Ramadan is an opportunity to prioritize the family economically
Prof . Zaid Mohammed Al-Rommany

It has been our aspiration to seize the opportunity of fasting to straighten the spirit with spiritual benefits and to straighten the body with physical benefits, so are we accustomed to seize the opportunity to correct the nation's economy, its body and its spirit of incurable disease is a disease Permanent consumption without sufficient production?! Is the month of Ramadan a chance and an opportunity to have the will to address the predatory consumption situation that we have in this holy month?!

The economy has great economic dimensions, including what the human mind understands as its impact on human health, for example, human wealth, including what the human brain cannot grasp, so blessed is the one who has been following his fasting and resurrection Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

It is the duty of the Muslim to work to provide the food, drink, clothing and housing that life does.. Etc. of necessities, to maintain his religion and himself and his descendants, and to save his mind and money, as the Muslim is supposed to avoid consumerism as much as possible, although this differs from one person to another, according to his financial left and to the extent of his asceticism In Dunya and its joys, but there are limits to that in any case that should be taken into account.

Man is much more important than any model, theory, or interpretation, and this is what economists have finally discovered, as it is the human being who determines his level of well-being and richness, and all depends on his decision and behavior, he can If he wants to be moderately consumed, he will have the size of his saving so that he can become rich, and he can be a gluttonous as the individual in most Western society eats his fortune.

After economists were insisting that the state and its policy were the most important factor in the production process, they came back to decide that the consumer and the producer were the masters of the game.

A day when society educates, styling and directs consumption habits, a broad rationalization process will lead to the fullest benefit of this society.

Thus, the key to real crisis resolution lies in consumer education, which is a relatively recent concept, and the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him: "Eat, drink, dress, and believe what you have sinned: Improvident and his snobbish," he said. Muawiya Ibn ABO Sufyan was pleased to say: "Every Improvident is a lost right."

Fasting raises in the Muslims the Queen of Patience, because one of the causes of the catastrophe that has happened to us today is the extras in consumption and waste and the distance from the values religion, he said: (And God struck a village It was safe and secure. Her livelihood is good, from everywhere I was disbelieving, so God gave her the clothes of hunger and fear that they were They make {112}) (Al-nahel), and we all know the story of Qarun as contained in the Quran (Al-kasas: 76-83), Pharaoh and others who have found the blessings of God.

Extravagance and wasteful consumption are considered to be a misuse of economic resources and goods that God has bestowed upon the servants to benefit from, a work that is highly insulting to Islam, where God described the extravagant And wasters as Devils brothers, because this action has bad effects not confined to its owner who practiced extravagance but extends to the community and the world.

Everyone is running toward the cycle of excessive consumption, and preparing for consumption in Ramadan begins early, accompanied by an awesome bale of advertising and marketing festivals that surround the family everywhere And in the past and through more than one way the wife is pushing towards buying more and the kids are insisting in their consumer demands and one himself has a gluttony to buy anything that is expendable and in too much quantities.

Unfortunately, some people are accustomed to some bad habits that are alien to the month of Ramadan, which is the way of consumer spending and is not from Islam.

Therefore, the wife who is counted and cooked and the husband who brings and spends both are charged with the consumption gluttony that our society has in Ramadan and other than Ramadan.

So, in general, it can be said that the extravagance of this month (Ramadan) and others is a characteristic of our Arab region, when the month of Ramadan comes we see that a majority of Muslims monitor a budget differs from the months Normal, and begin to double its consumption, and the daytime fasting, laziness, and night have food and unusual consumption.

The characteristic of the Muslim's consumption is sufficiency, not extravagance, and its usefulness and satisfaction is achieved not only by material gratification but also through spiritual gratification in performing the duty towards Muslims from the wealth of God he has given him, and that His benefit is fulfilled even in doing his duty towards the Muslims and before that his family and his wife and his son.

Therefore, the Muslim seeks the blessings of Allah Almighty, thanking Allaah for his grace and praise for the benefit of filling his needs, attaining his pleasure and sufficiency in haraam things, and realizing his patients and his reward.

The month of fasting is a regular opportunity to learn about the list of expenses due to the economic concept, the tunneling list and then an opportunity to prioritize, and then also an opportunity to identify the level of potential surplus.

The month of Ramadan is an opportunity to achieve better rationalization and to expand the potential surplus, but only if it is linked to the well-known Qur'anic rule of the Qur'an: "Eat, drink, and do not be disgusted..."This rule is no doubt the field of rationalization at the individual level and the general level.

The researchers have confirmed an important fact that the chaos of consumption clearly emerges when the wife begins to offer her expenses to be expenses of goods and foodstuffs that actually swallow the monthly income to the last penny.

Waste is passed on to children, with a lack of sense of the value of things, so they do not keep their toys or books, and, as such, is not a current temporal issue, but rather a matter of future and The waste and luxury are limited to the family and even the homeland, as Ramadan is being transformed year after year into an occasion for the intense and steep promotion of various commodities, contributing strongly to the various media And advertising arts and advertising agencies.
