Decoy and Deception    D&D
date, daughter, day(s), degree, delete, penny, pence, density, dialect, dialectal, diameter,
died, dime, dividend, dollar, dose,
(Chem.) deuteron    d.
December, Democrat, Democratic, doctor dollar,
dose, drachma, (Chem.) deuterium    D.
delayed action, deposit account, district attorney
Don’t answer    D. A.
day book    D. B.
da cappo, decimal classification, direct current,
District of Columbia    D. C.
Doctor of Civil Law    D. C. L.
Distinguished Conduct Medal    D. C. M.
days after date, demand draft, Doctor of Divinity    D. D.
Doctor of Dental Science, Doctor of Dental Surgery    D. D. S.
Damage free, Defender of the Faith, (Radio.)
direction finder (or finding), (Pet. Eng.) diesel fuel.    D. F.
Doctor of Fine Arts    D. F. A.
(Eng.) drop-forged steel    D. F. S.
Director General    D. G.
disk jockey    D. J.
Doctor of Library Science    D. L. S.
Doctor of Literature    D. Lit.
Doctor of Letters    D. Litt.
Deutsche mark    D. M.
Doctor of Music    D. Mus.
degree of polymerization, direct port, displaced person documents against payment, documents for payment    D. P.
Diploma in Puplic Health    D. P. H
Doctor of Philosophy    D. Ph. or D.Phil.
distinguished service medal    D. S. M.
Doctor of Science    D. S. or D. Sc.
daylight saving time    D. S. T.
Doctor of Theology    D. Th(eol).
Deo volente    D. V.
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery    D. V. M.
dead weight tonnage    D. W. T.
(Elect. Eng.) double cotton covered(wire)    d.c.c., D. C.C.
(Elec. Eng.) double pole    d.p.
dead reckoning, dining room    D.R.
(Elect. Eng.)double- silk- covered wire    d.s.c.
debit note    D/N
delivery order    D/O
(Of fuses) Direct Action (Of revolvers) Double-Action    DA
Department of the Army    DA
Dissimilar Aerial Combat Tactics    DACT
Digital air data computer.    DADC
Direct Application Decontamination System    DADS
Defense Mapping Agency    DAM
Demand Assigned Multiple Access    DAMA
Decanewtons (Newtons force x 10) thus, torque measured in daN-metres.    daN
Daniel, Danish    Dan.
Decontamination Apparatus, Portable    DAP
Defense Acquisition Regulation    DAR
Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office    DARO
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency    DARPA
Deep Air Support    DAS
Direct Air Support Center    DASC
defensive aids subsystem    DASS
Dative    dat.
April 25, 1999    DATE
decibel    dB
decibel relative to 1 volt per meter    dB (V/m)
debenture, decibel, decibels    db.
double    dbl.
decibel relative to 1 milliwatt    dBm
decibel relative to 1 milliwatt    dBm, dB (mW)
signal-to-test level ratio    dBm0
database management system    DBMS
Draw bar pull    DBP
decibel relative to specified reference level    dBr
decibel relative to 1 watt    dBW
database workstation    DBWS
developed country    DC
direct current    DC
Defense Communications Agency    DCA
Data Communications Equipment    DCE
Director of Central Intelligence    DCI
Digital Communications Processor    DCP
Defense Communication System    DCS
detection and control unit    DCU
Destroyer (all categories)    DD
delivered    dd.
destroyer/with area SAM/with hel. (in Military Balance)    DD/G/H
Unnamed day on which an operation begins    D-Day
guided missile destroyer    DDG
Defense Data Network    DDN
dry dock shelter    DDS
(Chem.) dichloro – diphenyl – triehlo recthane    DDT
deflection error probable    DE
Debenture    deb.
deceased, decimeter, declaration, declared, declination decorated, decorative, decrease, decrescendo    dec.
December    Dec.
Deceased    decd.
Decontamination    Decon
Digital engine (or electronic) control unit.    DECU
Decontamination Emulsion Direct Application System    DEDAS
defense    def
Defense Standard    DEF.STAN
definition    defn
degree, degrees    deg.
delegate, delegation    del.
Delaware    Del.
delivery    dely.
Demurrage    dem.
Democrat, Democratic    Dem.
Demonstration, validation.    dem/val
DEModulated Noise    DEMON
Denmark    Den.
dental, dentist, dentistry    dent.
depart, department, departure, deposed
deposit, depot, deputy    dep.
depreciation    depr.
department    dept.
derivation, derivative, derived    der.
Derbyshire    Derby.
derivation, derivative    deriv.
detachment    det
detached, detachment, detail    det.
determined    detd.
Determination    detn.
Deployment and emplacement unit    DEU
Deuteronomy    Deut.
Deviation    dev.
Devonshire    Devon.
directed energy weapons    DEW
Direction Fired or Direction Finding    DF
direction-finding or direct fire    DF or D/F
Defense Fuel Region, Middle East    DFR/ME
Defense Fuel Supply Center    DFSC
Defense Fuel Supply Point    DFSP
defendant, draft    dft.
decigram(s)    dg.
data handling system    DHS
Defense Intelligence Agency    DIA
diameter    dia. or diam. (or Diam)446
diagonal, diagram.    diag.
dialect, dialectical    dial.
directional command active sonobuoy system    DICASS
dictation, dictator, dictionary    dict.
difference, different    dif. or diff.
directional frequency and ranging (sonobuoy)    DIFAR
Digest    dig.
Upward slope of wing from root to tip.    dihedral
Dilute    dil. or Dil.448
dimension, diminished, diminuendo, diminutive    dim.
Dinar    din.
Digital inertial navigation system.    DINS
director    dir.
Dockyard Installed Reactor Accident Monitoring System    DIRAMS
Daily Intelligence Summary    DIS
discharge, discount    dis
Defense Information Systems Agency    DISA
discount, discovered    disc.
Distributed Integrated Secure Communications Network (Australia)    DISCON
Dispensary    disp.
dissertation    diss.
distance, distinguish, distinguished,
district, distilled    dist.
Distributed Interactive Secure Telecoms    DISTAN
Distillation    distn.
distribute, distribution    distr.
Division    Div
divided, dividend, division, divisor, divorced    div.
Division Air Defense    DIVAD
Dust jacket    dj.
dark, deck, dock    dk.
decagram    dkg.
decaliter    dkl.
Decameter    dkm.
decastere    dks.
deciliter    dl.
Defense Logistics Agency    DLA
Direct lift control.    DLC
Downward Looking Infrared    DLIR
Digital Land Mass Simulation    DLMS
disturbed line of sight    DLOS
Diphenylaminochloroarsine. Irritant chemical agent used in some riot control munitions. More powerful than CN or CS. Called Adamsite in the USA after its discoverer.    DM
decimeter    dm.
Defense Mapping Agency    DMA
Digital Message Device    DMD
Defense Manpower Data Center    DMDC
distance measuring equipment    DME
(Elec.Eng.) distant-measuring equipment    DME
Directorate of Military Intelligence    DMI
decision and modeling language    DML
Desired Mean Point of Impact    DMPI
defense mobilization ship    DMS
differential minimum shift keying    DMSK
Defense Meteorological Satellite Program    DMSP
deep mobile target    DMT
digital moving target indication    DMTI
demilitarized zone    DMZ
Down    dn.
Defense Nuclear Agency    DNA
Department of National Defense    DND
digital non-secure voice terminal    DNVT
Ditto    do.
direction of arrival    DOA
Designed Operational Capability    DOC
document    doc.
Department of Defense    DOD
Department of Energy    DOE
dollar    dol.
domain, domestic, dominant, dominion    dom.
Defense Officer Personnel Management Act    DOPMA
Department of State    DOS
Department of Transportation    DOT
designating optical tracker    DOT
Directorate of Weather for Strategic Reconnaissance    DOWSR
dozen, dozens    doz.
Diphosgene    DP
Defense Production Act    DPA
differential pulse code modulation    DPCM
Defense Planning Guidance    DPG
digital plotter map    DPM
Defense Personnel Support Center    DPSC
digital phase shift keying    DPSK
department, deponent    dpt.
Debit, debtor, drachma(s), dram(s),
drive, drum., dram.    dr.
doctor    Dr.
Defense Research Agency    DRA
dramatic, dramatist    dram.
Digital Radio And Multiplex Acquisition    DRAMA
Old name for Maroon Shield (US)    Drawstring
Defense Research and Development Laboratories    DRDL
Defense Research Establishment Suffield    DRES
Demountable rack off-loading and pick-up system    DROPS
detecting, ranging and tracking system    DRTS
Directionally solidified.    DS
(Chem.) dysprosium    Ds,
Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council    DSARC
Defense Science Board    DSB
double sideband    DSB
Defense Satellite Communication System    DSCS
Desert Storm Forecast Unit    DSFU
digital scene matching area correlation    DSMAC
Digitized Scene Mapping and Correlation    DSMAC
Defense Switched Network    DSN
Defense Support Program    DSP
Deep submergence recovery vessel    DSRV
defense and space talks    DST
digital secure voice terminal    DSVT
development test and evaluation    DT&E
Data Terminal Equipment    DTE
Digital Terrain Elevation Data (NATO)    DTED
dual tone multifrequency    DTMF
divisional tactical operations center    DTOC
data transmission unit    DTU
Detector Unit    DU
duke, Dutch    Du.
Duplicate    dup.
data/voice logger    DVL
deadweight    dw.
deadweight ton    DWT
Deadweight tonnage    dwt
Pennyweight    dwt.
(Radio.) distance    DX,
delivery, deputy, duty, (phys.) dyne    dy.
(Chem.) dysprosium    Dy.
dynamics    dynamo. or dyn.
dozen, dozens    dz.