhari]

He (peace be upon him)would pick up children in his arms, play with them, and kiss them. A companion, recalling his childhood, said: "In my childhood I used to fell dates by throwing stones at palm trees. Somebody took me to the Prophet (peace be upon him) who advised me to pick up the dates lying on the ground but not to fell them with stones. He (peace be upon him)then patted me and blessed me." [Abu Daawood]

Towards the Poor

The Prophet (peace be upon him)enjoined upon Muslims to treat the poor kindly and to help them with alms, zakaat, and in other ways. He (peace be upon him)said: "He is not a perfect Muslim who eats his fill and lets his neighbor go hungry."

He (peace be upon him)asked: "Do you love your Creator? Then love your fellow beings first."

Monopoly is unlawful in Islam and he (peace be upon him)preached that: "It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path that leads to bliss."

He (peace be upon him)did not prohibit or discourage the acquisition of wealth but insisted that it be lawfully acquired by honest means and that a portion of it would go to the poor. He (peace be upon him)advised his followers: "To give the laborer his wages before his perspiration dried up."

He (peace be upon him)did not encourage beggary either and stated that: "Allah is gracious to him who earns his living by his own labor, and that if a man begs to increase his property, Allah will diminish it and whoever has food for the day, it is prohibited for him to beg."

To his wife he (peace be upon him)said: "O 'Aa'ishah, love the poor and let them come to you and Allah will draw you near to Himself." [Al-Bukhari]

One or two instances of the Prophet's concern for the poor may be given here. A man from Madeenah, Ibaad Ibn Sharjil, was once starving. He entered an orchard and picked some fruit. The owner of the orchard gave him a sound beating and stripped off his clothes. The poor man appealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him)who remonstrated the owner thus: "This man was ignorant, you should have dispelled his ignorance; he was hungry, you should have fed him."

His clothes were restored and, in addition, some grain was given to him. [Abu Daawood]

A debtor, Jaabir Ibn Abdullaah, may Allah be pleased with him, was being harassed by his creditor as he could not clear his debt owing to the failure of his date crop. The Prophet (peace be upon him)went with Jaabir to the house of the creditor and pleaded with him to give Jaabir some more time but the creditor was not prepared to oblige. The Prophet (peace be upon him)then went to the oasis and having seen for himself that the crop was really poor, he again approached the creditor with no better result. He (peace be upon him)then rested for some time and approached the creditor for a third time but the latter was adamant. The Prophet (peace be upon him)went again to the orchard and asked Jaabir to pluck the dates. As Allah would have it, the collection not only sufficed to clear the dues but left something to spare. [Al-Bukhari]

His love for the poor was so deep that he (peace be upon him)used to pray: "O Allah, keep me poor in my life and at my death and raise me at resurrection among those who are poor." [An-Nasaa'ee]

Towards Animals

The Prophet (peace be upon him)not only preached to the people to show kindness to each other but also to all living souls. He (peace be upon him)forbade the practice of cutting tails and manes of horses, of branding animals at any soft spot, and of keeping horses saddled unnecessarily. [Muslim]

If he saw any animal over-loaded or ill-fed he (peace be upon him)would pull up the owner and say: "Fear Allah in your treatment of animals." [Abu Daawood]

A companion came to him (peace be upon him)with the young ones of a bird in his sheet and said that the mother bird had hovered over them all along. He was directed by the Prophet (peace be upon him)to replace her offspring in the same bush. [Abu Daawood]

During a journey, somebody picked up some birds eggs. The bird's painful note and fluttering attracted the attention of the Prophet (peace be upon him)who asked the man to replace the eggs. [Al-Bukhari]

As his army marched towards Makkah to conquer it, they passed a female dog with puppies. The Prophet (peace be upon him)not only gave orders that they should not be disturbed, but posted a man to see that this was done.

He (peace be upon him)stated: "Verily, there is heavenly reward for every act of kindness done to a living animal."




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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Prophet Muhammad's kindness
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» Prophet Muhammad's Kindness to Animals
» Die Freundlichkeit des Propheten Muhammads zu Tieren
» Kindness to Animals
» (36) Respond to mistreatment with kindness
» “That Prophet”?

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers :: (English) :: THE GREATEST HUMAN :: The writings of the Messenger of Allah-
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