Silly objections to creation
Here‟s a few silly objections that may commonly be used by atheists in their literature against God‟s existence and His creation of the universe.
Why not earlier? Why not later?
―If God created the universe, then God existed before the universe did. That‘s okay with us, but why then did God create the universe at the time He did? Why not earlier, or later?‖
And the answer from any decent self-respecting man who understands his limits and the grandeur of the eternal creator we are talking about here should be nothing other than this: “It‟s none of your bloody business”! The
question comes from the pagan imagery they hold of the creator which insists on limiting Him to the likeness of a human being! They insist on thinking of Him as part of the chain of regress of causes! They need to get it into their heads that we are talking about an ETERNAL creator that had no beginning, and has no end! If you could imagine a single point of reference in the scope of existence of such a being to which you could relate this or that event and thus wonder why He didn‟t do it any earlier, then your question may make some sense! But there is no such a reference of time to which He is to be bound like we are! We only understand time through our created universe! And when He tells us in His book about events that took place fifty thousand years before the creation of the universe – for example – this is the creator of our understanding of time, giving us a measure of time that we can understand through the only frame of reference that we can think of when we measure time! God is not some old man who is to be asked – for example: “why did you create this universe at this point of your “life” not when you were younger or older” for example! Praised be His almighty self!
It needs to be established that certain questions are not to be asked! Not only because they could not be answered by any knowledge we could possibly afford, and not only because the question itself may not make any sense at all (like this silly question here), but because it is simply wrong to ask them! It is irrelevant to what we are here to do! We should observe humility with our creator and only ask about what we really need to know; and we should expect that only in His complete revelation would we find such an answer if indeed we needed it for the purpose of our creation! Wisdom is to know the right question to ask, and what to do with its answer!
We only know about Him what He tells us, and we need not be told why He chose to create the world and test us within it in the first place! Questions like: Why did God choose to create anything at all, why not leave us in nothingness? Why did He choose to create us as tested beings in the world, not in any other way? Why did He choose to tell us to worship Him in this way not in another? Why does He demand anything or anybody to worship Him at all? We just shouldn‟t be asking such questions! We have no right to ask them, and we obviously have no purpose in their answers!
I mean what would you make of this question: “Why did God create the universe in six days rather than six hours, or six years?”? To me this is nothing but the insolence of a blind heart! I mean suppose God did choose to create the universe in six years, would that make you more satisfied with creation and more willing to accept the truth? No! You would then ask: “But why not in six days?”! And you would keep posing all sorts of silly objections! This is because in reality you do not wish to accept the idea of a creator choosing to create anything at all, in the first place!
What difference does it make to you, six days or six weeks or six minutes? What difference does it make to you, the limited creature, why He chose to do X rather than Y when He could choose to do Y if He so willed? If He – the only source of knowledge for why He did this and that, rather than anything else – doesn‟t teach us in His revelation the reason why He made a certain choice; then it‟s not something that we need to know, and if this is the case, then we should dismiss such a question altogether! Never forget your place in this universe, and who exactly it is that you are talking about here!
Translation of the Qur‟an (21|23): ((He will not (and is not to) be questioned as to that which He does, but they (humans) will be questioned.))
As limited creatures we came to find ourselves restricted to this world, and thus we needed to inquire about the reason why we are here and what we are supposed to do, and that‟s exactly what the creator tells us in His revealed messages! If it was of any significance for us to know what exactly He may have created before the universe (which is a timescale that stretches all the way back to eternity!), when and why, or what He may create after the universe, He would tell us about that! It‟s absolutely presumptuous to claim that since we cannot know on our own or from His teaching what exactly He may have been doing a billion years before He created the universe – for example; then the answer that He created us is not logically sufficient!
Some atheists would say: “The problem of what caused God to create the Universe pretty much means that there were other things going on before God created the universe and this is a contradiction!”
What contradiction? We never said that it is rationally necessary that this universe came to be from nothing! We never said that it is rationally necessary that God never created anything before the Universe! It‟s not! And in fact there are narratives of authentic Hadith that tell us that there was indeed a different form of creation before the universe! You wish to learn about that, there‟s only one way to obtain this knowledge: The teachings of a true messenger of God!
The act of creation of the universe is so unique and un-analogous to any event that may take place within it (which is what makes all the difference to our human tool of analogy), not because the universe was created from nothing, but because it was created the way it is, period! Whatever was there before its creation and whatever the initial substance from which it was created; it is by all means unimaginable by any means of human analogy! We have no rational problem with that! We also have no rational problem with the fact that God should be able to create from nothingness, because otherwise, the essential meaning of the first cause would obviously fail! Creation by re-composition (creating something from something else) is a restriction that is forced upon humans‟ crafts in this universe; it is not to be proposed that such restriction applies to the creator of all creation, because if it did, then He would not be the creator of all creation, would he?
Following the track of this objection is this argument:
―If God is all-knowing, then the instant God was conscious it would have known all the pros and cons of creating a Universe and knew that it was going to do it. Therefore there is no reason for God to wait. If God chooses to wait then what is the reason?... there must be a reason. This reason, to cause God to wait, would be a limit on his omnipotence.‖
I cannot dignify this nonsense with a response!
Here‟s another silly objection:
―God cannot have created Time! In order for time to be created it must be finite, which of course it can't be, because the creation of time must have occurred before time, which is not possible.‖
Now hold it right there! What is your definition of time in the first place? If by time you mean the measure of sequential events that are done by the creator relative to one another, then this is certainly not finite and it is not something that was ever created! It‟s external to our human notion of time! Because by time we commonly mean the measure of created events within this universe in reference to a standard constant motion of celestial bodies around us (i.e. the sun and the moon)! This is what God created, and this is what anybody may mean when he says that God created time and that time is finite! But this created time does not confine the creator, and in reality, outside this closed system of the universe through which we understand time; God‟s time has no start and no end and is not created!
―Everything must have a cause therefore God exists.
This statement is sometimes used as argument that there must be a god. But, it doesn't work. Because if god was not created by something, then god exists without a cause. And therefore the argument is "Everything except god must have a cause". If this argument is valid then it must also be valid to say "Everything except the Universe must have a cause".
The same “infinite regress” objection but in a silly costume! The right argument to put is this: Everything that follows the rules of the Universe as we observe it; must have a cause! Those rules are – by necessity - caused and enforced by an external agent. This agent may itself be governed and restricted by the rules of another agent; but this only makes the first another part of the system that had to be created and run (caused) by the latter! This regress of causes has to end at one transcendent being that is not created or restricted by any superior power; and thus God must be uncaused; not the universe! The regress has – as a necessity of reason - to end at a being that is beyond the chain!
Now listen to this one:
―There are fewer unanswered questions if we discard the idea of God. ―
Oh so this makes it reasonable that we do discard it? Who said that any answer that poses more questions should not be accepted as the truth? What have you people ever learnt from science itself anyway? Quantum physics raises more questions than answers, doesn‟t it? So perhaps you should not bother studying it at all then!
Here‟s a common objection:
―If God was really there and His evidence is irrefutable, then why are we debating about Him now? Why doesn‘t He show us with direct observation that He exists, like say He opens up the sky and lets us see Him directly?‖
Well, first of all the fact that we are debating about Him doesn‟t by any means make the evidence for His existence “refutable”! Many philosophers find it a privilege to question absolutely everything even reality itself, even their own existence! Does this make such debates “rational” or in any way “plausible” to any sensible man? Does the fact that some people debate the meaning of the truth – for example – undermine this meaning in any way? If it does then what is the purpose of that debate itself anyway? I mean even that shining ball in the middle of the sky that we all call the sun, is indeed questionable to many deranged philosophers, and you may easily find a debate running somewhere in the world between somebody who believes the sun – among the rest of what we observe around us – to be a real tangible object that exists in (the outside world) apart from our consciousness on one hand, and somebody who thinks that there is no such a thing as reality, and that it‟s all just the illusion created in our minds by effect of sensory brain signals, on the other (an idealist philosopher)! I mean who knows, after all we might all be slaves living in a virtual reality world that fools us into believing that there is a world around us, or we‟re sleeping motionless right now in a “Matrix” that feeds “reality” to our brains so we would continue to live in oblivion, unaware of the Machines that are sucking energy from our
bodies (talk to the Wachowski brothers and they may actually have you convinced!)!13 This monumental nonsense is indeed in debate among humans who are very proud of their minds and of their rationality! So it is obvious that the way the world is made, and the way that we are made allows for humans to go – in stubborn belief in their fallacies – to as far as denying the input of their very own senses! Why? Because that‟s what the world is created for: The ongoing conflict and debate between truth and fallacy in different choices that people make! We are here to be tested by one another, and the test is a test of faith! The choice of faith and the life you choose to live by that faith is what this whole world is all about!
This is precisely why Allah wouldn‟t end this debate in this silly way that atheists may desire so that they would finally admit what their innate reason tells them is the truth! He‟s not going to reveal Himself finally for the whole world to see in some universal event that leaves no choice for any human being but to bow in total submission and fear; never before the end times! Why? Because there would be no point at all in continuing to live in a mortal world that works in this particular way, if the Lord would do something like that! It would be the universal end of the test; the very thing that justifies its continuing to be the way that it is!
The way this question is put, it is obviously one that should only be addressed to God Himself, isn‟t it? I mean it is He who tells us why we are here, and accordingly why the world has to be the way that it is, including the essential question of why He doesn‟t give us some universally fearful

13 Some particular sects of Sufism and mysticism really believe that the world that we observe around us is not at all real, and that the only real thing in existence is God! This is a branch of pantheistic and pagan idealistic philosophies that unfortunately had its dominion over many deranged people who were observed by their ignorant followers as great scholars of Islam, even though they actually suffered profound ignorance and deviation from Islam, like (Ibn-„Arabi) and others! This is the kind of nonsense no sane man should even need to refute! Because if I‟m really going to question the input that my very senses give me; then not only should I have any reason to believe in God Himself, or His prophets or any miracles of any kind, I will have no reason to believe that I myself exist! I mean the easiest argument to put against this nonsense is this: If everything around you is nothing but an illusion, then it follows that your prophet is an illusion, your holy book is an illusion, and God himself is an illusion; otherwise how could you make any distinction whatsoever between what is real and what is not? An Angel is talking to you? How do you trust that this is not in itself an illusion? It is most unfortunate indeed that this pantheistic blasphemy (Wahdatul Wujud وحدة الوجود) especially in the teachings of Ibn „Arabi enjoys wide popularity as Islamic faith in the West in our times!

sign to end all debate and settle all conflict about this crucial issue, and get all humans to submit once and for all!
And when you consult the one true book of the creator about this matter, and ask Him why He doesn‟t reveal Himself or a mighty angel and give us this one universal sign that would end all debate; you get this answer:
Translation of the Qur‟an (6|8): ((They say: Why has not an angel been sent down unto him? If We sent down an angel, then the matter would be judged; no further time would be given them.)) (i.e. Why do we not see a great universal sign with Muhammad that gets the whole world to drop to their knees in belief?)
Translation (26|4) ((If We so will, We can send down on them from the sky a portent so that their necks would remain bowed before it.))
But that‟s not His will! That‟s not why we all have to continue to live in this world until we leave it in our appointed times! The test still continues and the world still has more time to go! And in all cases they are indeed lying to themselves when they demand such a sign from the sky that would scare them all into immanent submission, because a sane and honest man really needs not do anything more than just take a look at the sky as it is, to see the grandeur of the creator, if indeed he was true to himself!
If God willed to have all humans down on their knees instantly he would indeed do it, but mortal life on this Earth was not created for this purpose! It was created to have people choose freely what to believe and to take full responsibility for their informed choices! So if a man insists on denying God when everything around him and inside him tells him that His existence is a necessity and that submission to Him is a rational consequence; then nothing would make him let go of this stubborn denial he has chosen in this life, unless he really saw the angels splitting the sky apart forcing him to bow down, and the world was taken over by such universal events; and this my kind reader, because of the very wisdom and purpose for which the world was creator, is not to take place before the End Times, the appointed time for the end of the test! Because when it does happen, and the sky does spilt asunder, the very purpose of faith in God would be terminated, since then
nobody would have any more choice to deny and argue freely for his position as he wishes, or to accept the truth after its arguments had been made clear; and it would be too late to regret a lifetime of stubborn denial and disbelief! So either the atheist lets go of his arrogance and accepts the clear truth and quits making silly objections and demanding things that would terminate the very reason for which we are here; or he just waits like all humans have to wait, for the time when the Angel of Death eventually comes to take him and he sees with his own eyes what he spent his entire lifetime denying fervently and challenging despite all necessities of human reason!
Well; enough of this childish whining for now! I think my reader has got the picture of what is really going on in those people‟s hearts! It‟s a real humiliation that one would even bother to carry on arguing with such nonsense!
(I came across those “entertaining arguments” – except for the last one - on the webpage of some poor “satanic” guy, I quoted them here only to show you how pathetically insolent and vacuous objections to creation and to the existence of God could get: