منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers

(إسلامي.. ثقافي.. اجتماعي.. إعلامي.. علمي.. تاريخي.. دعوي.. تربوي.. طبي.. رياضي.. أدبي..)
الرئيسيةالأحداثأحدث الصورالتسجيل
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

soon after IZHAR UL-HAQ (Truth Revealed) By: Rahmatullah Kairanvi
قال الفيلسوف توماس كارليل في كتابه الأبطال عن رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: "لقد أصبح من أكبر العار على أي فرد مُتمدين من أبناء هذا العصر؛ أن يُصْغِي إلى ما يظن من أنَّ دِينَ الإسلام كَذِبٌ، وأنَّ مُحَمَّداً -صلى الله عليه وسلم- خَدَّاعٌ مُزُوِّرٌ، وآنَ لنا أنْ نُحارب ما يُشَاعُ من مثل هذه الأقوال السَّخيفة المُخْجِلَةِ؛ فإنَّ الرِّسَالة التي أدَّاهَا ذلك الرَّسُولُ ما زالت السِّراج المُنير مُدَّةَ اثني عشر قرناً، لنحو مائتي مليون من الناس أمثالنا، خلقهم اللهُ الذي خلقنا، (وقت كتابة الفيلسوف توماس كارليل لهذا الكتاب)، إقرأ بقية كتاب الفيلسوف توماس كارليل عن سيدنا محمد -صلى الله عليه وسلم-، على هذا الرابط: محمد بن عبد الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-.

يقول المستشرق الإسباني جان ليك في كتاب (العرب): "لا يمكن أن توصف حياة محمد بأحسن مما وصفها الله بقوله: (وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِين) فكان محمدٌ رحمة حقيقية، وإني أصلي عليه بلهفة وشوق".
فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ على سائر البُلدان، كما فَضَّلَ بعض الناس على بعض والأيام والليالي بعضها على بعض، والفضلُ على ضربين: في دِينٍ أو دُنْيَا، أو فيهما جميعاً، وقد فَضَّلَ اللهُ مِصْرَ وشَهِدَ لها في كتابهِ بالكَرَمِ وعِظَم المَنزلة وذَكَرَهَا باسمها وخَصَّهَا دُونَ غيرها، وكَرَّرَ ذِكْرَهَا، وأبَانَ فضلها في آياتٍ تُتْلَى من القرآن العظيم.
(وما من كاتب إلا سيبلى ** ويبقى الدهر ما كتبت يداه) (فلا تكتب بكفك غير شيء ** يسرك في القيامة أن تراه)

المهندس حسن فتحي فيلسوف العمارة ومهندس الفقراء: هو معماري مصري بارز، من مواليد مدينة الأسكندرية، وتخرَّجَ من المُهندس خانة بجامعة فؤاد الأول، اشْتُهِرَ بطرازهِ المعماري الفريد الذي استمَدَّ مَصَادِرَهُ مِنَ العِمَارَةِ الريفية النوبية المَبنية بالطوب اللبن، ومن البيوت والقصور بالقاهرة القديمة في العصرين المملوكي والعُثماني.
رُبَّ ضَارَّةٍ نَافِعَةٍ.. فوائدُ فيروس كورونا غير المتوقعة للبشرية أنَّه لم يكن يَخطرُ على بال أحَدِنَا منذ أن ظهر وباء فيروس كورونا المُستجد، أنْ يكونَ لهذه الجائحة فوائدُ وإيجابيات ملموسة أفادَت كوكب الأرض.. فكيف حدث ذلك؟!...
تخليص الإبريز في تلخيص باريز: هو الكتاب الذي ألّفَهُ الشيخ "رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي" رائد التنوير في العصر الحديث كما يُلَقَّب، ويُمَثِّلُ هذا الكتاب علامة بارزة من علامات التاريخ الثقافي المصري والعربي الحديث.
الشيخ علي الجرجاوي (رحمه الله) قَامَ برحلةٍ إلى اليابان العام 1906م لحُضُورِ مؤتمر الأديان بطوكيو، الذي دعا إليه الإمبراطور الياباني عُلَمَاءَ الأديان لعرض عقائد دينهم على الشعب الياباني، وقد أنفق على رحلته الشَّاقَّةِ من مَالِهِ الخاص، وكان رُكُوبُ البحر وسيلته؛ مِمَّا أتَاحَ لَهُ مُشَاهَدَةَ العَدِيدِ مِنَ المُدُنِ السَّاحِلِيَّةِ في أنحاء العالم، ويُعَدُّ أوَّلَ دَاعِيَةٍ للإسلام في بلاد اليابان في العصر الحديث.


 They Returned to Instinct

اذهب الى الأسفل 
انتقل الى الصفحة : الصفحة السابقة  1, 2, 3, 4
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:23 pm

58 Islam Story of Imad Mahdi, the former deacon
At first I asked (the young Imad): to summarize for us the story of his conversion to Islam, so he summarized it as follows: Praise be to God, we praise Him, we seek His help, we seek His guidance, and we seek refuge in God from the evils of ourselves and from the evils of our deeds. He whom God guides is not misleading, and he who misleads is not guided by him, and I bear witness that there is no god but God and I bear witness That Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. As for what follows: The blessing of Islam is sufficient for it as a blessing, and if we prostrated to God in gratitude until we died, we would not have fulfilled this blessing in terms of gratitude to God Almighty.

A Muslim who lives under Islam enjoys great grace, namely the blessing of Islam, and do not feel the taste of this grace was only deprived of them, and God honored them. Brother reader: I had to tell you about myself before I told you about the blessing of Islam to which God has guided me. Perhaps you would ask me and say: What was your family before and after Islam? Before Islam: My family consisted of four people and they were me, my sister, my mother and my father. A Christian family was like any religious family that went to church and attended its mass on its dates (Sundays and Fridays), and performed all the rituals inside it such as confession, eating, or prayer.

Recognition: is the slave confession to a priest guilty that he committed during the week, and everyone in the church this must be recognition in front of the priest, and chooses for himself a priest appointed, called after this priest (spiritual father) and some of them called this priest (spiritual conscience)!!!

Confession is one of the seven sacraments of the Church, which are:
1 sacrament of baptism or immersion or evangelization.
2 the mystery of the Lord 's Supper or communion.
3 mystery of communion.
4 Secret triangulation.
5 sacrament of marriage.
6 sacrament of confession.
7 the mystery of the priesthood.

It suffices to explain the confession and the communion so that the subject does not diverge and separate from our hands.. Communion: follows the confession, which is grape wine (i.e. wine) and the priest reads some rituals to it for about an hour and a half, and according to their belief they say: This wine may turn into blood Christ and everyone who confessed to the priest drinks a spoonful of this wine. The hadith attracts me to the definition of  (the reader, the reader) about the Mass in the Church: Mass is what is done on Friday and Sunday mornings, and this Mass in their view is the pinnacle of worship, and they perform some rituals in the ancient Coptic language, and most of those who pray behind the priest do not know anything about these words... (Do not laugh!! There is no sin after disbelief)!!! These seven secrets are only shirk, as it appears in the triangulation of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, where they took Christ peace be upon God without God, and be glorified on this basis.

I used to go with my family to the church on Friday in the morning as well as Sunday, this place is desolate, filled with smoke braziers in all aspects of the Church, so that you almost do not see your hand from the severity of this fog of smoke, as well as not there full my desire inside because the words of the Rev. in the liturgy in the Coptic language, but they were in Sunday school, the work of competitions and gifts which children want to go to church.

Father and mother work:
My father was a grain merchant, and my mother was a nurse, and I always liked to be with my father in the shop until I was quick to buy and sell, and there was also another grain store owned by the big family, grandfather, grandmother, uncles and aunts, and I had a special place with my grandfather despite Having cousins around me. As well as my uncle and another was that Uncle loves me love so much and says: (I consider you my son and I am sure that your father does not know your values like me), thank God you are skillful in trade, skillful with people, known for good manners and good dealing with people as well as honesty in home, it was thankfully my style good with all people, and this is something that Aftrt and grew up on it.

The beginning of the light:
At the beginning of the entry of light into our house, which brightened the light of Islam I felt the orientation of my mother compassionate towards Islam is not an exclamation point in (hearts between two of the fingers Rahman expends how he wants) found my mother alienated from Christianity, so they began to refrain from going to church and tend to Islam. At that time, approved the fasting month of Ramadan, fasting when the Christians, where Muslims break the fast when Morocco, and the Christians break the fast when you see the stars in the sky, when the approach of Morocco. And when the stars appeared in the sky, that preceded the call to prayer, but the mother was waiting until she heard the call to prayer. I was amazed! On one occasion, I said to her (Mama), what is this? I see that you do not break your fast when the star appears in the sky like we do, and you eat at the time of the Maghrib call to prayer like the Muslims. What is this?!!!! Tell me frankly. Says Imad O, O Imad does not occupy your mind. After that, I learned that with this behavior she is turning to Islam and tending to it, and that she was fasting Ramadan, and she was not fasting the Virgin's fast, because the Virgin's fasting was fifteen days, but she fasted thirty days until the blessed month of Ramadan ended. Many situations began to appear like this, for example: Sheikh Al-Shaarawi’s lesson used to come on Friday after the prayer, and it is known to the Christians that whenever Al-Shaarawi was on TV, they would have an hour to jinx, and that was completely different for my mother, who used to sit in front of the TV silent as If a child was in front of his father, or a student in front of his teacher, even if you had told her, she would not answer you because of her intense attention to the lesson of Sheikh Al Shaarawy. During that period, there was a program called (An Opinion Seminar) for a group of scholars, and she would sit and focus her attention on hearing the answer.

All these changes were evident in my mother during this period. When my mother thought about revealing her conversion to Islam, she sat with me and said to me, Imad, you are my only son, and I will not find anyone to protect me but you! My mother's tone was changing, as if she was afraid of something, so I said to her, " Oh, you are all. " She was reluctant to talk to me. Then she said in her talk with me (do not you big son and the first joy in this world can not think about the day that you hurt your mother). From these words I began to feel terrified that moved in my heart scared, can not think about the day that you hurt your mother do not you my only son. These words have many meanings and carry more than one question mark???. Amid this quick thinking I asked my mother why this hesitation what happened and what will happen...? Mother, comfort your heart and comfort me, but (mother is mother) she said: What would you do if they tried to kill me...?! kill you!!! Who will kill you?!! She said: My brothers, your father, and the whole family. I said to her: Why are you the best sister to them and they all love you? With a look at my mother's eyes filled with tears, she said: What would you do if you became a Muslim?! Will you fight me like them? I told her: The mother is the mother, and you are in all cases my mother... Then I was overwhelmed by tears and we hugged, and she said: I will make this matter a secret between you and me. This situation shook me a lot. It was inside me, many questions baffling me and many thoughts that worried me, terrible obsessions that almost tore my heart and confusion that I can't find a solution for!!!

first shock:
A few days after this situation, I came back from school, but I did not find my mother, and I did not find her clothes, and I did not find anyone at home. I felt her hour forbidding separation, and weird Baad, Aad dear mother, has been overshadowed by the depression, and took over the fear of the future, and I wished it was a dream was not the fact, I went immediately to shop my father and I said to him: O my father promised I did not find my mother at home: he said: Maybe when one of her friends.. I said: O my father so that her clothes have not found the wheel. The father said: What do you say, Imad? I thought, and here my father's astonishment increased, and he rose in amazement. With me and went immediately to the home she shock where your mother? where?... where? He swore that he did not anger her and that nothing occurred between them that necessitated disagreement or anger, and the shock included all members of the family, that she had converted to Islam and announced her Islam before the responsible authorities and would never return home...!! The whole family went crazy and lost its balance, and it started saying about Islam and Muslims all the words of insult, cursing and cursing, and everyone (father, uncles and uncles) became very nervous, emotional in speech even among them and considered it a disaster and a disgrace to the whole family that came down on them and befall them all of them. Among the calamities that befell me at that time was that my mother was cursed and insulted with the most horrible insults from the closest relatives, uncles and uncles, and they always said that she resembled the Muslims in such and such. And some of them used to say such-and-such girl left her children and went to Islam. I used to hear that and watch it and I could not respond or defend it, but the uncle used to go to her in the relevant authorities to sign the statement after the statement that he would not be exposed to her. And when he met her, he was pleading with her to go back to her two sons because they needed him so badly.

The sweetness of faith:
But my mother rejected this urgency strongly after it tasted the sweetness of faith, converted to Islam and Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and let us deposit when you do not get lost from deposits Almighty is better preserved and better and is given the Most Merciful.

Church position:
I would go to the church and attend all its lessons, especially the Tuesday lesson. It was a lesson known to everyone in the church, and the pastor himself gave a public lecture on various topics, especially political lectures. He talks about it freely and expresses his opinions without being held accountable or censored in his speech. During one of the lessons of this Tuesday, he was exposed in his talk to the topic of my mother because it was the topic of the hour at the time, and everyone talks about it in the church. He said this pastor: (you remember Jane Doe and her name), which succumbed to the devil and converted to Islam and betrayed Christ, Christianity , and sold her children and sold themselves to Muslims, and left the purity and went to (I grew up word that comes out of their mouths that they say only a lie) (Cave: 5).

The woman who left Christ the God the Savior of this universe, Christ Himself wanted to expose her after she betrayed the Church, and she is now lying in prison in an ethical issue..?? Here I was stunned and the look of those present almost killed me, as if I had committed the most heinous moral crimes, as if I had committed adultery, God forbid. I said: Is this unreasonable? My mother would risk leaving her religion and leaving the worship of Christ and leaving me and my sister here facing all this calamity and it is not our fault, I hated myself and wished death would come to me every moment, and I went out of the church and God knows that I do not know how to walk in the street, my eyes hardly see anyone, while I am in this state of depression and extreme sadness. I heard a voice calling for me, Imad (mayor), and I saw my mother, who was always walking near our house, to see me and my sister on alert. At that time, I felt a severe struggle within me and a group of conflicting feelings, it is my beloved, affectionate mother!... She is the lady who sold Christ and she must be avenged... In the midst of this thinking, I did not hear a word from her out of my astonishment.. I turned to her and said, When did I get out of prison! She had a group of her colleagues in the nursing field and a group of Muslim neighbors with her, and she said: Rather, they all said (A prison)! Your mother preferred the afterlife over the world. My mother said: (Mayor of my son, my beloved) Did I not tell you that they will accuse me of accusations, take this paper with my address on the condition that you promise me that you will not give this address to anyone. I greeted her and kissed her, and among those present was a bearded man, and his wife was veiled. He said, “May God guide you.” He put his hand on my shoulder, but I pulled it off violently and severely, and left my mother and returned to our dark house. I saw my sister (Heba), but she was young and did not understand or understand what is going on around us. I looked at her and said: What is the fault of the children for what their fathers do? A word I heard from a Christian teacher commenting on our topic.

I had a very important topic before me, which was to visit my mother at her house, and it had been about six days since I met her and she gave me the mentioned address, and that was before sunset. From here the light of faith penetrated my darkened heart? Then I went to my mother to visit her at her house, and she received me a wonderful welcome and I sat looking at her modest house with simple furnishings, and in the midst of these quick glances, as the caller was calling: (God is great... God is great...) the call to prayer. By God, besides whom there is no god, it is as if I heard this call to prayer for the first time in my life despite hearing this call to prayer hundreds of times, but this call to prayer at this particular moment had a great impact in my heart that I had not felt before. My mother got up from my side immediately and went and purified herself and performed ablution, then I entered the Maghrib prayer and started reciting the Qur’an in prayer in an audible voice, and for the first time I heard the Qur’an from my mother, it is Surah Al-Ikhlas, and that position was indescribable. It had a good effect on my feelings. I wished to sit On the ground and kissing my mother's feet while she was praying, I felt something wash my heart, serenity and love entered me. A strange feeling, it is a new spirit flowing in my body, and the rays of light gathered in my soul and I felt the shining of the sun of a new day after the dark clouds and the darkness of the night. I was overwhelmed with tears by the extent of the injustice that was inflicted on her by that priest in last Tuesday's lesson. I wished to see this priest to take his punishment from me, for he assaulted my mother..!! Without any right, why distort her biography?! Is that fair? Is that what Christ commanded? Is this the priest who confesses the guilt to him? Is this the example of the Christian community from within..?! All of these questions needed to be answered.

obvious change:
I sat with my mother for about an hour and a half, and she brought me food and ate with her. This day and this visit was like a beautiful dream, I can hardly believe that this has happened and that it has a tangible reality.

An interview with the priest:
I left my mother's house with a calm heart and a cold chest and went to our house, and in the second garlic I went to the church to attend the well-known lecture every Tuesday. The same priest was talking and during the lecture he wanted to continue his dirty talk about this preserved gem, and to complete his talk about my pure and innocent mother. This priest said: As for So-and-so, I was with her yesterday and I told her, “My daughter, that your children need you, but unfortunately she is still in prison, and there was great difficulty so that I could talk to her extensively, because you know prison, and you don’t know what prison is in general. This is a punishment.” 

Every seller of Christ and this is the reward of every traitor. At this moment, I saw everyone in the church looking at me with strange looks, and I could not control myself. I stood in front of this tyrant and spoke to him with the loudest voice... I started my speech with the following: Enough, Father. Then I addressed my words to all, saying, Ladies and Gentlemen, I was with my mother yesterday, and she did not go to prison, as you have heard, and this man is a liar. Rather, it is the exact opposite of what this priest said. Everyone pays attention to me, they try to calm me down in every way and remind me of the position of the priest. This priest said to me: What is wrong with you, Imad? Be quiet, my son. What happened to you? What's the matter? I said: You are a liar. While I was speaking directly to him, everyone fell silent, and I turned to the audience and said to them: People, I was with my mother yesterday only at home and not in prison. When my mother heard the call to prayer, she got up and purified herself and performed ablution and arrived (ultimately pure). By God, I saw in her face a freshness beyond that. 

Mom group is not in prison as alleged (Father) and those who wish to address here 's to visit. I swear to you that when I heard the verses of the Qur’an from my mother, these verses would wash me and purify me from within. The priest interrupted me, saying: Shut up, boy, or I will expel you from the church. Your father could not raise you, you little polite one. I said to him: Let me ask you, Father: Do you purify yourself before prayer, as Muslims purify? Then everyone went crazy, big and small, their faces blackened and their fangs bared. Some say: shush have exceeded the limits of literature.. It is someone you are a little literature, and some have heaped on the beat. As for the priest, his color changed, his face turned black, his hands trembled, and confusion, defeat, and scandal appeared on his face. He said his last words indicating the pain and bitterness of defeat: Leave this boy.. his mother gave him brainwashing.

I came out of the church with peace of mind, and although I was afraid of what would happen next, and I kept crying until I went to the house of one of my dear friends, with whom I strengthened my relationship and confirmed my friendship with them over the days, I did not find him at home, and his mother saw me as I was on dispersed the current and sad for me and said: (including the mother of God is the cause of God Vlintqm them). I had not heard this woman's words until I wanted to attack her and almost strangled her and that lying priest, and I beat myself and said: Perhaps this anger is due to confronting the priest and daring him. (And a whisper from Satan), so let me return to the Bible so that I may find in it peace, guidance and calmness.

I held the Bible so that I might find something in it that would relieve me of this anguish and anguish that had afflicted me, but I quickly came back to my senses, and said to myself: Is this the Book of God so that I may return to it? Then I came back again to the Bible and held it and I still held it, so my depression increased, my sadness increased, and the question marks increased around me, and I felt and even made sure that it was a book like any book that tells the story of a person who ate, drank, slept and did such strange and paranormal habits.

Then I said who is the speaker in all of this? Or who wrote these news after the Messiah was lifted, and why are the narrations numerous, differing and sometimes contradicting, and there are many myths in them. I felt unusual boredom from reading the Bible, and other question marks appeared. But my eagerness to reach the truth prompted me to further review and re-read the Bible again. A few days later, on Friday, I went to the church in the morning mass, and it was my turn to confess. I stood in front of him and told him: There are many questions that I need to answer. There are questions from within the Bible that I did not find an answer to.

He said: A promise from me, Imad Effendi. We sit together and I answer all your questions, then he recites to my head words we knew well in Christianity. A few days later, the priest sent me a gift (a cross of pure gold) with a (neck chain) and I noticed that his treatment of me had completely changed, and he was treating me in the best way possible. On one occasion, he surprised me by saying (in a tender tone) I am sorry, son of Christ, when you mentioned your mother with what you mentioned in that image that annoyed you, because you are the son of Christ and we love you all, so does Christ love you. I did not know that this malicious priest plotted a plot to take revenge on me.

He said to me, (Imad), send me your father and uncle. I want them in an urgent matter, something that will make you very, very happy, and you will be very comfortable. I did not know that this malicious person was plotting against me and that he wanted my father and my uncle for this.

On the same day, I said to my father: Pastor So-and-so wants you in a very necessary matter. He said: Why? I told him, I don't know, as well as my uncle wants. My father said we will go to him next Friday. On Friday, my father and uncle and I went to the church, where the Friday mass was held, and after the mass, my father and uncle met with the priest, and when I was about to join them, the priest stopped me and asked me to wait outside the room because the conversation with the father and uncle is a very important and private matter. And they stayed in their meeting for about an hour. My father and uncle came out in a state of great sadness, and when I asked my father what happened, he said to me: Nothing, and at home he told me: He wanted you and your sister to stay with him in a monastery for three days.

I was glad of this unique message of what that monastery enjoys. And that (Anba) is of a high position in the souls of Christians and the honors in this monastery. I said to my father: Three days in this place? He said: Yes, I answered him with approval, and he asked me to prepare for travel within two days, me and my sister Heba, and my father was very sad about the day, and after two days the appointment came.

And my father helped me prepare the travel bag, and I was astonished when I found my father putting all my clothes, me and my sister... I asked him, Father, why are you putting all my clothes?... It's only three days. My father said to me: (Imad, my son) you will know everything, and we went to the Archdiocese in Cairo, and if I saw my father busy completing some procedures, then we moved to Beni Suef and on the way I asked him where my sister and I were going? And when? We have no relatives in Beni Suef!! He said: (There you will be in the best condition and I like it, and I will be with you after a week so that you will be very happy) and when my father cries and hugs my little sister Heba and increases in tears and says: (from her to God your mother from her to God is the reason).

We got Beni Suef (archdiocese) spoke of my father with the bishop and then went us to the house of his name (Archdeacon House) This was the house old opposite the Palace of Culture, and was the head of this house, a priest and general supervisor and a man both at the original, very beard, greeted my father and commanded me to my sister and Odni then went My sister went to a place next to the Archdiocese, which is (the girls’ house), I got to know the young members of the house, and the supervisor took me to a room that was not fun because all the rooms were like a prison dormitory, where the two-story beds, the patchwork clothes from behind, the uniform and the large number of residents And a dirty style, of words and conversations among themselves, insults by each of them towards the other, and name-calling.

The situation was difficult for me because the place is not comfortable, and the company does not have sex, and after several days I asked the supervisor how long to sit here and when I will return to my governorate? The response was the most terrible response and it was a difficult day, and I was laughed at by everyone. I memorized things behind the priest and prepared all the teachings from the priests and supervisors, and everyone was saying: This young man has a brilliant future in speaking and discussion, and I was cast as a deacon in Beni Suef, and my hair was cut in the form of a cross, and he muttered some words.

The Bishop of Beni Suef said during my spraying: I wish I was left a priest) and from that moment on I became a holder of the degree (deacon) inside the temple, the days began to roll and I began to adapt with the youth of the house, and I became loved by all of them for speaking well with them and good dealing with them. Life inside the house was bored because of the Christian teachings that were pouring over our heads without explanation or explanation. I began writing letters to my father and began explaining to him the situation I was in, in terms of pain, great sadness, and estrangement that followed estrangement. But all the letters that went to him from Beni Suef were in vain!!

Administrative decision:
An administrative decision came out from the Archdiocese in Beni Suef to immediately transfer my sister and I to (Bani Mazar) Minya, and I do not know why?...! One of the priests came specifically from Minya and said: Where are Imad and his sister? And that was the first meeting with my sister (Heba) in six months, and we embraced together and cried from the intensity of my happiness to meet my sister Heba, and I asked her about her condition and she told me that it was the most difficult life she lived in her life, as the supervisor used to deal with them with a stick. The sent priest told us that they learned from the Anba (Bishop of Beni Suef) that my sister and I are not comfortable in Beni Suef. We were immediately transferred to the (House of Grace) and on the way the priest asked me about my mother.

My answer was neither fat nor starvation, and at the end of my speech I said to him: Do you believe that I forgot what my mother looked like? That priest laughed and said: (Better, what do you want from them, you are here with us, and one day you will be a priest for the church, who has his place in society and prestigious circles, and you will have a better life than here, by the permission of Christ). I asked him when we will return to my father? He said: (I think it is a strong fault that you look at the world with this view, and you were placed in a group that is considered to be one of the priests), I said to him: And my sister Heba? He said: And your sister Heba (How many years old do you marry a good priest like me). I felt that my sister and I had been sentenced to life imprisonment.

We went to the house (House of Grace), which is known to the people as the Coptic Primary Elementary School, and inside this school from the northern corner there is a three-storey villa (House of Grace) a woman greeted us and took us to the priest who supervised the house. He greeted us and said to the cursed supervisor: (Bring food for the children and the best clothes, and take a gift to her room with her female colleagues. As for Wad Imad, he sits on the lower floor with Amir, Sameh, and Raouf). In fact, the house was much better than (Bani Suef) and everyone had a bed and a wardrobe. The supervisor brought some new clothes. I got to know this trio. They were very polite, moral and respectful.

Amir and Sameh were two brothers, and Raouf was a stranger to them. I loved them very much. It was all very, very afraid of the old supervisor that (forbidden by God from every tinge beauty or create) and called her all that is cruel and ugly, it 's really scary, I drank the bitter colors, and I lived patience every sense at the hands of this old, so named this house (Vengeance House No House of Grace) and I remember the days I lived in Beni Suef very well, for my days in them were bliss compared to my days in the House of Grace. This woman used to treat us with protective whips as if she were in a zoo. As she expressed one day by saying: (These animals must be brought up in this way). Even this woman was watching us at the time of eating and following us with her orders, and it was not strange that she ordered the individual to get up and leave the food without being satisfied, in order to humiliate him and insult his dignity in front of his colleagues.

They cut her hair!!!
As for my sister Heba, they cut her hair for her and told her that when she is fifteen years old, she will marry immediately..!! One day, the great priest came to inspect our conditions, and she was dealing with the utmost politeness and morals with young men and girls in front of the priest. The priest asked me one day.. How are you? Here the best of Beni Suef, I told you: that (Beni Suef) was much more merciful than here.. amusingly he said: Why..!! I told him: This woman is the reason because she deals with us as if she deals with animals that only deal with us with a stick. The priest looked at her with a look of blame, and said to her: Is this true? She said: You know that children lie. He said:....... No....!! This supervisor stayed for about a week, which is best in her dealings with young people. After the pastor traveled to Minya, I came back with the worst of it, with me in particular.

I did not find a way to escape from the house because the security of the house was tight, and I had no choice but to write letters to my father, explaining the situations to him and pleading with him to save me and my sister from this severe distress. During that period, I became sick and wasting, and the months passed as if they were years, until about five more months passed in Bani Mazar, and one day, after these five months, the supervisor spoke to us harshly, but I could not help myself and said to her: (May God take revenge on you) because that topic There was injustice done to one of the roommates, so after she heard this word, she got up immediately and brought the stick and took her day (a death leech)...

Relief came from God:
After this grumpy old woman beat me and Amir, it was in the morning, and after sunset, uncle Fahmy, the guard of the house, came running, calling, “Imad … Oh Imad … I told him: What happened (Oh, Uncle Fahmy) He said: Your father outside the house came to see you.” You and your sister Heba, I raised my voice with the word of God... God, are you honest? The man was happy and said: Your father, by God, my son. I hurried out towards the door and my father was standing. I couldn't help myself except while I was in his arms crying so hard, and he said: (That's why, Dad, we did what about you..)!! The father cried very hard, then looked at me and said: Where is your sister? I told him: I do not know, he said (what way Les weakness de owner you sick), I looked him look to blame and reproach and did not speak, and the impact of the day on my body Whips hit Palmcharfh in the morning.

When he saw this, he said in astonishment: (It is not possible for a person to be the one who did this to you). He went towards the supervisor and said: Where is (our father so-and-so), she said: In Minya, the father said to her: Please, bring this man who is necessary. She said: He is busy, you can see your son and leave with a thousand safety. The father said: I do not want to hear your voice because you are a heartless woman. The woman said, interrupting the father's words: (How are you talking to me like that)? The father said: Interrupting her words (bring the priest (so-and-so) immediately, and I do not want to hear you, and I am sitting here and I do not walk until I see our father so-and-so...!!).

The woman immediately got up and spoke with the priest on the phone, and he said to her: (Let the man sit in Emad's room, and I will be with you early in the morning). The man came early in the morning, and brought breakfast for him and my parents and me, and after breakfast the father said (I want to take my children with me)....... The priest said: (Sorry and I don't want to talk much about this subject). (The father swears, if you do not attend Imad Wahba and their clothes, I will break everything in this house on your head, children...!!). He threatened the priest and said: (Knowing that I will now go to the governor of Minya to expose your affairs to the Muslims, and not like that, only if you, Sir (the priest) leave the house healthy, this will be a relief from God).

Departure from Bani Mazar prison:
The conversation ended, and the priest said, calling for the supervisor to bring Imad Wahba's clothes immediately. And when he saw my supervising father, he said sarcastically: (I will ask you a question, angels of mercy: Did Jesus order the beating of children?! With this filthy image of this woman..?!!). The priest was surprised and said to her: Didn't I tell you not to hit the boys like this? My father and my sister and I left this prison after saying goodbye to Amir, Forgiveness and Raouf who I left behind in this terrible prison, and I will not forget the last word they said to me: (Hat you walk and leave us here in torment with the one with the heart of stone).

Violent shock:
On the way to our city, I asked my father about my mother's condition, and he said to me (Imad, I forgot this topic). My love, your mother died about six months ago in a car accident that was hit by your uncle so-and-so... It was a violent psychological shock, I was stunned and said to my father: Then why do we go to our city?! We go back to where we came from, and I kept saying my mother died, my mother died and cried, so the father said: (I think a strong shame you cry) You are going back to your family, a shame crying and life before you is long.

Hope is back again:
God Almighty wills, after forty days have passed while I was in the shop alone, I heard my mother’s voice: O Imad, O Imad, I fell into her lap for nearly half an hour while I was repeating the word: Mama is alive? God is great...!! I was certain that my father had hidden the truth from me so that I would not think about it, so I asked her for her address, and I took the address and hope returned again. After a few days, I visited her, and she welcomed me, and then took my sister to her to stay with her for a while, and I learned after that that the subject of our travel to Beni Suef was a conspiracy planned by the priest.

A messenger from the church:
The priest himself sent a message to me saying: Come, practice your duties as a deacon inside the church. I found that this is what everyone asked for me, whenever someone in my family sees me saying: Why don't you perform your duties in the church? I stayed approximately the nine Liturgies did this work areas never, asked me to be a teacher for children in Sunday school but I refused, and after the many found in the Bible have I had this dialogue with a group of young people. I sat with more than twenty young men inside the church, and that was about a year and four months before my conversion to Islam.

touching words:
I said to the young men, what do you say about a man who committed fornication with his daughters? One said: An infidel..! And the other said: Ibn Al -...! I said: And if the one who did this deed was one of the prophets of God. This incident was mentioned in the Bible!!! A young man shouted at me and said: This is a great slander, a lie, and a slander against the Bible. Another followed him and said: Bring this verse if you are really truthful. I said: This is Dalili open with me the Bible in the Book of Genesis (19: 33 35). (And they made their father drink wine that night and entered the eldest and Oddjat with her father and did not know Badtjalla not doing, and an event tomorrow that the firstborn said to the small: (I lay down yesterday with my father.) Drink wine tonight,, enter and lie with him Vtnajabi of our Father seed, they made their father drink wine those also tonight, and the small and lay with him and did not know Badtjalla not doing. took away the daughters of Lot father?! I said to these young people: O learners and intellectuals, what would you say in Noah? they said: he is a prophet of God 's prophets and lover to God. I said: Do you know what to say The Bible about him? Everyone was silent and no one answered. I said: (And Noah began to be a farmer and planted a vineyard, and drank of the wine, then got drunk and stripped himself inside his tent) (Genesis: (9/20, 21) everyone was silent and I found no one to comment on this.

Champion Philosophy:
After several days, I asked the priest in front of the youth, and I said to him while laughing: Father... Does God see anyone?! He answered immediately: (God never sees anyone) John (1/18). I told him: And if the Bible that said in the Gospel of John (God has never been seen) is the same as the Bible that came in it, Exodus (33/11) (And the Lord speaks to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his companion). The priest said: O Imad, a hero of philosophy!!! When I left the church, I heard the school that teaches children raising its voice very loudly. I told her: O professor so and so Akhvda your voice. She said: (Why is it forbidden for a woman to speak in church) and raised her voice loudly and laughed.

I told her: Yes forbidden women raise their voices or speak in the church, I laughed and said fatwas, O Mufti! (To fall silent wives in churches, because it is not authorized for them to speak, but are subjected, as the law also says, but if they want to learn something Felicoln their own husbands at home because it is ugly women to speak in the Church) (Corn w will 14/34 35). She said the truth of what he said: (it works for a priest) and she laughed and said: Thank you, Bona, sarcastically!!!

deceive deceive:
My father knew that I visit my mother from time to time, so he called me once and said to me: Did you visit your mother again? I said to him: Yes, the father was surprised, so he asked me in astonishment: Why? I said: Was she not the cause of what happened to us in Beni Suef and Minya, and what happened to you too? He said: Yes, our Lord will take revenge on her. That was the reason. I told him: That is why I visited her again to take revenge on her and because she had betrayed Christ. He said to me: How is that? I told him: Be patient and you will see for yourself. He said: May God fix your condition, but take care of it. And when he spoke to me about this matter, I told him what I told my father. He was very impressed with me. He said: Well done.

Then he said: Pastor so-and-so says that he expects you to have a wonderful future in the Orthodox Church. I was very pleased with their conviction of this matter, and I kept visiting my mother in front of them. I spent a long time with my mother learning about Islam and what is in it, and studying the Qur’an, and there was a mosque next to the house. I met the preacher of the mosque, Sheikh Hussein Ahmed Amer (Abu Ahmed), a virtuous man in whom I saw the morals of Islam in his dealings with everyone.

I saw this man, the affectionate big brother, I learned from him Many, many, and he was the first to rise to the pulpit after that, may God bless this man and bless his children, and I ask God to grant him sincerity in work, and to reward him for what he did. After I became acquainted with the initial teachings of Islam, and took a share of Islamic culture in general, so that I could respond to any person regarding matters of Islam. After I managed to do this, I said to my mother... (It is time for me to declare my conversion to Islam). She was wise in her response, may God bless her: She said: (Your sister is a gift before you, because if you convert to Islam before a gift, you will be lost... You will receive with them what he received of misery and relentlessly). This talk made me afraid for my sister and pushed me to help her.

My sister's Islam:
After this talk simple period.. I was sitting in the house and if the gift of feedback from the Church and in her hands image taken from the church, (she was only twelve years ten). I told her, Heba, what is this picture?... She said a picture of Christ in a manger as a baby,.... I said to her: What is this about Christ? She said: Beasts, so I said: Is it appropriate for the Lord Christ to be born among animals? Or is he born in a humble house, for example, if this is out of humility? I was pleased when I heard at the end of my conversation with Heba that she, too, was not convinced by this logic of Christianity and wanted to convert to Islam with you. He soon but announced her conversion to Islam and uttered Shahaadatayn (There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him)) Vaktmmelt so joy, thank God.

We went after this long arduous journey to announce our Islam in front of the responsible authorities. I found the officials suffering very severely from long discussions and violent pressures from the Christians. Overturned the churches of the Christians in our country, did not believe many of them that (Imad) who predicted his pastor that he would be a priest someday may be the safest, but God is capable of everything if the guidance of Abdul wanted slaves carried out his will and made his will, makes the Almighty wills happy and makes it pleases Hqia, he is saying: ((it is God to guide him explain his chest to Islam and given that leads him astray makes a narrow chest, as if embarrassed up in the sky as well as God makes uncleanness on those who do not believe) (cattle: 125).

we announced our Islam amid warm wonderful brothers Muslims, and remained a parent with his wife, whom he married after Rjuana of Beni Mazar. began to visit it was Anherna time and time again until now become something I love to his heart. refrained from going to church, and no longer fasts their fast, and no longer speak with any Christian but a little. temperance minimum, no longer seen even to his shop, and I'm now I'm still trying to convince him to enter Islam. God willing, the Almighty will soon find a glimmer of light in the heart of Islam and I am in dire need of prayer, dear reader, Walker May God open his heart and enlighten his insight, and I ask God to guide him, for he is the guardian of that and the one who is able to do so. I asked Brother Imad, saying: Brother Imad: I found you stopped talking more than once while telling your story, and some times I cried, I wonder why?!! He said: These events are represented in front of me, a deep wound, and painful, harsh memories.

Then he said: Easily change your lifestyle in clothing, food and drink, but not easily change your religion, unless you are convinced. I asked Brother Imad al-Mahdi and said to him: Are there conversations with the Christians after you entered Islam? He replied: The dialogues are many, by the grace of God. Among them are many discussions about: the Trinity, the issue of crucifixion, and the denial of the deity of Christ. And many more, and we can not stand to list all these dialogues, and there are quick and rare dialogues that have a good purpose and what I mention of them. After my conversion, while I was with a group of Muslim youth, there was a priest who talked about my mother after she converted to Islam, and he is the same one who plotted my trip to Beni Suef, was walking in the street with a group of Christian youth, some of whom I know. I approached the priest and greeted him, and he said to me in a tone full of emotion: Welcome, son of the prodigal Christ.

I told him: Leave these superstitions, and think about what is going on around you. Do you know that you are astray? The priest said: (Imad sold your blood to the Muslims so that you would know how to eat). I said to him: Do you know that the Pope... got married?! He immediately said: The Pope does not marry. I said: Glory be to God, the Pope does not marry, and God marries and has a son!! How astonishing you forbid this matter to the Pope and accept it to God!! Everyone laughed (Muslim and Christian) and that priest's face turned black...!! There are other positions: there is a secondary teacher I know well, this man and his work in the church of brainwashing children up to grow up hating the year beloved Muhammad peace be upon him, and the biography of the companions of the pure God bless. I asked him, Professor So-and-so...

He said: Yes, Judas Iscariot. I said to him: Why did the Lord Christ offer Himself as an offering to forgive Adam's sin, and Adam did not offer Himself in its stead?!! And why was Jesus, peace be upon him, solely responsible for Adam's sin and a demand for atonement for it? Where is the individual responsibility?! Is not its loss in society evidence that it is governed by the law of the jungle? Then is it fair that God brought Adam and commanded him to offer himself as an offering?! Why does Jesus offer himself as an offering without a valid reason?!

Then who revived Christ after his death? Did he revive himself? As for someone else's life? Although this willingly then who was shouting and yelling on the cross and says: (Eli Eli did not Hbaktna?) Any God my God, why hast thou forsaken me, heard these words, and after he fled did not comment.
emadelmahdy_info@yahoo. com

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:29 pm

59 Islam Story
Cat Stevens Giorgio was born on July 21, 1947, in London, into a multi-denominational Christian home. His father was Greek Orthodox, while his mother was a Swedish Catholic. At a time when British society lived according to the teachings of the Anglican Church, his mother entered him into a religious school where he learned that man can become a god. If he has mastered his work, this encourages him to be good at singing; As he scored 8 strips before reaching twenty years old, and reached one of his songs in the top 10 songs in Britain at the time, change his name to Cat Stevens, a name that publicized his fame and became a shave in the prospects for the whole of Europe during the wave " Alheibz " in the sixties of the last century He was not over twenty-two years old yet!

When he was twenty-two years old, Cat Stevens fell ill with tuberculosis, which kept him isolated from the crowd in a hospital for about a year, during which he devoted himself to reading books on philosophy and oriental mysticism, wishing he knew the way to spiritual certainty; He felt that his life was incomplete despite the success he had achieved, and in the end he decided to return to singing, but with new concepts consistent with what he had read during his illness.

Indeed, his two songs “The Way to Knowing God ” and “ Maybe I Die Tonight ” achieved great success, which made him bewildered. He knocked on the door of Buddhism, thinking that happiness is to foretell the future to avoid its evils, so he became fatalistic, believed in stars and fortune-telling, then moved to communism, thinking that happiness is the division of wealth.

The world is on everyone, but he felt that it did not agree with instinct, so Kat Stevens turned to alcohol and drugs to interrupt this difficult chain of thinking after realizing that there was no doctrine that reached certainty, and he returned to the teachings of the church that told him that God exists but must reach him through broker, has led this with that music picks have his empty where his thoughts and beliefs, and ultimately guided God to Islam and good Islam and founded the Islamic primary school under the name of " Islamic ", then the Islamic secondary school for boys and girls in north London and are the first two schools of Muslim nations Two Britons.

As for the story of his conversion to Islam, he tells us about it:
All I want to say is all you have Araftamoh, to affirm what may Araftamoh: Prophet message Muhammad peace be upon him that God Almighty revealed religion right. We as human beings have been given evidence of the Creator who placed us at the top of the creatures.

Man was created to be God's successor on earth, and it is important to realize our obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and make our lives a preparation for the afterlife, and anyone who loses this opportunity will not be given a chance to return again.

My early religious upbringing:
I was raised in the developed world with all the luxury and a luxurious life. I was born in a Christian home and we know that every child is born according to the instinct and his parents make him adhere to this or that religion, as the Messenger of God - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: (Every child is born according to the instinct until it is expressed his tongue, so his parents make him Judaize, Christian, or imitate him).

I was given this religion (Christianity) and I thought this way I learned that God exists but there is no direct contact with God so we have to contact God through Christ is actually the door that leads to God and this is what I taught but I did not accept it at all.

I looked at some statues of Christ but they are just stones without life and when they said God is three I was very confused, but I couldn't argue, I kind of think because I have to respect my parents' beliefs.

pop star:
I gradually became isolated from this religious education, I started playing music and I want to become a big star, I took my interest in all those things I saw in the movies and the media and maybe I thought that this is my Lord and he collects money, I have an uncle who owns a beautiful car. I said: Well he has it, he has a lot of money The people around me have influenced me to think that he is this world is their Lord after that I decided that this is life for me to make a lot of money I have a great life.

Now the pop stars are like me. I started with songs but I have a deep sense of humanity, the feeling that if you become rich, I will help the needy as God Almighty says: (The creation of man Hluaa. If you touch the evil Dzuaa. If you touch the good diverse) " Ascent: 19 21".

So what happened is that I became very famous when I was still a teenager, my name and my pictures became in all the media they made me bigger than life, so I wanted to live more than life and the only way to do that was to be high with alcohol and drugs.

In the hospital:
After a year of financial success and a luxurious life, I became very ill and had to go to the hospital, after that I started thinking what would happen to me, am I just a body!!

My purpose in life was only to please this body. I now realize that this ordeal is a blessing from God, an opportunity to open my eyes. Why am I here? Why am I in bed?

And I started looking for answers. At that time there was an interest in honorific Sufism. I started reading about it. The first thing I began to realize was death and that the soul was in motion. It never stopped. I felt that I was making the way to grace and great achievement. I began to meditate and more than that. I became a vegetarian. I now believe in peace and flowers.. and that was the general tendency of me, but what I especially believe is that I I'm not just a body, this feeling brought me to the hospital.

One day when I was walking and it was raining, I started running to a shelter and then I realized that my body was wet My body told me I was getting wet This made me think of saying that the body is like a donkey and must be trained where to go, otherwise the donkey will lead you to what it wants. Then I realized that I had a will from God to guide me, I was amazed by the new terms, I was learning the Eastern religion.

I started playing music again and this time I started to reflect my thoughts. I remember singing the poem that says, " I wish to know what I wish to know who made heaven, fire - making.. Do you Soarafk in bed or in the grave dirt while others arrive at the grand hotel and I knew I was on the ground, " I wrote the song also ways Knowing God I even became more famous in the world of music, I really had a hard time getting rich and famous and at the same time I desperately searched for the truth, then I got to a point where I decided Buddhism is completely true and noble but I wasn't ready to become a monk and unarmed myself about society.

I tried to study the magical significance of numbers (Zen), (Shung) and astrology cards. I tried to look again at the Bible and I couldn't find anything at this time I didn't know anything about the Islamic religion. My brother had visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and was deeply moved because it was vibrant and peaceful on the other hand, unlike (the churches and synagogues which were empty).

When he returned to London, he brought with him a translation of the meanings of the Holy Qur'an, which he gave me. He did not become a Muslim, but he felt something in this religion and thought that perhaps I would find something in it as well.

And when I received the guiding book in which everything will be explained, who am I? What is the purpose of life, what is the truth, and how is the truth.? Where did you come from? I realized that this is the true religion. It is not the religion that the West understands, not only because of their old age.

For the West, when you believe in a religion and make it the only thing as your way of life, you are considered a fanatic. I am not a fanatic. I was lost between body and soul at first, then I realized that body and soul are not separate, you don't have to go to the mountain to become religious you must follow God's will then you can be higher than angels.

The first thing I want to do now is be a Muslim. I realized that everything belongs to God, who does not take a year or sleep. He is the Creator of everything. From this point on, I began to lose arrogance in myself. I realized that I was here because of my own greatness, but I realized that I had not created myself. The whole purpose of my being here is to submit to the teachings laid down by the religion that Islam knows. From this point I began to discover my faith, I felt that I was a Muslim, and I realized now thanks to reading the Qur’an that all the prophets had been sent by God with the same message, so why are Christians and Jews different?.

I know now how the Jews of Jesus Christ was not accepted and changed the word of God, so that Christians have sinned in understanding the word of God and called Jesus the son of God, this is the beauty of the Quran, you are asked to reflect and think and not to worship the sun and the moon and the creation of God in general, do you realize what is the difference Between the sun and the moon?

They are at different distances from the earth, but they seem the same size to us, and at times one overlaps the other so that many astronauts, when they went up into space, saw the small size of the earth and the space of space. They became believers because they saw the evidence of God's power.

When I read more of the Qur’an, it talks about prayer, righteousness and charity. I am not a Muslim yet, but I felt that the Qur’an was the only one that loved me and that God had sent it to me and I kept it a secret. The Qur’an speaks on several levels.

I am beginning to understand it on the last level when it says:
(Not the believers take the unbelievers without believers and who does it is not of God in anything but the piety of them Tqap God warns himself to God and determination) (Surah Al - Imran). Thus, from this point on, I wanted to meet my Muslim brothers.

I decided, then, to travel to Jerusalem (as my brother did) and in Jerusalem I went to the mosque and sat down. A man asked me what I wanted? I told him I was a Muslim, and he asked my name, I told him my name was (Stephen) he was amazed and then I joined the prayer even though it's not right. On my return to London, I met a sister named Nafisa. I told her that I wanted to convert to Islam, and she guided me to the new mosque. That was in 1977, about a year and a half after receiving the Qur’an. I now realized that I had to get rid of my pride, get rid of Satan, and turn my face in one direction, and so on Friday after the Friday prayer, I went to the imam and declared my Islam.

He was a person before you who achieved fame and fortune, but it was guidance that attracted me, no matter how hard I tried until I learned the Qur’an.

Now I realize that I can have direct contact with God unlike Christianity or any other religion as an Indian lady told me, “ You don’t understand Hinduism. We believe in one God and we use these idols just for focus. ” She was doing that in order to be with the One God there must be partners and this Idols are the purpose. But Islam removed all these barriers and the only thing that distinguishes between a believer and an unbeliever is prayer.

This is the process of purification:
Finally I wish to say that everything I do is out of love for God and I ask and pray to God that you benefit from some of my experiences, moreover I would like to stress that I did not communicate with any Muslim before I converted to Islam I read the Qur’an first and then I realized that no one is fully Muslim, and if we want to follow the approach of the Prophet peace be upon him, we will succeed and May God guide us because we follow the imam of the nation Muhammad peace be upon him. Amen.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:35 pm

60 Islam Story of Amina Oc_lema
Beginning and decision:
I was at the beginning of my final year of studying (entertainment) when I met the first group of Muslims in my life. It was the first year that we were able to register for the class through the computer, so I registered and then I went to take care of some family business in (Oklahoma). The work took me longer than I thought, so I came back two weeks late to the beginning of the semester. But I wasn't worried about making up for what I missed, because I was the first in my class. Although I was a student at that time, I was winning prizes while competing with specialists in this field.

And I must also say that I was very shy, even though I went to college and got high marks, and ran my own business, and despite having many close friends around me. I was very silent, and very slow to get to know people, I rarely spoke to anyone unless I had to, or if I knew them before. The lessons I was taking required me to do some administrative and urban planning, in addition to developing programs that suit children, so they were the only ones with whom I felt comfortable.

Well... let's go back to our story. The distribution made by the computer had given me a great surprise. I was enrolled in a theatrical material where I was obligated to perform live in front of the audience. I was so afraid because of that, I hardly dared to ask some questions at the base of the lesson, so how can I stand on the stage in front of all the people?! I told my husband about this, but he was calm as always, so he suggested that I speak with the professor and explain the problem to him, and that I agree with him that I should write the text or prepare the clothes. The professor agreed to try to help me out of this predicament. So I went to class the following Tuesday. When I opened the hall door to enter I received the second shock.

The hall was filled with (Arabs) or (players jockey on camels) as some like to call them. Well... I had never seen any of the Arabs before, but I had heard of them. What it was me, but I decided that I am not in any way I can not a room filled with filthy infidels! It also occurred to me that it was possible for one of them to pass on one of the dreaded diseases to me. All the people were saying that they are filthy, and that they are not trustworthy either. All I had to do was close the door and go home. But I must mention one small thing now. When I was thinking this way, I was wearing sexy leather pants, high heels, and a wine glass in my hand... but they were the (bad ones) in my opinion!

When I told my husband about those Arab students, and that I could never go back there, he calmed me down in his quiet way, and reminded me that I had always claimed that God always had a cause for everything, and that perhaps I should think carefully about this before I made a final decision. He also reminded me that I have a scholarship, so if I want to keep it, I must maintain my GPA, otherwise something like this can ruin everything. In the next two days, I prayed to God Almighty, calling on Him to be guided. On Thursday, I returned to class and had a belief that God Almighty had orchestrated this in order to save those poor infidels from the torment of Hell.

Gradually I began to explain to them how they would burn in Hell for eternal life, if they did not accept Christ (peace be upon him) as their Savior, so they dealt with me very kindly, but they were not guided! Then I explained to them how Jesus (peace be upon him) loves them and how he died on the cross to save them from their sins. All they have to do to save themselves is to accept Him in their hearts. They remained the same level of kindness to me, but they still did not find guidance!!! That is why I decided to read their holy book to show them that Islam is a false religion and that Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) is a false god. One of them gave me a copy of the translation of the Noble Qur’an and another book on Islam, and I began my studies. I was sure I would find the evidence I needed very quickly.

But I read the Noble Qur’an and the other book, and then I read fifteen other books, among which was Sahih Muslim, then I went back to the Noble Qur’an. I was determined to guide them! Thus, my study of Islam continued for a year and a half. During that time, some problems started to arise between me and my husband. I was changing, and although this change was only in some things, it was enough to disturb him. I no longer wanted to go to the bars and parties that we used to go to every Friday and Saturday. She became calmer and more distant from him. He came to the certainty that I had an illicit relationship, so he expelled me from the house. So I moved to another apartment with my children and with all this I continued my efforts determined to convert these Muslims to Christianity!

One day there was a knock on my door, and when I opened the door I saw a man in a long white dress for sleeping with a red checkered piece of cloth on his head, and three men in their pajamas accompanied him too! (This was the first time I saw Arabs in their traditional dress.) I felt that they insulted me greatly. How can they allow themselves to knock on my door while they are wearing pajamas?! What kind of women do they think I am?! Imagine my shock when the man with the red rag on his head told me that he understood my desire to become a Muslim! She directs him quickly that I do not want to become a Muslim. I am saying that I then remedied and though I have some inquiries, if he has time.

Brother Abdulaziz gave me enough time, and was very patient in his discussion with me about all issues. It never made me feel silly or that my question was a stupid question. He asked me if I believed that there was only one God, and I said: Yes. He asked me if I believe that Muhammad of peace be upon him, was a messenger of God Almighty, and again I said: Yes. He said to me: You are a Muslim! I argued with him that I was a Christian and that I was just trying to understand Islam. Inside myself, I was thinking: “ I can't become a Muslim, I'm a white American! What will my husband say?! If I become a Muslim then I must divorce my husband, and my family will be finished.”

He later explained to me that acquiring spiritual knowledge and understanding is like climbing a ladder: “ If you are going up the ladder and try to jump several steps at once, there is a risk of falling. The two testimonies are only the first step on the ladder, and there are many things that we must talk about.” Later that evening atheist and the twentieth of March of 1977 and at the Asr prayer Islamic announced.

But since there were things I had not had accepted yet, and where the truth was always Tabaa, have you add some words to the two testimonies were as follows: " I testify that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad the Messenger of Allah " and added: " But I will not cover My hair will never be, and if my husband takes another wife, I will— ….” I heard murmurs from some of the men, but Abdul Aziz silenced them. I later learned that he had told them not to discuss these two matters with me at all. He was convinced that I alone would come to a correct understanding of them.

The two testimonies were really the first step on the ladder of spiritual knowledge and closeness to God Almighty, which you acquired over time. Abdul Aziz continued to visit me and answer my questions. I pray to God Almighty to reward him with the best reward for his patience and forgiveness. He did not underestimate me, nor did he react to any question I asked as silly or stupid, but he treated every question prudently, and he always told me that the dumbest question was the one that was never asked. Ah... that's what my grandmother used to say too!

He explained to me how God Almighty urged us to seek knowledge and the ways that can bring us closer to Him. And when he was explaining something to me, it was as if you were watching a flower in front of you unfold, leaf by leaf, until it reached the pinnacle of its beauty. And when I told him that I did not agree with something and why, he would always say: “ You are right to some extent ”, and then he was showing me how to look into the depth of the issue and its many aspects in order to reach a complete understanding, praise be to God!

I learned over the years from many old people. Each of them was particularly distinguished, even though they were different from one another. I am grateful to each of them for what they have given me of knowledge and knowledge. Each of them taught me how to develop my faith and love for Islam. As my knowledge increased, the changes in my life became more evident.

In the first year I started to put the veil. I do not know when I started, this matter came automatically as my knowledge and understanding of Islam increased. I even started to advocate polygamy. I realized that God was to proceed with this matter unless it is useful, and gone is the words of God: (Swam name of your Lord Supreme., Who created Yousef., Which as a gift. And who directed the pasture. Fjolh dross Ohoy. Senkerik do not forget. But God wills he knows speaking out and what is hidden. The Nasark of the left) (Top: 1 8).

When I was at the beginning of my study of Islam, I did not expect to find something I wanted or needed in my private life, and I did not think that Islam could change my lifestyle. At that time, no one could convince me that I would be in peace, overwhelming love, and happiness because of Islam.

This book talks about the one God, Creator of the universe. It describes the beautiful way the world is organized. This great Qur’an contains between its covers all the answers, for God Almighty is the Kind, He is Peace, He is the Preserver, He is the Forgiving, He is the Provider, He is the Provider, He is the Generous, He is the Answerer, He is the Guardian, and He is the Singer.

And the Noble Qur’an deals with all issues of existence and shows us the clear path for the farmer. It is the map that shows us the ways to win God’s forgiveness, and it is (the guiding guide to life) from the Creator of life, Glory be to Him. And if you ask me how much Islam has changed my life, I say: “ How much we would love the light if we lived for a while in the dark.” Islam not only affected my life, but changed it completely.

My family life:
My husband and I loved each other with a great love, the traces of which still remain in our hearts until now. But some problems began to appear between us when I started my studies of Islam. He saw me change and didn't realize what was happening to me. Even I myself was not aware of this either, because then I did not notice how much my behavior was changing. It was only from him that he came to believe that nothing could change me in this way except the presence of another man in my life. I had no way of explaining to him what was changing me because I didn't know.

Even after I realized that I became a Muslim I could not convince him doubt, was to say: " What can make women change something essential in her life Kdenha only the presence of another man in her life! " After all, it was felt that this was the only logical reason for what was happening. Although he could never provide evidence for the existence of this other man, he believed in his existence. We ended up with an ugly divorce. And the court decided that the Orthodox Sharia court would be the one to decide on the custody of my children.

The Shari’a court gave me a period of time to choose between two things, the two of which are bittersweet. Either I give up Islam, and in doing so they leave me with my children, or I give up custody of my children and remain Muslim. I was in a dazed state, for it was a difficult choice, and it seemed to me that both options were impossible. I was certain that if I gave up my Islam, I would raise my children in error.

There was no way for me to deny what was in my heart, so how could I deny God Almighty?! I could not then do that. So I resorted to praying to God Almighty, and I called upon Him as I had never called before. Half an hour later, I became certain that there was no safer place for my children than for them to be in the hands of God Almighty. If I deny it now, there will be no way in the future that I can teach my children the wonderfulness of being with God Almighty. So I told the court that I entrust my children to God Almighty, and I do not consider that as abandoning them!

I left the court knowing that my life without my children would be very difficult. Although my heart was broken, it was at peace, and I knew for sure that I had done the right thing. I found consolation in the verse of the Holy: (no god but God is living and subsisting do not take one year and not sleep him what is in the heavens and on earth: Who will intercede with Him except with his permission knows what is between them and behind them and surround some of his knowledge only as he wishes expanded his chair of the heavens and the earth, and their preservation does not disturb Him, and He is the Most High, the Great) (Al-Baqarah: 255). This verse also prompted me to start researching the meanings of the Most Beautiful Names of God, to discover the beauty in each of them.

Custody of my children and divorce were not the only trials at that time, as the rest of my family did not accept my conversion to Islam, and most of them refused to have anything to do with me. My mother believed that it was only a stage that I would go through and it would go on its way. My sister specialized in psychology was sure that I quite simply lost my mind and should enter the hospital for treatment. My father believed that I should be killed before I plunged to the deepest depths of Hell. In a short time, I found myself without a husband and without a family... What will be next?!

Most of my friends abandoned me in the first year of my conversion to Islam. I didn't see them as amused at all. I don't accompany them to pubs and parties, and I have no interest in finding a companion for me; Rather, all I did was read that book (the Qur'an) and talk about Islam... So what is this boredom?! I did not have enough knowledge to help them understand Islam and to show them how beautiful it is.

Then my job was next to go. While I was winning every award in my field and they recognized my expertise as a money-making innovator, that didn't stop the first day I put on my hijab was the last day of my job. Then I became without family, or friends, or work.

The reward from God Almighty for success in affliction:
My grandmother was the first ray of light after my conversion to Islam. She not only praised my decision, but also joined me in converting to Islam like me... What a surprise! I always knew she had a lot of wisdom... but to this extent?! She died a few hours after her conversion to Islam, may God have mercy on her. And when I stop to think about it, I feel like I envy her so much. On the day when she announced her conversion to Islam, when all her sins were erased and good deeds were exchanged, God Almighty will take her away so that the balance of her good deeds will be very heavy on the scale, which fills me with great happiness.

As time passed and my knowledge of Islam increased, I was more willing to answer any questions, so many things changed in my life, but the greatest impact was the changes that occurred in my personality.

A few years after my declaration of Islam, my mother called me and said that she did not know what this “thing ” called “Islam ” was, but that she hoped that I would remain faithful to it, because she liked what Islam was doing in my life. Then she called me two years later and asked me: “ What must a person do to become a Muslim? " I told her that all you have to do is " the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad the Messenger of Allah." She said: " Every fool knows this! But what actions should I take?! " Been drawn up by what I said, she said: " Well, but do not tell your father now."

But she did not know that my father had preceded her in speaking with him about this subject. My father, who would have thought that the duty to kill me before I delve into hell had entered Islam two months earlier. And then my sister told me an expert on mental health that I am the most liberal among the people you know personal... It is a great compliment when the issue of those who are like!

Instead of telling you the details of their conversion to Islam, let me simply tell you that most members of my family continue to convert to Islam every year. I was very happy when a dear brother from the Islamic Center told me that my ex-husband had converted to Islam. He told me that he asked him why he wanted to convert to Islam? He replied: " Because I and sixteen years I watched my wife 's life as a Muslim, and now I want my daughter to be like her." Then he visited me after that and asked me to forgive him for everything he had done to me. But I forgave him a long time ago.

At the time I was writing when these lines, my son called me the eldest and Whitney to tell me that he will enter in Islam, has plans to announce his conversion to Islam at the Islamic Center after two weeks, he is now reading about Islam as much as you can for that... God is Rahman The Merciful.

Over the years, I became famous for my talk about Islam. Many of those who came to listen to me converted to Islam, praise be to God. My inner peace increased with the increase in my knowledge and confidence in the wisdom of God Almighty. I knew that God Almighty is not only my Creator, but also my dearest (friends) and therefore I am sure that He will always be by my side, and that He will never abandon me. For every step I take towards Him, Glory be to Him, He takes a tenth in return towards me. How nice it is to know this.

The fact that God Search me, as promised to test the faithful, but blessed more than I could hope. A few years ago, doctors told me that I had metastatic cancer. They explained to me that it could not be cured as it had developed to a great degree, and they worked to prepare me for death by explaining to me the stages of the disease’s development, and they told me that I might have a year left of my life. I was worried for my children, especially younger then who will take care of them? Despite this, I did not despair of the mercy of God Almighty, and in the end, we are all destined to die. I was certain in my heart that the pain I was suffering contained a lot of blessing.

I remember the death of a friend, a Almisawi Karim, who died of cancer when he was in his twenties and in the throes of the last death was it seems sadness and pain in an incredible way, but he was beaming with love of God, and he said to me: " God is truly merciful God; He, Glory be to Him, wants me to enter Paradise with a clean book.” With his death, he taught me God Almighty's love for his servants and his compassion for them, and he gave me something to meditate on, because this is considered one of the things that people rarely discuss!

I did not wait long to see the blessings that were descending upon me from God Almighty. Friends who loved me appeared from where I do not know. Then God Almighty blessed me to perform Hajj. And I learned how important it is for us to share the truth of Islam with others. I did not care if the people I was talking to were Muslims or non-Muslims, or if they agreed with me or disagreed, or if they loved me or hated me; The approval I sought was the approval of God Almighty, and the only love I needed was the love of God Almighty. However, I discovered that people loved me more and more for no apparent reason. So I remembered what I had read that if God Almighty loves a slave, He will find acceptance on earth for him. I do not deserve all this love, but this must be another blessing from God Almighty... God is great!

There are no words that can express how my life has changed in Islam, I am very happy to be a Muslim. Islam is my life. Islam is my heartbeat. Islam is the blood that runs in my veins. Islam is my strength. Islam is what made my life so wonderful and beautiful. Without Islam, I do not equate anything, if he does not, God forbid, and God gave was able to stay. “ Oh God, make light in my heart, light in my sight, light in my hearing, light to my right, light to my left, light above me, light to me, light to me.” (Sahih al-Bukhari).

“My Lord, forgive me my sin, my ignorance, and my extravagance in all my affairs, and what You know from me. Oh God, forgive me my sins, my willfulness, my ignorance and my joking, and all of that is with Me. Oh God, forgive me what I did and what I did and what I did and what I announced. You are the forerunner and you are the last, and you have power over all things.” (Sahih al-Bukhari).
Your sister in God. Amina Asilmi

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:37 pm

61 Antoine al - Ashqar. From a Marxist Christian to an Islamic preacher in Brazil

From a Marxist Christian who loves Leninism and is loyal to it through his affiliation with the Brazilian Communist Party to an Islamic preacher who works to spread the call.. These words summarize the story of the preacher Antoine Ali Al-Ashkar in Brazil, who hails from the city of Santos in the state of Sao Paulo. He was born in 1971, and works as a supervisor on the halal slaughtering apparatus of the Islamic Call Center.

Infiltration into the conflict inside it says the blond came up with the large number of questions about the universe and created a small Catholic school taught the Brazilian, where his father wanted his son to become a priest. However, when he entered the university, he seemed to be inclined towards Marxism, which at that time was sweeping Brazilian universities. During this period, he became a dynamic activist in the Brazilian Communist Party, believing in the rights of the poor and rejecting the influence of capitalism.

Al-Ashqar says, " I used to distribute the pamphlets of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin in public schools and secondary schools, and with this movement and activity I was appointed head of the cultural department and the official spokesman for the Brazilian Communist Party in my high school, and I always repeated this saying: Our heart is red, meaning that man was created a communist by nature."

He continues, " In the late eighties, the Brazilian Communist Party nominated Mr. Pauloferre to the presidency, and I was his right-hand man in the electoral campaign due to my absolute belief at that time in the Marxist trend."

From Umm Kulthum to Islam:

Al-Ashqar tells the reasons for his conversion to Islam, pointing out that the beginning was by listening to Arabic songs by Umm Kulthum and others, which prompted him to try to learn the Arabic language, which led him to learn about Islam in the end. He says, " I Otsamer I and my friend in one of dissolute sessions and listen to tones Abdel Halim Hafez and Lady Arabic music, Umm Kulthum, and through these Arabic songs I liked to learn this language even aware of what these tapes, which Itrb her my friend."

And " I asked my friend to help me to learn Arabic, he took me on a mosque in " Tobth " Fastqublna Sheikh mosque elegant Arab of dress, Vanscherh my chest for his outstanding and his ability to persuade even I thought Marxist like me and was named if memory Sheikh did not recall correctly Mohammed Hassan Aref Ajaj, a Syrian, began My story with him in learning Arabic.”

Pronunciation of the two testimonies in Saudi Arabia:

Through this atmosphere, Al-Ashqar began to learn about Islam and inquire about its meaning and what it carries, and here he says, “ I started on my own to compare Christianity, Marxist theory and Islam, and in the end I accepted Islam as my religion with awareness, love and choice, for reasons including the ease of access to God in Islam, so that there is no intermediary between you. And he stated, “ If My servants ask you about me, then I am near. I answer the supplication of the supplicant. If he calls, then they do not respond to Me and respond to them.”

Al-Ashqar announced the two testimonies and adhered to the duties of Islam while participating in a legal course organized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Brasilia, the political capital of Brazil. Then he joined the Islamic University in Medina to delve deeper into Islam.

After returning from the Kingdom, the preacher “ Al-Ashqar ” says: “ I spent 8 years in the Kingdom and returned to Brazil, calling to God Almighty to do my duty towards this religion, as I give lectures in universities, mosques and schools, even in Masonic clubs and synagogues.. due to absolute religious freedom... protected by Brazilian law.”

But the blond says faces many obstacles especially those who reject his call for Islam, especially in light of the atmosphere between violence and Islam, and some Brazilians sometimes return to the old religion after they had entered in Islam. However, Al-Ashqar still continues his advocacy activities in mosques, schools and universities, in addition to his intensive advocacy activities via the Internet.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:42 pm

62 Islam Story
I am writing this story with the intention that it will be purely for the sake of God Almighty, perhaps it will help someone who is searching for the truth, knowing that they will find it in Islam.

I declared my Islam seven years ago, thank God. At first, I learned something about Islam through a friend of mine at university. I finished high school believing that the Holy Quran is the book of the Jews, and that Muslims are pagans who worship idols. I had no desire to learn a new religion. And I believed in a basic idea: " Since the United States is the number one country, that means we have the best of everything, even religion."

 Although I knew that Christianity was not a perfect religion, but I believed that it was the best that there was, and I always had the opinion that the Bible, although it contained the words of God Almighty, it also contained the words of men who wrote it down. And every time you read the Bible is, and God willing, on the vertebrae are really strange and dirty.

It was not I can understand how that the prophets of God all of them God and prayers, and Hachahm by these foul acts while there are a lot of ordinary people who live their whole lives without even occur to them to do such immoral acts disgusting. Such as those attributed to acts of the Prophet David, Solomon, and Lot and others all of them the prayers of God and peace. I remember when I used to hear in the church that if prophets do such sins and immoralities, how can we ordinary people be better than them?! As a result, as they claim should have been on Christ peace be upon him to die on the cross to atone for our sins, because we are weak and we could not to preserve ourselves.

Then I began to struggle with the concept of the Trinity, trying to understand how my God is not one, but three at the same time. One of them created the universe, and the second shed his blood to atone for our sins, and on the third which is the Holy Spirit, peace be upon him was the question still exists... However, they are all equal?! When I was praying to God, I had in my mind a specific image of a wise old man in a loose robe who lived above the clouds. When you want to pray to Christ peace be upon him I imagined a young bearded blond hair a golden and blue eyes.

As for the Holy Spirit, peace be upon him was that I could only appeal to a god surrounded by puzzles, because I was not sure about the nature of his duties. Therefore, I never felt that I was praying to one God. However, I was turning directly to God Almighty when I found myself in distress, because I was sure that this was the best bet.

When I started my research in Islam, I had no problem in turning directly to God in prayer, as this was a natural thing. However, I was afraid to give up my faith in Jesus Christ peace be upon him so I spent a lot of time in meditation on this subject. I began reading Christian history in search of the truth. When deepened in my studies began more clearly see the similarity between reverence and sacrifice of Christ, peace be upon him and the ancient Greek mythology that I have learned in high school, where he agrees god with a woman of human beings to produce births can be half god and have some qualities of divinity, and I realized that this approach was very important for (Paul) in order to make Greece who was inviting them to accept Christianity, and I knew that some of his followers were not Auaqouna on these methods.

It seemed for (Paul) that it is possible to have this as a better form of worship for the Greeks of the form of strict uniformity imposed by the Old Testament. Only God Almighty alone knows what was happening at that time. Even when I was in high school, I had difficulties understanding some Christian issues.

There are two things in particular that bother me the most:
First command:
The direct contradiction between the texts in the Old and New Testament. I have always taken the Ten Commandments for granted, as they are clear laws that God Almighty wants us to abide by and follow. Although we went to worship the Lord Christ peace be upon him was breaking the first commandment completely, having taken a partner to God Almighty. It was not that I could never understand why it is Knowing God Almighty opinion concerning the first commandment!

As for the second thing:
It was about repentance. In the Old Testament, people were required to repent of their sins; In the New Testament is no longer so important, as the Lord Jesus Christ (PBUH) has sacrificed himself to atone for the sins of the people. That is why (Paul) did not invite his listeners to repent of their sins, but declared the victory of God over sins by crucifixion of Jesus, peace be upon him. Has emerged in Paul 's letter to the faithful of Rome extremist nature of the divine power, and so clearly asserting that God the death of Christ on the cross, the elimination of all evil Almighty describe what people are not invited to do good so that pleases God for them! So what motivation can we have to be good people?! In addition, being a bad person can be a lot of fun! What was the society but to redefine the values of good and evil.

If we ask any child care expert, they will tell us that children must learn that their actions have results, and they encourage parents to allow their children to experience the consequences of their actions in real life. Since actions in Christianity have no results, people began to behave like corrupt children; Demanding the right to do what pleases them, and demanding at the same time the love of God Almighty and the love of people and their unconditional acceptance of all their behavior, even the despicable of them! It is not surprising, then, that our prisons are filled to overflowing; And that parents cannot control the behavior of their children. Although this does not call us to say that in Islam we believe in entering Paradise as a result of our actions.

The Messenger Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - made it clear to us that we will enter Paradise by the mercy of God Almighty, and the evidence is what was stated in the hadith narrated by Abu Huraira on the authority of the Messenger of God -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-that He said: “ None of you will be saved by his deeds. A man said: Nor do you, O Messenger of God! He said: Nor me, unless God bestows mercy on me from Him, but pay it off ” (Sahih Muslim, No. 5036).

For these reasons, I did not really know who God Almighty is. If Jesus was not peace be upon him a god independent, but part of God only, then those who were sacrificing?! And for whom was he praying in that orchard?! If it is of a nature independent of God Almighty, then this includes abandoning the reality of monotheism, which contradicts the teachings of the Old Testament. It was all so confusing that I preferred not to think about it, and realized the fact that I could not understand my religion.

At this juncture my religious discussions began at university with my future husband... He asked me to explain to him the concept of the Trinity. After several failed attempts to do so, waved my hand in the air as a sign of failure, claiming that I am not a scientist in theology! Based on this, he answered me: “ Do you have to be a theologian to understand the foundation upon which your religion is based?! AAH " This was really painful; But the truth sometimes hurts. Then tried and rationally acrobatic to contemplate: " Who is God, whom I serve the truth? I listened to him with grumbling when he told me about the oneness of God Almighty.

And that the Almighty did not change his opinion regarding the first commandment, but rather completed his message to humanity through the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace. I had to admit that what he said had a reasonable impact. God Almighty sent His Messengers in succession for many centuries, because people were deviating from the path and in need of guidance.

But I even at this point, I told him that he could be telling me about his religion for general information only, and I told him: " Do not try to Tdechlni Islam, because you will not succeed so never ", he replied: " I will not do, but I just want to try to understand the society in which I came from It is my duty as a Muslim to do so.” And in fact, he did not introduce me to Islam, but God Almighty opened my chest to the true religion, praise be to God.

During this period, a friend of mine gave me a translation of the Holy Quran, which I found in a bookshop. She did not know that the one who worked on this translation was an Iraqi Jew whose purpose was to keep people away from Islam and not to help them understand the Noble Qur’an. When I read the book, it seemed confusing to me, so I put circles and lines around and under the paragraphs I wanted to ask my Muslim friend about.

When he returned from his vacation abroad, I put the book in my hand and asked him many questions, but he calmly explained to me that these matters were not from the Holy Qur'an. And let me know the true meaning of all the verses you asked about and the reasons for their revelation. Then he found a good translation of the Holy Qur'an for me. I still remember when I was sitting alone reading the Noble Qur’an, looking for errors or inquiries.

The more I read, the more convinced I became that this book can only have one source, which is God Almighty. I read about the mercy of God and his ability to forgive all sins, but to engage him began to cry, but it was a wailing from the depths of my heart. I cried because of my ignorance and joy that I had finally found the truth. And then I realized that I had changed forever.

I was amazed at the scientific facts in the Qur'an, which were not taken from the Torah and the Bible, as some claim, I at that time, you've got my degree in microbiology (microbiology biology), Vojpt particularly as the Qur'an to the process of fetal development and other things. As soon as I was certain that the Holy Qur'an was truly from God Almighty, I decided to embrace Islam as my religion. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but nothing could be more beneficial than this debt.

I learned that the first and most important step for entering Islam is to testify that “ there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” Having understood that Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a messenger from God to the Israelites to bring them back to the path of God straight after that strayed the way, I have no difficulty with the concept that is based on the worship of God alone. But at that time I did not know who Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace - was, and I did not understand why we should follow him.

I pray to God Almighty to bless all those who helped me understand and appreciate the life of our Prophet -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-during the past seven years; I learned that God Almighty sent him to be a role model and an example for all of humanity, so He made him an example for all of us to follow and imitate in all the affairs of our lives. His character was the Qur’an - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. And I pray to God Almighty to guide us all to live as the Messenger of God -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-taught us.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:45 pm

63 Islam Story
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate, Owner of the Day of Judgment. It is You we worship, and You we seek help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those You have bestowed upon, not of those who are angry, nor of those who go astray.

Let's study and reflect on this true story
Journalist Martin Flanagan talks to Susan Karland, recipient of this year's Australian Muslima Award. Susan Carland grew up in Vermont and she still has fond memories of this place and says how nice it is when I try to repeat the same experience with my daughter as I take her to the lakes my mother used to take me to and where I had a nice time feeding the ducks.

Martin Flanagan says,
" We are now in Susan Carland's house, where she wears a cotton skirt, long-sleeved shirt, and blue veil, in contrast to what she was a short time ago. Susan has great energy and a sense of humor as she puts pictures of famous humorists among those who have the greatest influence in shaping her persona... However, they seem tired as much as Toukzaa night with her daughter ten months.

Susan's parents separated when she was seven years old, and Susan went to live with her mother, who she described as strong and affectionate and that she had a great impact on her life.

This mother is described as a puritan Christian who holds the ideas of puritan priests such as John Shelby Sponge. When Susan was a child, her parents belonged to the church United.: Susan go to Sunday school, but moved away from the lessons of Sunday to care about the video and songs when she was twelve years and goes on Susan, " I believe in God. I always feel the desire to know God.” And when she was fourteen years old, she joined a church that had a unique character, represented in the claim of its members that God speaks to them at night, and it was a strange and even reprehensible matter for her, and she was filled with bewilderment about this method of knowing God who surrounds everything, and contrary to the usual practice, as it turns to the teenage approach, which is represented in Attending worn-out parties and major parties and going out on long trips. I also stopped attending biology and English lessons.

When she was seventeen years old was among the decisions in the new year of is the search in religions was not Islam in the first place in the space she thinks it seems to her (or her photo) on that violent and strange and lustful religion and all that they know about Islam is the phrase was She had read it in the Encyclopedia of Children and Cinema, and her mother would always tell her later, “ It would be better for her to marry a drug dealer than to marry a Muslim.”

Susan goes on to say that she does not know if she was the one who found Islam or the Islam that found her. Where she depicts her story from the moment she started turning on the television to watch a program, and articles in magazines and newspapers attract her attention, and in particular she begins to study the Islamic religion until she stands on the mercy and affection she says about her that she never expected to find.

And with a great degree of importance Islam liked it, as there is no separation between mind, body and spirit as in Christianity. And when she decided to surrender, she began to fervently tell friends and family, especially her mother, delaying that moment until she entered the pot one night when her mother announced that they were going to eat slices of pork for that dinner and here her mother cried and hugged her, and after several days Susan put on the veil... Regarding the veil, Susan says that it is exaggerated when compared to Islam, as Islam touches every form in your life. For me, Islam is a sign that reminds me that I am close to God and makes women a symbol of Islam or an ambassador for it.

She says that she was often harassed in the street because of her conversion to Islam and some of her close friends stayed away from her, but now, five years later, she is 24, she has Muslim and non-Muslim friends and she has an Australian-born Muslim husband who works in camps near Richmond. She has a university degree in Arts and Sciences and would like to become a sociologist. She believes that it is her destiny in life not to give up or submit. Her veil means rude comments and a lot of looks on the street. She considers wearing a T-shirt that says, “ If you keep looking at me, you will get a proper answer.” At the same time, she still finds herself in a debate within the Muslim community about the role of women.

She believes that her ultimate goal is to work in mosques, where women have always been spared from this, although there are many who can do this, but this was prohibited, as this matter remained limited only to men.

She often became frustrated with certain trends within the Muslim community due to issues of gender or race. She believes that true Islam is what she and a group of women are demanding, and their numbers are constantly increasing. She is an active member within the Muslim community, speaking on behalf of Islam in non-Islamic churches and schools, and also working in aid of refugees.

At what Okhbernaha she won the title of " Muslim this year, " a prize worth $ 2,000 on condition that this money is spent in Australia on Islamic and non - Islamic organizations. Her life was not always stable, but as she says she used to never give up, she never regretted converting to Islam.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:52 pm

64 The story of Islam Muhammad small

He said: I was at that time a small, do not understand anything about what was happening in secret, but I find my father God 's mercy perturb, yellows color, whenever I returned from school, Vthelot it is preserved from the " Bible ", and told him what I learned from the Spanish language, Then he leaves me and goes to his room, which was at the far end of the house, and which he did not allow anyone to approach the door, so he stayed there for long hours, I do not know what to do in it, then he came out of it red-eyed, as if he had wept for a long time, and for days he would look at me with eagerness and sadness.

And moving his lips, he did whoever spoke, so if I stood listening to him and his back turned and he turned away from me without saying anything, and I used to find my mother cheering me every time I went to school, sad and tearful eye and kissed me with longing and heartburn, then she was not satisfied with me, so she calls me and kisses me again, and does not leave me Except for crying, so I felt all day the heat of her tears on my cheek, and I admired her crying and I did not know the reason for him, then when I came back from school she greeted me eagerly and longing, as if I had been absent from her for ten years, and I saw my parents away from me, and they spoke in whispers in a language other than Spanish, which I do not know or I understand it, and when I got close to them, they cut off the conversation, turned it around, and started speaking in Spanish.

I am in pain, and I go, I think in myself, suspicions, so that I think that I am not their son, and that I am a foundling who brought him from the road, and the pain overwhelms me, so I take refuge in a secluded corner of the house, and I weep bitterly. The pain continued on me, and it left me with a special mood, different from the moods of children who were my age, so I did not share anything with them in their play and amusement, but I would quit them and go, and I would sit alone, putting my head between my palms, and immersed myself in my thinking, trying to find a solution to these problems.. so I am attracted by Khoury from the sleeve of my shirt, to go to pray in the church.

My mother gave birth once, and when she told my father that she had brought a beautiful boy, he did not rejoice, and did not make a smile on his lips, but he dragged his leg, sad and full, so he went to the priest, and invited him to baptize the child, and he came walking behind him, with his head on the ground, and on his face signs Excruciating sadness, and deadly despair until he brought him to the house and entered my mother.. I saw her face turning terribly pale, and her eyes diagnosed, and I saw her pushing the child to him, frightened and cautious.. Then she closed her eyes, so I hurried to explain these manifestations, and the pain increased over my pain.

Even if it was the night of Easter, and Granada was drenched in the afternoon and the light, and the red was shining with torches and lights, and the crosses flashed on its balconies and minarets, my father called me in the dead of the night, and the people of the house were all asleep, and he led me silently to his room, to his holy sanctuary, my heart pounded and agitated, but I held firm and froze, and when the room interrupted me, I closed the door, and started looking for the lamp, and I remained standing in the dark for moments that were longer than years for me, then I turned on a small lamp that was there, so I turned around and saw the room was empty, with nothing in it that I expected to see from Wonders, and there is nothing in them except a rug and a book placed on a shelf, and a sword hanging on the wall, so he sat me on this carpet, and remained silent looking at me, strange looks that gathered on me, she, and the fear of the place, and the silence of the night, so I felt as if I separated from the world that I left behind this door, and I moved to Another world, I cannot describe what I felt from it..

Then my father took my hand with tenderness and kindness, and said to me in a low voice: My son, you are now ten years old, and you have become a man, and I will tell you the secret that I have kept from you for so long, so are you able to keep it in your chest and keep it from your mother, your family, your friends and all people? One reference from you to this secret exposes your father’s body to the torture of the torturers of the “ Diwan al-Inquisition ” men.

When I heard the Office of the inspection name trembled from my head junction to the soles of my feet, I was really young, but I know what is the Office of the inspection, I see his victims every day, and I Gadd to school and segments of which it is men crucify or burn, and women Aalguen from their hair even die, or their stomachs rumbled, so I remained silent and did not answer.

My father said to me: Malik, do not answer! Can you hide what I'm going to tell you?

I said: Yes

He said: You keep it even from your mother and the closest people to you?

I said: Yes

He said: Come close to me. Listen well, for I cannot raise my voice. I am afraid that the walls have ears, so they will lead me to the Inquisition, and they will burn me alive.

So I approached him and said to him: I am listening, Father.

He pointed to the book that was on the shelf, and said: Do you know this book, my son?

I said: No

He said: This is the book of God.

I said: The Bible that Jesus, the son of God, brought.

He was troubled and said:

No, this is the Qur’an that was revealed by God, the One, the One, the Only, the Eternal, the One who neither begets nor was born, and there is no one equal to Him, over the best of His creatures, and the Master of His prophets, our master Muhammad bin Abdullah, the Arab Prophet - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -...

I opened my eyes in amazement, not sure I understood anything.

He said: This is the book of Islam, the Islam with which God sent Muhammad to all people.. So he appeared there.. beyond seas and deserts.. in the remote, barren desert.. in Mecca in a nomadic, different, ignorant polytheists. He guided them with it to monotheism, and gave them With it was union, strength, science and civilization, so they set out to conquer the East and the West with it, until they reached this island, to Spain, so they did justice to the people and did good to them, and gave them security for their lives and money, and they stayed there for eight hundred years.. eight hundred years, they made it in it the finest and most beautiful country in the world.

Yes, my son, we are Arab Muslims.

I did not hold my tongue out of amazement, wonder and fear, and I shouted at him:

what.? we?.. Arab Muslims!

He said: Yes, son. This is the secret I will tell you.

Yes we are. We are the owners of this country. We built these palaces that were ours and became our enemy. We raised these minarets in which the voice of the muezzin used to ring, and the bell was ringing in them. We built these mosques in which Muslims used to stand in rows before God, and in front of them are the imams. In the niches, they recite the words of God, and they became churches in which priests and monks recited, reciting the Gospel.

Yes, my son, we are the Arab Muslims. We have a trail in every part of Spain, and under every inch of it are the remains of a grandfather from our ancestors, or a martyr from our martyrs. Yes, we built these cities, we built these bridges, we paved these roads, we dug these canals, we planted these trees.

But forty years ago.. I hear you? Forty years ago, the miserable King Abu Abdullah al-Saghir, the last of our kings in this land, deceived the promises and covenants of the Spaniards. and independence. And when they possessed betrayed the entire royal family, Voncioa Diwan inspection, Vodechlna in Christianity forcibly, and forced us to leave our language coercion, and took us our children to Ancihm, on Christianity, it is the secret of what you see from Astkhvaina worship, and sorrow for what we see from the abuse of our religion, and the atonement of our children.

Forty years, my son, and we are patient with this torment, which the boulders of rock cannot bear, we are waiting for the relief of God. We do not despair because despair is forbidden in our religion, the religion of strength, patience and jihad.

This is the secret, my son, so keep it hidden, and know that your father’s life hangs on your lips, and by God I do not fear death or hate meeting God, but I would love to stay alive, until I teach you your language and your religion, He saved you from the darkness of unbelief to the light of faith, so now go to your bed, my son. I started after I saw the red whenever the honor or the minarets of Granada, Tarona violent shake, and felt yearning and sadness, hatred and love, bathes Vwadi, and often what I was astonished about myself long hours. If Watanabe Hut running around Balhm behind Okhatabha and Oatbha

I tell her:

O red... O beloved emigrant, have you forgotten your daughters, and your companions, who fed you with their souls and their joys, and drenched you with their blood and tears, so you ignored their covenant, and denied their affection?

You forgot the hunting kings, who used to roam in your pomp, lean on your pillars, and pour on you what you wanted of glory, majesty, pomp and beauty, those are the honorable ones, who, if they say, listen to the world, and if they order, it will be forever... Did you write the bells after the call to prayer? Are you satisfied after the imams with monks?

Then I am afraid that some of the Diwan spies will hear me, so I hurry the ball to Al-Durra to memorize the Arabic lesson that my father used to teach me, as if I see him now ordering me to write to him the foreign letter, so his shoes write the Arabic letter for me, and he says to me: These are our letters. He teaches me the pronunciation and drawing of it, then he teaches me a religion lesson, and he teaches me ablution and prayer so that behind him I will pray in secret in this terrible room.

The fear that I would slip away and divulge the secret would never leave him, and he would give me permission to trap my mother in me, and she would ask me: What does your father teach you?

I say: Nothing

She says: You have news of what he teaches you, so do not keep it from me.

I say: He does not teach me anything.

Until I mastered Arabic, understood the Qur’an, and knew the rules of religion, so he introduced me to a brother of his in God, the three of us gather to worship and recite our Qur’an.

Intensified after the rigors of the Office of the inspection, and increased in Tnkilh remaining did the rest of the Arabs, it was not a day goes by we do not see it twenty or thirty crucified, or Mahrka fire alive, not a day goes by we do not hear it in the hundreds, tortured more suffering and Ofezah, Vtqla their nails, and they see That is with their eyes, and they are given water until their breath is cut off, their feet and their sides are cauterized with fire, and their fingers are cut off and grilled and placed in their mouths, and they are flogging until their flesh is scattered.

This continued for a long time, and my father said to me one day: My son, I feel as if my life has come near and that I desire martyrdom at the hands of these, may God grant me Paradise, so that I may win it with a great victory, and there is no more for me in the world after I brought you out of the darkness of unbelief, and I carried you The great trust, which I almost fell under its weights, and if something befalls me, obey this uncle of you and do not oppose him in anything.

Days passed on that, and it was a dark night of secret nights, and if this uncle called me and commanded me to go with him, God made it easy for us to escape to the enemy of Morocco, the country of the Muslims, so I say to him: My father and my mother.? He will lash out at me, pull me by the hand, and say to me: Didn't your father command you to obey me?

So I went with him submissively and hated, even if we moved away from the city and fell into darkness, he said to me: Be patient, my son.. God has decreed happiness for your faithful parents at the hands of the Inquisition.

And the boy will be saved to the righteousness of Morocco, and from him will be the classified scholar, Sidi Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rafi al-Andalusi, and God benefits him and his books.


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 10:57 pm

65 The story of Islam Nurse Kingdom (Mary Age)
When I heard her story and her words, while she was talking about her jihadist career, And her journey of faith, her attitudes attracted me, the tone of her voice, and the tenderness of my heart while she was shaking The words are in her mouth, tears are falling from her eyes, and she is drowning in words, and she hardly appears without her Her stability and composure, and re-talk about her journey and her career. I remember what she said The position of Imran’s wife and her daughter “ Maryam ” (When Imran’s wife said, “My Lord, I gave birth to a female by God.”

I know what she gave birth, and the male is not like the female, and I named her Mary, and I seek refuge in You and her offspring from Satan the accursed) and its story is known in the Holy Qur’an. I've been reading that, and I didn't It would not have occurred to me to think that the image would be repeated in the fifteenth century AH. Futures.. I have returned history memories here 's sister Philippine " Maria " Tldha after her mother deprived, Her father admonishes her to the church, for her father is a devout Catholic, and our fourteen-year-old girl lives in the arms of the church, and receives its teachings and rituals at the hands of priests, and after a while she becomes For a long time, educated and obsessed with the religion of her parents and the people of her town as a whole, she says about herself: " I have learned Christianity and began AlTafaqah in religion " until it became a defender of the Church, set out Their ideas and beliefs, and yielded instilled parents, and joy Pftadthm adult.

And walked Things are at this pace, but with the growth of the girl and the expansion of her circle of knowledge and her preoccupation with Studying nursing, and informing her about life, she began to feel a spiritual emptiness, so she was no longer the church Convince her and meet her aspirations. And in the face of the distress of the same hand at her father, he felt the need of his daughter and her work, and the income in the Philippines is no longer sufficient to meet the needs of the family, despite the small number of its members, which He made the father think about his daughter going out to a country with a good income, and fate was driving the nurse girl To the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the family is faced with two options, the best of which is bitter, as it is said either Poverty and need, or traveling to the cradle of Islam and the land of the Two Holy Mosques, and with it the fear for The religion of the nun girl, and the family chose the second option, and gave the girl preventive doses against Islam and repulsive recommendations so that she would not leave her religion and enter the noble Islam.

Maria says: “ I took anti-Islamic teachings from the church until I hated this religion and said: “ And he took My parents promised me that I would not contact a Muslim. ” The girl remembered the lesson, resolved to carry out the will, and reluctantly came to the kingdom, hoping for salary and income, so she fell into dreams. And hopes, and her dreams are interrupted by the obsession of Islam and the fear of Muslims, and she was presented to her father in a clinic. ” The midwife ” and proceeds in her work cautiously, taking with the male and female visitors and giving as much as she needs interest, but the nature of the work imposed on her a bit of openness, and her share was with a Saudi sister eager to invite, says Sister Maria. “

And this sister took me to provide me with tapes and books. ” Then the will of God Almighty wanted her to get acquainted with a doctor in the clinic, so he gave her information Adequate about Islam. From then on, the journey of life began.. the journey of salvation.. the journey out of darkness into the light, from the taint of the Trinity to the purity of monotheism, and from the rites of misguidance.

The antichrist to the shadows of Islam and its mercy. Convictions began to creep into her heart and mind, and she drew comparisons between what was in the Church and its darkness, and between the clarity and frankness of Islam, and decided You read the Qur’an, which is the educated Catholic Christian, and you actually read it, so what happened?? Sister Maria says: “ I found that the Qur’an addresses me personally. ”

Then a month came Ramadan. So she wanted in herself to try fasting, after she saw a group of Muslims performing this obligatory act and a silent act, so she noticed a spiritual feeling and a noticeable increase in this aspect, and then She forgot her mission as a “ supporter ” and turned to God Almighty, knew the path to the right religion, and came to the Center for Call and Education of Communities in Abha to announce her Islam to the worlds, and she wants Change its name to " Mary " in honor of Umm Isa peace be upon him and began to embrace the plight of religion Islam is with family and parents in particular, and she did not want to conceal her Islam, so she told her parents B, the news was a thunderbolt down upon them, I have tired and Serbia and Almaha and Gveaha everything contradictory to enter Islam, or just influenced by him, but Allah has ordered, and must faith To take his way to pure and honest souls, her father, mother and brothers said to her in a tongue One: " We are innocent from you until you return to your religion, and we want you to stay on your religion frankly Full you want us to Zbba problems Bbakaik Muslim " and was the sister fixed position proved The anchored mountains: “ As long as God is satisfied with me, I do not care. ”

And when I was asked about the teachings of Islam Kicked off, saying: " I have practiced worship and I felt Bhlautea especially fasting " GOD.. How beautiful Faith when it mixes with endocarditis, and fresher obedience when it stems from the faith fills the aspects of self and shine on lineament, pigmentation life, and in front of this faith and its continuity began the family 's position falls backwards, and began the position of faith rises and declares the family " We Sharing your situation and logged in Islam but We don't want to change your name, " says the brothers in the office Call Abha her: I do not mind the survival of your name " Maria " is the wife of the Prophet name peace be upon him, Coptic, before Islam and after Islam, and when I had the honor to be the husband of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him   and continues high of faith, Sister " Maria " announces I hope that God will bless my ability to save my father from Catholicism, and that was a remarkable situation On Friday: 24/10/1421 on the platform to invite and educate communities of the Muslim girl, Year-old (23) years, and after a year and a half from entering the Kingdom and its response to the call of instinct, the need of Islam, and its entry in the spaciousness of the pure.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 49191

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:18 pm

66 I was a Christian a realistic story a young Algerian
Praise be to God, Lord of the heavens and the earth, who brings people out of darkness into light, who guides the lost and pardons evil.

Oh God, you praise should also Jalal your face and great your power, you know the secret of my heart, you trust I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad a (peace be upon him) is His slave and His Messenger, is Osoti in true worship of God.

Christianization remains an imminent danger, and every Muslim is called upon to confront it, not with aggression, but with complete immunization against this scourge that comes to be added to the various phenomena that threaten our Islamic society in general, and our society in particular.

Far from being almost persecution, this book is nothing but an awakening to the consciences of those who are ignorant of this danger.

It is the rescue of the Christians who perhaps are exhausted doubts, which is also the memory of those who insist on clinging to the misguided, in this erroneous belief distorted, which is far from being considered as a message from the true God to the people.

Therefore, out of the love for the truth and the respect that I have towards all Christians, especially those who were in the past my brothers in faith, I address them with sincere intention, and the motive is the duty to warn them about the anomalies found in the Gospel.

O Christians, I do not doubt your sincerity, your love for God, the light that you see in the words of Jesus (peace be upon him), or the ecstasy of brotherhood that you live together. I knock on the door of your hearts, and let me tell you my story, which I will tell you with all sincerity. Do not rush to judge me, but first begin to understand me. Let us then set aside your prejudices, and let us search together for the truth with all objectivity, and let us pray to God to guide us to the right path, because: “ Everyone who supplicates is answered, and everyone who searches finds, and it is opened for everyone who knocks on the door, ” as stated in the New Testament.

...I am telling you my testimony in the hope that it will be useful to you, God willing, and I know with certainty, that I am not the only one who has gone through this experience, and many Christians will know themselves through this testimony.

(Vaqss stories that they may reflect) (Surah: custom verse: 176).

Genesis or the beginning of the tragedy:
In the year 1995, the year of my conversion to Christianity, Algeria was in the midst of boiling, stagnation everywhere and at all levels, our Kabylie region, was not really touched by the phenomenon of terrorism, but we were living in the school boycott, and I am not going to present a lesson in history, but to describe to you how that was The situation is a fertile breeding ground for me to be prey to Christianization.

I was 20 years old at the time, and I was a high school student. My faith in God was always in my heart, and I never doubted the existence of God. Is not all this creation and this wonderful and harmonious organization of the universe and life testify to its existence?! (In that are signs for those who reflect) (Surah: Thunder verse: 3)

But: “ The ignorant said in his heart: There is no God! " (Psalms: 14 Text 1).

Worshiping God has always been for me a central and essential matter. I used to say to myself: One day I will definitely commit myself to the path of God... I admit that at that stage I did not know anything about the Bible, and that my knowledge of Islam was superficial.

I have never read the Noble Qur’an, except for some surahs and verses, something strange. Most people read various books that are human sayings, but they do not read the Qur’an, the word of God to humans... We do not know of any “ magic ” that stops people from reading this book, is it Is it only for imams?!

At that point I was not religious, nor did I practice my religious duties.

Reading was my favorite pastime, and therefore my only escape from the daily anguish: routine and anxiety.

It was a general readings, mainly based on the Western idea, an idea that is not separated at all from the Gospel style, it was very difficult to escape from the aspiration to increase knowledge of this belief, as I meet always with words from the Bible, such as: " love one another among you ", " Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your thoughts.”

These words affected me deeply, because my inclination towards the spiritual side was very excessive, to the point that I was stunned while reading them, and this gave me an urgent and overwhelming desire to read the Bible only to read it, and not to win!!.

In our village there was a Christian-Algerian family whom I did not know well, especially the head of the family, who lived almost in isolation.

I don't know how to describe them? They were peaceful, respectful, and loved... In all brevity and brevity: they were true Christians who carried out the commandments of Jesus as much as possible.

My interest in these Christians began to increase even more, until I set my sights on the goal of providing me with the Bible, so I called the son of this Christian, who was a young man of my age, and each of us began to approach the other, and we often talked about spiritual issues until we became responsive together, until the day he promised me It brings the New Testament and the book of Solomon's rule.

He is going to travel recommended that parents give me books, the day after that my memory was strong and good went to his father promised to take classifications, and during our encounter, we decided to walk for conversation... brought books... and put them in his pocket... and we went in Picnic... I will never forget that time we spent together, really the man fascinated me that day, no fault that he lived in solitude, but he must be hiding things!.

As we walked together, before sunset, he was telling me about his life, and about the change that Jesus made in him, and he explained to me how he used to live in darkness and sins, and how Jesus saved him and took him to the light, peace and happiness. From that moment on, the machine of persuasion began to do its thing in me, of course. The man thought that the Holy Spirit was the one who helped him in preaching, but I did not know that the more we penetrated into the darkness of the night, the more I penetrated into the darkness of Christianization.

The plan of preaching when the missionary is to convince the person who preaches, and proof of him as unclean, defiled, steeped in the dark, and, of course, to Aftratna, because our parents Adam and Eve (peace and blessing) are the first of the guilty, and after that the person is convinced of this, he knows In contrast, the holiness of the Lord, his glory, his purification, which makes a person confused:

How can he repent to the holy and pure God, when he is polluted with sins and impurity?
Then the missionary moves to the last stage, striking the final blow, which reassures him, that God loves him and wants to save him from this, then recites to him the famous text, which according to the Christians abbreviates the Bible “ But this is how God loved the world until He gave His only Son, so not everyone perishes.” It believes in him, but have eternal life " (John 's Gospel: 3 16 text).

So “ by the means of faith ” is salvation, by believing that Jesus is “the Son of God ” and died on the cross for the sins of mankind, and that sins were buried with him in the grave, then on the third day He is resurrected pure and luminous, leaving sins under the dust.

The person then has two choices:
Either to believe in this and all of his sins are forgiven, and this qualifies him to Munira eternal life, which is absolved before the Lord in this doctrine.

Or ignorant of all this, die Bznoppe, and will be worthy of eternal punishment (Gospel of Mark: 16 text 15).

Dear Readers; Do you understand this manipulation?

Belief in Christianity is blind belief!
Did it not come in the Bible: “ If you believe, you will see the glory of God ”? (Gospel of John: 11 text 40).

The preacher then freezes your mind, and focuses on emotions only.

It raises in you a feeling of guilt, and the fear of death because of your sins on the one hand, and on the other hand it raises in you a feeling of hope.

And this is how I fell into this trick, as we walked in the middle of the night, and I did not fully discern the face of the preacher, and I only hear magical and sweet words like honey.

I don't understand what is happening to me? I did not know Should I be scared or reassured?

I was wondering inside myself:
Who is this man? With whom do I have the honor? Is it with the devil or with an angel? Before we part, he gave me the two books.

Something strange, since then the image of this man has not left my mind... I arrived at the house late at night, ate dinner quickly, entered my room and began to read the New Testament with great eagerness, then I read the Gospels, which was my wish, I was very impressed by the luminous words of Jesus, they only spoke of love and forgiveness. I was amazed by the miracles and blessings that he leaves wherever he (peace be upon him) goes.

A new horizon was opened before me, it was the ideal! Then I slept late that night.

After I woke up tomorrow morning, the feelings I felt internally were the same, I felt that I was in light and happiness, and since then my visits to this Christian person have been repeated, until I felt that I was very attached to him... I did not convert to Christianity directly... but I always felt something calling my heart to embrace this belief. There were two barriers: the Trinity and Islam..

However, I am with what I talked with hyper Christian became clear to me everything, as he was telling me about Islam, considering it the doctrine of the devil, and Mohammed (peace be upon him), he has a prophecy prosecutor, was repeatedly repeating the word of Christ (Peace be upon him) In the Gospel in which he says: “ Every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit ” (Gospel of Matthew 7, text 17).

Islam is like what they claim: a malicious tree: it bears malicious fruits, and the fruits of Islam are terrorism, crime, violence.

As for the Trinity, he used to tell me that the Christians worship only one God, which is manifested in three persons!! Father, Son, Holy Spirit!!

Who are one and they are equal!! In order to explain this “ spiritual gymnastics, ” the Christian gave me his famous example: (Man is created in the image of God, as the Bible says, he possesses a body, a soul and a soul, but they are one thing).

With my ignorance, it seemed to me that things were clear, so I had no choice but to adopt the new belief out loud, and to adhere to the path of Christ, which has since become my path and my truth.

One morning, I went to the Christian to profess my faith, and how great his happiness was... and since then I have become “the son of God.”

I didn't know that I had a contract with Satan.

Can not imagine what I felt at the beginning of my conversion of Christianity, it has been the happiness that flooded very unique and my heart of its kind, because I did not stop this repetition of the word directed by " the father of Jesus ": " You are my son beloved, and you put the whole happiness ", like It was directed at me, I felt a deep serenity, and a light seized my heart; I was happy.

The Christians call this “the first love. ” They believe that this effect is the result of receiving the Holy Spirit, a spirit that everyone who believes in the Christian faith receives.

He made a big change for me, and it was: “ Exodus ”.

So I left the old life for the sake of a new life, the lie tore the sins and the darkness, to take the path of truth and light, I believed in the truth that I was resurrected with Christ for eternal life, so I saw things in a different way, and I was straining myself to sow love and friendship around me, I meet evil with good hate with love, and I also avoided anger, as the Bible commands.

My goal is to reach purity and holiness.

For this reason, I was with my Christian brothers, we meet once a week to do what is called “ brotherly rapprochement ” which was our spiritual nourishment. We used to share the word of the Lord. We thank Christ Jesus for the sins that he forgave us in advance, because he died for our salvation.

We used to pray, sing, and sometimes dance, due to the predominance of our ecstasy.

And we thought that it was the presence of Jesus that settled us.

We were also on some occasions we spend the nights in order to celebrate the birth of " Jesus ", Venhieddi the whole night and we pray and Ntrnm B: " Mhamed Jesus."

Once a year, conferences are held, in which we have the honor of visiting a brother from abroad (mostly from France, America...), who used to give us directions and advice regarding our faith, and in a short word, all this helped us to renew and strengthen our faith and to consolidate our brotherly relations..

The Christian view of things and its interpretation of phenomena runs on all levels: psychological, social, political... etc. All are related to the spiritual aspect, and according to this conception, the world belongs to Satan, in which the conflict between darkness and light, between God and Satan, and those who do not believe in Jesus belong To Satan, while they are in darkness, and they are spiritually dead.

The Christian does not struggle against “ skin and blood ”, that is, against people, but against spirits.

For example, when a Christian talks to a Muslim, he initially believes that he is confronting the spirit of Islam that relates to the Muslim and prevents him from seeing the truth and believing in Jesus his Savior.

The Christian who insulted or persecuted for the name of Christ, should be happy, because Jesus tells him that his reward will be great (Gospel of Matthew: 5 text 11 12).

And when people discovered my conversion to Christianity, they were very astonished, and the news spread and reached my family, which reacted violently, especially from my older brothers.

And I ask God to forgive me for the disturbance I caused them, especially to my mother, but this harassment did not discourage my resolve, but on the contrary, it increased the strength of my faith, because my commitment was sincere, and the issue is a matter of principles and belief. Because nothing could turn back my conviction, in prayer I prayed to “ Jesus ” to forgive them and guide them towards the light in order to be saved and win eternal salvation.

The most important characteristic of the Christian faith is the decisive impact on the Christian person, the latter being very closed to his faith, as I lived a complete absence from family and social life, while I was very attached to my Christian brothers more than my family members.

For me the Bible was like the mother's breast to the baby, and I who loved reading and showed great interest in research and science, all this became for me without any importance, because the Bible says that: “The wisdom of the world is madness to God ” because everything that belongs to this world Transient, doomed to perish.

“The trifles are trifles, everything is trivial, ” as mentioned in (Ecclesiastes 2 text 2).

Another element that attracts and tempt people to be Christians, and sometimes be the main cause of their conversion to her, and this by many of them, it is a matter of " miracles " as in the Gospel of Mark (you know, the only Gospel that deals with this section) (Mark 16 text 17 20): Jesus gave the apostles the power: to exorcise evil spirits, catch snakes, heal the sick, speak in new languages, and even according to passages from the New Testament: they can revive the dead!!

Christians frequently use these means in their preaching to tempt people, and because it is an effective delicacy that is eaten on the hook!

So I always lived with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, my big dream is to become one of the great preachers of the Gospel, a preacher just like Jesus (peace be upon him)... I wished to walk the earth and preach the truth to people. Wherever I was, I preached Christianity, of course, in high school and in my village, and as a result I was the reason for the conversion of many people. I remember that I used all the means that seemed to me appropriate in order to spread Christianity to others.

Take, for example, in the middle of the city I would collect leaves from trees, and write on them this word “ Jesus loves you. ” I would throw it here and there, even in cars when I found the windows open.

Thus, I wrote my life, so I lived the life of a Christian for 3 years, believing that I was on the straight path, and on the path of truth, without the slightest doubt that my fate would one day take another course...

As I mentioned before, the Bible for me was like “the mother’s breast to the baby ” as I read it and studied it carefully, because contemplating the word of God is more than a duty.

Because of the repeated readings, I became as if I memorize the New Testament by heart, and during my readings sometimes come across texts and passages I find it difficult to absorb, or more words: coordinated.

It confused me, and I will cite some examples:
Jesus died for all sins, then they are all forgiven, then how can it make sense that it blasphemes against the Holy Spirit or Isabh he is guilty of an eternal sin?! (Mark 3 text 29), and that he is not forgiven at all?! (Matthew: 12 text 31 32). In the same passage, Jesus (peace be upon him) asserts that every sin against him is forgiven, but not against the Holy Spirit, so why this disagreement between the personalities of the Trinity since they are all the same?!

I could not accept, how Jesus " who is God " does not know when it will be time, but only the Father who knows!   Is God not all-knowing?! (Matthew: 24, text 36).

Man asked Jesus:
" Good Teacher; What do I do to inherit eternal life? " Before Jesus answering what the liquid works, shall call him this note: Why do you call me good? There is no good but God alone ” (Mark 10, text 17). Jesus declares that only the Lord is good, and therefore he testifies that he is not a part of divinity at all!.

Jesus shouts on the cross before his death:
" My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?! " (Mark: 15 text 34). According to my belief, Jesus is God. Why then did he call, O my God?!

I have puzzled me that I find in the Bible, the word of the Lord, passages or words in brackets () such as found in the text of the Gospel of Mark 16, 9, 20, and the worst of this: is at the bottom of the words of commentator page (just as it is in the Bible: " the second new revised edition) " We read, for example:" 10 texts 9 20 exist in many manuscripts, but they do not exist in other manuscripts, some secondary manuscripts containing these texts instead of lost, or increase it, a different conclusion. " Is this the word of the Lord?!

Our knowledge of triangulation clear:
the Lord, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are equal, but how do we understand this equality when we hear Jesus says: " Because the father is older than me " (John: 14 text 28).

In the priestly prayer (as in John: 17 text 3): Jesus (Peace be upon him) alone with the " father ", it is the best opportunity to know where the doctrine of the Trinity and explain itself. The biggest surprise was when I read: “And eternal life is for them to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, whom you sent.” Is not eternal life to be certain of the death and resurrection of Jesus? How can Jesus declare that eternal life lies in knowing God alone.

I have puzzled me, that Jesus put himself on an equal footing with people, and deny property divinity when he said: "... But I go about my brothers, and say that I ascended to my Father and your Father, to my Lord and your Lord " (John 20 27).

I was shocked at the death of " Onanis and Safarh " (Business 5 Text 111) is not guilty of the offense they are, but instead of alerting them and invite them to repent, and Saint - Pierre judge them, in Vemutwa then, Did Jesus die for all sins?!.

Is not he saying: " son of Man came not to waste people 's lives, but to save them " (Luke: 9 Text 56).

Read the four Gospels on the subject of resurrection of Jesus, and found that different novels from the book to another, did not know who believe.

At first I did not notice such contradictions, I used to say in my heart that the problem lies in my misunderstanding of the meanings, and I said, as the Christians say, that the Holy Spirit will definitely understand them!!.

Being honest in my commitment, I did not allow myself to doubt my faith, and my Bible, even if such texts gave me doubt, I thought that Satan was trying to dissuade me, since even Jesus was tempted by Satan through writings     (as in Matthew: 4 text 1 11) so I call on the name of Jesus in order to expel doubt away from me, with suspicion enemy of faith.

Most of the time I used to find peace in my heart, but sometimes I got suspicious, for it was like a mist that covered and hid everything, and as soon as this mist cleared, the truth emerged and appeared, so I expelled the doubt.

... With the passage of time, as contradictions float and appear, the nature is most, as the saying goes: " Expel the character and it returns." This brought me a lot of unhappiness, and the situation became unbearable...

I confess that I suffered a lot... Bewilderment seized me little by little, and it became for me a fact that I should address... My faith began to shake, and the alarm bells were ringing in my heart!.

The Lord that I worship and the book that I read, have all become doubtful.

I could not reveal my situation to my brothers, I was the one who proved the heart of those who doubted from them. However, one day, I tried to do that... I remember that I called one of the Christian brothers, I told him that things were not going well, so he advised me to repent and go back to the commandments of the Lord (Jesus, peace be upon him), and I answered him that I had no problem with the commandments, But my problem is rather with the “ Lord ” himself!!

And how many times I was kneeling, praying, crying, begging Jesus to help me out of the crisis and to clear the matter for me, I was never ready to give up my faith, I was a hard-headed person, no matter what I love Jesus... It was not easy for me to give up About him after all that I have lived and the honest Christian will surely understand this well!!

What increased my concern was the presence of several different gospels among them, which necessitated the presence of several sects. I was wondering: Do I possess the true Gospel and the true divine message?

Is it true that I am on the right sect?. Successive days, I find myself taking my very secluded, and I find myself in my heart I live in a very dreariness, turmoil and grief were Alazemanna, I Otazb much in silence. It was one of the hardest days of my life. In one word: the fall.

I could not stand it any longer, my patience ran out, and I said to myself: Then it is time for me to face the truth and accept it as it is! I should do something, I had no choice: either I am on the right path

Or on the path of error, then I must repent, and it suffices me to lie to myself and to others...

In any case, it remains to verify both cases.

So I collected everything that speaks and explains the Bible, especially the issue of the Trinity, but this did not add anything new to my information, and it did not relieve my anxiety, on the one hand, and on the other hand, I took everything that contained criticism of the Bible, so I read twice the famous book (Book of Maurice Bucaille).): " The Bible, the Koran, and science ", I read also wrote Ahmed Deedat, such as " Is the Bible the word of God? ", " Is Christ is God? … Also a book by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya: “ Guiding the Confused from the Jews and Christians, ” and a book whose author I do not remember is titled “ Glory be to God the Great.”

I confess that after reading these books, my shock was greater, and my anxiety was deeper, as I was still clinging to my faith, which had become weak, and thanks to these books, my knowledge increased by many errors and contradictions found in the Holy Bible, which there is no doubt or controversy.

I recall here a series of texts which will not comment on them, and I leave it to the reader to make sure:
Thus it completed the heavens and the earth in all its, and in the seventh day God completed the work he has done, and he rested in it from all of his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because he rested from all the work of creation " (Genesis 1: 2 3).

And the Lord said, " will not stay in my soul mujahid man forever. He is a perverted human being, so his days will not last more than a hundred and twenty years only ” (Genesis 3: 6).. This contradicts Genesis 11 from the text 10 to 26... Where is it mentioned that a person lives more than 120 years!

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart is always sin consecrated his heart regret and sadness because he created man " (Genesis 5: 6 6).

And the Lord said to him, certain that your descendants Sitagrb in the land that is not theirs, Vistabdhm her family, and Ivlonhm 400 years " (Genesis 15: 13).. This contradicts the exit 12 text 40: " for weird children of Israel was that dwelt in Egypt, 430 years. "

(Genesis 19: 30 38) and a summary of the paragraph Lot (peace be upon him) when he left " Zoar " with his two daughters... resorted to a cave in the mountain... they made one night their father wine... and Dhadjat daughter grand father.. She bore a son, whom she called “ Moab ”, and he is the father of the Moabites!!... And so did the youngest daughter, and she gave birth to a son and called him " Ben Ammi ", and he is the father of Bani Ammon!!

Is this really doing the prophets (peace be upon them) and they are role models for humans?!!

(Genesis 32: 25 33), paragraph talking about wrestling Jacob (peace be upon him) to the Lord!!... When he saw him face to face, he wrestled with him until dawn: “ And when he saw that he had not defeated Jacob!! He asked Jacob to release him... after he blesses him!!.. " I asked: What your name? He replied: Jacob. He said: not called your name after " Jacob ", but " Israel " (which means: struggling with God)   because you have struggled with God and people estimated "!! As if this is the production of " Hollywood "!! Is this not a mockery and mockery of God?!!

(Genesis 38: 15 19) " When Judas saw a prostitute because she thought she was veiled, inclined towards the side of the road and said, " Let me Oxk ", and did not know that she accent. She said, “ What do you give me to have sex with me?” " And he said, " I send you a kid from the herd " (...) he gave her what asked him came to bear love to her..."

(Exit: 5: 20 6): "... Thou shalt not bow to them, nor Tabdhn, for I am the Lord your God is a jealous God miss the sins of the fathers in the boys until the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, and eternal kindness towards the thousands of fans who obey my commandments." This is contrary to (Ezekiel 18: 20): " The soul that sins they die, are not punished son sin of his father, nor the father sin of his son. The righteous is rewarded with his righteousness, and the wicked are repaid with his evil.”

(II Samuel 4: 8): "... and the families of his army thousand seven hundred knight, and twenty thousand footmen, David and hamstrung all the horses of vehicles except for a hundred chariots " and that was contrary to (news first 18 days 4)... and the families of seven Thousand horsemen and twenty thousand footmen, and David hamstrung all the chariots' horses, leaving him only a hundred chariots.”

(Samuel 10 second: 18): " Soon, the Arameans to Andhroa in front of the Israelis, killing David forces men seven hundred vehicles, and forty thousand horsemen, and wounded Chupke army chief and died there." This is contrary to (news first days 19: 18): "... retreat on their impact Arameans attacks against Israelis, and David killed seven thousand of the leaders of vehicles, and forty thousand infantry, Chupke also killed the army chief."

(Samuel 1 second: 24): " Then he returned Vaandm the wrath of the Lord on Israel, David said they aroused:" Come on then count Israel and Judah. " This is contrary to (days News First 1: 21) and the devil conspired against Israel, Vogry David counted the people. "

(II Samuel 24: 13): " Such serious in front of David and said: Choose either sweeping the country for seven years of hunger, or dodged three months in front of your enemies as they Atakbounk, or rampant epidemic of your land for three days...". This is contrary to (Chronicles first 12: 21): "... Let 's Choose... either three years of famine...".

(Kings of the first 26: 7): " The total thickness of the wall of the pond Shoubra, and made its edge in the form of Blossom Cup Lilies, a nine thousand broadcast, about a ten thousand and five hundred gallons of water." This contradicts (2 Chronicles 5: 4): “... and it could accommodate three thousand broadcasts (about seventy- two thousand five hundred liters).”

(II Kings: 26: 8): '' It was Ahaziah twenty - two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem one year ''. This is contrary to (News Second 2 days: 22): " It was Ahaziah in the second and forty years old when he became king...." (This error has been corrected in translating the Bible into the Arabic language for the sixth edition...and this is not from the translators' scientific integrity!!). (Kings 1 second: 19 7) the same paragraph was returned in her own words (Isaiah 1: 37 7)!!.

(Psalm 23: 44 26) See, dear reader, how the Lord speaks of Galilee in this supplication: " Download Lord; Why do we fall asleep? Pay attention, and do not renounce us forever. Why do you hide your face and forget our humiliation and our distress? Our souls have bowed to the dust, and our stomachs are stuck to the ground. Come to our aid and help us for your mercy.”

(Ezekiel 23): " inspired to the Lord his word, saying: O son of Adam, there were two women, daughters of one mother, Sentha in Sbihama in Egypt, where Duapt Tdaehma, and the futility of Petraib Adhirthma. The elder's name is Oholah, and her sister's name is Oholibah, and they were mine and had sons and daughters. As for Samaria, she is Oholibah, and Jerusalem is Oholibah. I weighed Ooha even though it was mine...” To the end of the paragraph... Is this the Lord's holy word?!... Can you, dear reader, to submit to read such words, for example, on your family?!.

(Gospel of Matthew 5: 27): " He threw the silver pieces in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself "... and that is contrary to (Acts 18: 1): " Then he bought a field with money that was paid a price for treason, and it signed His face, broke away from the waist, Andlguet his bowels all, and taught the people of Jerusalem, all of this incident, they shot on his field name " Dmkh field " in their language, ie: the field of blood... " this is contrary also (Matthew 7: 27):"... after consulting the amount bought the potter 's field to be a graveyard for strangers... ".

(Mark 8: 6): " and commanded them not to carry the road nothing but a stick, no bread, nor money nor victuals within their belts...". Contradicts (Luke 3: 9): “ Do not carry anything for the road: neither staff, nor provision, nor bread, nor money, and one does not carry two tunics....”

(Mark 46: 10): " Then they reached Jericho, and while he was out of Jericho, with his disciples and a great collection, and was the son of Timaeus, a blind, sitting on the side of the road begging...". This is contrary to (Luke 35: 18): " When he arrived to the neighborhood of Jericho, a blind was sitting to the side of the road begging."

(John 31: 5): " If I bear witness to myself, my testimony was not truthful." This contradicts (John 14: 8): “ He answered: Although I bear witness for myself, my testimony is true.”

(John 17: 20): " He said to her: not insisting me! For I have not yet ascended to the Father, but go to my brothers, and say to them: I will ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God! “. This contradicts (John 27: 20): " Then he said to Thomas:" Hat your finger here and see my hands, and reach your hand and put it into my side... ".

(Matthew 34: 27): " Give Jesus wine to drink mixed with bitterness when Magaha, refused to drink it." This contradicts (Mark 23: 15): " They gave him wine mingled with myrrh, he refused to drink."

(Matthew 46: 27): " and about the third hour Jesus cried with a loud voice:" Eli, Eli, why Hbaktna? " Ie: God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? “. That is contrary to (John 29: 8): " The one who sent me is with me and did not leave alone, because I always do what pleases him? “.

(Business 7: 9): "... As for Mravqgua Saul astonished not all agreed speak, they heard the sound but did not see anyone." This is contrary to (work 9.: 22): " The companions saw the light, but they have not heard the voice of Mkhataba."

(10 business: 22): " I asked: What do I do, Lord? And the Lord answered me: Arise and enter Damascus, for I could not see because of the intensity of that dazzling light. That Mainaqd (work 16.: 26): " Arise stood on your feet, you have appeared to me a servant of your eyes, and saw this vision that you see me now, and visions that you see me the day after."

You cannot imagine the severe torment I suffered after discovering these contradictions in the Bible, it was very difficult for me to accept that, my frustration was great, my faith came into view. Finally, within 3 years you, take the way the line A, misled So the way, and hope that went in vain, which I thought I reached the summit of glory, I realized that I was in the abyss, which I thought I possessed the truth, and are Fading shown, message originally interpolated, By corrupt minds and hands, whose sole aim is to deceive people and distract them from the truth.

... I felt that I sank as a ship sank in the sea, and I collapsed vertically as the two buildings of the World Trade Center collapsed after the September 11 attacks.

I am not exaggerating if I say to you, but I assure you God forgive as it must be said: " Cursed is the day that I was born "... Without the grace of God, the deviated. I often, walking alone on the road, would ask myself a question like a madman: “ Who is God,   and who is Satan?” “ There was confusion

In any case, I was certain that the Bible had been corrupted, and the truth was found elsewhere.

The last covenant:
During this period of bewilderment and psychological struggle, there is one thing that has given me strength and hope; It is the belief that there is a god. I was always praying to God and asking Him to save me, and I did not despair of my request...

There I began my research on Islam, and as I mentioned earlier, I had a superficial knowledge about this religion, especially after my conversion to Christianity, as I felt a strong hatred for Islam and its Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). I remember that as soon as I heard this word “ Islam ” it seemed to me as a black curtain over a black heart! I had many prejudices about this religion, especially that the reality in our country comes to confirm these provisions. In one word, I used to see it as the Christians say: “It is a religion that has bad fruits, because it is an evil tree.” In order to make sure of this rule, I set out to read the Noble Qur’an. When you have a toothache, of course you should consult a dentist, not an ophthalmologist or something else!! So to learn Islam, I went straight to the source: the Qur'an, and left my prejudices aside.

First just must be the purity of the person who wants to read the Koran makes this unique book, unlike other books, and in the whole world... I have read and re - read the Koran, and at the same time, I hesitate repeatedly Thanuitina the library was open for those interested in reading from the people of the village Which was rather rich in books explaining Islam, it was a great discovery for me. What I discovered at the beginning was the true meaning of the phrase “ God is Greatest ”; God is greater than everything, greater than what the Jews and Christians say, and greater than anyone imagines, that in the Qur’an the complete definition of God, a deity worthy of this name, the One who is indivisible, has no equal, and has no equal, like what was mentioned in Surat Al-Iman Al-Khalas (loyalty).

((Say God is one (1) God Samad (2) begets not (3) It was not like unto Him a)) (Al - fidelity).

God is not a compound thing, he neither eats nor drinks nor weeps, as he is not a creature, but he is the Creator.

The living that never dies.

To hear God knows himself and knows himself to the people: (God is not L e only is the world of the unseen and the certificate is the womb n Rahim (22) is the God who is not L e only is the King, the Holy peace believer dominant Mighty arrogant Hallelujah what associates (23) God is the Creator Creator photographer his names beautiful swim to him is in the heavens and the earth is the Mighty, the wise) (24) (Hashr 22 24).

The new thing that I discovered as well is:
“ Tawhid ”, which is considered a central and fundamental issue in Islam, and to make with God another deity (shirk) among the greatest sins that cannot be forgiven if the servant does not repent of it before his death: (God does not forgive association with Him). and forgives what it is for those who choose it involves God invents a great sin) (Surah: women verse: 48).

Monotheism is the main message from God to mankind, and therefore He is the one who unifies all His Messages and Messengers, and for this reason they were sent, to remind people that they have one Creator, only He is worshiped, the One God, the One (And We did not send before you any Messenger from His Messenger e but I Vaabdon) (Surah: prophets verse: 25).

It is the same message that you find in the Old Testament:
“ Listen to Israel! The Eternal Our Lord, the Eternal One, love the Eternal Your Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength: and these words that I give you this day will become in your heart, you will preserve them for your children, and you will speak them when you are at home, when you travel and when you sleep, and when you wake up, you read them as a sign in your hand, and your eyes will be Kaasabh between, on the type of Arc columns and doors " (Deuteronomy 6: text 4 9).

already; This is exactly what Jesus (peace be upon him) preached to win eternal salvation and immortal life. He says while speaking to the Lord: “And eternal life is that they know you, the only true God ” (John: 17 text 3).

Ring Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as well as preaching himself to speak, where we read in the Qur'an: (Say: I am human like you, revealed to me that El CHE L e one) (Surah: Cave verse: 110)

The certificate that " there is no god but Allah, " we had to deny all the divinity void, and we evaluate our worship to God alone, because God created us for this sole purpose: (created the jinn and mankind except to worship) (Surah: Almariaat verse: 56).

Unlike Christianity, Islam invites you before you believe in criticism and reflection, but on the basis of evidence and arguments. This is only in order to strengthen your heart and strengthen its resolve, so that your mind believes in this belief, which is very simple and clear.

(Say: Bring your proof if you are truthful) (Surah: Cow Verse: 111).

While the Christian belief (the doctrine of the Trinity) is so complex that the Christian himself finds it reluctant to form a clear-cut idea in his mind.

The Qur’an provides the Muslim with a comprehensive, complete and harmonious education that builds a healthy personality. It takes care and takes into consideration all human characteristics: spiritual, cultural, psychological, physical, social... etc. The Muslim does not limit himself or limit himself to one area, he finds in the Qur’an something that motivates him to think and contemplate, and to search for knowledge and understanding of various phenomena.

God does not ask man to eradicate his instinct, and to torment his body, for it is a futile battle, as it is against instinct. Rather, he commands to struggle against the soul to take control of it, without forgetting to take care of the body, so it should not be deprived of its rights.

Islam urges the Muslim to be active and to participate in social life, by doing good, cultivating love and peace, and to feel that he is useful and a servant to other people, and the Muslim is also required to combat diseases and social evils, and that is with wisdom.

As for the education that Christianity wants, it is one-sided! It depends only on the spiritual aspect, as the Christian who is cut off from reality appears to be in a very apparent coma, which can worsen with the passage of time to become in the end a schizophrenia.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:18 pm

What caught my attention as well is:
the “ verses ” of a scientific nature in the Qur’an, for God speaks about cosmic phenomena recently in agreement with modern scientific discoveries. The Qur’an and the hadiths of the Messenger (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) speak realistically about all scientific fields: astronomy, psychology, Biology, embryology... etc.

I discovered also that the fact that Islam is a continuing revelation of the divine, and that Muhammad a (peace be upon him) is the last messenger, but the enemies of the truth they want and at any price to cut the road in front of the last revelation.

(Want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, and Allah will refuse but are averse (32) is the one who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans (33)) (Surah: repentance verse: 32 33)

The Jews and Christians do not recognize that Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) is the Seal of the Messengers...

After a period of time, as I continued my research in the books of scholars, such as Sheikh Ahmed Deedat, I discovered that the Messenger of Islam was clearly mentioned in the Holy Book, and I will mention here some examples:

Is not the Lord is the one who emigrated from the promise that he would make her son Ismail (peace be upon him) a great nation (Genesis 21: 18)? What has been said about this great nation in the Bible? Nothing! Although (Muhammad a peace be upon him) of Ismail dynasty, and this great nation is the Islamic nation.

The Lord promised Moses (peace be upon him) that there is a messenger like him (the Old Testament: 18 Text 18) and the only one that looked like Moses (peace be upon him) is Muhammad (peace be upon him), but the Christians say that Jesus (Isa peace be upon him), while It is not at all similar. To limit ourselves to mentioning only one reason, Moses (peace be upon him) the Messenger, and Jesus (peace be upon him) the Lord according to Christian doctrine.

In the era of Jesus, different people are very different in the case of the mission of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him): Some said that the Prophet promised to Moses (peace be upon him) by the Lord, while others said that Christ (the Gospel of John: 7 Text 40 41)? It is not understood that they were waiting for a messenger other than Jesus, who is none other than Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace).

John the Baptist (Yahya peace be upon him) in the (Gospel of John: 1 19 should read 25) was asked about a personal Jesus (peace be upon him), he replied that Christ, not the prophet, nor Elijah. Who then is that prophet (mentioned by John) if he is not Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace)?!.

Jesus preached the coming of the " Bar Kulait another ", derived from the Greek word (bar Kulaireis), Bible translators to translate this word Palmazy / Jerusalem (Spirit John 14 Text: 15 26) but the truth " Bar Kulait " means another intercessor ", ie: another human being. Noticed what was stated in (John 16 Ns13 14) Jesus (peace be upon him): " because he does not speak of his own, but speak what they hear, and tell you what will happen." This prophecy does not apply to the “ Holy Spirit, ” which is the third personality in the doctrine of the Trinity. It is impossible for the words uttered by the Holy Spirit to be God, but notice how this passage fully applies to the description of Muhammad (peace be upon him) because he It is described in the Qur’an:

(((And speaks of passion 3 that is only a Revelation revealed)))) Star (3 4)

The speech, which he will say Muhammad (peace be upon him) will not come from him, but from God by King Gabriel (peace be upon him), to then be heard by the Prophet (peace be upon him), as Echtmh (John: 16 text 13 14). And the Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) told about future matters, prophecies and signs of the minor and major resurrection, and he also made a complete representation of the Day of Resurrection. Most of these prophecies and the minor signs he talked about were almost fulfilled, which proves his message.

Is it not a sign of prophecy prosecutor who speaks on behalf of the Lord saying that will not be achieved (Deuteronomy: 18 text 21 22)?

Then see how the Lord, Bouhah to Moses (peace be upon him), preached the three major Balrsalat, those sent by Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (peace be upon them).

“The Eternal came from Sinai, He shone upon them from Sir, He shone from Mount Paran ” (Deuteronomy 33: 2).

“ Baran ” is what we call today “ Makkah ”, where was Ismail (peace be upon him) in the past, (Genesis: 21 verse 21), and where the Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) was sent with the message of Islam.

Now compare the previous texts from the Bible with these verses from the Quran:

(Figs, olives (1) and developed Senen (2) and his The Country Secretary) (Sura: fig verse: 1 3).

These verses refer to the places where the three messages of monotheism were revealed. So with these evidences, we conclude that Islam is nothing but a continuation of the previous messages, and that Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) is truly the successor of Jesus (peace be upon him).

From a literary point of view, the Qur’an is an unparalleled masterpiece.

Those who knew the language remained amazed and acknowledged the greatness of this holy book, they said: It is impossible that an illiterate man like Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) could write the Qur’an, but some Christians say in all arrogance that Muhammad was not taken from the Bible! So I verified the matter, as I find that the Qur’an, on the contrary, is nothing but a continuation of the previous messages, and even corrects the Bible in many of its contradictions engineered by professionals. So that Christians or others do not err if there is a kind of similarity between the Holy Book and the Qur’an on some matters, it is only proof that God who revealed one of them is the one who revealed the other.

Koran argument realistically, that God wise Alim, fulfilled his promise, as it is the custodian of his envoy to the people, because we find in the Koran ethics laws that were revealed to Moses and Jesus (upon them blessings and peace), as well as new ethical laws (Sharia), which were revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (- Peace be upon him-). permission; God’s message to people is complete, comprehensive, complete and preserved by God Himself:

(We mentioned we went to him and I privates) (Surah: Stone verse: 9)

One day, while I was talking to a Christian about the subject of the Qur’an, I expressed to him my great surprise and fascination about this book, so I asked him with all naivety, and I am still a Christian at the time, to tell me where the Qur’an came from. He replied that the Qur’an is the word of Satan!

And it happened to me later and I read the Koran to come across these verses from Surat pelleting: The Almighty said: (What is the words of devil 25 where you go 26 It is only mentioned to the worlds 27 for whoever wants you to correct) (Surah: pelleting Verse: 25 28).

When I read these verses, my hair shook from the roots of my hair to the soles of my feet!

so; This was my research, I discovered the reality of Islam, so I knew very well the difference between the reality of the reality of Muslims and what they should be as it is in the Holy Qur’an. It has been the Prophet (peace be upon him) honest and right when he said fourteen centuries before: (The Prophet said that the national Yerbe had taken him a Koran abandoned) (Surah: Criterion verse: 30).

It is the truth, for Muslims have abandoned the Qur’an, their guidance, their light, and their true source of unity and life.

I can honestly say, although my heart and mind were refreshed by the message of Islam, and although I was convinced of the correctness of the Qur'an, it was not easy for me to change my religion again. I was afraid, the Christian experience taught me not to rush into my decisions, I said to myself: Perhaps the same thing will happen to me with Islam that happened to me with Christianity. Perhaps within years, I will discover again that Islam is incorrect, so I decided to wait and wait.

During this period, anxiety seized my heart. The more I progressed in my research, the more I discovered that my conversion to Christianity was the biggest mistake I made in my life. I used to tell myself that I wasted three years in a clear slander. Then there is that heavy responsibility, the weight of the mountain, which I felt towards the people I was the reason for their conversion to Christianity. How can I do to convince them of my mistake and their mistake? How will my responsibility be before God if one of them dies on this belief without me warning him?.

And above all this, this shame and this crime that I feel towards God, the Most High, the Almighty, because I disbelieved in him by making him a partner, and ascribing to him a son!!... One day, I was thinking of all this, I looked at the sky and I cry and echo from the depths of my heart prayers Yunus (peace be upon him), this prayer, which I love so much: (not L e except You Glory I oppressors) (Sura: Prophets Verse: 87).

Visions of:
The days passed, and the pain in my heart, I felt a kind of “ spiritual erosion ”, which was one of the most difficult moments in my life. It so happened that one night, when I came home, late at night, I was so tired that I had an unquenchable desire to relieve myself.

I lay on the bed, raised my hands towards the sky, and began to pray to God to save me from what I am in. I began my supplication by praising God because he is worthy of this, or simply because he is “ God ”. I praised Him for creating the heavens and the earth, and for having chosen me and brought me into existence, and after all this, I prayed to God to forgive me all my sins, and to accept my repentance... I assure you that I did not feel the greatness of God as I did that night, to the extent that I did not stop crying, I felt as if the sky was open to me and every word I uttered was heard by God, I pressed him, and asked only one thing:

Guidance to the straight path.
Truth be told, I was at that time neutral in my supplications. I used to pray to God, not that I was a Christian or a Muslim or anyone else, but I prayed to Him as a stray creature that wants to worship its Creator... I spent a long time, insisted in supplication, and after that I slept, and I saw this vision:

“You saw me standing and staring at a mosque close to me about 15 meters away, there was silence in the graves, I was alone, my eyes never leave the mosque, and suddenly an unseen force carried me and took me at the speed of light and found me inside the mosque! “.

I woke up terrified under the impact of shock, terrified, and I realized that, without a doubt, it was God who answered my prayers through this vision, I could not utter a word, I had an inexpressible feeling, I went back to sleep with tears in my eyes.

Glory be to God! Here is a spiritual confirmation that came from God, added to my scientific confirmation of the truthfulness of the Qur'anic message.

So I first began embracing Islam, so I uttered the two testimonies: “ I bear witness that there is no god but God, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”

And I decided to adhere to the teachings of Islam, the true religion, the religion of God, the religion of all the prophets and messengers.

Praise be to God, after four years, I am still a Muslim.

A noteworthy thing! Which is the more I deepened my knowledge of Islam, the more certainty and clarity I became, the opposite of Christianity, as the more I deepened my knowledge of it, the more I became suspicious, and the mystery enveloped me.

After my guidance, I turned towards those whom I was the reason for their conversion to Christianity, and I explained everything to them, and with God's help, almost all of them left Christianity, and even some of them converted to Islam by the grace of God.

I saw all the Christians I knew, I did my duty before God, which was to warn them of the danger that awaits them, and to warn them against vanity by relying on Jesus, as stated in Christianity.

And I pray to God to guide them to the truth of Islam as he guided me. Trustworthy

Who is Jesus (Isa)? Knowing God is the ultimate knowledge.

It is clear that said: that God Almighty sent messengers and prophets of humanity in order to know, since the knowledge of God in Islam is the first priority, which is a condition in accepting the acts and actions: (then know that he is not El H except Allah and ask forgiveness for your sin and for believing men and women) (Surah: Muhammad verse: 19).

God then commands His Messenger first to unite him, then to repent.

It is therefore clear that before you believe in any faith whatsoever, it is very important that you infer this belief in the sense of being aware of what you will worship, contrary to the Bible, after two thousand years the issue of the Christian faith has not yet been resolved, the “ Trinity ” and the “ personality of Jesus ” are in dispute. The controversial from various Christian denominations: (parties differed among them) (Sura: Mary verse: 37).

Rather, this issue constitutes a problem even among members of the same sect. Worse than that is its ambiguity for the Christian himself!!.

While the Qur’an is the only book that clarifies the matter to us about the truth of the Christian faith as well as the truth of the personality of Jesus (peace be upon him). This holy book, which was revealed to Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace), the last of the prophets and messengers, is the only book that reassures hearts, and proves them with the facts it contains.

In order to restore light and certainty to the evangelical message and to the personality of Jesus (peace be upon him), removing their ambiguity, we will briefly present these points with Quranic verses, and even texts from the Bible.

1 Christmas miracle of Jesus (peace be upon him):
Qur'an: (if like Jesus when God 's likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, Be) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 59).

When God forbid the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him), without prejudice to Mary preached, it was a miracle, " Nothing is impossible for God " (Luke: 1 Text 37).

Why call it, then the name of the Son of God "?!.

Is it because he was born of a woman only, so we make for God a family!!.

As Catholics call Mary: " Mother of God " (Glory of God what they describe) (Surah: believers verse: 91).

(And they took the womb n son (88) have come something Edda (89) is almost the heavens Ataftrn him and cleave the earth and the faint mountains Hedda (90) that called for the womb n son (91) and what should the womb n take a child) (92)) (Surah: Mary verse: 88 92).

2 Isa (peace be upon him) is only a messenger, a messenger to the Children of Israel:
Mentioned in the Koran would: (and a messenger to the Children of Israel) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 49), (what Christ the son of Mary, but the Messenger hath before the Apostles and his mother 's girlfriend were eating the food see how to show them the verses and then see that I Aavkon) (Surah: table verse: 75), (] O book does not boil in your religion and do not say God only the right but Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah and his speech to the Mary and the spirit of it, believe in Allah and his messengers) (Surah: women verse: 171).

We also read in the Bible:
Jesus said to them: " no prophet without honor except in his country and religion " (Matthew: 13 text 57)

" Did Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city is fed up and asked: from this? He replied the crowd: This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth of Galilee " (Matthew 21 text 10 11).

I am not able to do something from me: " As I hear the father of the wisest, and judgmental just because I do not ask my will, who sent me " (John: 5 Ns30).

" I fell disagreement among them, also said the blind: You say that he open your eyes, what do you think about it? He replied: He is a prophet! " (John: 9 Ns17).

" I who told you the truth as I heard from God " (John: 8 Ns40).

" Do not Tqsdoa land idolatry, do not enter a Samaritan town, but go to the lost sheep of the children of Israel " (Matthew: 10 Ns6). Jesus answered: " God sent me only to the lost sheep of the children of Israel " (Matthew: 15 Ns24).

3 message of Jesus (peace be upon him):
Holy Qur'an: (Taking Jesus the son of Mary, said Israel builds I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming the hands of the Torah and promising a Messenger to come after me, named Ahmad) (Surah: Grade verse: 6).

So the message of Jesus (peace be upon him) is clear:
It sent a certified Torah, and promising the good the news, the news of the coming of the Prophet (peace be upon him) (Ahmad or Muhammad called in the Qur'an on the Prophet of Islam).

The Bible or the Gospels confirm this:
And John the Baptist (peace be upon him) said, “ Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens is at hand ” (the kingdom of heaven or the good news) (Matthew: 3 text 2).

The one who thinks that the kingdom of heaven or the good news is the news of the coming of Jesus, peace be upon him, but after a while, when will he tell us: “And from that time Jesus began preaching, saying: Repent, because the kingdom of the heavens is near ” (Matthew 4, text 17).

What proves the true message of Jesus (peace be upon him), which is the herald of the good news, is the news of the coming of the Seal of the Messengers, the Messenger of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him). It came in the Gospel on the tongue of Jesus (peace be upon him) that he clearly told the Jews that the stone that Rejection of the builders became the head of the corner? This is what the Lord has done, how amazing! So I say to you: God will take you to his kingdom and deliver it to the people makes it bear fruit " (Matthew: 21 Ns42 43).

“ The rejected stone ” is the father of Muhammad (-may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-), meaning: Ismail (peace be upon him) who was thrown into the desert of Baran (Mecca), and the kingdom of God that is taken away from the Jews is God’s revelation to mankind. And after the Jews, it will be given to another nation, the nation of Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace), which will then become a great nation, which proves the truthfulness of God’s revelation to Hagar, the mother of Ismail (peace be upon him): “ Because I will make him a great nation ” (Genesis: 21 text 18).

So what was said about this “ great nation ”? The Bible did not mention a single word about it!.

4 Miracles of Jesus (peace be upon him):
The Qur’an is very clear about this issue. Jesus (peace be upon him) performs miracles, but with the will and permission of God, just like the other messengers who came before him.

It came in the Qur’an:
(And a messenger to the children of Israel that I have I come to a verse from your Lord, Create your mud as a body bird Vonfaj in it shall be a bird, God willing, and Obrye the blind and the leper, and salute the dead, God willing, and I inform you what you eat and what Tdechron in your homes in this is a sign for you if you are believers) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 49)

And the Holy Book proves this to us, in fact, in (Luke: 11 text 20) Jesus (peace be upon him) says:
“ But if I am by the finger of God I expel the devils.”

Before salutes Isa (peace be upon him) Lazarus God called first, asking him to respond to him (John: 11 Ns41 42).

So Fiesy (peace be upon him) is not able to do anything without the permission of God, it is not saying, as in (John 7 Ns42): " I can not do anything for myself."

To this day, many Christians from different sects testify that they have lived or heard about healing or ruqyah that were done in the name of Jesus!!... But we Muslims are not surprised by this at all! Because God and His Messenger warned us before from “ imposters, ” and even Jesus, peace be upon him, warned of these people who do miracles in his name, as we read in (Matthew: 24, text 24) “ So there will appear false messiahs and false prophets, who perform great signs and wonders to lead astray.”

The Christians monopolize for themselves this ability to focus only on the basis of texts irrigated from scriptural one party, namely, (Mark 16: Ns9 20).

In addition, they are texts placed in square brackets (), which means that they are verses that are not found in some manuscripts of the New Testament (and this is according to the Bible: New Revised Edition).

And something else, is that Jesus (peace be upon him) on the Day of Resurrection will testify against those Christians who claim to make " miracles " in his name, we have warned them by the Bible, Matthew (7 Ns22 23) we read:

“ Many people will say to me on the Day of Judgment: Lord, Lord, did we not utter prophecies in your name? And in your name we expelled demons? And in your name did we do many miracles? Then I say to them: I have never known you! Stay away from me, you who commit a great injustice!.

Great injustice known in the Qur'an in the verse 13 of Surah Luqman: (does not involve God that great injustice to shirk) (Surah: Luqman verse: 13).

The great injustice that the Christians are reproached for, is that they made Jesus (peace be upon him) the Messenger a god!

I emphasized this point because the Christians misled and misled many people by what they call “ miracles in the name of Jesus ”, while the only beneficiary of their work is Satan!.

These paranormalities are found even in other religions, but people should be wary of them. The Antichrist, for example, will do great deeds to seduce and mislead many people, so this matter is not a criterion for knowing the truth.

5 issue of guilt:
The Qur’an is also clear regarding this issue (the human being is weak, he always falls into guilt). Man is created weak and sinful, for we are not infallible angels!... But the demands of the Muslim to live a life of repentance, and defraud in the mercy of God: The Almighty said: (Say Aebadi who transgressed themselves do not despair of the mercy of God that God forgives all sins: for He is the Forgiving, the Merciful) (Surah: Zumar verse: 53).

Whereas the Christians, on the contrary, believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) died on the cross for the sins of humanity, and whoever believed in Jesus was forgiven and saved, but he who does not believe in him dies with his sins, and will be subject to eternal punishment.

" Hallelujah "! Is not God's mercy enough to forgive sins?!!.

Nevertheless, before the advent of Jesus, peace be upon him, we read in the Old Testament that forgiveness of sins was granted by sincere repentance. The death of Jesus (peace be upon him) for our sins is just a fabrication!.

Christians in their prayers and singing thank Jesus because he forgave them their sins in advance all their sins once his death, and I have mentioned in the Bible that Jesus (peace be upon him) spoke at length about these type of people, we read, for example, in such Pharisee and the tax collector in (Luke 18 Ns9 14).

Pharisee is not like those Christians when he said: " Thank you, O God, what I like other people monopolists, unjust, adulterers, or even like this Jabi "?. This collector is like all Christians, and he thinks that he is a pure and saved healer, and let us compare him with this collector who: “He did not dare to raise his eyes towards the sky, but was beating on his chest and saying: Have mercy on me, O God, I am the sinner.”

Is he not like that of a Muslim who admits his mistakes and sins, and is ashamed of God, begging for His forgiveness? Moreover, it is not acceptable and reasonable that the guilt of one person bears the burden of another person. Rather, it is more correct and self-evident to assert that each person is responsible for the results of his actions. On the other hand, it is written in the Bible that: " The soul that Tznb is going to die, and the son does not bear his father 's fault and the father does not bear fault his son, justice, fair would be for him, and slag villain will be " (Ezekiel: 18 Ns20).

Father Adam (peace be upon him) disobeyed God Fattab, God conferred his forgiveness (and disobeyed his Lord Adam went astray (121) and then Ajtbah Rabbo turned to him and Huda) (Sura: Taha verse 121 122).

6 Redemption:
Surviving in Islam situated above all God 's mercy, because Who deserves to obtain Paradise and if it is not God 's mercy? But despite that, the matter that comes in second place is the correct belief in the oneness of God and then good deeds.

God Almighty says in the Qur'an (and age (1) (The lost man is in (2) except those who believe and do good works, and exhort one another to truth and exhort one patient (3)) (Sura: age).

In many verses, God Almighty affirms faith and righteous deeds.

The same for the Bible, such as the man who asked Jesus (peace be upon him) how he should work to inherit eternal life (Luke: 18 Ns18 20)? This is a strange thing, as long as it has been decided that salvation lies in believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus (peace be upon him), but here is Jesus (peace be upon him) answering the questioner that he has nothing but to preserve and act upon the commandments.

Even in Matthew: (25 Ns34 45) Isa (peace be upon him) confirms that salvation by faith and will work, and that the legacy of the kingdom will be for those who have good works. The same command in the message of Jacob (1 Ns27) and (2 Ns19 26) which refers to this meaning: " salvation is to believe in one God and to implement his orders."

Which is in line with this verse: (Say: I am human like you, revealed to me that El CHE L e one it was hoping to meet his Lord still keep a good work and do not involve the worship of his Lord anyone) (Surah: Cave verse: 110).

7 Resurrection:
According to the Gospel of Barnabas discovered in the late nineteenth century who was crucified was not Jesus (peace be upon him), but rather: " Judas the traitor."

Peter 's grandfather was right as it denied that the crucifixion is Jesus (peace be upon him) (Matthew: 26 Ns69 75), but prayed and swore that he did not know who was crucified.

It was Judas who was arrested and put to death. God did the miracle by making Judas look like Jesus (peace be upon him), and all people sinned.

The Koran says in this topic: (and saying We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah and killed him and crucified him well were they almost but those who differed concerning it, is in doubt of it as they have no knowledge except to follow conjecture and killed him with certainty (157), but God raised him Allah is Mighty, wise (158)) (Sura: women verse: 157 158).

8 triangulation (the divinity of Jesus):
The doctrine of the Trinity is the greatest falsehood known to mankind, I am convinced that none of the Christians possesses certainty about the Trinity, so doubt in their hearts is certain and certain, for this reason, doubt is considered by Christians the greatest enemy of their faith after Satan.

“ Doubt leads to the truth, ” says Descartes, “ to doubt ” means: to think and to ask questions to be understood, and all of this is considered dangerous for the Christian.

The latter, without realizing that it is the mind that urges him to think of a doctrine that he accepted blindly, then believes that Satan is the one who attacks him, and he must constantly expel him from his mind!

A person who has a mind will never accept this belief! No need to go back to the contradictions in the doctrine of the Trinity, we've shown that the texts of the Bible, then why " evasive triangulation " This? Is not belief in the One and Only God more reassuring to the heart, and stabilizing the mind?

(Good or employers are separated one God Almighty) (Surah: Yusuf verse: 39)

Ahmed Deedat was very right when he challenged the Christians to present a single text in which Jesus (peace be upon him) said: “ I am God ” or “ Worship me ”. Of course there is no!

According to the Koran in this topic: (I have disbelieved who said that God is Christ the son of Mary, said Christ, son of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, it involves God Allah has forbidden Paradise to him and his abode fire and whosoever) (72) have disbelieved who said that God 's three and a third of the L e only L e one but did not finish what they say to Williamson who disbelieve them a painful torment) (73) do you not repent to God and ask forgiveness and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful (74)) (Surah: table verse: 72 74).

Jesus (peace be upon him) is nothing but human beings, and a messenger from God. Is he not the one who said: “ I am the one who spoke to you with the truth as I heard it from God ” (John: 8 text 40).

(Took their rabbis and their monks as lords without God and Christ the son of Mary and ordered not to worship L. Ha and no one L e is only the Almighty what associates) (Surah: repentance verse: 31).

dear reader, It is very clear, as it was confirmed that there is a difference between what Jesus (peace be upon him) taught him and what the Christians teach him about the reality of Jesus (peace be upon him).

Khatt Meh
Thinking about God is a serious and important matter, it is a matter of life or death, heaven or hell! A person who wants to adhere to any belief or religion should first meditate, research, and seek advice before he rushes.

Imagine the shock and disappointment of that Christian who, after death, discovers a god he never knew in his life!!.

This is, then what I have learned from my experience of Christianity.

Praise be to God, now that God has opened my eyes, I fully realize Satan's plan.

I discovered that the happiness and tranquility that I felt when I was a Christian was nothing but an embellishment and a plot from Satan to mislead me and many people.

(They took demons parents without God, and they think that they are rightly guided) (Surah: custom verse: 30)

Great Unfortunately, the Christians think and believe that God guided them to light, while the devil it damn and matter, deceived them and urging them to deceive and lead astray others, because the one who does not worship God, the true God Sunday, inevitably Saabd the devil.

(God does not forgive him and to engage forgive without it for those who choose it involves God has strayed far away (116) The claim without him only females but claim only a devil Mérida (117) to him God said to have made the best of Thy servants a share imposed (118) and Adilnhm to Amninhm and Omrnhm Vlapetkn the ears of cattle and Omrnhm Vleguern God created and take the devil and Leah without God, lost Khosro showing (119) prepares them and Mona and beyond the devil only delusion (120) first Ik abode is hell, and find them Mahissa (121)) (Sura: women verse: 116 121).

Have you seen the cunning of Satan?! “He promises them and gives them hope ” i.e., they delude the Christians that they will be saved and have already been forgiven! As for Muslims, they believe in the true Messiah, who is a messenger from God.

the devil; He has managed to convince the people that Jesus (peace be upon him) God, although John warned of this and advised to test the spirits to see whether they are from God (John 1: 4 Ns1 3).

Christians believe in a God that never existed! As he indicated by Ahmed Deedat God 's mercy.

I think without any exaggeration that the wisdom of the Samaritan (Matthew: 13 (1 23) apply fully to my experience of Christianity, I was good earth, and punch the Bible came to fruition on my heart: people Hrvoh, I won doubt about the sincerity of the Gospel message. There is in the Christians Their insights are blinded, despite the conclusive proofs of the invalidity of their belief, they are arrogant and insist on the path of the distorted faith, and they continue to lie to themselves, and lie to people.

These people are in danger! We cannot do anything for them unless they realize the matter themselves, in what will benefit them arrogance and persistence, which leads them to the fire of Hell, and to losing themselves forever!!.

Even Jesus (peace be upon him) says about them as in (Luke: 7 text 32).

“We piped to you, but you did not dance, and we mourned for you, so you did not weep.”

According to the Koran (deaf, dumb and blind, they do not return) (Surah: Baqarah verse: 18)

(I have urged unto hell, much of the jinn and their hearts do not understand them and their eyes do not see them and their ears do not hear them) (Surah: custom verse: 179).

On the Day of Resurrection, Jesus (peace be upon him) will testify against them and will absolve himself before God of their crimes and injustice.

(Taking God Ieisy son of Mary, thou I said to the people Atakdhuna and my mother El Hin without God said, Glory have me to say what I do not have the right that you have said it has taught him to learn what to myself, I do not know what in yourself You are unseen (116) what I told them only what ordered me to do that worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord, and I was a witness against them as long as them when Tovitni you you censor them and you are all martyrs (117) if you punish them, they slaves, and if you forgive them, you are you Aziz al - Hakim) (Surah: table verse: 118) (Surah: table verse: 116 118).

I had an incident with such people, one day, while I was talking with a Christian, and after a long presentation, in which I proved the distortion of the Holy Book and the truthfulness of the Qur’anic message, he did not find any excuse to defend it, and instead of repenting to God, arrogance took hold of his heart, so he concluded by saying “ Whatever the matter is, and even if the God of the Qur’an is the truth, I would rather that he cast me into Hell, rather than worship Him. ” Glory be to God!!.

I pray to God to guide him to Islam, as we have no choice but to pray for him and his likes for guidance.

There is contrast class of Christians, mediocre hearts, love and are looking honestly about God, when they discover Islam, God willing Sehtdon, because the Koran tell them all the truth, God Almighty says in the right: (to find the most hostile to those who believe the Jews and those who have been involved and to find their the closest affection for those who believe, who say: Christians, however, that of them are priests and monks and they are not proud (82) and if they heard what was revealed to the Prophet see their eyes overflowing with tears, which knew of the right to say: our Lord Vaketbna with witnesses (83) and what we do not believe in God and what came to us right and strong hope that our Lord introduces us with righteous folk (84) Vothabhm God as they are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and the reward benefactors) (85) (Surah: table verse: 82 85).

O Christians and Jews; Rather, you people of different beliefs; Answer the call of God, your one Creator:
(Say ] O Book Come to a word between us and you worship none but God does not involve the thing does not take each other as lords besides God, if they turn away, say Muslims testify fist) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 64).

This, then, is what will unite, not only Christians and Muslims, but all humanity on the face of the earth. It is the return to the One God, and following the path of Islam:

(The religion of Allah Islam) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 19)

(It is Eptg other than Islam will not accept it, a loser in the Hereafter) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 85)

Sincere and values of religion: (ordered not to worship him, but that religion values well were more people do not know) (Surah: Yusuf verse: 40).

A religion supported by a book preserved by God alone:

(We mentioned we went to him and I privates) (Surah: Stone verse: 9)

(Would not the Koran ponder Had it been from other than Allah, they would have found therein much discrepancy) (Sura: women verse: 82).

(What was recently blasphemed well Be to believe that his hands and detailing everything, and guidance and mercy for those who believe) (Surah: Yusuf verse: 111).

This, then, is the Qur’an. It is a light for those who want to see, a guidance and a mercy for those who want to be straight, and it is nothing for those who read it with the eyes of the dead.

The word “ Islam ” means “ surrender and submission, ” to be completely attached to God, content with Him as Lord, and to live at His command.

Our father in faith, Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was greatly honored by God, because he was the perfect example in his complete submission to God.

Because God commanded him to sacrifice his son, whom he loved very much, so Abraham had nothing but to obey and submit. We have shortened Solomon (peace be upon him) wisdom of this phrase as in (University: 12 text 13): " Fear God, and do his commandments, not a human being full."

The same thing with regard to Jesus (peace be upon him), he was submissive to God, and he lived the life of carrying out the commandments of God, as he says: As in (John: 6 text 38): “I was sent not to do what I want, but rather what the one who sent me wants. ”

Our Messenger Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) was the perfect model in his submission to God, in his movements, looks, words and actions, and even in the simplest matter of his life. What is this? Nothing but an expression of this complete submission and servitude to God Almighty:

(I've had you in the Messenger of Allah a good example for those who had hopes for Allah and the Last Day and the remembrance of Allah much) (Sura: parties verse: 21).

The Muslim, while he puts his forehead on the ground during his prayer, in this honorable position (prostration) is nothing but a sign of submission and recognition to the Creator on the part of the creature, so the Muslim expresses in this way his submission to the One God who is worthy of praise and worship. In his prayer, the Muslim places his forehead on the ground. This honorable position (prostration) is nothing but an expression of submission and recognition to the Creator on the part of the creature. The Muslim then expresses in this way his submission to the One God who is worthy of praise and worship.

Islam is the true religion from God to people, and it is the religion of all the prophets and messengers (peace and blessings be upon them).

Real Salvation is not to succumb to the desires of the physical or social, nor worship the devil or people or idols, but in fact submissiveness and surrender to God Sunday, and then do good work: (and they will not enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian of those aspirations Say: Bring your proof if you are honest (111) Yes, the safest of the face of God, a philanthropist has his reward from his Lord and no fear, nor shall they grieve (112)) (Surah: Baqarah verse: 111 112).

Only now I realized why the Christians say that the spirit of Islam is the most difficult spirit to extract; Islam is for them is the only one in this world as a whole among all faiths and religions and ideologies, which represents a challenge and a threat to a serious Christian, because a lie triangulation simply can not of unification.

Dear Muslims, dear Muslim women; Hear God bless you cry this right from the heart wants you well in this life, happiness in the afterlife.

The event told you a Christian: " Jesus is God ", due that: " There is no god but Allah."

If you said: " God consists of three ", tell him: (Say God is one) (Surah: Sincerity verse: 1).

But he insisted that you explain that: " Father God, the Son God, and the Holy Spirit God, and the three are one God, Vojbh that: (Good or employers are separated one God Almighty) (Surah: Yusuf verse: 39)

(And they took the womb n son (88) have come something Edda (: 89) is almost the heavens Ataftrn him and cleave the earth and the faint mountains Hedda (90) that called for the womb n son (91) and what should the womb n take a son (92)) (Surah: Mary verse: 88 92).. If you said: " Jesus died for your salvation ", tell him: that was the fact that Jesus is God, the God is alive and never dies!.

But he insisted that shirk: " Jesus invites you to forgive your sins, and carry your sins on the cross ", tell him: (And forgive sins except Allah) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 135)

(Do not earn them all the same, but no bearer of burden of another) (Surah: cattle verse: 164).

(All the same as earned hostage) (Surah: Amma verse: 38)

If stubborn, saying: " Christianity is the religion of truth ", due to: (The religion of Allah Islam) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 19).

(It is Eptg other than Islam will not accept it, a loser in the Hereafter) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 85).

If stubborn, and he felt that his heart fossilized, (when Jesus felt their disbelief) (Surah: Al - Imran verse: 52).

Know that he has become or will become a guardian and servant of Satan, who invites his victims to be among the losers, and among the dwellers of Hell. Beware then, because their charming behavior is a bait, and their sweet words contain a deadly poison, which is “ shirk ”.

Rejoice and thank God for this blessing, be proud of being a Muslim is subject to God, proclaimed wherever you are, Agh for your children, I write on the table of your heart, and tell everyone wrong with you affiliation to Islam: (Say I am guided me to the straight path of our valuable religion of Abraham, the upright and was of the infidels) (161) Say my prayer and my sacrifice and my life and death to Allah, the Lord of the worlds (162), with no partner and so I ordered the first Muslim (163) Say I change my God i want Lord and He is Lord of all and earn all the same, but by no bearer of burden of another and then to your Lord as your return Venbikm you in which you disagree (164)) (Sura: cattle verse 161 164).

Know, dear readers, that Islam will always remain lofty, even if its enemies are many, and even if they plot against it with all possible plots, and they will continue to plot in order to degrade it.

But Islam will always be victorious, because it is simply the religion of God, Lord of the worlds! Therefore, lies and various falsehoods will fall and vanish, despite the fact that their owners are the most powerful in the eyes of the whole world: (And Allah has commanded him well were more people do not know) (Surah: Yusuf verse: 21).

(But you throw the right to falsehood. If it Zahq and woe to you for what you) (Surah: prophets verse: 18).

Glory be to your Lord, Lord of Might, above what they describe, and peace be upon the Messengers, and praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

Oh God, bear witness that I was informed and warned.

The author can be sent to the following e-mail:Bouyassim@hotmail. com

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:24 pm

67 How my Lord Kawar has become a Muslim?
Who am I?
My grandfather Majid and his brother Najib Kawar left for the West Bank to live with their families near the Sea of Galilee. Unfortunately, the Israelis came and expelled them from their land, forcing them to return to Jordan in 1948. Majeed lived in Zarqa, and Najeeb lived in the capital city, Amman.

Najeeb bought land in Zarqa and cut it into two equal halves. He said: “ This piece on the right is mine, and this piece on the left is for God. He built a small local church called the “ Free Evangelical Church ” that can accommodate only 50 people.

Majid has 4 sons and 3 daughters. His youngest son's name is Dahoud, who decided to leave his home from his childhood and live abroad in Denmark to build his life, which made him a very rich man after he owned a restaurant. Then, after a short period of time, he booked the ticket to Jordan to choose his life partner, and indeed his mother chose his cousin. Najeeb, who was a brilliant painter in oil colors, and the girl was beautiful, smart, and had faith. As for him, he was not strict in the Christian religion.

After Dahood was committed to his Christian faith, my grandfather Majeed died in 1986 and the doors of the church were closed. But God called Dahoud in 1985 to return to Jordan and begin his service, and the doors were opened again in 1990

In 1995, the church was restored, and Dahoud established three other churches in different cities in Jordan, and his service expanded in the Islamic country during Christianity.

My mother is now a strong servant in the Jordanian Church, and she has established an annual conference for all women in the Middle East, where at least 500 girls attend this conference, and they raise issues of women's rights and the problems they face in their lives. In addition to training youth leaders and establishing various programs for the camps. Kulthum Kawar is one of the most powerful and important figures in the Christian and Jordanian society.

As for me, I was born in 1981 in Denmark and moved to Jordan with the family when I was four years old. I have one sister and four wonderful brothers, and we were based in the city of Zarqa near the church, so of course we were brought up in the church as well. I studied Christian theology and started my ministry in the church with the children and I was teaching them when I was still 12 years old. At that time in 1993 I received the baptism of water and the Holy Spirit. I continued in my service until I became a leader and trainer for children’s teachers in the church. I worked out an integrated program for them, developed the educational curriculum for them, and adopted new creative methods in teaching the Bible “the Bible and the Torah ”.

And here I emigrated to Texas in America in 2002 with the family, I had to start my life from scratch, and I started going to college to study and I finished my diploma in Art Design and Animation. She won many honors for drawing, playing music on piano and flute, and playing oriental music at the level of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1999.

Abu Dahoud Kawar died in 2003 of cancer, and the elders of the church took command of the service. Abu Dahoud was one of the best benefactors that you could receive in your life. Where he helps people in need, encourages them and builds their self-confidence. I've lived a very simple life with all kinds of people, and it was his goal in life to give love to all people, as he was writing the Bible teaches. He was and still is an example for us in good treatment, forgiveness, even smiling at all times and I pray to God with all my heart to have mercy on him and make him in a place of peace.

I am still continuing my studies at university as an art and animation designer, where I received Academic Excellence in 2004, 2005 and 2006 and received honorary awards for drawing and animation work at the college level in 2005. My skills are: Animation, writing stories for theater and television, directing drama with experience in photography and film performance.

I converted to Islam in October 2005 and faced so many problems with my family that I was forced to leave the house for a period of time and then married to my dear man, Al-Mustafa Balhoor, from Morocco.

My hard work to achieve my goals in life and in the field of art is inspiring creativity and communication with humanity. Now I live in Dallas, Texas, USA.

How did you become a Muslim?
I was born in Denmark, and raised in a Jordanian Christian family in Jordan. My father was a priest (Christian clergyman) for four churches and my mother is considered one of the most important Christian women leaders in the Middle East community. I was a youth and children's leader in the church, and a Christian guide in the Christian community, because I have enough knowledge about the Torah and the Gospel. I took Christ as my personal savior when I was eight years old, was baptized with water at twelve, and was baptized by the Spirit at fourteen. But I closed my mind for the day to get to know the truth, and the search for knowledge where I did not find peace in me to becoming a Muslim, has taken a lot of time so satisfied with Islam we have.

The story began when I was young, I hated Islam very much, and when I was in the tenth grade, I saw a Muslim girl praying, I kicked her with my feet and pushed her while she was still prostrating on the ground. I quarreled with a lot of girls in the public preparatory school, and I wanted to show them how educated I am, so I used to bring the Bible (Torah and the Gospel) with me every day, and read aloud, or write a text of it on the board as a wisdom of the day. I remember when it was the month of Ramadan, I used to eat in front of fasting Muslim girls (and I ask God to have mercy on me and forgive me), I used to have serious problems.

In the eleventh grade (before graduation), I remember that I decided to attend the Islamic culture class and listen to what the girls were saying about the Christian religion. They said that the Bible is distorted and altered, so I got angry a lot and explained to them that the Bible is miraculous and was written in four different books by four different people at the same time but in different places (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). Fasttrdt One of the girls said: " If you say that the jinn wrote these books " annoyed a lot and came out of the class and I did not want to discuss with the girls more.

The girls asked about me and wanted to know me more, so they came and started asking me questions about my religion and my life, and I was answering them and showing them the Bible and its evidence to try to convince them of the religion of Christianity. One day, the Arabic language teacher called me and told me that I should stop talking to girls about the Christian religion because the law does not allow this. I told her that this had nothing to do with me, and she said: “ I have a tape recorded in your voice and you are talking with Girls about your religion “ This really made me very angry, and I became angry and hated for Muslims and Islam. My missionary service increased, and I wanted Islam to convert to Christianity. I even decided that some of my Muslim friends would come to church to convince them of the Christian religion.

And here I graduated from high school to go to university and study chemistry at Mutah University in Jordan, and I learned that this university contains the most powerful Islamic movements at all.. I finished the first year of university and I had to register for the Islamic culture class as a compulsory subject and in truth I was ready for it.. I remember that this class consisted of 150 students, and I was the only Christian there, proud of myself that I was different from everyone else. And every time the doctor (Mohammed Al - Rawashdah) came up with a topic that I should have commented and discussed. I remember that we discussed heaven and hell, and women’s rights in the two religions, Islam and Christianity, to the extent that we talked about the Bible and the Torah, and as usual I used to bring the Bible with me to prove to it the correctness of my words and deny the words of the doctor. So that one day the doctor asked me to meet him in his office and told me that I had great information about the two religions and he started inviting me to Islam, so I answered him arrogantly: “ Listen, doctor, I was born a Christian, and my father is a priest of four churches, and my mother is an important figure in the Christian community, so there is no room for I never change my religion, I do not want to change it for any reason, " sighed Dr. Ayasofya said: " God guide you. "

After a period of time, I began attacking the doctor with my arguments about Islam, and I told him that he was wrong and that all Islam was wrong. The students began to feel curious, and were really surprised by my boldness, so that some of them would come to me in a secluded place after class and ask me about my religion, but I would sit in a public place not interested and start a discussion with them. To Dr. Mohammad Rawashdeh (Doctor of Culture Islamic) called me to his office and told me that I do sedition in college because I was talking with people about Christianity and try their apostasy from religion Islamic. I asked him about the meaning of his words. He simply told me: “ The next semester, I will never be in college. ” I did not care about his words until the next semester came to register my classes. The registrar told me that I was dismissed from the college and he did not even return my name in the university program. I got angry a lot and left the university because I knew at that time that I was very close to going to the United States of America and I had a better chance.

And here I immigrated to Texas in the United States of America in 2002, trying to start my life from scratch, and I was going to the Arab Dallas Baptist Church, and my uncle was the chaplain of this church. In fact, I did not like living there, so my family contacted a Christian family in Arizona to go live with them and start my life again, but when I did not find anyone to support me financially, my family asked me to go back to Texas and stay with my brother and sister and I was the eldest of them. As for the rest of the family, they returned to Jordan to What complements my parents' missionary service in the Middle East. Thus, I found a job and started my studies in college and I still go to church doing my usual Christian activities. I even sent some new programs and curricula to the church in Jordan and helped teach the Gospel with the children.

In December 2003, my father passed away to God's mercy with cancer (we ask God to have mercy on him), but this did not stop me from following me in life.

I tell you in the investigation that I came to the United States to preach about Christianity and to complete my missionary service, and my goal was for the Muslim Arabs to arrive and try to convert them to Christianity, because I believe that America is a free country in which there is freedom of thought, expression and speech.

Thus, I met with a group of Muslim friends, and we began to talk about the Christian and Islamic religions, as I know the Torah and the Gospel very well. I used to discuss them sharply and try to persuade them to convert. So my friends brought a young man named Mustafa Balihur who is now my husband to complete the discussion with me. It was for me like a race, he really had a wide knowledge of the Qur'an and Sunnah, so I never liked him. Most of the time I tried to add kerosene to the smoke to amplify religious matters, and sometimes we came to a sterile closed end, I was so stubborn that I began to feel exhausted.

Anyway, my mom was coming in September 2005 and I thought this was a good excuse to avoid the discussion and go my way, because I was feeling bad.

I thought it would be an insult to me if it lost the debate, so I said to my friends that I go, but Mustafa called me by my name and said: " I want proof, " I asked him what he is talking, he said: " Go Vche the Bible as a whole, will not find a single verse separates that Christ said about himself is God He never said, “ I am God. ” I found this opportunity to call him Christ (who I thought was the Savior, the intercessor, and the Son of God).

I said sarcastically: “ What are you saying, it is certain that there are many verses that say that Christ is God! " Mustafa said: " Show me guide " I went to the house and this question is stuck in my mind me feel guilty "

I opened the Bible and started searching, and then I went to the Internet to search, and then to books and I didn't find anything.

Then I asked my mother and began my discussion with her. She told me: “ In fact, there is no real verse that states that Christ said of himself that he is God, but he said; Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. ” I answered: “ But the Father and the Son are not alike? She said: “ But you know that they have the same level of strength, and they are one in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).”

So the first case is a failure and it has no evidence, and now let's go to the second case, which is: Christ is the Son (the Son of God).

I began to search more, and I found that there is a formula written in the Bible, Gospel of John 1: 1 “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God ” OK? So, the word is Christ, who was created from the beginning of creation, and he was with God.

But in the same verse or number, he says: “ And the Word was God. ” So I wondered that God = Christ, and that God is with Christ at the same time! how can this be?

This is a false mathematical equation. How can Christ be God and He is with Him at the same time? Is He schizophrenic? This is unreal and unimaginable to the mind

Therefore, I left this text and went to another text, to the first letter of John, chapter 5 and number 7, which says: “ Those who bear witness in heaven are three: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. ” I was very happy because I thought that I found the solution; Father = Son = Holy Spirit (they are one)

But the number immediately after it 8 says: “ And those who bear witness on earth are three, the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and the three are in one. ” Spirit = Holy Spirit, water = the Father, and blood = the Son. How can the three = (they) be one and the three (in) one at the same time, there is a difference between the two meanings.

Three (they are) one, meaning that the three are on the same level in everything, even in the forces and components (example: water is formed into three forms of liquid, solid and gas, but it is not affected chemically as it contains hydrogen and oxygen). As for the three in (One), they resemble three brothers who have the same family name, but they are three different personalities.

In addition, if you really believe that God is three, why do we have one creation and not three? For example, if we bring three painters to draw us a certain tree, each of them will draw it in his own style according to his way of thinking, and even if the three in one create the creation, each of them will create it in a different way from the other, even if it is with the same goal and it will not be Each one of them has their own style.

And here I began to see the contradiction in the Bible, where did you get this book? I know that Christ said about himself the Son of God, but I know that all Jews call themselves children of God, and they are human beings like us. This expression was common at that time.

Christ himself was sitting alone and pray, to whom he was praying? Was he praying for himself? Was calling for God so that the Bible proves that: " At that time answered Jesus, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth because you have hidden these things from the wise " Matthew 11: 25 " Then a little progress and fell on his face and prayed, saying, O Father, if possible Feltabbar me this the cup. But not as I want I but also want you, " Matthew 26: 39 " He went away also again and prayed, saying, O Father, that can not be expressed me this cup, but to drink it thy will be done, " Matthew 26: 42 " and after he dismissed the crowds went up to the mountain apart to pray and what evening came there alone was " Matthew 14: 26 " In the morning, very early, he went out and went to a deserted place and prayed there " Luke 1: 35 " after and let them went to the mountain to pray, " Luke 6: 46 " when all the people adopted Jesus adopted also. While he was praying opened heaven " Luke 3: 21 " But he was retiring in the wilderness and prayed " Luke 5: 16 " In those days, he went out to the mountain to pray. He spent the whole night in prayer to God " Luke 6: 12 other examples.

In addition to that there is another memory I gleamed that when I was studying theology (doctrine) Christian, was a British doctors an adult, and he teaches us about the history of the Bible, and I remember that literally said: " Well.. I went to the show in Britain to see the texts of the Bible original discovered, and I found nothing but burnt, torn and lost papers. ” So I looked at the book in my hands and asked myself what is this book?

Where did all these words come from in the book?
If I worship a perfect God that does not have a single blemish, how can I believe in an imperfect or unpreserved book? this is not true

And I began to think and meditate, if we take all the heavenly books that are on the earth and throw them away, and then ask people to bring another book that is identical to the first books, I will not find a single Christian who will bring me an identical Bible, while I will find at least a million Muslims who have memorized the Qur’an because Christians have Nes x different from each other many, and still discover texts evangelistic

New to date, this is not surprising?
After that, I began to study the theology of the crucifixion of Christ. Did Christ really die?
And I started thinking about this gospel that we have, is it real? The people who wrote the Gospels are Jews who followed Jesus, watched him and wrote his biography.. They saw him die on the cross.. But is it necessary that they saw the same person who was crucified?

In the Koran, God Almighty says: " The saying We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah and killed him and crucified him, but they almost but those who disagreed with it in doubt it as they have no knowledge except to follow conjecture and killed him with certainty (157), but God raised him And God is Mighty, Wise (158).” So the people who saw Christ being killed saw someone similar to him.

So what is this that we have? Biography of Christ and more than 75% pollinated. And now I got the result in my hands: Christ is not God, not even the Son of God.. I was very afraid and worried to the point of unbelievable. All these years? For 24 years of my life, I have been studying theories that are not approved by the Bible and the Torah. 24 years of my life I worship the wrong God. 24 years of my life gone in vain, a true lie.

I wanted to commit suicide, I felt the ground shaking from under my feet, and I was terrified. I wanted to go back to the beginning and search again to prove the opposite, but I was silent for a while, not knowing what would happen next.. I felt like I was destroying my life. And I started thinking.. I believe that Christ is now a human prophet sent by God Almighty, and I believe in all the prophets before him.. But I had a slight problem with the Prophet Muhammad (-peace be upon him-)

In fact, I did not learn anything about his life, and all I know is a simple knowledge through Christianity who planted in me these ideas about him (- may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-), but how do Muslim people glorify him all the time?

I said, how can this be a problem when the Holy Qur'an came from God through the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -? He is truly a distinguished man.. the greatest of creation (- may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-), so it is not a problem at all for me to believe in another prophet, who is the Seal of the Prophets - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.

In addition, I know that there is a fifth, illegal or legal gospel in Christianity called (Barnabas), because there is a verse in which Christ says (A prophet will come after me named Ahmad) and he also tells us that Christ, peace be upon him, was likened to him and did not die on the cross, but rose before his capture.

I left my room after long reflection and deep thought in searching, and called my Muslim friends whom I had not seen for at least two months. I went to see them. In fact, I was praying to God and crying: “ If it is the right way, then change my life, and if it is not, then make me die in a car accident before I reach my friends and make me enter Paradise.. All I want is the truth and your satisfaction, Lord, and all I want is Paradise. ”

So I got to my friends and my tears run down from my eyes, Vaatkaddoa that something distasteful to me has happened, and there was my husband 's current Mustafa, and everyone was waiting for me to speak the truth to know my command, and then went on:

I bear witness that there is no god but God.. and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God

Uncle of silence for several minutes and everyone peered with amazement, then Mustafa said sarcastically: " Shush.. not Tkzba " I remember that it was the third of October. I told him: " I do not lie, and I started crying and sniffling "

He said: “It surprised me, I said the last time in our discussion that if you said the two testimonies and you do not believe in them, this does not mean that you have become a Muslim! Enough lying.”

I told him: “ I am not lying, tomorrow will be the first day of Ramadan, and now you will teach me how to do ablution and how to pray and everything. ”

When he heard me say this and saw the persistence in my eyes, he fell on me crying from great excitement and joy and hugged me, welcoming me to Islam.

And I actually learned to pray and all the traditions and the Sunnah in one night, and I bought a headscarf and started practicing my new faith. But I hid my Islam from the family for two weeks.

At that time, I went to the imam and announced my conversion to Islam, and I began to learn the Qur’an, and do comparisons between the Bible and the glorious book, the Holy Qur’an, and it was difficult for me at first to get rid of going back to the Bible, but praise be to God, I overcame this habit, and began to learn the life of the Prophet - Peace be upon him - and the Qur'an.

And as I said before, I hid my Islam from the family at first, and I used to pray at two or three after midnight so that no one would see me or suspect me.

One day I was going from home to college and I had my bag containing the Qur’an and the hijab, but suddenly, the hijab fell to the ground and my sister saw it, but she didn’t know what the matter was until night came and she woke up to see me praying, so the family members learned about my Islam, and the trial began.

They raised their voice at me and shouted, assaulted me psychologically and emotionally, calling me all the dirty and inappropriate words. They beat me until I reached death and threatened to kill me, yet I was calm and did not try to discuss anything with them, but I left the house praying to God to guide them. I stayed with my Muslim friend for two months before I got married to Mustafa.. Alhamdulillah.. I lost my family, but I gained another Muslim family in the mosque. They gave me unparalleled wonderful care and may Allah reward them with all the best.

And then I experienced a lot of psychological pressure because of the attacks that took place with me, and I still limit now receive at least 25 daily calls and emails from all over the world, Lisbon Ali Ahddona and to other Other than the phone calls, the most prominent Christian scholars and doctors from Jordan and the United States called me, discussing with me the Christian religion and their attempt to bring me back to their religion.

Glory be to God.. I used to always have the Bible with me in religious dialogues and the opposite direction was the Quran, and now the tables have turned and the Quran is always with me forever, and with all this, I learned the important lessons in that short time, I learned to be patient and humble and meditate now In the story of the Messenger Muhammad -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-and how he was insulted and beaten by his family, and this is my story that is not worth anything to him -may God’s prayers and peace be upon him-I really learned a lot.

I may have lost the honor of my family name in the eyes of people, but I am proud that I gained the greatest honor from God Almighty, which is Islam. And really you can not imagine the happiness and peace which Ghamrana since converted to Islam despite all these insults.

In fact, I have changed a lot as I was in the beginning, so that my husband noticed this vast change, I learned how to be calm with people who attack me, and I learned how to smile at them despite my presence in the most difficult times, and despite losing my job because I am a veiled Muslim, but God Almighty And God will compensate me for what I lost by multiples and without counting.. Praise be to God.

All of Islam is the existence of true inner peace, for you cannot find this peace from those around you, not even in the environment in which you live, you must be an inner conviction from you through your love for God, his contentment, and your surrendering your heart to Him. And if your worship is true to God and you follow His way, then of course you will be happy in your life, because sin deprives you of this peace and disturbs your mood, and it is more pain than worldly happiness. Here I look at people 's faces and I see a lot of sadness and tears because they are far away from the living God, the Almighty Creator, and sometimes I see the dark hearts and do not want lighting a candle please them and their problems and Althun Mchgulyathm and cling to this world instead of the Hereafter. All I know now, is that my goal in life is to worship God, please Him, pray to Him, follow the Sunnah of His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - and work for the sake of Paradise.. I hope that this story will motivate you and encourage your spirit and faith in God.

Ms. Ruba Kawar can be contacted at the following email:
Ruba_Qewar@yahoo. com

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:29 pm

68 singers in the choir to the church need to God
At the beginning of his talk about his story with guidance, he spoke about the ability of the Creator, the Exalted in His majesty in the universe. He said: Every work has a maker, and every matter is managed by a wise one. So every human being created in this life must believe in God alone, Glory be to Him, and know that He is the One Creator who created the universe with all the living and inanimate things in it without the help of any other creature, just as the true believer believes that these creatures are in need of care and protection from earthquakes. the collapse and disappearing God is the owner of the credit and the owner of Rahman King Rahim without taking her nor son is living and subsisting dominant this king, " and say, Praise be to God, who has not taken a son and did not have a partner in the king has no guardian of humiliation and magnify enlargement "

The convert was a deacon in a church:
Muhammad Somawi from the Philippines, he embraced Christianity, and adhered to it to the point of adhering to the dates of prayer and hymns that take place inside the church, and he was a vocalist within the religious choir, like his parents who adhere to their religion.

My journey with guidance
My journey begins with guidance in 1990 during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and how these events were the reason for my guidance. The basis of my faith was belief in God. When I was a Christian, I had many questions all the time, and I was always present at Christian religious occasions, as I was a member of the choir. religious Knashid God, which is Christ the son of God as the Christians believed the Almighty God, far above that this is the principle of religion and previous worship me " that Jesus Christ is the God of the son of God!!! As I have studied and learned since I was born.

But the questions I had were many. I was not convinced of what we were doing, and I did not aspire behind this worship except to live with them as a Christian Catholic individual. My previous job in the Philippines I worked as a welder installing iron windows and doors, in addition to a driver and at another time I delivered passengers for a small fee. It was not in my mind one day to travel outside the Philippines, or to Kuwait, in order to work there. I thought that my work did not qualify me to work abroad.

My sister's trip:
For a wisdom that God Almighty wanted, my older sister traveled to Kuwait to work for her before the Iraqi invasion and during her presence the invasion happened and lasted for seven months, we did not know anything about her, and we did not have news to reassure us about what she is in, and our confusion increased over her, and she is the only female among us as a sister, And she won a great deal of love for our parents, and during this period grief was hanging over the family, and my father and mother became more and more preoccupied with her, and from the many events we lost hope that she would survive, and I am the eldest of my male brothers, so I had the responsibility to verify her loss, is she Alive or dead?

It 's not easy and needs to search a lot and ask about it to both accept and gone and more, how to behave if they are dead? Where is she if she is alive? The whole matter is up to God Almighty... and I have to prepare for what happened to my sister, how to act and this is what I was doing and calming them down and wiping the tears of their pain, they were very sad for me. The important thing is that we have lost hope, and we no longer have the slightest doubt that she will return to us.

After 9 months of her travel and this period is equal to the period of pregnancy of the newborn, and after the end of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, I received a letter from the mail, which is like the new birth of my sister to us and like her birth in Islam, and if my sister's name is written on the letter with her name before Islam, and her name after that from May God guide her, for she converted to Islam during this period. The important thing is that we were very happy and the family’s faces were filled with joy. It was a surprise for us, and what a beautiful surprise … My sister is still alive!! Mother cries of joy and praise the Lord who saved my sister told us in a letter that they live in God 's safety and converted to Islam and married a Kuwaiti, and this does not concern us as much as we hope that we find on alive.

My trip to Kuwait:
Two months after the first message, another message came to us from my sister stating that she is in dire need of my travel to Kuwait and my presence next to her. Somawi laughs and says that she seemed to want to guide me with my travel to her!!! The important thing is that we did not understand from the content of the message except that she needed my presence only... and I expressed my willingness to be by her side... and I was longing for her, as she is my only sister and I must check on her as long as the circumstances allow that. And the destiny of God Almighty will pass and the reasons will go as he wanted them. I prepared my papers and passport and sent it to my sister, after which I received the approval to enter Kuwait. I traveled on November 28, 1992.

A new life and an invitation to Islam:
With my arrival in Kuwait, many questions began to circulate in my mind about this new life, because the first time I saw the Arabs, in this distinctive form, the dishdasha, the ghutra and the iqal, and it is completely different from the Philippines. My sister waited for me in longing and fondness, and it was a dream for each of us to see each other. She was crying, and she was repeating: Am I in a dream? She did not believe that I was with her. I thanked God very much. She started asking about my father, my mother, and my sisters, how are they, and she took me to her house, she and her husband, which is in the palaces area I stayed with them for a not long time, and they started calling me to Islam, after I found out how she had converted to Islam. And he began to love me in this religion, as if she had brought me from the Philippines for this! I asked them if there was a compulsion to convert to Islam?! In response, clearly, Islam is not like this.

There is no compulsion in religion:
“ There is no compulsion in religion. ” Rather, the matter is yours!! I said: Then leave me to my command until God judges it!! I do not hide from you... I started thinking about Islam. Why did my sister embrace this religion, and this question began to ask itself: She is now calling for it? After that, I asked them to study Islam and I must be given an opportunity to understand this religion well. They accepted that and were very happy, and they respected my desire, and I began to learn the foundations and principles of Islam. And began each of them to bring me books and tapes, and I remember that my sister gave me a book called " Halal and Haram in Islam " in order to read it was not my interest in Halal and Haram as far as my interest in knowing the Islamic faith first it is the foundation of worship... and it will be the faith did not take advantage of this book, but the laws of Pictures from the life of a Muslim. I did not rush in the search for the new religion, and during my stay with them you always hear Athan " Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar " and began to soften my heart the impact of what is happening around me Aimaniat.

The call to prayer is a media:
The first thing I knew was the meaning of this call to prayer... that it calls Muslims to prayer... and it takes place at specific times of the day and night. My thinking began to increase in Islam is Here, ears " Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar " above all the minarets of mosques.. There are bells and beats them does not mean only alarm only.. very vast difference!! Between the call of Christians, which rings every Saturday and one of the days of the week, and between Muslims appeal which calls them five times a day in obedience to God... going days with my observation to my sister and her husband are praying together I feel they are in the most peace of mind and tranquility and began to love Islam to infiltrate my heart.

TV advocate:
One day my sister and her husband went to visit some relatives, and they left me at home alone watching TV in Diwaniyah to see the news and what is happening in the world... But surprisingly, I turned on the TV and on the second channel that broadcasts its programs in English, and my date was with a program of Sheikh Salah Al-Rashed An order predestined by God Almighty “ who, when He decrees a matter, He only says to it, ‘ Be’, and it is.” And I found Sheikh Salah Al-Rashed, Secretary-General of the Committee to Introduce Islam at the time, and this was in the blessed month of Ramadan, the month of guidance and the Criterion, in 1993. In this program, he was talking about the relationship of Islam with other religions, and he was talking about Islam and Christianity, and about Jesus and Muhammad (-may God bless him and grant him peace-) in the Bible. And I began to wait for this interesting program every Wednesday evening and listen to what he says very carefully.

Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) in the Torah and the Gospels:
And when I heard in this program that the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) had told of his prophethood in the Bible and the Torah, and that he would be resurrected after Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them. I was looking for what confirms to me that the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace) was mentioned in the Bible, because I did not find his name in the Old Testament nor in the New Testament of the Bible. I took a keen interest in Islam as it calls for oneness, as Sheikh Salah Al-Rashid explained to me and this is what I believed in when I was a Christian... However, what astonished me, and I could not resist or oppose it, was his explanation of the prophecy of our Master Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). Through the Bible of the Christians before it was distorted and from reliable evangelical sources, and the Sheikh / Al-Rashid cited this, with some proofs from the Bible.

Indeed, I found what he explained and showed the truth about the sending of the final Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) which was mentioned in the original Gospel before it was distorted, and I could not deny this matter and I began to read what came in the Book of Deuteronomy from the Prophet (may God bless him and grant him peace) in the Gospel. Which was stated in it: “ That is why I will set up a prophet for them from among their brothers, and he is like you, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he will address them with everything I command him, so that whoever disobeys my words that he speaks in my name, I will hold him accountable.”

Beginning of converting to Islam:
And here my acceptance of Islam as a new religion for me began, and it began to take possession of the innermost heart, and my love for it began to increase. And whoever can bear this accountability from God Almighty, every human being has to fear God, the Lord of lords and the cause of causes, the king of earth and heaven.” Read your book, your account is sufficient for you today. “ You open my way to Islam by the will of God, and I decided to attend the Committee to Introduce Islam with my sister’s husband to publicize my Islam and declare my testimony to the oneness of God Almighty, the Creator, bearing witness that Jesus son of Mary is Abdullah and His Messenger and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, the Prophet of Mercy..

Christ is a servant and a messenger:
I declared my Islam on the fifteenth of the blessed month of Ramadan, and my conversion to Islam became out of my fear of God’s punishment and His reckoning for me and my conviction of God Almighty’s compassion. My bond with Islam and my newly converted brothers has increased, and my conversion does not mean that I left Christ, peace be upon him, but rather my belief in God as my Lord and with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad as the Messenger God is a prophet and a messenger, and Islam places our master Jesus in the appropriate position for him, and he is Abdullah and his messenger like the Prophet Muhammad (may God bless him and grant him peace). The difference between them is that the Messenger of God, Muhammad, is the seal of the prophets sent, and this came with the Qur’an and that came with the Bible, and both of them call for the unification of God Almighty..

I learned Islam:
And the Prophet Muhammad (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him) was sent by God to all people until the Day of Resurrection, praise be to God. Now that I have embraced Islam about ten years, I have learned about Islam and understood this religion correctly. My faith increased after studying “ Tawheed in Islam ” which is how to believe. The absolute oneness of God Almighty. I also learned how a Muslim performs his duties of worship and the duties he owes, for Islam has made permissible what is permissible and forbidden what is forbidden, and the Muslim has to watch his Lord at all times and my guidance is by the command of God who guides whomever He wills, and he is the one who guided me to be a Muslim and he brought me from the Philippines to Kuwait to spend Something that was effective. I will not forget the people of credit for my sister and her husband after God Almighty, and this program that calls for enlightening the minds of the servants that brought me out from one religion to a new religion that guides to righteousness and follows the pleasure of God.

The Committee for Introducing Islam and Calling to God:
And the Committee for Introducing Islam, which had a long history in teaching Islam and was the launch of guidance and light in my heart, has men who mocked themselves to serve the religion of God, we ask God to reward them and those who founded this great edifice in calling to God.

advocate assistant:
I learned and studied Islam after declaring my conversion to Islam with this committee. I passed all the courses and lectures and obtained several certificates from them. At first I graduated as an assistant preacher for the Filipino community. Now I work as a preacher in the branch of the Ahmadi Islam Introducing Committee..

Pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God:
I participated in many dialogues between Christians and Muslims, and I made the pilgrimage to the Sacred House of God several times, and I did Umrah several times.

God’s guidance:
And the wisdom of God Almighty necessitated that I switch from a vocalist in the religious choir in the church to an Islamic preacher... Yes, it is the guidance of God, the owner of grace and the owner of the king, the most merciful, the most merciful, and the praise that guided us to this, and we would not have been guided if it were not for God guided us.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:32 pm

69 women converts to Islam
Their lives were aimless… They wanted it to have meaning.. Their souls were haunted by darkness, so they sought the sustenance of light for them.. Their hearts were wallowing in the mud of matter, so they immersed them in the rosaries of purity, and dipped them in the perfumes of faith.. Their stories are all the same!! With doubt and thorns, then the supreme moment in which they passed the highest turning point in their lives, after they won the biggest battle fought by the soul.. and turned with one move to the lofty summit!

Where Islam is, throw on its threshold the storms of ignorance, confusion and loss... This juncture at which the testimony of monotheism was announced, its moments are not measured by the hands of time, but by the silent beating of hearts!. What combination is this!? Silence is all turmoil!!

And the whole turmoil is stillness!! It is a sacred moment of Paradise time, fell to Zmnhen alone without all people.. It is a moment of inspiration provided the minds tremendous vitality, and spiritual strength affluent, if the world and Ebadha are subject to flood this force.. I do not doubt that the angels landing at that place, and the angels ascend To raise that tender, tender faith to God. I ask God, who made them happy in this world with Islam, to make them happy in the hereafter with His pleasure…

The Martyr, the thinker Sabboura Oriba:
(Maria Strategic) was born in Andalusia in 1949, got a degree in philosophy and psychology from the University of Madrid, Islam and converted in 1978, and ran the Documentation Center and the publishing of the Islamic Council, cited in Granada in 1998 by a spiteful Spanish moments after the completion of her article (Muslim in the global village).

And from what I wrote in this last article:
“ I believe in the one God, and I believe in Muhammad as a prophet and messenger, and in his approach is the approach of peace and goodness… In Islam, man is born pure and free without inherited sin to accept his position, destiny and role in the world.”

“ The Arab nation belongs to some people, but the Arabic language belongs to all of us, and it occupies a special place for us, for the Qur’an has been revealed in its letters, and it is the instrument of communication used by the Messenger Muhammad *.”

“ Education today, more than any other time, is a necessary condition against drowning in the media environment. Our press is plagued with terrible news, because the terrified citizen will be the smoothest leader, and he will believe humbled by the dictates of Al-Aqdeans! (1).

May God have mercy on her and enter her into his righteous servants.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:34 pm

The writer Maryam Jamila:
(Margaret Marcus), an American of Jewish descent, and put books of them (Islam in the face of the West), and (my journey from disbelief to faith) and (Islam and renewal) and (Islam in theory and practice) says: " Islam has laid solutions for all my problems and my questions confused About death and life and I believe that Islam is the only way to be honest, and it is the most effective remedy for the human soul.” “ Since I started reading the Qur’an, I knew that religion is not only necessary for life, but it is life itself, and the more I studied it, the more certain I became that Islam alone made the Arabs a great civilized nation that dominated the world.”

How can access to the Holy Quran except through the Sunnah?! Whoever disbelieves in the Sunnah must disbelieve in the Qur’an.” Muslim women to know God 's grace for them in this religion, which came to its provisions Sainh Ahramathn, a sponsor of their dignity, preserve Afaffhn and lives of the violation and the loss of the family " (2).

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:37 pm

Mrs. Salma Bouafer (Sophie Bouafer):
MA in French Education and Mathematics. The story of Islam represents Mrs. (Salma Bwaver) model of hard intellectual journey experienced by S. Air who converted to Islam, and is a model of strong will, Walsh Jaah intellectual thought and the courage of the greatest courage.

Mrs. Salma narrates the story of her conversion to Islam and says proudly: “I was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1971 in a devout Catholic family, so I used to go to church, until I was fourteen years old, when I began to have many questions about the Creator and about religions.

These questions were logical, but they It is easy, and it is surprising that it is difficult for those I was asking! Among these questions: If God is the one who harms and benefits, and He is the one who gives and withholds, then why should we not ask Him directly?!

Why do we have to go to the priest to mediate between us and our Creator?! Isn't the one capable of everything the first to ask? Many questions like this was to insist, when I have not received the answers convincing them stopped going to church, was not prepared to listen to the stories of monks unmasked, and pointless.

I believed in God, his greatness and his power, so I went to study other religions, without finding in them answers to my questions in life, and I continued to live in intellectual confusion until I started my university studies, and I got to know a young Muslim through whom I got to know Islam, and I was surprised by the convincing answers I found in him about Islam.

My big questions! I stayed for a whole year while I was immersed in studying this unique religion, until his love for him seized my heart, and the most beautiful sight that attracted me to Islam was the sight of a Muslim’s reverence before God in prayer.

I was fascinated by those movements that express tranquility, etiquette and perfection of worship to God Almighty. So I started to go to the mosque, and I found some Canadian sisters who preceded me to Islam, which encouraged me to go on the path to Islam, so I first wore the hijab to test my will, and I stayed for two weeks until the moment of the great turning point in my life, when I testified that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.. Islam, which Jmni with this Muslim friend, is the same as that collected after a Muslim couple to be, God willing, be my companion on a journey of faith is my companion in the journey of life. "

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:42 pm

British writer Evelyn Cobald:
She is a poet and writer, and her books include (The Search for God) and (Ethics). She says: “It is difficult for me to determine the time when the truth of Islam came to light before me and I accepted it as a religion, and I most likely think that I have been a Muslim since my first upbringing. Islam is a religion of nature that one would accept if left to himself.”

When I entered the Prophet’s Mosque, a great trembling overwhelmed me, and I took off my sandals, then I took for myself a distant place in which I prayed the Fajr prayer, while I was immersed in a world that is closer to dreams… God have mercy on you, what human being was sent by an entire nation, and on his hands you sent the colors of goodness to humanity! " (4).

And I shudder threw the Prophet *** Tattrt, but the perfume debtor e and Gam v Raaa promised o Wai *** launched spirit my body his prisoner knelt, Smoot, crossed the sky *** I left my body and thick mud owes its love of the stages of the heart j *** o remote, clarity, purity, knife (5)

“ We were not created sinful, and we do not need any salvation from Christ, peace be upon him, and we do not need anyone to mediate between us and God, who we can turn to at any time and under any circumstances.

I conclude this blessed these fresh words of the poet trip " Oksanta Travnikova "
which has mastered the Arabic language, and Tdhuguetha somewhat poetic creativity beautiful, and now she says:
Take Qasouri pastures.. and Bhora takes into account.. My book and ink and guide me the words right Tngena Day Summoning Let the debate, my friend and come.. to say really do not Nebal the right and see the light is clear, despite the misguided machines we are what we came to Ntgy.. but we sent to the life and the richness of the prayers and the prayers.. at the gates please.. day wedding sky.

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:45 pm

Dear brothers, this great religion of Islam if and grandfather of an offer presented by the true sound of souls instinctively accept him regardless of their religion.

Its owner, the writer of the story, whose name I did not find, says:
I saw her with her luminous face in a mosque located on a hill in a small American city reading the Qur'an which was translated into English, I greeted her and she replied cheerfully, we chatted and soon we became good friends.           

And on the night she brought us together on the shore of a beautiful lake, she told me the story of her conversion to Islam, so I wanted to tell you about it so that it might be a lesson for us. Said the sister grew up in a Jewish home in the US disjointed family and after the separation of my father from my mother married another Omaguetna varieties torment, I ran away and I am seventeen years from state to state where I met other young Arabs, and they also recounted my companions displaced generous and what to one of them only Smiling in their faces until she gets dinner, and takes shelter at night under a warm roof and on a comfortable mattress! And I did like them..

At the end of each evening you run away, I did not like such relationships, then I hate Arabs, and I was not happy with my life and I did not feel safe, but I always feel upset and loss..... resorted to religion in order to feel spirituality and to derive from it a driving force in life, and but a religious Jew was not convincing, and his grandmother have no respect for women, and no respect for humanity, we have selfish hated and found the backwardness, and I did not find it Bgiti I to Aoguetna superstitions and myths.... So she won... And Christianity was more contradictory in things that no mind believes, and they ask us to accept them. I often asked how the Lord kills his son? How does he give birth? How can our religion have three gods and we do not see any of them, I was confused, I left everything, but I knew that the world had a creator.

And every night I thought, and I thought until the morning. In the bleak night and every night was dismal and at the magic time you are on the verge of suicide bad my mental, I was in the gutter nothing has meaning, rain falls heavily, clouds accumulate and prison like surrounds me, and the universe around me to kill me, tight trees look to Bbgd, a drop of rain playing a melody objectionably uninteresting, and I peered out of a window in an abandoned house... and I found myself, I pray to God, Lord, I know you are here I know you love me, I am a prisoner,,, I am weak Makhluguetk Arshedni to the road, raised him either to guide me Or kill me.. I was crying so hard that I fell asleep.

And in the morning I woke up with a broken heart, I don't know what it was... I went out as usual, looking for a livelihood, perhaps someone would pay for my breakfast, or I would wash the dishes for him and get paid...

There I met an Arab young man I talked to for a long time, and he asked me after breakfast to go with him to his house, and offered me to live with him, I accepted his presentation and accompanied him to his house.. while we Ntgdy and drink and laugh, we entered a bearded young man named Saad is also known from Gliese who chanted his name surprised, taking this young man, however, my friend was sent off, and remained tremble behold, I In front of a terrorist face to face!! It did not do anything scary, but asked me and politely to go to my house.

I said to him: no home to me, looked at me sadly, A_i_arth in facial features and face, and said, Well kept here tonight it was very cold and tomorrow Arhali, and Take this amount will benefit you until you find the act, and they go out Fastoagafth and I told him Thank you, Feltbak you are here and I'll go out, and me but please...

I want to tell me about the reasons for your behavior with your friend and me, sat down and took talk to me, and his eyes on the ground, he said: It Islam forbids taboo and solve muslim, and denied being alone with women and Drinking wine and urging us to be kind to people and to have good manners.... I wondered, are they those who are said to be " terrorists "?! I thought they were carrying guns, and killing everyone they met... That's how the American media taught me. I told him I wanted to know more about Islam, could you tell me, he said to me: I will take you to a devout Muslim family who lives here, I know that they will teach you the best education.

So he took me the next day to them, and at ten o'clock I was in their house where they welcomed me.. and I began to ask and ask, and Dr. Suleiman, the head of the family answered, until I was completely convinced of everything he said, and I knew that I had found what I was looking for, a clear, clear and compatible religion Instinctively, I did not find any difficulty in believing anything of what I heard... it is all true... I felt an incomparable ecstasy when I announced my conversion to Islam and immediately put on the hijab on the same day that I woke up happy... at one o'clock in the evening the lady took me To the most beautiful rooms of the house and said she is yours, stay in them what you want.

Look at the window saw me and smiled, and tears streaming down my cheeks.. ask me why, I told her that I was yesterday at this time I stand completely to the window and I pray to Allah, my Lord: Either show me the right way and either Tmitni.. I Guide me and honor me, and I am now an honorable Muslim who knows my Lord and knows my way to Him.. Islam is the way, Islam is the way... and the lady started crying with me and embracing me...


They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:47 pm

70 Thus Aslam Dr. Jeffrey Lang
US professor of mathematics, the safest and put his book (the struggle for faith), which within the story of his conversion to Islam, recently published a book (even the angels ask Journey of Islam to America).

Dr. tells us. Jeffrey Lang on his conversion to Islam:
“ It was a small room, with no furniture but a red carpet, and no decorations on the gray walls, and there was a little window through which the light came in... We were all in rows, and I was in the third row, I knew none of them, stooped in a way. Our foreheads touched the ground, and the atmosphere was calm, and the place was still silent. I looked ahead and saw a person who led our prayers, standing under the window, wearing a white cloak… I woke up! I've had this dream several times over the past ten years, and I 've been waking up comfortably from it.

At the University of (San Francisco), I met an Arab student whom I was teaching, and my relationship with him deepened, and he gave me a copy of the Qur’an. When I read it for the first time, I felt as if the Qur’an was “ reading me ”!.

On the day I decided to visit this student in the university mosque, I went down the stairs and stood in front of the door, afraid to enter, so I went up and took a long breath, and I went down again, and my legs were not able to carry me! I extended my hand to the door handle and it started to tremble, then I ran up the stairs again...

I felt defeated, and I thought of going back to my office... Several seconds passed which were enormous and full of secrets that forced me to look through them at the sky, it has been ten years for me resisting prayers and looking at the sky! Now the resistance collapsed and the supplication rose: “ Oh God, if you want me to enter the mosque, give me strength.” I went down the stairs, pushed the door, and inside were two young men talking.

They returned the greeting, and one of them asked me: Do you want to know something about Islam? I answered: Yes, yes.. After a long dialogue expressed my desire to embrace Islam Imam said to me: Say I testify, I said: I bear witness, said: that there is no God, I said: that there is no God I believe in these words throughout my life before the moment said: only God, sung, said: I bear witness that Muhammad the Messenger of God, spoken by his successor.

These words were like drops of clear water dripping down the burning throat of a man about to die of thirst... I will never forget the moment when I first uttered the shahada, it was the most difficult moment of my life, but the most powerful and liberating.

Two days later I learned the first Friday prayer, we were in the second rak’ah, and the imam was reciting the Qur’an, and we were standing behind him, shoulder to shoulder, we were moving as if we were one body, I was in the third row, our foreheads touching the red carpet, and the atmosphere was calm and stillness over the place!!

And the imam under the window, from which the light sneaks in, wears a white cloak! I cried to myself: It's a dream! It's the same dream... I wondered: Am I really in a dream now?! My eyes overflowed with tears, may God's peace and mercy be upon you, I turned away from prayer, and looked at the gray walls! Fear and dread seized me when I first felt the love, which can only be obtained by returning to God.”

Delicately my soul, and my heart beats *** love Q Ri in my Kayani told I asked the Lord of me to satisfy the Z, though my *** larg and RIP AAC divine love me and fresher Najwa in Sirte Jnana ** * And shook my body, " I love you, my Lord. "

It is natural for Dr. Jeffrey Lang to ask questions about the secret of his conversion to Islam.

He answered:
“ In one of the special moments in my life, God bestowed His knowledge and mercy upon me, after He found in me the torment and pain I was going through, and after He found that I had a great readiness to fill the spiritual emptiness in myself, so I became a Muslim… Before Islam I did not know the meaning of my life For love, but when I read the Qur’an, I felt a vast flood of mercy and kindness overwhelm me, and I began to feel the permanence of love in my heart, for what led me to Islam is the irresistible love of God.”

“ Islam is submission to the will of God, and a path that leads to unlimited ascent, and to unlimited degrees of peace and tranquility.. It is the engine of all human capabilities. It is a voluntary commitment to the body, mind, heart and soul.”

“The Qur’an, this noble book, has captivated me with strength, took possession of my heart, and made me surrender to God, and the Qur’an pushes its reader to the extreme moment, when it appears to the reader that he is standing alone before his Creator, and if you take the Qur’an seriously, you cannot read it simply, because it bears on you, as if he has rights on you! It is Ejadlk, and criticizes you and Akhgelk and challenge you...

I have been on the other side, and it seemed clear that the Qur'an knew me more than I know myself... the Koran I was ahead of me always in my thinking, and he was addressing my questions... and every night I put my questions and my protests, but I Oct Leno The answer the next day... I met myself face to face in the pages of the Qur'an...".

" After that I put myself converted to Islam in order to attend the prayers I hear the voice of reading, although I was ignorant of the Arab, and when asked about it answered: Why live baby relaxes to the voice of his mother? I wish to live under the protection of that voice forever.”

“ Prayer is the main daily measure of the degree of the believer’s submission to his Lord, and what a beautiful and beautiful feeling. When you prostrate firmly on the ground, you suddenly feel as if you were lifted to heaven, breathing from its air, smelling its soil, inhaling its fragrance, and feeling as if you are about to be lifted from the ground, and placed In the arms of the highest and greatest love.”

" If dawn prayer is one of the most exciting acts of worship, there is a motive in the advancement of the morning while everyone is asleep to hear the music of the Koran fills the silence of the night, you feel like you leave this world and travel with angels to glorify God at dawn."

We conclude talking about d. Jeffrey Lang in one of his deliverances to God:
“ Oh my Lord, if I ever again deviate towards disbelief in You in my life, O God, destroy me before that and save me from this life. Oh God, I cannot bear to live even for one day without believing in You.”
* * *

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn
مؤسس ومدير المنتدى
أحمد محمد لبن Ahmad.M.Lbn

عدد المساهمات : 49191
العمر : 72

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: They Returned to Instinct   They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 Emptyالخميس 29 يوليو 2021, 11:48 pm

It's over
This book has been completed by God's grace and will
On Wednesday, 9 /5 / 1429H corresponding to 14 /5/2008

They Returned to Instinct - صفحة 4 2013_110
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
They Returned to Instinct
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 4 من اصل 4انتقل الى الصفحة : الصفحة السابقة  1, 2, 3, 4

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منتديات إنما المؤمنون إخوة (2024 - 2010) The Believers Are Brothers :: (English) :: The Islamic Religion :: They returned to God's-
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